IRC log for #bzflag on 20170605

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08:57.00afreshmelonmacsforme: Yes, the problem comes back after removing.
10:19.45blast007afreshmelon: I guess the next question is, does it fail to start fullscreen with the 'set resolution' line removed both when you're running at the native resolution and a scaled resolution?
10:22.17afreshmelonOh I don't know, I don't really wanna change my resolution scaling. But I can see about it in a bit
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13:02.13afreshmelonblast007: Having scaling completely off fixes it on launch
13:03.40blast007okay, thanks
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15:27.02JeffMthink they will announce a new desktop macsforme ?
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16:23.46macsformeI'm cautiously pessimistic ;)
16:24.06macsformethanks, afreshmelon
16:43.56blast007hadn't Apple already hinted that they were going to come out with a proper mac pro again?
16:55.01JeffMthey hinted "oh down't worry we still love the desktop"
16:55.19JeffMbut that may mean "We love it so much, we were brave and killed it, here is an iOS notebook"
16:55.55macsformethey did say there will be a new mac pro, but it isn't expected until next year or later
16:56.06JeffMI bet this will all be macbooks
16:56.23JeffMMAYBE a macbook with a dock
16:56.26JeffMthey've done that before
16:56.53JeffMfirst they are going to say how great iOS is
16:57.03macsformeprobably the macbook "pro" and the ipad "pro"
16:57.33JeffM"we've removed the screen and all ports, now you interact with your computer entirely via siri"
16:57.57JeffMand by shaking your iphone
16:57.59blast007even the power port
16:58.13JeffMyou just need to subcribe to applePower
16:59.36macsformethey are probably working on wireless charging, in truth... which will be great until ten years from now when everyone has cancer from the radiation or has developed a sensitivity to electromagnetic waves
17:00.01JeffMdifferent kind of radiation
17:00.30the_map"Sorry, you aren't going to be having children. But you bought a mac, so it's probably for the best for humanity."
17:01.06the_mapmaybe in this next release you'll be able to like ... change theme
17:01.43JeffMwhy would you want to do that? they paid a designer for that one theme... it is good enough for you
17:01.44the_mapmaybe they'll come out with a sane version of Swift
17:02.03the_mapApple - Have It Our Way
17:02.06blast007wireless charging is genereally pretty wasteful too
17:02.20blast007only thing I use it for is my toothbrush :)
17:02.23the_mappff, that's nothing. the cost is wasting money
17:02.46blast007the only other device I have that support it is my HP Touchpad
17:02.54the_mapyou want a $50-100 next to worthless keyboard?
17:03.16the_mapscales back his anger against Apple
17:03.20the_mapok I'm good
17:03.31JeffMpowermat did have the best wireless charging comerical...
17:03.35macsformetheir keyboards are actually really nice
17:03.43blast007until a key comes off
17:03.44the_mapturns anger back on
17:03.55JeffMnow that they don't have  clear bucket that collects skin an hair
17:04.24blast007I'm not a fan of laptop-style keys
17:04.49JeffMyeah, not a lot of throw
17:05.02blast007they're fragile
17:05.05JeffMI also can't use anything other than a split keyboard these days
17:05.11the_mapin the latest laptop, it doesn't feel like you're hitting the keys. it's like the keys all broke before it left the factory
17:05.20the_mapso they're all already down
17:05.28blast007little bits of plastic for the hinges with TINY little hubs to old them together
17:05.36the_mapso you just push them that last little bit that the spring is trying to give
17:06.19macsformeI meant their external keyboards... I don't like their butterfly laptop keyboards either
17:06.31blast007I'm talking about their external keyboards
17:06.35the_mapit's like they made a mistake and were too embarrassed to admit it and so they went with it
17:06.45the_maptheir external keyboards are horrible too
17:06.46blast007at least the ones from our 2010-ish iMacs are laptop style keys
17:07.01JeffMI think they want a single key type for all systems
17:07.09JeffMto keep manufacturing costs down
17:07.17blast007no, I just don't want a laptop keyboard for a desktop
17:07.36JeffMwell they hate the desktop and want you to buy a laptop :)
17:07.37the_mapmaybe...they'll finally give up on that ctrl/command thing they're doing
17:07.44JeffMcleary you arn't trendy enough
17:07.55JeffMhow long is your hipster beard?
