IRC log for #bzflag on 20210308

01:24.15*** join/#bzflag Agatha_ (~agatha@
11:45.21*** join/#bzflag I_Died_Once (~I_Died_On@unaffiliated/idiedonce/x-1828535)
13:07.26blast007I had an idea about a change to the /report command (or the report functionality in general) for 2.6.  As part of the new management portal I'll be working on that will initially have group management, what if reports were also sent to our management portal so that they could be viewed there.  That could tie in to a notification system to either email or message the admins for that organization.
14:50.24*** join/#bzflag Sgeo (
16:14.39allejoso /report would send an outgoing request?
16:49.30macsformesounds fine, once such a portal exists... maybe as an option at first, then transition off the local and pipe options if they fall out of use
17:06.49blast007allejo: yeah
17:08.14allejoi like that
17:09.07blast007I feel like right now the usefulness of reports is somewhat limited since if you aren't there at the time something is reported, it's unlikely you'll even know about it
17:10.24blast007The ability to view reports would be an option on each group of an organization
17:11.11blast007a separate but related improvement would be a GUI for functions like bans and reporting
17:11.40blast007I'm starting to play around with IPv6, and I don't think we want to type in IPv6 bans by hand ;)
17:12.19blast007so, I thinking that the server would keep a record of recent player connections and would let you just pick a person to ban
18:00.36allejobeing able to carry over bans from another server would be nice too (if they're managed by the same server owner i.e.)
19:28.30blast007for that, I was thinking of integration some of the serverControl functionality directly into the game (specifically, the ban reloading for shared ban files)
19:30.41blast007are you talking about centrally hosting the ban list for an organizations' servers?
19:33.55allejomy thought is being able to carry over bans from my servers. for example, league servers that are hosted by different players but admined by a central group of players
19:34.18allejowouldn't want to have to make those admins type out ipv6 bans on each server individually
19:48.02the_mapcould IP addresses be tab completed?
20:05.36*** join/#bzflag spldart (~spldart@bzflag/contributor/spldart)
20:05.36*** mode/#bzflag [+v spldart] by ChanServ
21:10.26blast007even if we did, that still wouldn't be user friendly
23:09.36*** join/#bzflag Zehra (~Keiki_Han@unaffiliated/zehra)

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