IRC log for #bzflag on 20210212

02:10.11BZNotifyJeffM[m]: Error: "" is not a valid command.
02:11.37JeffM[m]uploaded an image: Screenshot 2021-02-11 181120.png (2052KiB) < 2021-02-11 181120.png >
03:51.03BZNotifybzflag: 03kmshort commented on issue #275 "[Discussion] Updating the game" by 03The-Noah (052.6 Release - 06 If this is a general wish-list, then _**raytracing**_ would be awes...
04:06.06BZNotifybzflag: 03blast007 commented on issue #275 "[Discussion] Updating the game" by 03The-Noah (052.6 Release - 06 This issue is about an auto-update feature.  It is not a general wi...
04:07.20BZNotifybzflag: 03The-Noah edited issue #275 "[Discussion] Auto-updating the game" (052.6 Release - 06
04:11.06BZNotifybzflag: 03kmshort commented on issue #275 "[Discussion] Auto-updating the game" by 03The-Noah (052.6 Release - 06 Apologies @blast007 is there an appropriate thread for this sort of...
04:11.48JeffM[m]heh, raytracing for a game that targets openGL 1.2 :)
04:46.39*** join/#bzflag spldart (~spldart@bzflag/contributor/spldart)
04:46.39*** mode/#bzflag [+v spldart] by ChanServ
07:01.39BZNotifybzflag: 03allejo commented on issue #275 "[Discussion] Auto-updating the game" by 03The-Noah (052.6 Release - 06 I would just create a separate issue for each new feature request. ...
07:38.36*** join/#bzflag Sgeo_ (
08:55.17*** join/#bzflag Swant (swant@freenode/staff/swant)
11:23.27blast007macsforme: is the SDL_WINDOEVENT_FOCUS_GAINED case in SDL2Display.cxx necessary?  seems a change in 2015 disabled it from ever working, so every release since 2.4.4 hasn't had that code being compiled.
11:24.25blast007or is #ifdef supposed to work with a enum?
11:25.14blast007looks like a version check is a better solution, and SDL provides a SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST macro
11:25.30blast007that, or we just assume that everyone has at least SDL 2.0.4 in 2021 :)
11:28.57blast007I don't know if your change actually ever made it into a release then since it looks like the SDL_WINDOEVENT_FOCUS_GAINED case was added during the 2.4.4 development cycle
12:02.52BZNotify022.4 @ bzflag: 03blast007 pushed 2 commits (06
12:02.53BZNotify022.4 @ bzflag: 03blast007 143b84b3: On mac, ignore calls to our SDL2 confineToMotionbox when minimized. Fixes #266. (06
12:02.54BZNotify022.4 @ bzflag: 03blast007 14cf473b: Work around a bug in SDL2 that was causing an offset viewport in macOS. (06
12:02.55BZNotifybzflag: 03blast007 04closed issue #266 "macOS build confines mouse after being minimized" (052.4.22 - 06
12:02.56BZNotifybzflag: 03blast007 04closed issue #268 "Restoring minimized window on macOS 10.15 can result in an offset viewport" (052.4.22 - 06
12:05.04BZNotifybzflag: 03blast007 04closed pull request #269 "More fixes for SDL2 window management" by 03macsforme (06
12:10.11*** join/#bzflag _I_Died_Once (~I_Died_On@unaffiliated/idiedonce/x-1828535)
13:55.42*** join/#bzflag Sgeo (
19:20.30*** join/#bzflag tupone (~alfredo@gentoo/developer/tupone)
22:14.38*** join/#bzflag dngor (
22:14.38*** join/#bzflag dngor (abuse@p3m/dngor)

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