IRC log for #bzflag on 20171221

00:01.56blast007the last argument passed to the client can be username@hostname:port
00:02.20blast007(can probably include a password too, but I imagine that shows up in the process list)
00:02.55JeffMI just wanted it to make debugging faster
00:33.43macsformeblast007: interesting... initially I was envisioning just a GitHub issue with checkboxes, but that looks like it might be tidier as far as having a list that anyone can add to and check things off from
00:38.22macsforme("it" being GitHub Projects)
00:47.10macsformeI don't know what to think about using a GUI library... I personally envision the game always having a somewhat minimalistic GUI, but I suppose having a GUI library doesn't mean you're required to use all it's features
00:47.18macsformeit would be interesting to see some experiments
00:52.28macsformeas far as transitioning to a higher OpenGL version, I would really like to see us on GL 3+, but I believe we will run into the core/compatibility profiles issue during the (possibly long-lasting) transition
00:57.29macsformeon macOS at least, I believe the highest version of a compatibility profile we can get is OpenGL 2.1, meaning we can't use OpenGL 3+ features... and we will need the compatibility profile for as long as we have code that uses deprecated OpenGL features
00:59.51macsformeso we may want to target OpenGL 2.x next, which will give us shader features alongside the fixed-function pipeline, and then later on it should be much less difficult to upgrade to OpenGL 3.x once everything is transitioned to using shaders
00:59.55blast007guess it depends on how much effort it would take to improve our existing UI system
01:00.16blast007I'd like the server to be able to generate dialogs
01:00.36blast007so that almost requires something that has automatic widget layout
01:01.27blast007right now, each menu does it's own element positioning
01:04.03macsformeare you envisioning more than one dialog on the screen at a time?
01:04.19blast007I don't know
01:04.53blast007probably not multiple modal
01:05.40blast007At minimum, I think we'd want to implement actual sliders (so that you can drag something with a mouse), text boxes that can scroll and be edited from the middle, multi-line labels (to ease translations) that automatically wrap, mouse support, buttons with text and/or image, and mouse support.
01:06.39blast007oh, and automatic layouts (grid?  panels?  tab panes?)
01:07.25blast007probably want to make our current "list" items also have either a drop down, or arrows on either side to change the value
01:08.23blast007The "nice to have" features would be checkboxes/radiobuttons, tooltips, numeric spinners, and progress bars.
01:20.46*** join/#bzflag infobot (
01:20.46*** topic/#bzflag is || || || Channel Logs: || 2.4.12 released!
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01:21.17JeffMdo you want the entire end user GUI configurable by some kind of layout tool on the client end?
01:23.07blast007wasn't considering that
01:23.37blast007I just really want server-definable dialogs :)
01:23.42JeffMhow compilcated are your dialogs?
01:24.24JeffMare they simple categories of things like Text, Text with picture, text with choices, etc? or do you need full HTML style layouts?
01:24.50blast007well, once example would be the team selector.  That might be a 3 x 2 grid of panels, each with a button to join (grayed/crossed out if full), with a label below it and a current/max count below that.
01:25.22JeffMsure, but will you ever need any variants of that
01:25.32JeffMteam selector could be a standard category
01:25.46JeffMHOW server definable do they need to be?
01:29.22blast007initially I was coding it to just be a list of widgets it'd display from top to bottom
01:29.59blast007(and then buttons at the bottom)
01:30.17JeffMbasic anchoring is easy too.
01:30.41JeffMthen it sounds like you don't need a GUI kit, but some dialog drawing code.
01:31.06blast007but that was just my initial test too
01:31.27blast007I never got that working 100% and gutted it out
01:31.56JeffMI have some C# raw GL drwing code that does dialog like console displays for a starship game
01:35.02JeffMit's very configuratable, does input handling, has widgets for sliders, buttons, checkboxes, text entry, etc..
01:35.08JeffMand does anchoring and scaling
01:35.49JeffMit should be protable to C++/11 pretty easy
01:36.04blast007k, so that might be one additional option
01:36.20JeffMand it draws "bzflag style" with out shaders :)
01:41.06blast007other options to look at would be MyGUI (little documentation, and missing the MyGUI_OpenGLImageLoader.h from builds - unclear if that's a big deal), TurboBadger (hasn't had an update since July 2016, no releases - could possibly fork it), GLUI ( ), AGAR ( ), and nui3 ( )
01:41.27blast007GLUI and nui3 I don't recall if I've seen any samples of
01:42.22blast007and I don't know if any besides MyGUI are already packaged for the linuxes (though as mentioned, it's missing a header file, so it might not build with their -dev package anyway)
01:42.50JeffMthe question becomes if you use a gui system why not use it for ALL gui and menus?
01:44.03blast007oh I'd want to replace our menus as well, it's not *just* for in-game dialogs
01:44.20blast007the HUD as well, at least the text parts of it
01:44.37JeffMthen the HUD parts are just more widgets
01:44.55blast007yeah, those are mostly just labels though
01:46.10JeffMradar and scoreboard are pretty custom
01:47.06JeffMoh god, this draws it's own fonts
01:47.08JeffMstay away
01:47.52JeffMit could probalby be extended to use FTGL
01:48.04blast007which are you referring to?
01:48.06JeffMit's got these controls,
01:48.09JeffMthe crap I wrote
01:48.23blast007Turbobadger is still one I keep going back to
01:48.41blast007it supports three font renderers, including Freetype
01:48.42JeffMmy setup code isn't to bad.
02:05.48*** join/#bzflag bboles_ (~quassel@2607:fcd0:100:8300:1c::a3ed)
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04:25.35JeffMFinally, a complete UDP link :)
06:19.52*** join/#bzflag Chestal_ (~thilo@
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21:43.52JeffMis the max playerID 200 or 199?
22:02.15blast007the client treats 200 and up as replay observers
22:02.29blast0070 through 199 should be valid player IDs for normal servers
22:23.34JeffMok thanks
22:23.42JeffMgot clients conecting and spawning
22:23.58JeffMjust need to pack up the UDP player update and then they should be able to drive around.
22:31.59JeffMand it doens't crash on exit :)
23:11.46*** join/#bzflag bertman (~bert@unaffiliated/bertman)
23:24.50JeffMwow, and it even build on linux...

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