IRC log for #bzflag on 20200402

00:20.40blast007   The Urho3D engine sets the SDL_WINDOW_ALLOW_HIGHDPI window flag by default, and on 10.15 a bug occurs when their high DPI mode is disabled.
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06:46.39macsformethat's a good idea... would be worth trying
07:21.46*** join/#bzflag infobot (
07:21.46*** topic/#bzflag is BZFlag Support and Development || Latest version: 2.4.18 || || || || || New shiny website!
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07:59.05*** join/#bzflag RickDanger[m] (generalpur@gateway/shell/
08:34.59*** join/#bzflag blast007[m] (blast007ma@gateway/shell/
10:38.35BZNotify022.4 @ bzflag: 03macsforme pushed 1 commit (06
10:38.36BZNotify022.4 @ bzflag: 03macsforme 14f58ad8: Backport 23e2cfc1 from master. (06
10:55.05BZNotifybzflag: 03macsforme commented on issue #245 "Retina scaling broken on macOS (again) in 10.15 Catalina" (06 Would you please give this build a try and report back whether the ...
10:57.01macsformeturning on high DPI in SDL did not fix the issue in my hacked up virtualbox VM, but hopefully he can confirm it as well
10:58.25tuponemacsforme: would you like to see, and maybe comment my last interface to VBO buffer. It is in my tree at branch vboIndex. The interface is Vertex_Chunk.h for vertex Buffer and ELement_Chunk for element buffer. The vbo buffers dimensions are now dynamics and there is no more a vbo reload method to implement by the client
11:07.16macsformeat first glance, looks much cleaner
11:09.10tuponeMy branch is again in the 2.4 as I play with it
11:15.28macsformeI started to write down some ideas for VBOs too, but we have a few issues that have been holding up our next stable release for some time, so it's difficult to divide attention between both
11:19.26blast007macsforme: did you also turn on NSHighResolutionCapable in Xcode / the .plist?
11:19.49blast007"On Apple's OS X you must set the NSHighResolutionCapable Info.plist property to YES, otherwise you will not receive a High DPI OpenGL canvas."
11:20.23macsformeyes, I added it to the plist and added the window flag when creating the SDL window
11:22.20tuponemaybe has been discussed before, but GM changes that I have done on master, couldn't added to this new release ? It needs glm too :)
11:26.59blast007unless it's purely a server-side change, I don't think we should be replacing math functions that calculate the path of projectiles on the client in a minor release of the game
11:32.14tuponeis not a server side changes. but the messages are sent continuosly from client to server and so updated to the other clients. So Idon't see any problem. Only new clients will behave better. And to me this is a fix to a bug in the code. However ... I can wait
15:06.07BZNotifybzflag: 03TankUp-BZFlag commented on issue #245 "Retina scaling broken on macOS (again) in 10.15 Catalina" by 03macsforme (06 > Would you please give this build a try and report back whether th...
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20:09.19jesssicabrassilOlá, tudo bem? prazer, meu nome é Jessica e estou enfrentando problemas com o Bzflag. ultimamente o jogos está desconectando de qualquer partida em que entro, não sei qual o motivo disso ocorre. antes não hávia esse tipo de situação, eu jogava muito bem, porém, agora estou tomando "DC" e todos os jogadores ficam nrc pra mim. como posso
20:09.19jesssicabrassilresolver esse problema?
20:24.41blast007Are you using Wi-Fi?
20:28.00blast007Estou usando o Google translate, então não sei se isso funcionará. Você está usando Wi-Fi?
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