IRC log for #bzflag on 20180801

00:19.04*** join/#bzflag infobot (ibot@
00:19.04*** topic/#bzflag is || || || Channel Logs: || 2.4.14 released!
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03:54.08Flashcan someone remove my write access to the master project? I'm too uncertain with git and don't want to screw everything up
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05:38.50Flashgah ... who has insomnia?
05:39.55allejoit's not late enough for it to be classifed as insomnia for me
05:40.13Flashcan you help me unscrew git?
05:40.31allejoi can try
05:40.34allejowhat's up?
05:40.41FlashI'm trying to sync to the project master
05:40.53Flashbut I'm getting link errors on JeffM's last merge
05:41.02Flashso I know I'm not sync'd right
05:41.20FlashI'm fed up with my fork ... thinking I should trash it
05:42.12allejohmm ok you're gonna have to elaborate a bit more
05:42.26Flashso I have a VERY old fork
05:42.45FlashI (think I) updated it to the project base
05:43.10FlashI created a pull request and blast007 said to make it against master
05:43.28FlashI'm having a hard time getting a master sync'd
05:43.59allejooh oof just saw your fork
05:44.12Flashgit thinks (I think) it's all good, but I can't build... getting link errors on the buffer management stuff
05:44.23allejodo you have any other branches or work in your fork?
05:44.37FlashI have nothing of consequence
05:44.37allejoor just whatever was in that PR?
05:44.56Flash2 files are all that matter; I have them squirreled away
05:45.26allejothe easiest way would just to make a new fork and then apply your PR as a patch
05:45.47allejoor as a diff
05:46.53allejooh wait your master branch looks ok on your fork
05:47.12Flashso it would seem. but it doesn't build
05:47.38allejowhat are the errors you're getting?
05:48.21Flashthey are link errors like "getMessageBuffer" which I know is Jeff's last change
05:48.36allejowhat OS are you building on?
05:49.19allejoah i just fixed those yesterday in the xcode project
05:49.20FlashUndefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
05:49.24Flashfor example
05:49.32JeffMI make no promise about files I added being added to the OS X build
05:49.47JeffMOS X may just be busted
05:49.51allejopull the last three commits from the current master branch
05:49.54Flashworking on it
05:50.32Flashgit rebase upstream/master
05:50.37allejojeffm, no worries. someone who works on macos can add them like I did
05:50.39Flashshould bring me up to date, right?
05:51.02allejoyea I believe that should
05:51.12JeffMXml for everyone!
05:51.12Flashno joy
05:51.36FlashJeffM: I will believe you when you abandon VS for XEmacs
05:51.45allejodid you run a `git fetch upstream` before?
05:51.56FlashI think so
05:52.12JeffMWhy would I use a Mac, they don’t support OpenGL
05:52.25Flashdidn't say Mac :)
05:52.59JeffMWhy would I use Linux it’s run by hippies
05:53.17JeffMIt’s all about bat mobiles
05:53.56Flashwhy would I use Windows? Bill Gates has no creativity (but great business sense)
05:54.37JeffMWhy would you think he’s been involved in the OS for the past decade?
05:54.59JeffMList like Linux, always outdated information ;)
05:55.23FlashWindows ... put crap on everyone's desktop and update later
05:55.26Flash(with more crap)
05:55.41JeffMI do try to maintain the makefiles for stuff I add
05:55.47JeffMI sort of get how they work
05:56.14JeffMI have no way to update or test Xcode
05:56.15FlashI'm more and more enamored of CMake ... much simpler than other portable frameworks
05:56.25JeffMClarke is ok
05:56.35JeffMWhen it’s not built up horribly
05:56.49JeffMApple autocorrect
05:56.50Flashautocomplete FTW
05:57.47JeffMI’ve seen some messed up dependency stuff with cmake, but I don’t think that’s cmake’s fualt
05:57.58Flashallejo:  ... JeffM is off the hook. Now I have "ShotList" undefines in links
05:58.18JeffMOh I made that too ;)
05:58.31infobotfrom memory, doh is what homer simpson says when sid crashes
05:58.44allejoare you building the client too? I think I only updated the bzfs target. probably should try building the client
05:59.00FlashI open the project and hit cmd-B
06:00.09allejoupper left-ish should have a “BZFlag” dropdown that you can switch your targets
06:00.25Flashthat's a punt
06:00.28JeffMShot list is a new file in the client
06:01.01allejothere ya go. yea I forgot to test the client build. will check after I finish preparing some food
06:01.47Flashyah ... it's the client
06:02.33JeffMJust add the file
06:03.07Flashthinking about it ... don't mistake me for a Mac developer... Solaris FTW
06:03.34JeffMI believe you just add it to the project
06:03.39JeffMWith some clicking
06:03.45JeffMAnd 100$
06:03.46Flashlooking for it
06:05.34JeffMMy guess is there is a + icon somewhere
06:05.36Flashwhere is the shot list
06:06.45JeffMShould be in src bzflag I think
06:06.56Flashfound it
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06:09.59JeffMI’m trying to remember if I did any other new files
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06:10.44BZnotify[13bzflag] 15jwmelto opened pull request #172: fix XCode project (06master...06master) 02
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06:10.59Flashthat builds
06:12.02allejoJeffM: git diff --name-status 2.4..master | grep ^A
06:12.24JeffMThat doest work on my phone
06:12.44allejoand who's fault is that? :p
06:12.44JeffMI wonder how OS X computes that hash
06:13.09Flashallejo: that command doesn't work for me
06:13.10JeffMBlast for making his Linux phone take too long to be created
06:13.37allejoflash, aw what's it throw?
