IRC log for #bzflag on 20180201

00:13.36The_Noahwith my version, do i need to worry about the "Making a Release" section in DEVINFO? or do y'all handle that?
01:19.06*** join/#bzflag infobot (
01:19.06*** topic/#bzflag is || || || Channel Logs: || 2.4.12 released!
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01:28.39blast007JeffM: nah, 480P is SD
01:28.55blast007HD is 720p, FullHD is 1080p
01:29.14The_Noahblast: with my version, do i need to worry about the "Making a Release" section in DEVINFO and the version stuff? or do y'all handle that?
01:29.16blast007The_Noah: we'd be making the release
01:29.33The_Noahdoes BZFlag support true 4K?
01:31.06blast007is there a fake 4K?
01:31.28blast007the game would run at 8K
01:31.38The_Noahwhat i mean is, does it drive in 4K, or 1080p then scale up to 4K
01:31.52blast007we're not a crappy console game :)
01:32.18The_Noahwhen i get a 4K mon, i can finally have BZFlag look really good! (with my 4K textures :P)
01:32.19blast007I don't think PC games do that kind of stuff, generally... maybe if they're a crappy console port to PC
01:33.54The_Noahdoes Tim Riker still dev?
01:37.09blast007not in the context of BZ
01:53.46JeffMI doubt that intel onboard can run a 4K display
01:55.47blast007it sounded like he has another Windows PC
01:56.50The_Noahyep! well, its not mine, but i can use it! and it has a real graphics card
01:57.17JeffMDouble buffers for that size is like 64 megs alone
01:58.26JeffMAnd I think bz would double that for the stencil buffers
02:00.15blast007sounds like the GM45 maxes out at 2048 x 1536
02:01.40The_Noahi have 1200x800 i think
02:01.40JeffMAnd probably cries while doing it
02:01.47JeffMIt’s all dram too
02:02.26blast007it can drive that at 75Hz, or 1080p at 100Hz.
02:21.54blast007hmm.. might even be able to do 2560x1600 over a digital connection
02:24.21The_Noahwhat command do i use to update a repository with git?
02:28.34The_Noahnevermind, i got it. im learning Github before i work on BZ
02:51.21The_Noahhow do i push out an update to my branch in my fork?
02:52.33blast007have you already committed the code to your local copy?
02:52.44blast007if so, you can 'git push' your changes
03:03.09The_Noahwhen i build BZ to test it, is there a why to clean it so then the compiled stuff doesnt get uploaded, or do i just copy everything to a different folder and build it there?
03:03.49blast007the compile stuff should already be ignored via .gitignore
03:04.03blast007you can verify what you're adding when you commit stuff
03:04.54The_Noahok, thanks
03:05.39The_Noahis it fine that im working on a FAT32 system and not EXT4?
03:06.09blast007on a linux system?
03:06.25blast007you're... you're using your flash drive, aren't you?  :P
03:06.27The_Noahim on Linux, put working on a flash drive
03:06.36The_Noahhow did you know ??
03:06.37blast007I would recommend not doing that
03:07.01The_Noahok, will Git care that i have it in multible locations?
03:07.35blast007I'd do a clean clone on an ext4
03:08.01The_Noahbut does Git care that i still have it on my flash drive?
03:08.28The_Noahis there a way to remove a commit?
03:10.20The_Noahoops, im in a BIG mess, now the files are not EXT4 formatted, no x!
03:11.00blast007have you already pushed that commit?
03:12.16The_Noahi deleted it
03:12.23The_Noahshould i clone master or 2.4?
03:15.10The_Noahi should only git commit -m "message" when im done, correct?
03:15.31blast007define done
03:15.54The_Noahwith what im working on, for example, fixing a bug
03:16.03The_Noahand right now, the new UI
03:21.17The_Noahgit push origin 2.6 - i dont see my updated file in the fork
03:24.19blast0072.4 you mean?
03:24.29The_Noahmy branch is called 2.6
03:24.48The_Noahbecause i just decied to do that
03:24.57blast007we aren't going to merge that
03:25.14blast007if you wanted to base it on 2.5 code, you should have used master
03:25.15The_Noahit has to be called 2.4 for you to merge that?
03:25.23The_Noahi asked you!
03:25.49blast007you asked if you should use master or 2.4, with no context beyond that
03:25.58blast007I assumed you wanted to PLAY with other people and test it
03:26.30The_Noahi want it to be in the next release, and with prev descussion, allejo it would be 2.6
03:26.57blast007then you should have mentioned that :)
03:27.12The_Noahim sorry
03:27.13blast007master is the code that will become 2.6 when released
03:27.33The_Noahok, so should i change master, or create a branch of master and edit that?
03:27.43blast007master is already a branch
03:27.49blast007you checkout master
03:27.57The_Noahso i should edit master?
03:28.21blast007though if you already created a 2.6 branch and commited stuff, you should probably just start your repo over :)
03:28.37blast007if you haven't pushed yet, just make a new clone
03:29.02The_Noah4th time ive had to restart :D
03:29.13blast007welcome to Git
03:31.19The_Noahwhen do you think 2.6 will come out?
03:33.06blast007no idea
03:33.52*** join/#bzflag galileo (
03:34.15The_Noahi dont see my new code in my fork when i push it......
