IRC log for #bzflag on 20180323

04:20.47*** join/#bzflag nadir (uid134094@gateway/web/
04:21.03*** join/#bzflag rodgort (
17:52.41*** join/#bzflag zuii (
19:49.35*** join/#bzflag galileo_ (
20:19.31*** join/#bzflag echelon (~echelon@bzflag/player/echelon)
20:19.40echelonwhat happened to openleague website?
20:29.58kierraomw, echelon
20:40.46JeffMlooks like it expired in 2016
20:41.38JeffMit was flagged as defunct in 2015
21:11.38blast007echelon: asking about the domain, or the code behind the site?
21:13.00echelonis the website hosted elsewhere?
21:13.20blast007is openleague still a thing?
21:14.25kierrano to both questions
21:14.38kierraOL merged into LU
21:21.33*** join/#bzflag zuii (
21:50.29tuponeJeffM: Do we loose something going to openGL 1.5 without fallback
21:57.08JeffMsupport for software rendering on VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY old machines
21:57.22JeffMlike super old irix machines maybe
21:57.33blast007which we don't build on anyway
21:57.46tuponeI did buffer object for Mesh and Flag
21:58.22JeffM1.5 is the last of the classic state machine API versions
21:58.38JeffMall the old code should work fine in 1.5,it just adds stuff.
21:58.46tuponeI'm not sure if I gain. pressing y I gain a couple of msec
21:59.14JeffMthe polygon count for what bzflag draws is so low it won't do much on systems in the last 8-10 years
21:59.41JeffM3.0 is where stuff is deprecated and you have to go to the new pipeline.
21:59.42tuponemesh are about 500 faces
21:59.56JeffMyeah that's nothing
21:59.57tuponeon the site I play
22:00.48tuponeA question. I got seg fault If I use buffer object and list, so I removed list. Is that the problem?
22:01.03JeffMyeah only use one or the other, there is no point in doing both
22:01.18JeffMa list is a way to cache GL commands on the card
22:01.27JeffMa buffer is a way to cache geometry on the card...
22:01.32JeffMthey kinda do the same thing
22:01.39JeffMtho a list can do more
22:01.49JeffMbut isn't as efficient in some implementations
22:02.31JeffMjust as an example, games from 2010 were targeting 10,000 triangles per model.
22:02.55JeffMthe entire bzflag world is probalby less than a single mesh in a modern game.
22:03.03tuponeOk. I should try with more complicated map
22:03.40JeffMthe map format is not well suited to modern polygon counts, with-out major backend changes bzflag will never have to worry about polygon count being an issue
22:04.17JeffMsure you could make a map with 4 million polygons like a modern game level, but it'll take a day to download it
22:04.39tuponeHowever I will clean the code and if somebody can review it I'm glad
22:04.51JeffMand bzflag's sceenegraph and collions are ill-suited for it.
22:05.35JeffMthere is a map I want to make, but I know bzflag's collisions would choke on it
22:10.33tuponeWhen I see bush is that a mesh ?
22:10.47JeffMor a billboard
22:11.25JeffMdoes it seem to turn and follow you?
22:11.49JeffMthen maybe
22:12.19tuponeI dont remember how to have the triangle count :/
22:14.47JeffMI don't think it's reported
22:15.15JeffMalso culling will reduce it down to what is on screen only.
22:17.46tuponenite :) I will work these days on it
22:22.58JeffMcards in the GeForce 7 series could process 2000 million vertecies a second, so divide that by 3 or 4 and that's how many polygons a second it can do. no map is going to come close to that, and that's  hardware from over 10 years ago.
22:23.16JeffMthey don't track verts or polygons per second anymore because it's all shaders.
22:31.00JeffMIntel HD graphics is supposed to be about as fast as a GeForce 7600
22:35.03blast007our font drawing is proably a bigger performance hit than our typical map geometry
22:35.11JeffMfor sure
22:35.32JeffMso the tank from Halo... the one on the origonal xbox has 1700 faces
22:35.39JeffMthe base bzflag tank has 250
23:48.49*** join/#bzflag I_Died_Once (~I_Died_On@unaffiliated/idiedonce/x-1828535)

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