IRC log for #bzflag on 20180930

02:26.20*** join/#bzflag infobot (ibot@
02:26.20*** topic/#bzflag is || || || Channel Logs: || 2.4.16 released!
02:26.21*** mode/#bzflag [+v infobot] by ChanServ
06:44.31*** join/#bzflag infobot (ibot@
06:44.31*** topic/#bzflag is || || || Channel Logs: || 2.4.16 released!
06:44.31*** mode/#bzflag [+v infobot] by ChanServ
06:57.41*** join/#bzflag infobot (ibot@
06:57.41*** topic/#bzflag is || || || Channel Logs: || 2.4.16 released!
06:57.41*** mode/#bzflag [+v infobot] by ChanServ
09:10.12spldartSqueeee!!! My new tiny little server minion just sits there with one power cable and does everything I need it to 8~)
13:09.43spldartBeen forever since a ./configure --disable-client through ssh to a headless box :)
13:12.48spldartNoted for future reference. When building on Deb install that has never known X. Install dependencies in README.Linux but graphics and sound and you will need zlib dev to make configure happy.
13:24.47blast007yeah, for building on a headless Debian system, you could go with 'apt-get install g++ libtool automake autoconf libcurl3-dev libc-ares-dev zlib1g-dev libncurses-dev make'  (and if you don't need bzadmin, you can go without libncurses-dev)
13:57.02spldartcurses caught me :./configure: line 3890: `PKG_CHECK_MODULES(ncurses, ncurses,' but only on master.
14:21.18spldartforgot how to git dev branch
15:16.38*** join/#bzflag brlcad (~sean@
15:16.38*** mode/#bzflag [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
15:25.55blast007spldart: use 2.4.16
15:26.12blast007oh, master
15:26.18blast007I need to merge the changes into master
17:45.08spldartOh... I have 2.4.16 built and ready. I had wanted to host a test server as well.
19:29.49spldartSomething about my new headless client causes ./configure to spit out line 3890: syntex error blah ncurses blah but the exact same code in my desktop configures just fine. And yes. I have libncurses5-dev or whatever installed :/
19:41.06blast007it's not an issue with missing ncurses
19:41.38blast007I'll work on merging the changes from 2.4 into master in just a bit
19:43.38spldartOh. Sorry. I figured there must be something about one box has x and one doesn't. No rush. I'm just having a ton of fun setting this stuff up. Hopefully by next weekend I'll be ready to go public :)
20:50.21blast007spldart: just running a quick test here and then I'll push the changes to master
20:53.50spldartI forgot how much fun and satisfaction I used to get out of this. Though. It seems much easier now ;)
20:55.26spldartyay! thunderstorm!
21:18.50*** join/#bzflag BZnotify (BZnotify@gateway/service/
21:18.50BZnotify[13bzflag] 15blast007 pushed 2 new commits to 06master: 02
21:18.50BZnotify13bzflag/06master 1475b5db6 15Scott Wichser: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4'
21:18.50BZnotify13bzflag/06master 14d1646d5 15Scott Wichser: Run a pass of astyle.
21:18.50*** part/#bzflag BZnotify (BZnotify@gateway/service/
21:19.40blast007spldart: master should build for you now if you pull those changes
21:21.00Flashdid you add a project-level .astylerc?
21:23.28spldartoki doki :)
21:24.01Flashand if you figure out how to add a pre-checkin hook, let me know
21:28.33spldartUgh. remind me how to checkout master
21:28.46spldartIt's on the tip of my keyboard
21:29.03Flashgit checkout master
21:29.37blast007unless you mean clone
21:29.39Flashthat's your local branch
21:29.47Flashthen git pull
21:29.53spldartoh wait
21:30.01Flashor do you have to specify the remote?
21:30.29blast007spldart: do you already have a copy of master than you just want to update?
21:31.21spldartI already have one in desktop. update easy. But fresh checkout on my new server via ssh. empty directory
21:32.59spldartI guess I could just zerox my master over from my desktop ;)
21:33.06infobotgit clone --branch 2.4
21:33.18blast007except use 'master' instead of '2.4' there :)
21:34.14spldartThere is my brainfart :( I'm a dunce
21:37.28spldartMy god I want to take tomorrow off so I can continue playing with my new toy 8~D
21:39.10spldartSpeaking of toys... Very cute!
21:50.19blast007heh, rick and morty reference.
22:17.22spldartI just realized. Haven't seen Jeff in a while.
22:27.04spldartexcellent! good build
22:27.58spldartoops... does that count? I think there is a space in there
22:28.15spldartbetter :)
22:57.21spldartomg split screen is the bomb diddy
22:57.33spldartMeh. I need to shaddup :(

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