03:35.25The_Noahi have to go, ill do some more testing and try to find out whats wrong
03:35.54blast007did you commit the code?
03:36.13blast007and you have to add files (which stages the changes) before you commit
03:36.33blast007there are plenty of graphical interfaces for Git too
03:36.38The_Noahno, i didnt commit
03:36.47The_Noahi just pushed
03:36.54blast007then it won't push anything
03:37.01The_Noahok, bye
03:37.03blast007the push will push you commited changesets
03:37.04The_Noahgood night
11:14.27*** join/#bzflag bboles (~quassel@2607:fcd0:100:8300:1c::a3ed)
16:43.01*** join/#bzflag The_Noah (6163fde4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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17:02.52*** topic/#bzflag is || || || Channel Logs: || 2.4.12 released!
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17:11.52The_Noahblast: if i finish the new UI and it become part of BZFlag, then will 2.6 be released?
17:12.52blast007I'm unclear what you mean.  Are you asking if we'll release 2.6 as soon as your new UI is added?  Or are you asking if there's a guarantee that 2.6 will be released if you put in the work to add the new UI to 2.6?
17:15.11The_Noahwhat i mean is, if i get my UI into it, then will it be released soon after
17:16.11blast007I would guess that 2.6 is still a couple years away
17:16.23blast007if we start working on it, anyway :)
17:16.42The_Noahis there any difference between 2.5 and 2.4?
17:17.01The_Noahoh, are there any "major" differences?
17:17.13The_Noahoh, what ?
17:17.23blast007there's actual support for changing teams without rejoining
17:17.35The_Noahin the API too?
17:17.47blast007needs some extra messaging and UI to expose it to end users, but yeah
17:17.54blast007yep, in the API
17:17.59blast007even have a sample plugin that uses it
17:18.19The_Noahno more 3rd party APIs, when its released
17:18.35The_Noahis it allowed to play with 2.5?
17:19.11blast0072.5 isn't compatible with 2.4, if that's what you're asking
17:19.36The_Noahoh, so if you play with 2.5, it hast to be on 2.5 servers? and are there any 2.5 servers?
17:19.36blast007but you could run a 2.5 server and a 2.5 client
17:19.43blast007I don't know
17:19.46blast007probably not
17:19.59The_Noahwill they show up in a 2.4 server list?
17:20.29The_Noahwill 2.5 servers show up in 2.5 server list? and will 2.4 servers show up in 2.5 client?
17:21.02blast0072.5 servers will show for 2.5 clients (as long as they're both at the same protocol version, which will change over time)
17:21.58The_Noahare there any ideas for what should be added in 2.6?
17:24.16blast007we had a planning meeting back in november, but it was mostly a higher-level planning, for things like goals/objectives.
17:24.42The_Noahis it an in-person metting, or online?
17:24.46blast007we're wanting to improve the first-timer experience, since right now they kinda get tossed into the deep end.
17:25.09The_NoahMoFo being on top with all the lang doesnt help
17:25.09blast007we want to investigate improving the bots so they'd be a bit more useful for training new players
17:25.22blast007we want to look into developing a tutorial of some kind
17:25.46blast007move team selection to after joining the server
17:25.51The_Noahya, and a why to detect if its the first time the client has been opened, and then show help if it isd
17:26.37The_Noahthat could be done with a simple BZDB var.... but someone would have to make the tutorial
17:26.52blast007another objective is making the menu/UI more consistent with modern standards (like how we have these things called mice now)
17:27.13blast007improve in-game translations (including server messages)
17:27.18The_Noahim planning on a new menu UI, once im done with the HUD one
17:27.19blast007and then also improving the website
17:27.33The_Noahi make websites.....
17:28.18blast007we're not quite sure what we want/need for the web design yet
17:28.23blast007need to put some more thought into it
17:29.35The_Noahi can whip out a design fast, so you could look at them
17:29.40blast007the main site is a fully static site
17:30.06blast007before that, I'd like to have some needs/wants defined
17:31.53The_Noahi have a website that i could tmp host it on, and live edit it to how you like. and a plan would be nice :D
17:32.04blast007like one of the pain points right now is that it's not a responsive layout, so it doesn't look/work so great on phones, and on a 4K screen it's real tiny :)
17:32.54The_Noahoh my
17:34.22The_Noahin about 30 mins i can start
17:34.26blast007I'd want us to decide if we want a video on the front page, and where, what size, etc
17:35.14blast007I'd say for now keep working on your UI changes to the game
17:35.22blast007we can talk more about the site later
17:35.47The_Noahjust PM me any time, or ive been on here a lot too
18:05.47The_Noahso the new UI is from master, so when i finish it, is there a way to *port* it to 2.4?
18:06.31The_Noahok, ill ask you for details when i finish it
18:07.10The_Noahbut one thing i do need to know, is how do i make a new options menu?
18:07.51blast007copy an existing menu and edit it
18:08.00blast007they're a bit... complicated
18:08.19blast007our menu system's code doesn't do much hand holding and we have a lot of duplication of effort in each menu
18:09.10The_Noahdo i need to edit any makefiles or anything like that?
