IRC log for #bzflag on 20180518

00:19.31*** join/#bzflag infobot (
00:19.31*** topic/#bzflag is || || || Channel Logs: || 2.4.14 released!
00:19.31*** mode/#bzflag [+v infobot] by ChanServ
01:32.29blast007BulletCatcher: I modified the SDL2 test to run the GL code in a loop and listen for keyboard input (press the Escape key to exit).  I also added GLFW support with a modified build command.
01:33.03blast007so I'm curious if any of the SDL2 fullscreen modes work, and if the GLFW version works
01:33.15blast007I used GLFW 3.2 here
03:39.28BulletCatcherWith SDL2 that test program works about the same as bzflag.  Windowed mode works as it ought to: I see the colorful triangle and ESC makes it exit cleanly.
03:39.33BulletCatcherIn modes 1-3 I get a black screen for 4 seconds and then my desktop reappears and only kill -9 will make the program exit.
03:39.40BulletCatcherI'll use gdb and try the GLFW version tomorrow.
04:52.13macsformeare we going full C++11 for 2.6 also?
05:02.39*** join/#bzflag Juesto (~AndC@unaffiliated/juest)
05:03.00JuestoI'm crashing when i I try to reconnect more than once
05:16.29*** join/#bzflag rodgort (
06:08.26*** join/#bzflag joevano (~joevano@bzflag/developer/JoeVano)
06:08.27*** mode/#bzflag [+v joevano] by ChanServ
10:08.49blast007Juesto: can you provide more information so I can see if I can reproduce the issue?
11:34.42blast007macsforme: hmm, according to  GLEW doesn't support OpenGL ES
11:34.57blast007and I see no mention of OpenGL ES on the glew homepage
11:39.31*** join/#bzflag I_Died_Once (~I_Died_On@unaffiliated/idiedonce/x-1828535)
12:59.28*** join/#bzflag Juesto (~AndC@
12:59.29*** join/#bzflag Juesto (~AndC@unaffiliated/juest)
13:01.25Juestoblast007: connect again in the middle of connecting
13:02.04blast007is it while connecting to a server that is working?  is it downloading the world?  downloading textures?
13:02.44Juestonot sure but when the world appears it crashes
13:03.01JuestoI can try to get a stacktrace with windbg
13:03.19Juestoare the symbols shipped?
13:07.23blast007is it on the Windows 2.4.14 client?
13:08.17Juestoblast007: when i reconnect while preparing world i crashed with c++ eh exception e06d7363
13:08.37Juestobut i can repro on fedora version
13:08.58blast007I can try on Window after work
13:09.06Juestoare the pdbs released anywhere?
13:09.56Juestodo try your current machine too if you can since i managed to crash in linux too
13:14.16blast007yeah, I'll try both when I get home
13:14.43blast007but no, there are no pdb's generated when I do a release build
13:14.51JuestoOh :/
13:29.26*** join/#bzflag Juest- (~AndC@
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13:32.00*** join/#bzflag Juesto (~AndC@
13:32.20*** join/#bzflag Juesto (~AndC@unaffiliated/juest)
13:34.40*** join/#bzflag Juesto (~AndC@
13:34.40*** join/#bzflag Juesto (~AndC@unaffiliated/juest)
13:39.00*** join/#bzflag Juesto (~AndC@
13:39.04*** join/#bzflag Juesto (~AndC@unaffiliated/juest)
15:35.49blast007macsforme: I would think we could target full C++11 support for 2.6
15:36.39blast007"As of GCC 4.8.1, GCC's C++11 mode implements all of the major features of the C++11 standard produced by the ISO C++ committee."   Even Debian Jessie (oldstable) has GCC 4.9.
17:01.19Juestoblast007: so it seems to be related to lacking checks and just happen to do it more than once
19:08.46*** join/#bzflag Juesto (~AndC@unaffiliated/juest)
19:40.03blast007possible alternatives to GLEW if we want OpenGL ES support:
19:42.30blast007Debian Jessie does have libepoxy.  The other two I imagine you generate and include with your source.
19:43.40Juestodo other distros have any of those?
19:45.23blast007it may not matter, depending if we care about being packaged by Linux distributions anymore
19:46.39blast007there was talk of moving to a faster major release cycle, and the packaging in most Linux distributions doesn't really work for that
19:48.42blast007if we going to release a protocol breaking major release every several months, that makes the unchanging version that most distributions package useless after a short time
19:51.45Juestooh well
19:52.12Juestoand would you guys release bin on website for Linux?
19:52.41blast007we are wanting to look at flatpak and snaps
19:53.39JeffMit's what all the kids do these days
19:55.34blast007I'm going to work on getting 2.4.14 on
20:24.43blast007there's also this:  (needs an update, and looks like they had grabbed the old copyright info that only related to the *website*, not the game)
20:25.41Juestocommunicate with the maintainer?
20:26.36blast007yeah, I can probably issue a pull request that updates the info
20:26.49blast007or there's this, if we want to take over:
20:27.19Juestosure why not
20:32.08allejooh that reminded me about the homebrew cask, but someone else submitted an update for it, so yay
20:37.10Juestoand homebrew itself
20:37.27Juestois it in anaconda too?
