IRC log for #bzflag on 20200901

04:27.55*** join/#bzflag infobot (
04:27.55*** topic/#bzflag is BZFlag Support and Development || Latest version: 2.4.20 || || || || || New release!
04:27.55*** mode/#bzflag [+v infobot] by ChanServ
09:06.03*** join/#bzflag disco- (~disco@unaffiliated/disco-)
09:41.10*** join/#bzflag I_Died_Once (~I_Died_On@unaffiliated/idiedonce/x-1828535)
09:44.50*** join/#bzflag User49 (~User49@unaffiliated/user49)
10:42.56*** join/#bzflag xbfrog76 (
10:43.17xbfrog76i'm here to say i love bzflag
10:43.29xbfrog76but i'm haing an issue
10:45.14xbfrog76when i start bz now before was right, now my screen flashes uncontroably and the only way out is to log off or reboot
10:45.52xbfrog76i'm using ubuntu 20.04
10:46.43xbfrog76it just started a few days ago
10:48.25xbfrog76ok, i 'm on freenode i'm gonna reconnect
10:49.03*** join/#bzflag xBfrog (
10:49.22xBfrognice channel
10:49.33xBfrogok so whats the issue>
10:49.50xBfrogneed more info?
10:50.27xBfrogthis channel is on my list ha
10:51.16xBfrognice but then i said that :)
10:54.10xBfrogso any ideas?
10:55.02xBfrogmust  be too early in the am
10:55.30xBfrogits nearly 4 am here
11:10.48xBfrogis no one here?
11:11.50xBfrogmaybe i didnt describe my issue well
11:17.10xBfrogjust nod with your eyes closed if your sleeping
11:18.49xBfrogok, thanks, i'll b bak
11:19.54xBfrogok, later ppl :)
14:38.18*** join/#bzflag Sgeo (
14:43.47CaptainRoberts[mdoes it work with -window?
15:29.12*** join/#bzflag I_Died_Once (~I_Died_On@unaffiliated/idiedonce/x-1828535)
17:46.35*** join/#bzflag Delusional (~Delusiona@unaffiliated/delusional)
17:46.35*** join/#bzflag blast007 (~blast007@bzflag/developer/Blast)
19:02.07*** join/#bzflag Agatha (
20:30.08*** join/#bzflag bboles (~quassel@2602:fe90:604:1b::52f2:f9b3)
21:33.58*** join/#bzflag Zehra (~Keiki_Han@unaffiliated/zehra)
22:39.37*** join/#bzflag Juesto (~LimeC@unaffiliated/juest)
23:56.37*** join/#bzflag Andradite (~Keiki_Han@unaffiliated/zehra)

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.