18:09.33blast007if you add files, you have to add them to the, and then re-run and configure
18:09.53The_Noahin src/bzflag, or in the root? the makefile i need to edit
18:10.11blast007in whatever directory you're adding a file
18:10.18blast007each should have their own
18:10.20The_Noahok, and thats it?
18:11.02blast007you'll have to modify other code to make them *use* those new files, but adding them to the build is as easy as that
18:11.13The_Noahok thanks!
18:11.20The_Noaha lot easyer then i thought :)
18:11.42blast007(there are also two other build systems, but we can fix those up - we don't expect everyone to have three operating systems)
18:24.28The_Noahdoes the current website have any PHP?
18:24.46blast007the page does not, but everything else is
18:25.02The_Noahwould you want to have it?
18:25.09blast007the page is *generated* with PHP though, and then I upload the resulting files
18:25.32blast007I don't know what I'd want it to have - it needs to be discussed :)
18:25.49blast007oh, sorry, read that wrong
18:26.01blast007no, I don't want the page to use PHP
18:26.35blast007I switched it to static pages so that it requires fewer resources or could be put onto a content delivery network
18:26.54The_Noahi see
18:26.55blast007I want the landing page for BZFlag to be able to handle being on the front page of HackerNews, for instance :)
18:27.18The_Noahi HATE slow loading pages
18:27.25The_Noahand i see sooo many
18:28.11blast007the previous version of the site did use PHP, though I think I was using mvcish (my minimal PHP framework) so it wasn't too bad
18:28.37blast007right now I'm trying to motivate myself to learn CakePHP, which I want to use for a new player portal
18:28.40The_Noahis PHP that bad?
18:28.56The_Noahwhats CakePHP?
18:29.37blast007a framework for making websites in PHP
18:30.20The_Noahi need to learn that, i just use normal PHP
18:30.32blast007there's quite a few frameworks out there
18:30.46blast007Symfony, Laravel, Silex, Slim, etc
18:31.13blast007ever used the Twig template engine?
18:31.33The_Noahi just use Apache and PHP
18:31.36blast007it's pretty slick
18:32.23The_Noahsomeday, if i think ill get a job in web development, i might learn some other stuff
18:32.28The_Noahright now, its just a hobby
18:32.51blast007it's mostly a hobby for me too  :)
18:33.12The_Noahlooks interesting
18:33.30The_Noaheverything i do is a hobby, basically
18:43.15JeffMwhat is your job right now?
18:44.00The_Noahi cant tell, im sorry
18:44.19JeffMthat means you are a student
18:45.00The_Noahive had problems in the past when ive told people my job
18:45.34JeffMyeah I wouldn't want to be the whitehouse press correspondent ether.
18:49.08The_NoahOptionsMenu.cxx:63:3: error: ‘hudOptions’ was not declared in this scope    hudOptions = label = new HUDuiLabel; | i dont see a place where i declare it
18:49.39JeffMwhy 2 equals?
18:50.01The_Noahthats what others are in the code, so i just copied it
18:50.37blast007you have to define hudOptions somewhere
18:50.53The_Noahbut where? i dont see where other options are defined
18:51.01blast007look in OptionsMenu.h
18:51.09blast007the other items are defined there
18:51.14JeffMthey are members
18:52.32The_Noahthanks, i dont know how i missed that
18:53.00JeffMare you using a C++ aware text editor? something that can jump to definition and stuff?
18:53.14The_Noahi dont think so
18:53.18The_Noahim using nano :D
18:53.19JeffMyou probalby should
18:53.21JeffMoh god
18:53.37The_Noahis geany?
18:54.33blast007best one I've found for Linux was QtCreator
18:54.51JeffMwhen I have to use linux I've been ok with KDeV
18:55.06JeffMbut I also like integrated debugers
18:55.10blast007which is probably another good option, at least if you're using KDE
18:55.51blast007is it called KDeV?
18:56.16blast007ah, KDevelop
18:56.27The_Noahsome day i want to find a really good editor for Windows and Linux, but im very picky and prob will never find one :(
18:56.37The_Noahunless i make it, which ive tried.....
18:56.44JeffMVisual Studio
18:56.50blast007there's a big difference between an editor and an integrated development environment
18:57.00JeffMVisual Studio Code is very nice on all platforms.
18:57.08The_Noahto bulky
18:57.15blast007code?  no it isn't
18:57.16JeffMcode is very light weight
18:57.21JeffMit's not full VS
18:57.30blast007Visual Studio Code is based on Atom, iirc
18:57.30JeffMit's a lightweight editor only component
18:57.49blast007which use bloated web technologies and license breaking runtimes
18:57.52JeffMdon't be biased because microsoft made it :)
18:58.16The_Noahthe title image in master says "v2.4.11"
18:58.26JeffMmaster is not branch
18:58.38blast007yeah, we don't worry about that until close to a release
18:58.42The_Noahim new to Github
18:58.51The_Noahjust thought i would let you know :)
18:59.00JeffMmaster is bzflag. 2.6, or what will become it.
18:59.04blast007we may end up just making the version number get added with code instead of baking it into the texture
18:59.14JeffMyeah it's not that hard to do.
19:00.39The_Noahnow i just have to do a lot of copy-pasting......