17:08.14the_mapme? or blast?
17:08.15blast007I shaved it off.  It was too mainstream.
17:09.02the_mapdid you have to ask Apple for permission first?
17:09.14JeffMno, he gave them 30%
17:09.33the_mapoohh, I wonder if they'll include a built-in package manager in this release
17:09.44JeffMit's called the apstore
17:09.45macsformeit's called the app store
17:09.49JeffMthey've had that for years
17:09.57the_mapI'm talking about something so you don't have to use brew
17:10.14JeffMwhy would they do that?
17:10.28JeffMif anything they want to make OSX more like iOS
17:10.38JeffMyou really don't understand apple do you?
17:11.00the_mapI'm trying to, but it's hard to ignore basic logic
17:11.11JeffMthey don't follow logic
17:11.15JeffMthey follow profit
17:11.30the_mapread that out loud...
17:11.42JeffMwhy do you think they keep selling a desktop PC with 4 year old hardware for a huge mark up
17:12.20the_mapbecause there are people that buy that for the logo without thinking about if it's worth anything?
17:12.35the_map"oh, it's apple. it's shiny. it's good."
17:13.59the_mapmacsforme: I'm not trying to offend you, which it probably seems like, for which I apologize. I know you're intelligent and can make your own wise decisions, and you have decided that mac is a good fit for you. I just have a lot of things against Apple.
17:14.34the_mapmacsforme: I also expect that you know enough to put the system in a good condition for developing on, like installing homebrew.
17:15.01the_mapBut I would expect that a lot of people buy it a bit blindly.
17:15.36macsformeif you didn't notice, I've been a willing participant in the ridicule lately :P
17:16.34the_mapok, just making sure I didn't cross a line :)
17:17.48JeffMblah blah blah tvOS and watchOS
17:19.44macsformemy main gripe at this point is that you would think they could make a headless desktop tower with at least the option for a dedicated GPU (even a laptop dedicated GPU) and a quad-core processor, that doesn't cost $3,000, and then keep it updated every year or two (okay really, every year doesn't seem unreasonable)
17:20.17JeffMyeah, a 1000$ desktop with no display and a GPU would sell like hotcakes
17:20.43JeffMI don't need a billion cores and a cooling system that took 100 years to design
17:20.50JeffMjust put a fan in it
17:21.18JeffMthey have no computers that take actual standard PCI-e graphics cards now do they?
17:21.42JeffMbet they come up with yet another connector/port
17:21.48blast007they really need to bring back a proper tower design for the mac pro
17:21.52JeffMThe Tsunami port!
17:21.52macsformewho needs that when you have thunderbolt? :P
17:22.11JeffMTB is PCe 1x
17:22.36JeffMwhat do they use all the CPU channels for?
17:22.53the_mapweather, news, espn
17:23.32blast007TB 3 is 4x PCIe 3.0
17:24.13blast007and 1 and 2 are both 4x PCIe 2.0
17:25.30JeffMah stil, 4x....
17:25.43macsformetoy story character watch faces... mind == blown
17:25.44JeffMand itns't it shared across all devices on the bus?
17:25.51JeffMthey are so brave
17:26.03blast007to infinity, and beyond!
17:31.30macsformeall of Apple's design compromises led me to do this:
17:32.19macsformethe eGPU is a pain to keep working with software updates and whatnot, but it's not like I have a choice with the desktop options they have right now
17:32.47blast00780% faster than Chrome... of course, it has less features too...
17:35.24macsforme"High Sierra"... someone please tell me this a joke...
17:35.31JeffMbut it supports live streaming of apple events, unlike chrome
17:35.45allejomacsforme: nope :(
17:36.00allejoomgomg apfs
17:38.16JeffMbet they don't mention openGL and stick with metal2
17:39.18blast007write an OpenGL layer on top of Metal :P
17:40.12JeffMthat is what they are supposed to friggin DO!
17:40.45blast007but I mean, it's not like anyone has to wait for them, right?  couldn't anyone do it?
17:41.07JeffMmaybe it doesn't link that way
17:43.02JeffMmeh... iMac CPU update
17:43.24JeffMmaybe that will hold them for another 5 years
17:45.49macsformeare there USB-A ports?
