IRC log for #bzflag on 20190706

00:01.27Flashnow to just remember how to ask for github fork....
00:05.43Flashit would be nice if when you cloned your github repo, git maintained the upstream linkage
00:05.57Flashhaving to do that manual step is too easy to forget
00:07.39Flashnot quite relevant
00:08.13Flashgit remote add upstream https://url/to/repo
00:08.26Flashso you can
00:08.46blast007does the github desktop app help with keeping it in sync?  I don't use that one
00:08.57Flashgit rebase upstream/master
00:09.13allejoohhh that's what you mean, yea that'd be pretty cool
00:09.15FlashI don't think so, but it's not all that useful to me
00:10.37Flash 03allejo 11labeled pull request #31 "offer a homebrew alternative" by 03jwmelto as 15documentation (06
00:13.23allejomacsforme: I'd create separate issues/PRs with the tasks you mentioned in your PR. those TODOs will get lost once the PR is merged and forgotten about
00:17.26*** join/#bzflag infobot (
00:17.27*** topic/#bzflag is || || || Channel Logs: || Current version: 2.4.18 || New shiny website!
00:17.27*** mode/#bzflag [+v infobot] by ChanServ
00:26.34BZNotify022.4 @ bzflag: 03macsforme pushed 1 commit (06
00:26.35BZNotify022.4 @ bzflag: 03macsforme 14d7894a: Added the pre-build script as a dependency to additional targets in Xcode to avoid possible build errors depending on the build order. BZFlag should now build properly from a fresh clone. (06
06:57.37*** join/#bzflag dcat_ (
07:00.13macsformeallejo: looks like the BZFlag snap version features SDL 1.2 :-/
09:12.09tuponemacsforme: do you mind testing sgain and report.
09:46.40*** join/#bzflag Sgeo__ (
12:43.09*** join/#bzflag spldart (~james@2601:2c5:c600:2365::7c1e)
12:43.09*** join/#bzflag spldart (~james@bzflag/contributor/spldart)
12:43.09*** mode/#bzflag [+v spldart] by ChanServ
15:31.48tuponeI now miss a shader for the HUD and conversion to shader is complete.
15:32.18tuponeI have now just a glitch for the first few seconds ... Textures not mapped for the HUD
15:42.50BZNotifybzflag: 03atupone 11synchronized pull request #194 "Use glm instead of our implementation (vectors.h)" (06
15:43.03BZNotifybzflag: 03atupone 11synchronized pull request #199 "Missile guidance math rewritten" (06
15:44.05BZNotifybzflag: 03atupone 11synchronized pull request #148 "Use of Vertex Buffer Objects instead of Client Arrays" (06

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