19:04.35The_Noahin an options menu, when you set the values, do you need the { } with the case? example: case 'e': { code; break; } or case 'e': code; break;
19:04.46The_Noahbecause some have them and some dont
19:05.24JeffMyou need the { if the case allocates a local variable
19:05.31JeffMit's always ok to put in the {
19:05.36The_Noahok thanks
19:06.12The_Noahwould it be better if i take them away if there not needed?
19:06.23JeffMbut case 'e': int i = 0; break; will throw an error it has to be case 'e':{int i =0; break;}
19:06.45JeffM"better" is subjective
19:07.28blast007if you're doing it for some, you might as well just make it consistent
19:07.30The_Noahim just deleting them
19:07.51The_Noahnow to make sure it doesnt crash again!
19:07.53JeffMI'd not change unrelated code to your patch.
19:07.59The_Noahim not
19:08.02The_Noahjust in my new code
19:08.02blast007JeffM: it's a new menu
19:08.02JeffMit makes your merge more messy
19:08.19The_NoahNO! ERRERS@
19:11.26The_Noahthe menu works!
19:18.21The_Noahso i need an option to be "Off, Normal, Advanced", and it stored as a 0, 1, or 2, (in that order) but in a menu i found how its done, but it uses multiple vars, is there a way to use just 1?
19:18.56blast007store it as an int (integer) instead of two bools
19:19.13blast007there should be plenty of examples of that.  check the GUI options menu
19:19.30blast007the sliders are gonna store that way
19:23.33The_Noahgot it, thanks!
19:25.06The_Noahnow to the HUD UI part.....
19:26.21The_Noahis in the HUD, it checks the values of a few BZDB vars, should i BZDB cache those, or but them in a local var, or just leave it?
19:26.28The_Noahthe new HUD
19:29.39JeffManything you check per frame should be cached.
19:30.21The_NoahBZDB cached or local var?
19:30.31JeffMI'd use the BZDB cache
19:30.41JeffMit's faster than doing a single eval
19:30.49blast007if the local var is in a function, it doesn't stick around longer that the execution of that function
19:30.58The_Noahso i dont look through code, do you know off the top of your head how to BZDB cache?
19:31.06The_Noahi know
19:31.54blast007src/common/BZDBCache.cxx  and  include/BZDBCache.h, probably
19:31.58JeffMbut calling eval once per frame is slower than the BZDB cache
19:32.10JeffMthe cache only calls eval when it changes
19:32.25JeffMbzdb is stored as strings, you don't want to parse strings all the time.
19:32.43blast007is there a reason we don't do BZDBCache for *all* of it?
19:33.26blast007just easier to add new vars without doing that?
19:36.35JeffMthe cache was added second
19:36.59JeffMin my bzdb impementation I had it always cache the parsed values.
19:37.11JeffMmy "cache" just skipps the name lookup
19:38.02The_Noahwhen 2.5 when i start a server, it works, but when i connect, it says it cant because of the version
19:38.27blast007make sure you're actually running the bzfs from the source
19:38.38blast007as in, run src/bzfs/bzfs, not just 'bzfs'
19:39.20JeffMdid you switch to the branch?
19:39.41The_Noahi ran it from inside the client
19:39.51The_NoahJeffM: what do you mean?
19:40.05JeffMwhen you cloned from SVN, did you do a switch to the 2_4 branch?
19:40.07*** join/#bzflag nadir (uid134094@gateway/web/
19:40.14The_Noahno, master branch
19:40.25JeffMthat is not compatible with 2.4
19:40.30The_Noahi know
19:40.35The_Noahi can bzfs from inside the client
19:40.52blast007don't use that
19:40.56blast007that will jsut run 'bzfs'
19:42.04The_Noahit works!
19:42.10The_Noahnow just more copy and pasting
19:55.18The_Noahso, how do i BZDB cache something?
20:01.55The_Noaherror: ‘BZDBCache::Int BZDBCache::hudCrosshair’ is not a static data member of ‘class BZDBCache’
20:19.30The_Noahwhere is BZDBCache.h?
20:22.07blast007the linux find command can come in handy, and your file browser should also have a search :)
20:24.13The_NoahBZDB cache helps a lot!
20:24.17The_Noahwith performance
20:29.20The_Noahthe BZDB cached var doesnt update when the BZDB var is changed....
20:29.35blast007did you set up a callback for it?
20:31.31blast007what did you do to add the callback?
20:31.52The_Noahelse if (name == "hudCrosshair")     hudCrosshair = BZDB.evalInt("hudCrosshair");
20:32.12The_NoahBZDB.addCallback("hudCrosshair", clientCallback, NULL);
20:32.46blast007hmm, that should be enough
20:32.55The_Noahi think i found the problem, let me check
20:34.24The_Noahwhen i was reading the cache into a var, that var was a bool, but now its an int and it still doesnt work
20:34.55The_Noahwas: const bool hudCrosshair = (int)BZDBCache::hudCrosshair; now: const int hudCrosshair = (int)BZDBCache::hudCrosshair; still doesnt work......