17:46.05blast007looked like there was
17:46.18blast007thinking it had 4 USB-A and 2 USB-C
17:46.27JeffMI think they just shoved updated hardware in the same case
17:46.37macsformegood, so they learned one thing
17:46.59macsformeno, they did add TB3
17:53.27JeffMiMac pro......
17:54.03JeffMit's a pained imac.....
17:54.25blast007do they not understand their pro users?
17:54.46Lepppseems like if your device is “space grey” then it must be new and better
17:55.31JeffMwell they put TWO fans in it
17:56.34JeffMwonder if they'll talk about the new space age hinge material that resists the massive amount of heat that comes off of the thing
17:57.13JeffMI don't think they want to make anything that sells for less than 1000$
17:57.26macsformedon't worry, they will throttle down the CPU and GPU long before that becomes an issue... too many users would complain about it being hot to the touch
17:57.50the_mapkey phrase: "sells for", not "worth"
17:58.45JeffMyep, they require you to buy one of there screens
17:58.56blast007I like how they're comparing it to a machine that you can actually upgrade
17:58.57JeffMno mini, no desktops
17:59.06blast007wonder if they'll solder in the RAM too
17:59.18JeffMthose cards are on the mobo too
17:59.26JeffMthey sell apliances
17:59.51macsformeat least it's arguably a pro machine, so now there will be something to buy
18:00.22JeffMfor those people that can deal with having the built in display
18:00.27JeffMand don't ever want to upgrade
18:00.43JeffMit'll be pro for the first year, then midrange, then just sad
18:03.31macsformewhen they cite their iOS adoption rates they forget to mention that your device bugs you every 24 hours until you update versions, and you can't disable that
18:03.50JeffMyet when MS does it, they are evil ;)
18:04.01macsformeand if you delete the update, it will just download it again the next time you're on wifi
18:04.31the_mapApple is most definitely evil too JeffM
18:04.39JeffMI'd say more evil
18:04.41macsformethere's a difference between bugging users for updates and forcibly pushing the updates out
18:05.10JeffMneeds to find a VR headset
18:05.13the_mapwait, are you talking about windows or mac, macsforme?
18:05.25blast007the difference with MS is that they also included more telemetry and ads
18:05.26macsformeI was contrasting the two
18:05.37the_map<macsforme> there's a difference between bugging users for updates and forcibly pushing the updates out
18:06.37macsformeokay to be fair, apple did also force push an update for some security issue... just once that I can remember
18:07.34the_mapno, that was a serious question
18:08.09the_mapI'm typing one handed because my other hand is involved with eating
18:08.11allejoi remember that update, it was seamless though
18:09.56macsformesome people just took issue with the concept of it
18:10.13JeffMthere are people who will take issue with ANYTHING
18:10.24blast007I take issue with you taking issue with things
18:10.41the_mapI ... don't feel like typing that much
18:10.42JeffMI'm offended by you being offended
18:10.52the_mapso I don't have an issue
18:11.09JeffMI have issues with you not having issues.
18:11.12allejoI take offense to plain red starbucks christmas cups
18:11.20blast007JeffM: but my level of offense is much higher, so it's the only one that matters
18:11.41JeffMthe GPL way is to have a problem with people who want to be more free than you :)
18:16.39JeffMwonder how many of the iOS11 features won't work until I upgrade my phone.
18:17.52JeffMcan they give me a carplay home screen that deosn't suck?
18:22.03the_mapbut then it wouldn't match any other apple product
18:22.29JeffMthe home screen built into the car is better
18:26.41macsformeso now the Maps application will tell you the speed limit... I wonder how long will it be until we have traffic hearings where they have to sort out discrepancies between what was posted and what the app said
18:27.10JeffMmy car does that now
18:27.15the_map"I'd like an impartial jury of android users"
18:31.51blast007yeah, GPS units that show posted speeds isn't new at all
18:32.01blast007the several year old Garmin I have has that
18:32.17JeffMand a bunch of third party map apps
18:32.44JeffMmy car shows in in the binnacle
18:32.52JeffMnext to the compas
18:32.55JeffMand street name
19:46.45JeffMand an echo clone...
19:46.52JeffMthat is really expensive
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20:08.22blast007depends if it does the voice processing locally or not
20:09.49blast007Alexa does it all in the cloud, so the device doesn't need much horsepower.
20:10.03blast007I'd assume the Google thing does that as well.
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20:46.24JeffMeven siri does a lot of processing in the cloud on the phone
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