IRC log for #bzflag on 20200202

03:59.31*** join/#bzflag Sgeo__ (
08:49.37*** join/#bzflag cods (
09:43.46*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (~DTRemenak@about/essy/CrazyCoder/DTRemenak)
09:43.46*** mode/#bzflag [+v DTRemenak] by ChanServ
10:14.52*** join/#bzflag I_Died_Once (~I_Died_On@unaffiliated/idiedonce/x-1828535)
12:33.06BZNotify022.4 @ bzflag: 03atupone pushed 1 commit (06
12:33.07BZNotify022.4 @ bzflag: 03atupone 140c71ce: add resetClipPlane to remove the ClipPlane (06
12:49.23BZNotify02master @ bzflag: 03atupone pushed 1 commit (06
12:49.24BZNotify02master @ bzflag: 03atupone 1458b1fd: add resetClipPlane to remove the ClipPlane (06
14:23.29*** join/#bzflag Sgeo_ (
15:46.14*** join/#bzflag FusionDude (~flash@2601:280:3:130a:176:6872:b93c:393a)
15:46.14*** mode/#bzflag [+v FusionDude] by ChanServ
17:46.23*** join/#bzflag Flash (~flash@2601:280:a:b65:d99:4e97:461f:9250)
17:46.23*** mode/#bzflag [+v Flash] by ChanServ
18:57.47*** join/#bzflag Zehra (~Zehra@unaffiliated/zehra)
19:46.24*** join/#bzflag FusionDude (~flash@2601:280:b:603b:c500:d0e6:343c:d860)
19:46.24*** mode/#bzflag [+v FusionDude] by ChanServ
20:17.21*** join/#bzflag spldart (~spldart@bzflag/contributor/spldart)
20:17.21*** mode/#bzflag [+v spldart] by ChanServ
20:19.01*** join/#bzflag Sgeo__ (
21:06.26*** join/#bzflag Flash (~flash@
21:06.26*** mode/#bzflag [+v Flash] by ChanServ
21:45.15*** join/#bzflag spldart (~spldart@bzflag/contributor/spldart)
21:45.15*** mode/#bzflag [+v spldart] by ChanServ
21:48.01*** join/#bzflag FusionDude (~flash@
21:48.01*** mode/#bzflag [+v FusionDude] by ChanServ
22:33.09*** join/#bzflag Sgeo (
23:40.59*** join/#bzflag Andradite (~Zehra@2601:58b:c600:3349:419c:3a2e:36c:83e8)
23:40.59*** join/#bzflag Andradite (~Zehra@unaffiliated/zehra)

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.