20:37.11The_Noahfixed! the BZDB var got reset to its default which was making it do what it was doing
20:37.58blast007there's also somewhere you have to modify to make variables get saved in the config
20:38.07blast007BZDBDefaults or similar
20:39.08The_Noahya i know
20:40.18The_Noahi guess whenever you compile, it reset the defaultBZDB
20:42.12blast007we may not have changed master to use a different config directory, so if you ran a 2.4 client, it might have wiped way the 2.5 settings
20:44.31The_Noahi just compiled it again, and it reset one of my settings i set in 2.5
20:44.56blast007you mean it reset them in your config file?
20:45.05blast007because compiling doesn't touch your config file
20:45.57The_Noahi run 2.5 client, change a setting and save. i compile 2.5 cleint. i run 2.5 client, and the setting is the default
20:46.14blast007try it again without the compile step
20:49.03The_Noahheres what happend. i ran it, changed the setting, and hit F12. i run the client again, and the setting is default. i change it, click save settings, and hit F12. i run it again, and the setting is saved
20:50.31The_Noahoh no, if you open the client, go into the options menu, then it doesnt matter what i do, if i hit F12, i get: Segmentation fault (core dumped)
20:50.39The_Noahif I open*
20:50.58The_Noahthats why it wouldnt save on exit
20:51.43blast007ooo, now you get to learn about debugging :)
20:52.13The_Noahbut i didnt change anything about exiting, and i know how to debug, ive done it A TON!!!
20:52.41blast007do you know how to build a debug client?
20:53.33blast007you have to run configure again, and pass it --enable-debug
20:53.45blast007so, ./configure --enable-debug
20:53.48blast007then run make again
20:54.21blast007then you can run the client through gdb, get it to crash, and get a backtrace
20:54.50blast007depending on the kind of memory access issue you've created, it might give you unreliable information, though
20:54.53The_Noahwhen i dont want debug, do i --disable-debug? and whats gdb?
20:55.04blast007gdb is a debugger
20:55.19The_Noahand i have to run it through there?
20:55.42blast007when you say "i know how to debug, ive done it A TON!!!", do you mean you've done a lot of 'echo' in PHP?
20:56.05The_Noahno, i know a lot more then PHP.
20:56.23The_Noahi really havnt use C(++) alot
20:56.54The_Noahso, not "error that doesnt help" debugging
20:57.27blast007that's usually how I debug my PHP, at least :)
20:57.39The_Noahme too :D
20:57.41blast007never had much success with things like XDebug
20:58.10The_Noahdo i have to run BZFlag through gdb to get the debug info?
20:58.48blast007you don't *have* to, but it's the easiest way
20:59.12blast007(otherwise you have to make sure that your ulimit for coredumps is set high enough, and then load the coredump into gdb)
20:59.29The_Noahum ok
20:59.52The_Noahhow long does it normally take YOU to compile BZ/
21:00.24blast007my laptop is probably 5 to 10 minutes, some of my desktops are probably closer to 2 minutes
21:00.42The_Noahme, about 10-15
21:00.55The_Noahthis is gonna take a while
21:01.00blast007I do have an SSD and 8GB RAM in my laptop though
21:01.06blast007and probably ccache
21:01.38The_Noahi have an old HDD and 4GB
21:01.46blast007is it a dual-core processor?  if so, you could run 'make -j3'
21:02.05The_Noahwhile im waiting.....
21:03.33The_Noahoh, i never knew that
21:03.37The_Noahtoo late now
21:03.43The_Noahill have to remember that
21:03.47blast007you could ctrl+C it and run make -j3
21:03.51blast007it'll pick up where it left off
21:04.19The_Noahdid you look at the link i sent?
21:04.36The_Noahdo you like it, its basically nothing right now
21:05.21The_Noahi didnt change this!!!!! SceneRenderer.cxx:47:13: error: ‘int strrncmp(const char*, const char*, int)’ defined but not used [-Werror=unused-function]  static int  strrncmp(const char* s1, const char* s2, int num)
21:05.39blast007eh, that might be something on our end
21:05.55blast007compiling in debug mode treats warnings as errors
21:05.58The_Noahlet me try without -j3
21:06.03blast007no, it's not the -j3
21:06.14The_Noahso what should i do?
21:06.37blast007edit that file and comment out the entire 'int strrncmp(const char*, const char*, int)' function
21:06.48blast007and then make -j3 again
21:07.21blast007you may have a newer version of GCC than I do and that might be a newer warning
21:08.14The_Noahgcc version 5.4.0 20160609 (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.5)
21:09.14blast007hmm, guess I'm on 6.3.0 here
21:09.14The_Noahdo you like: ?
21:10.12JeffMwhy would you make the icon look worse?
21:10.22The_Noahits modern
21:10.30The_Noahgdb ./src/bzflag/bzflag - i just get a (gdb) prompt
21:10.33JeffMno it's worrse :)
21:10.38blast007it.. looks a bit more like Windows 3.1
21:10.53The_Noahother people like it
21:10.59The_Noahand im not saying names
21:11.04blast007I don't think art will be the hardest part of the site
21:11.13JeffMother people are silly, I've always said that
21:11.24blast007the responsive layout will be the most challenging part
21:11.28The_Noahits 4K!
21:11.33blast007The_Noah: have you done responsive design before?