20:37.44Juestohow about macports
20:42.03allejoanaconda is a python thing, no? macports still has 2.4.12 it seems
20:44.14Juestoallejo: why i can't talk in the leagues server
20:44.57Juestoblast007: reminder about reproducing
20:45.10allejobecause you're probably not on the spawn list
20:45.41Juestooh, there's a whitelist, interesting
20:45.57Juestobut not surprising actually
20:49.15allejoguess I'll look into updating bzflag on macports and/or figuring out how to maintain it
20:50.16Juestoare there any leagues for rookies i could join to?
20:51.01allejoonly league atm is leaguesunited
20:52.02Juestois it all-around skill levels?
20:52.18Juestomy k/d is horrible
20:52.28allejoyea, everyone's welcome :)
20:52.43*** join/#bzflag RoscoePColtrane (
21:00.55Juestothe wiki is quite outdated
21:01.58allejothe wiki has reached it's EOL
21:02.34allejoall of the useful data will make its way to the official website probably this summer (at least that's what I'm hoping for)
21:03.12allejohah! found it
21:03.27allejooh... wrong window
21:03.55RoscoePColtraneI thought you were just excited that I logged in
21:04.12allejoi'm always glad to see you though <3
21:04.30RoscoePColtraneI don't know... I just don't feel like myself...
21:04.44Juestohow come
21:04.49Juestolife's good?
21:05.26RoscoePColtraneJuesto ... I lost my name
21:05.29Juestowell, has league united got a irc channel
21:05.46RoscoePColtraneIRC rules require you to log in every 90 days or so to keep your registered name
21:05.51RoscoePColtraneand someone sniped me
21:06.01Juestouh what
21:06.03RoscoePColtrane(of course, I did the same thing in the first place...)
21:06.03allejo##leaguesunited, however it's dead
21:12.57*** join/#bzflag Juesto (~AndC@
21:13.19*** join/#bzflag Juesto (~AndC@unaffiliated/juest)
21:18.20Juestowho's in charge of lu?
21:18.33Juestoand apparently there's 1v1 league
21:23.03Juestostupid question but, is the council around? and, is there a team recommendation?
21:42.26blast007is there a reason for BZFlag to even be in macports?
21:58.03kierraLU mean here on irc?
21:58.52kierrapuedes mandar noticias por LU site o mensaje privado en el forum
22:00.13blast007Juesto: as of yet, I've been unable to replicate the crash on either Windows or Linux
22:07.18allejoblast007: there's no reason. but someone from the macports community has already submitted it, so it's there. might as well maintain it, no?
22:09.49blast007I mean.. not necessarily :)
22:15.31allejoi don't personally use macports. but wouldn't mind exploring how different it is from homebrew with regards to maintain the bz definition
22:25.47blast007just seems like it's an unnecessary target given that we produce a binary package for macOS
22:27.37blast007hmm, is our macOS binary a hybrid 32-bit/64-bit package?
22:35.39Juestoblast007: try triggering the reconnect when you're close to finish connecting
22:38.38blast007I guess it's just x86_64, and has been since 2.4.4 (with 2.4.2 being i386 only, and before that being hybrid ppc/i386)
22:40.26Juestowhy are windows builds still 32
22:40.28blast007Juesto: I tried various times, I tried just hammering on the return key
22:40.54blast007because we're not really taking advantage of 64-bit :)
22:41.04JeffMyou want them to use more ram?
22:41.07JeffMand run a little slower?
22:41.24Juestoblast007: it's specifically happening when you actually connect while trying to connect at the same time
22:41.46blast007Juesto: I'd suggest not doing that then :)
22:41.58Juestoit's still a bug ;)
22:42.11blast007if I can't reproduce it, it's hard to fix
22:42.20Juestoi know, it's just somewhat accidental
22:42.30Juestoyou should be able to
22:42.42Juestomaybe it just doesn't happen on fast computers
22:43.05blast007my internets is reasonbly fast too
22:43.24Juestoi saw a warning that player is in the location
22:43.31Juestoas id 0 and 1
22:43.48blast007a warning where?
22:43.58blast007from the client?
22:44.27JuestoWARNING: player already exists at location with id 0 (and same message with id 1)
22:47.25*** join/#bzflag Juesto (~AndC@
23:01.54*** join/#bzflag Juesto (~AndC@unaffiliated/juest)
23:02.15Juestoso I've noticed that it somehow stops allowing the client to connect
23:04.41Juestoblast007: so, somehow im managing to collide and thus why im crashing it
23:09.13blast007gonna try on my atom mini-pc
23:18.05blast007still can't get it to crash
23:22.57Juestoyeah, it's odd how im doing it I guess
23:23.19Juestoi can get stacktraces
23:23.39Juestoand im crashing both in linux and windows here
23:23.46Juestoi could try another computer
23:25.41blast007on linux you can ./configure --enable-debug to build debug
23:50.01Juestoand for Windows?
23:51.48blast007for Windows you'd need to have Visual Studio 2017 installed (with the C++ stuff, at least)
23:56.26Juestolast time i tried with bzf on win the src was broken
23:57.14blast007well, 2.4.14 was built for Windows, so... :)
23:57.46Juestoand do i really need debug build when i can enable symbols in release?
23:58.05blast007we don't have a target for that, and I don't get how that would work
23:59.05Juestooh :/
23:59.21Juestoin windows it's easy as enabling it in properties

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