IRC log for #bzflag on 20170825

00:01.23allejoand I don't think it should be up to players to encourage other players to update their clients. if anything, that should be a plug-in that says, "hey you're running an older client. time to update"
00:01.24blast007JeffM: yeah
00:02.23kierraI think yrs ago it was used by admins in win client seemed to point to cheat clients with some players
00:02.39macsformeI can probably live with the server sending the messages, although I thought the point of the design was to give someone a heads up that the info was shared, since it has some privacy implications
00:02.44kierrathough that can be spoofed
00:03.00kierraagreed, const
00:03.00blast007macsforme: no, it was a holdover from how it used it work when it wasn't a server command
00:03.17kierraprivacy issue for me :)
00:03.17blast007back in early versions, sending CLIENTQUERY to chat would make each client send that user their build string
00:03.34blast007then later we added slash commands, iirc
00:04.35blast007clientquery is literally just the build string
00:04.41*** mode/#bzflag [+o allejo] by ChanServ
00:05.19allejoi don't see how it's a privacy concern. you get: version of bzflag. what OS you're using. and what SDL version you're using
00:05.44blast007you don't even necessarily get the specific OS you're using, just the OS family
00:08.37blast007the list server uses the build string to track OS
00:09.23blast007the client itself doesn't send the message.  the server sends the message as the player.
00:10.44allejosend messages on behalf of players? no
01:27.19*** join/#bzflag Zehra (~Zehra@unaffiliated/zehra)
02:00.30*** join/#bzflag bertman (~bert@unaffiliated/bertman)
02:37.27*** join/#bzflag KaadmY (~kaadmy@unaffiliated/kaadmy)
02:38.27*** join/#bzflag Void7 (~Void7@2604:a880:1:20::1315:3001)

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