21:11.37JeffMyour mom is 4K ;)
21:11.44The_Noahi just had to put a icon and thats what i had
21:12.07The_Noahif i understand you correctly, then yes
21:12.51blast007responsive design uses media queries to apply different CSS rules depending on various factors like the resolution of the browser window
21:13.41blast007and there will probably be some use of flexbox to make things flow differently depending on the resolution
21:15.04blast007The_Noah: as for gdb, once you get to that gdb shell, you can type 'run -window 640x480'
21:15.05The_Noahhow do i debug the segmentation fault?
21:15.23JeffMwith a debugger
21:15.25blast007and you may want to turn off mouse grab
21:15.43The_Noahok.... now what
21:15.47blast007I can't remember if, on linux, it will continue to capture your mouse if it pauses the program in the debugger
21:15.54blast007is the client running?
21:15.56JeffMit will
21:16.04JeffMthe ungrab was for windows only
21:16.04blast007if so, quit the client and see if it crashes
21:16.12JeffMhence it's named Win32NoGrab or something
21:16.30The_Noahit wont quit, now its not responding
21:16.38blast007check the debugger
21:16.49blast007does it say there was a segfault there?
21:16.51The_NoahThread 1 "bzflag" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. __GI___libc_free (mem=0xffffffff) at malloc.c:2951 2951malloc.c: No such file or directory.
21:16.59blast007okay, now type 'bt'
21:17.23blast007(that will give you a backtrace that shows the start to end of the execution path, ending where it crashed)
21:17.39blast007or maybe it starts with the end, I forget :)
21:17.50The_Noah#0  __GI___libc_free (mem=0xffffffff) at malloc.c:2951 #1  0x0000000000490389 in HUDuiLabel::~HUDuiLabel (this=0x2bffca0,      __in_chrg=<optimized out>) at HUDuiLabel.cxx:37 #2  0x00000000004903ca in HUDuiLabel::~HUDuiLabel (this=0x2bffca0,      __in_chrg=<optimized out>) at HUDuiLabel.cxx:41 #3  0x00000000004788e9 in HUDDialog::~HUDDialog (this=0x3a3f640,      __in_chrg=<optimized out>) at HUDDialog.cxx:29 #4  0x00000000004b118c i
21:18.22The_Noah#5  0x00000000004b11bc in OptionsMenu::~OptionsMenu (this=0x3a3f640,      __in_chrg=<optimized out>) at OptionsMenu.cxx:117 #6  0x00000000004aa18f in MainMenu::~MainMenu (this=0x2c15080,      __in_chrg=<optimized out>) at MainMenu.cxx:113 #7  0x00000000004aa214 in MainMenu::~MainMenu (this=0x2c15080,      __in_chrg=<optimized out>) at MainMenu.cxx:116 #8  0x00000000005651f6 in startPlaying (_display=0xa3acb0, renderer=...)     at pl
21:18.30The_Noahthats most of it
21:18.32blast007if you need to paste multiple lines, use a pastebin - easier to read
21:18.47The_Noahoh, whats a pastebin?
21:18.53The_Noahis that that one website?
21:19.16blast007but see jump #5?  that's in the options menu.  so you may be doing something wrong with the creation or destruction of your extra menu.
21:20.00blast007I guess #4 is also in the options menu
21:20.03JeffMit's freeing a bad point to aUI label
21:20.14JeffMmy guess is something isn't inited to nulptr
21:20.23JeffMor leftover from the code he copied and pasted.
21:21.06JeffM__GI___libc_free (mem=0xffffffff) at malloc.c:2951 == badness
21:21.42The_Noahln 107: OptionsMenu::~OptionsMenu() | ln 117: }
21:23.21The_Noahso whats wrong?
21:25.59blast007JeffM: would it be a bad label he's adding into the list?  or a double free?
21:27.31blast007The_Noah: what is line 107 in your src/bzflag/OptionsMenu.cxx?  probably where you delete your HUD options menu?
21:28.28blast007what about 117?
21:29.00blast007you sure?
21:29.41The_Noahline 110: delete hudOptionsMenu;
21:31.43blast007would you throw your OptionsMenu.cxx and your new menu up on ?
21:32.12blast007(if you're logged into github, you can delete the gist later if you want)
21:32.28The_Noahill try
21:36.09The_Noahdo you need the header files?
21:38.34blast007whatever the problem is, it's not immediately jumping out at me
21:40.44The_NoahJeffM: have any idea whats wrong?
21:45.44The_Noahwhats "nulptr"?
21:46.38The_Noahwhat ever
21:46.44The_Noah"my guess is something isn't inited to nulptr"
21:47.19*** join/#bzflag bertman (~bert@unaffiliated/bertman)
21:47.20JeffMyou know NULL in C?
21:47.38JeffMnullptr is the C++11 version of that
21:48.11The_NoahguiOptionsMenu(NULL), hudOptionsMenu(NULL), etc.
21:48.16JeffMbasilcy you have a pointer to uniniizled memory that is being freeed
21:48.42JeffMwhat members do you have in the header?
21:48.45The_Noahdid you look at my gist?
21:49.08The_Noahthe header file?
21:49.25The_NoahGUIOptionsMenu*guiOptionsMenu;   HUDOptionsMenu* hudOptionsMenu;   EffectsMenu*effectsMenu;   CacheMenu*cacheMenu;   SaveWorldMenu*saveWorldMenu;   InputMenu*inputMenu;   AudioMenu*audioMenu;   DisplayMenu*displayMenu;
21:49.35JeffMyour destructor is empty, so it must be an automatic deallocation
21:50.36JeffMdid you leave a bunch of members from the menu you copied laying around?
