IRC log for #bzflag on 20180331

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00:17.36BZnotify[13bzflag] 15allejo pushed 1 new commit to 062.4: 02
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01:36.14macsformewhat kind of system/OS/GPU was the 4% increase demonstrated on?
01:38.17macsformeI wonder if it also depends on what is being displayed, e.g. lots of flags
01:39.10blast007I was using my Decks server, in observer, with /roampos 0
01:39.49blast007only place I saw a performance increase (thus far) was Intel HD 2500 on Linux
01:40.14blast007need to hook up my system with a radeon tomorrow
01:40.26blast007I should try my laptop too
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07:33.23tuponei did measuring time not frame rate. and from 17 msec went to 16. but i am not so sure
07:34.50*** join/#bzflag gustavo (uid290782@gateway/web/
09:58.42blast007no performance difference (on Decks) with a Intel GMA 4500MHD on Debian (both were getting 85FPS)
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10:30.24tuponehowever both client array and list are deprecated on latest openGL. i would like to go in that direction. maybe i will remove my jitter
10:31.40blast007"latest" being what?  talking about 4.6?
10:33.18blast007do you have vsync turned on by chance?  16-17ms is about 60FPS
10:35.48blast007lowest FPS I can hit at 1920x1200 resolution (with Intel HD 2500) is 70 FPS, and that's on a mesh-heavy map (Rats Nest)
10:50.33tuponevsync turned on
10:54.10tuponelatest is i think any where fixed pipeline is removed. non in compatibility mode
10:54.46blast007so turn vsync off... otherwise you're just going to be limited to 60FPS
10:55.33tuponei knew that y and t measure two different things.
10:55.48tuponei need to check
10:58.17blast0071000ms / framerate = average frametime  vs  1000ms / average frametime = framerate
11:42.51tuponeok. then i need to change that here. i wanted to know the cpu time to elaborate a scene
12:42.05macsformethat method of benchmarking seems very specific to your own GPU and driver
12:44.58blast007macsforme: I wouldn't even call it a benchmark since he had vsync enabled and was hitting the limit before and after the changes
12:47.11macsformedoes the frame time include the buffer swap and vsync delay?
12:48.09macsformeI get a 1-2ms frame time with vsync enabled on the quick test I just did
12:48.38blast007I get 16-17ms with vsync enabled on linux
12:49.21blast0074-5ms with vsync off (and around 160FPS)
12:51.17macsformehuh, so maybe another implementation-specific issue (so yes, you're right, not really a benchmark at all)
13:35.45blast007with an AMD card on linux, with vsync on (still trying to figure out how to disable) it does show 4-5ms even though it's running at 60FPS
13:37.52blast007or maybe it's 3-4ms
13:38.13blast007and oddly, I can get the FPS to drop to 47, but it's still showing a 3-4ms frame draw time
13:55.16blast007okay, managed to disable vsync on that system.. FPS drops from 75 with the old code to 67 with the new code (though both are saying 5ms frame draw time.. so I don't know how that works)
13:56.49blast007so everywhere except Linux+Intel, I'm seeing a 5 to 10% performance hit with the new GL1.5 code.
14:03.50blast007(and I don't have a Windows+Intel system to test with)
14:08.04macsformeodd... I wonder what is contributing to the slowdown
15:02.29blast007got a few hundred packages to update on my Debian+nVidia system, and then I'll test there too
15:15.55blast007oh, I guess it was over 1600 packages...
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17:50.37tuponethe change is dropping list and using vbo. so it seems that compiling list is better then using vbo
17:51.48tuponebut is not the path to go opengl 3 or gles
17:51.54macsformeor possibly switching between the two methods is more expensive than using one or the other exclusively
17:55.24tuponethe flag code and the mesh code is different. flag did not use by default list. but vbo are created and deleted each frame.
17:58.03tuponemaybe measuring only one of the two can give hints.
17:58.53tuponei cannot do now cause i am away from home
18:18.41*** join/#bzflag disco- (~disco@unaffiliated/disco-)
18:18.58macsformeif it's re-creating the VBOs every frame then I don't think the GL_STATIC_DRAW usage hint is correct... should probably be GL_STREAM_DRAW
18:20.40macsformeyou're also using the GL_STATIC_READ usage hint for the MeshFragSceneNode... that doesn't seem correct to me either
18:22.19macsformeso perhaps with better usage hints there would be improved performance
18:34.35blast007hmm, can't seem to get my nVidia driver to be stable on Debian.  Super flaky just in Gnome, and when I try to run the game it just crashes Xorg back to the login screen.
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19:52.28*** join/#bzflag zuii (
22:57.02macsformeI tried changing the two buffer hints to GL_STREAM_DRAW and that didn't reduce the mild performance reduction on my machine
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