IRC log for #bzflag on 20180426

00:02.08*** join/#bzflag Zehra (~Zehra@unaffiliated/zehra)
00:04.32allejodoes linux do its own thing with the numpad too?
00:04.56blast007gonna try to build the their checkkeys program quick
00:21.47*** join/#bzflag infobot (
00:21.47*** topic/#bzflag is || || || Channel Logs: || 2.4.12 released!
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01:26.14blast007Zehra: you'll want to specify which version of the LGPL license you're using (such as LGPL 2.1)
01:39.42*** join/#bzflag spldart (~spldart@bzflag/contributor/spldart)
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02:02.40Zehraoh okay
02:02.56ZehraThanks blast007.
02:03.43ZehraCould you add it as "LGPL 2.1", so I don't have to make an extra post for it?
02:04.55Zehraneeds to pay more attention to IRC
02:06.22FusionDudeshouldn't a keycode be a keycode?
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02:08.17*** join/#bzflag JeffM__ (sid48618@gateway/web/
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02:11.06blast007RoscoePColtrane: at least with SDL2, there's scancodes/keycodes and text input events
02:11.36blast007we use text input events for most keys
02:11.39RoscoePColtraneI would think that navigation should go off keycodes, and not text input
02:12.08blast007Zehra: I updated your original post
02:12.09RoscoePColtranethat is, top-row 8 should be different from numpad 8
02:12.47ZehraTy blast007.
02:12.58*** join/#bzflag macsforme (
02:12.58*** join/#bzflag macsforme (~macsforme@bzflag/developer/Constitution)
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02:15.39blast007in general, our keybinding is all kinds of jacked up
02:16.43blast007the bindings are affected by the keyboard locale, for instance, so some key mapping layouts can't be used with the game because non-latin letters can't be used
02:17.57RoscoePColtraneall the more reason to use keycodes
02:21.50blast007should use scancodes/keycodes for actions, and text input events for.. typing text :)
02:22.34blast007part of that will be standardizing on SDL2.  I think SDL1 did stuff different in regards to input
03:26.01macsformewe have the special macOS numpad code because SDL 2 throws in an extra SDL_TEXTINPUT event when it isn't supposed to, IIRC
03:58.08macsformeit looks like on macOS with SDL 2, you get the exact same result when you press a numpad key whether numlock is on or off (a key down event with the correct scancode and keycode, plus a text input event with the applicable number), except you get the NUM modifier when numlock is on
03:58.44RoscoePColtranethat's promising
03:59.20macsforme(and in bz's code, we filter out the text input event if numlock is off)
04:14.31macsformeso I'm actually not sure how we get arrows from the numpad keys... maybe that's inside our code somewhere?
04:48.56macsformeoh, I guess blast007 hardcoded the numpad key behaviors for when numlock is off in that patch that was cited in the issue
04:49.27macsformeI guess I don't understand the purpose of that patch at all
05:04.47*** join/#bzflag nadir (uid134094@gateway/web/
09:51.28*** join/#bzflag infobot (
09:51.28*** topic/#bzflag is || || || Channel Logs: || 2.4.12 released!
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15:16.23*** join/#bzflag rodgort (
15:54.21*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak|RDP (~DTRemenak@about/essy/CrazyCoder/DTRemenak)
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18:54.43*** join/#bzflag galileo_ (
19:00.10*** join/#bzflag nadir (uid134094@gateway/web/
21:13.56*** join/#bzflag the-map (the_map@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/themap/x-38220869)
22:40.18*** join/#bzflag Zehra (~Zehra@unaffiliated/zehra)
22:42.31*** join/#bzflag Notify (~notify@
23:51.27ZehraI know this question is going to really sound stupid.
23:51.58ZehraI'm looking for a replacement for bz_eChatMessageEvent in the API.
23:52.30ZehraI see filtered messages and stuff, but there doesn't seem to be an event for unfiltered messages.
23:53.18Zehraoops, nevermind.
23:54.01ZehraI found the event I was looking for.

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