21:50.52The_Noahin my new menu?
21:51.00JeffMin the header for the new file
21:51.41JeffMwhen does options get deallocated?
21:51.50The_Noahwhat do you mean?
21:52.13JeffMahh it's a reference to the list
21:52.52JeffMwell it's dying while trying to free a bad pointer
21:53.17JeffMif it was on my machine I'd set a breakpoint in the destructor and step until it dies.
21:53.26The_Noahbut its the same as all the other code, just renamed
21:53.38The_Noahhow do i do that?
21:53.40JeffMthat doesn't mean it doesn't have a bug
21:53.48JeffMI don't know how to set breakpoints in GCC
21:53.50The_Noahi know
21:54.14JeffMfor me, I click and press F9 and then F5 and it all just works
21:57.25The_Noahso when it tries to delete the var, it cant because its NULL?
21:58.09JeffMno it can't because it's random garbage memory
21:58.13JeffMit was not set to NULL
21:58.20JeffMthat's the 0xFFFFFFF part
21:58.29The_Noahoh ok
21:58.36JeffMthe debugger inits all memory to a known value so it can trap this exact case.
21:58.40JeffMin release it'd be random memory
22:01.01The_Noahso why is this happening?
22:08.54JeffMthat's what you 'll have to find out
22:09.18The_Noahwell, if you get any ideas on how to fix it, just let me know
22:09.19JeffMthat's part of develping, digging into cases and finding out what's going on
22:09.30The_Noahyay :\
22:10.03JeffMI don't have the code to debug so I can't offer any more assistance than what was shown in that callstack.
22:10.09The_Noahi know what im going to be doing for a long time
22:10.22The_Noahdid you see my Gist?
22:10.32JeffMthat's not all the code and it's not in a debuggable state
22:10.42JeffMthat's a snippet
22:10.42The_Noahshould i update my fork with the code?
22:11.04JeffMgeneraly people don't push known broken code.
22:11.26The_Noahshould i do it to a different branch?
22:11.36JeffMthat could be one method
22:11.50The_Noahok, ill make one called broken
22:11.53JeffMI am not sure what the GIT method is for letting someone else clone your local repo
22:12.03The_Noahits not local
22:12.17JeffMhave you commited and pushed?
22:12.25The_Noahim going to know
22:12.37The_Noahgive me a min, im new to Github
22:12.37JeffMif you push I can clone it
22:13.31The_Noahhow can i push it to a new branch?
22:13.43blast007you could just push it to master
22:13.50The_Noahok, i will
22:14.06blast007otherwise you would need to make the branch, commit it to that branch, and push that branch
22:14.33blast007(which is probably the *right* way, but.. I'm new to github too)  :)
22:15.02JeffMwell there SHOULD be a way in GIT for me to pull from his local repo.
22:15.12JeffMbut that may require access I don't have
22:15.29JeffMI thoiught that's how code reviews were supposed to work
22:15.32blast007he'd have to be serving his repo to the net
22:15.37JeffMyeah maybe
22:15.42JeffMBulletCatcher would know ;)
22:15.50blast007it'd still require that he commited stuff though :)
22:16.11JeffMcommited but not pushes
22:16.26JeffMmaybe there is a way to package up a set of commits into a file
22:16.28blast007I'd say about 50% of my time with git is renaming a broken clone and doing clean clones :P
22:17.19JeffMhow does one duplicate the crash?
22:18.00The_Noahcompile it, run it, go to the options menu, then exit
22:21.12JeffMworks fine
22:21.45The_Noahno segmentation fault?
22:21.47JeffMyou added files?
22:21.57The_Noaha new menu
22:22.05JeffMwhat files were added?
22:22.29The_Noahsrc/src/HUDOptionsMenu.(cxx and h)
22:22.54JeffMhang on, I'm in the wrong branch
22:22.55blast007you checked out the debug branch, JeffM?
22:22.58blast007heh :)
22:23.29The_Noahblast: could you make the segmentation fualt?
22:23.51The_Noahor have you not tried :)
22:24.35JeffMhe probalby can't build at work
22:25.23The_Noahblast, your chatting at work?
22:25.33The_Noahi thought his work has BZFlag :)
22:27.53blast007mine is building right now
22:31.43JeffM2.5 doesn't build on windows.
22:32.20The_Noahthats sad....
22:32.24The_Noahwhy not?
22:32.32JeffMpng header locations
22:33.02blast007do you have the latest deps?
22:33.17JeffMI have the deps that work for 2.4
22:33.30blast007needs the master branch bzflag-dependencies
22:33.50JeffMand of course they both use the same environment variable?
22:34.11blast007yeah, but the master deps should still work for 2.4
22:34.21blast007I've not taken anything away, just added libpng
22:34.53JeffMis there a binary package?
22:35.09blast007no - want me to make one quick?
22:35.19JeffMif you want me to debug his thing :)
22:35.40The_Noahblast007: DO IT!! :D
22:42.19JeffMblehh bitshifts for divides
22:46.31JeffMwhy make warnings as errors if you arn't going to fix the warnings?