06:13.52Flashfatal: ambiguous argument '2.4..master': unknown revision or path not in the working tree.
06:14.25JeffMOddly that hash on the project is not unique, so I guess we could just hand edit the file.
06:15.02allejodo you have a 2.4 branch locally in your clone?
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06:15.59BZnotify[13bzflag] 15allejo pushed 1 new commit to 06master: 02
06:15.59BZnotify13bzflag/06master 14b5e50f6 15jwmelto: fix Xcode project (#172)...
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06:17.33allejohmm not sure then why that command doesn't work :/
06:17.52Flashwhat does 2.4..master mean?
06:19.17allejothe difference between the "2.4" branch and the "master" branch
06:19.44allejoyou could replace them with hashes too
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06:21.40Flashyou sure about that syntax?
06:26.23Flashstill not clear on the syntax
06:27.01Flashok ... got it. I don't have a master branch
06:27.24FlashI've learned that it's unpleasant to name local branches the same as remote branches
06:28.43allejoso `--name-status` will display all of the files that have changed between two branches or hashes. so in this case you're doing a diff between the "2.4" branch and "master" so it'll show everything that has changed. iirc the letters are A for addition, D for deletion and M for modified. so run a grep for A
06:29.03Flashgot it
06:30.33allejoif you do `git diff HEAD@{5}..HEAD`, it'll show you the changes that have happened between 5 commits ago and HEAD (which is the current point in git history)
06:41.22Flashhmmm. I'm trying to make another trivial pull request, but the XCode project shows difference
06:41.30Flasheven after you merged it
06:41.58allejowhat changes?
06:42.16Flashall the things you should have committed
06:43.56Flashgithub doesn't seem to see the last commit
06:44.05allejoblah that was my bad. i squashed the commit instead of merging it so that messed with your git history
06:45.33allejoin the pull request preview, what files does it show have changed? does it conflict?
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06:47.31Flashit has the one file I changed, and the XCode project changes you just merged
06:49.27FlashI'm sure my git-fu is too weak
06:50.33allejosave your latest changes in that commit in a text editor or something. in your fork run `git fetch` and then `git reset --hard upstream/master` and then apply your changes and that *should* work
06:50.50allejohowever as a git practice, i'd recommend creating a branch for each PR
06:51.13allejothat way if a PR is squashed instead of merged like what I did, it wouldn't break your fork
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07:03.37BZnotify[13bzflag] 15allejo pushed 1 new commit to 06master: 02
07:03.37BZnotify13bzflag/06master 142d07112 15Vladimir Jimenez: Bring Xcode project truly up to par with VS
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07:03.44BZnotify[13bzflag] 15jwmelto opened pull request #173: Doc1 (06master...06doc1) 02
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07:04.27Flashyeah, that needs quashing
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07:05.56BZnotify[13bzflag] 15allejo pushed 1 new commit to 06master: 02
07:05.56BZnotify13bzflag/06master 14e9957ce 15jwmelto: Add homebrew to Mac docs for pkg management (#173)
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07:06.50allejomac devs should feel some love with a functional project and nice docs :)
07:07.21Flashall 3 of us
07:10.26allejoxcode project should have any new files added since 2.4. genocide and R2 plugins have also been added to the project
07:12.45allejogoes off to bed
07:12.58FlashNOW it's time for insomnia
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07:30.07BZnotify[13bzflag] 15jwmelto closed pull request #171: refactor TimeKeeper to use std::chrono (062.4...062.4) 02
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07:32.37Flashbother .... github is either stymying me with caches or your change isn't on master
07:36.17Flashstupid web browsers
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07:44.56BZnotify[13bzflag] 15jwmelto opened pull request #174: refactor TimeKeeper to use std::chrono (06master...06master) 02
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12:25.27DelusionalPlayer “canada” is threatening some kind of something after a ban. Not sure what he thinks he’s gonna do…. In the past he’s shown he knows how to get around bans…  His problem is that he thinks normal lag is a cheat, and is quite vocal about it, harrassing players.
12:26.09DelusionalDon’t want to make my problem into your problem, it’s just a headsupp to expect problems from this guy.
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Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.