22:47.49blast007is Windows treating warnings as errors?
22:48.04JeffMand there are a TON of type cast warnings
22:49.39JeffMit's the 7th index into your element list
22:50.21JeffMoh wait that's right
22:50.25JeffMI recend my HAHAHAHAAH
22:51.14The_Noahoh ok
22:51.30JeffMthere is a hudUI label with an invalid params
22:51.58JeffM"cache settings"
22:52.17The_Noahwhat file?
22:52.34JeffMyour file
22:52.56The_Noahwhat line?
22:53.19JeffMwhat where you init it?
22:53.45JeffMthe one  you name Cache Settings
22:53.49JeffMtake that out it works fine.
22:54.03blast007isn't that a standard menu?
22:54.11JeffMit's in his code
22:54.37JeffMoh no it's regular options menu
23:05.46blast007it's the resize
23:06.04blast007you added an item, but you didn't bump up the value of i in three spots
23:06.47blast007line 178 should be 7 and 9 instead of 6 and 8
23:07.00blast007and line 186 should be setting i to 8 instead of 7
23:08.26blast007JeffM: am I correct in thinking that the setIndex on the HUDuiLabel casted to a HUDuiList was borking some memory in the label?
23:09.43The_Noahits fixed!!
23:09.46The_Noahthanks blast!
23:10.12blast007JeffM: also, in Visual Studio 2015, I don't get any warnings when building master
23:10.15JeffMthis is why a third party lib is better :)
23:10.26JeffMblast007: debug or release?
23:10.34JeffMI did
23:10.37JeffMin 32 bit
23:10.38blast007you using 2017?
23:10.55blast007that wasn't his fork though
23:15.10JeffMyeah the fixed index stuff is what makes the menu stuff super fragile
23:15.36blast007the warnings were from his fork
23:15.49JeffMhe probalby moded GL code
23:16.00JeffMit was a lot of float/int casting in GL code.
23:17.09blast007102 warnings :)
23:17.17JeffMquality coding
23:17.35blast007(possibly more, because I didn't add the new files)
23:18.34blast007is the solution to explicitly cast them to GLFloat?
23:18.51JeffMor use the int GL funcitons
23:18.56The_Noahi get 0 warnings....
23:19.04blast007The_Noah: this is in Visual Studio 2015
23:19.09JeffMbut yeah if it's float math, you need to do it wtih flows
23:19.15JeffMThe_Noah: your compiler isn't strict
23:19.52The_Noahso, do i need to change stuff?
23:19.53JeffMyou mixed a bunch of int and float math
23:20.00JeffMdo it all as floats
23:20.09JeffMassigning an int to a float can loose data
23:20.18JeffMso that's a warning
23:20.30JeffMether do the math as floats or cast the ints to floats
23:20.36blast007HUDRenderer.cxx is the source of all the warnings
23:20.51JeffMa float can't hold the exact same data as an int
23:20.59The_Noahso set everything to floats, even if there ints?
23:21.03JeffMthere are rounding changes.
23:21.06blast007for instance, like 839, there's a warning about the conversion from int to GLfloat
23:21.19JeffMif the funciton takes a float, do the math as a float
23:21.23blast007glVertex2f takes two floats, not two ints
23:21.47The_Noahwhat line?
23:21.53JeffM102 of them
23:21.55JeffMthey are all over
23:22.01blast007line 839, I meant
23:22.31blast007if you divide an int by 2, does it convert that to a float?  or does it round up/down to the nearest integer value?
23:22.32The_Noahso cast to floats, or set them as floats?
23:22.53JeffMit just has to be a float before it goes into the funciton
23:22.58JeffMor before an assignment to a float
23:23.10JeffMyou just can't let the compiler autobox it
23:23.27The_Noahi use gcc, is there a way to make it give me all these warnings?
23:23.46blast007fm.drawString also takes two float values for position, not two ints, which you have wrong on line 852
23:24.07blast007I don't know if there's a way to make gcc throw a warning on those
23:24.37The_Noahfor example, will 1.3f + 1 return a float?
23:25.06blast007we're already passing this to gcc: -Wall -Wextra -Wcast-qual -Wredundant-decls -Wshadow -Wundef -pedantic
23:25.07The_Noahso should i change 1 to 1.0f, or is it fine?
23:25.07JeffMbut int/2 + int won't
23:25.35JeffMgetting any floats into the math should kick it into  float retursn
23:26.10The_Noahok, so should i change it or is it fine? 1.3f + 1
23:26.25JeffMthat line would not give an error
23:26.32JeffMunless it was being passed into an int function
23:27.26The_Noahwell, ill turn my ints to floats, thanks
23:27.40blast007The_Noah:   (the number at the end of each line is the line number)
23:28.39The_Noahok thanks
23:32.59JeffMYou may want to setup a windows build system, it is the OS that most clients run
23:34.30The_Noahi cant
23:34.53The_Noahi was thinking if i need to build on Windows, i can just ask someone :D
23:36.08JeffMwhy can't you?
23:37.03The_Noahgotta go, bye
23:52.18blast007iirc, he said the PC running Windows wasn't his, so he probably doesn't want to (or can't) install Visual Studio
23:52.30JeffMaww it's his mons

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