IRC log for #bzflag on 20170602

00:22.08*** join/#bzflag infobot (
00:22.08*** topic/#bzflag is || || || Channel Logs: || 2.4.10 released!
00:22.08*** mode/#bzflag [+v infobot] by ChanServ
00:29.40*** join/#bzflag nadir (uid134094@unaffiliated/znadir)
00:30.02*** join/#bzflag nadir (uid134094@gateway/web/
02:42.05*** join/#bzflag I_Died_Once (~I_Died_On@unaffiliated/idiedonce/x-1828535)
06:27.46*** join/#bzflag BZnotify (~BZnotify@
06:27.46BZnotify[] 15allejo pushed 3 new commits to 06feature/api-objects: 02 148b98c50 15allejo: Add collection setup for API functions docs 1408a09f5 15allejo: Auto link to API objects from API objects 14f52328f 15allejo: Add first doc for an API function
06:27.46*** part/#bzflag BZnotify (~BZnotify@
07:01.56*** join/#bzflag BZnotify (~BZnotify@
07:01.56BZnotify[] 15allejo 04force-pushed 06feature/api-objects from 14f52328f to 145c4aecd: 02 14739f41b 15allejo: Add collection setup for API functions docs 14ca71f9c 15allejo: Auto link to API objects from API objects 145c4aecd 15allejo: Add first doc for an API function
07:01.56*** part/#bzflag BZnotify (~BZnotify@
07:36.21*** join/#bzflag afreshmelon (sid25548@gateway/web/
07:38.19afreshmelonJust wanted to ask if this is a known issue: On macOS Sierra, running the latest Mac build from the website (2.4.10) the game does not start properly. It keeps flickering and is unusable. The fix I seemed to find is putting it in windowed mode, which created issues with mouse trapping.
07:38.50afreshmelonI'm using a late 2012 MacBook Pro with macOS Sierra 10.12.5 and Retina display
07:40.34allejodoes an earlier version of bz work?
07:41.42afreshmelonIt appears to be only fullscreen mode, by the way. I can check for you.
07:41.58afreshmelonAny version suggestions? Major changes that could affect fullscreen mode?
07:43.22allejo mind giving 2.4.8 a try
07:43.30afreshmelonCertainly, one second.
07:44.43afreshmelonNo change in behavior. Windowed mode still works, fullscreen mode and launch is still glitchy and does not work.
07:45.35afreshmelonI can try to get you a recording of what it looks like.
07:45.46afreshmelonThough you'd have to endure shaky phone video.
07:48.12allejounrelated but did 2.4.8 have the same mouse trapping issues you mentioned?
07:49.58allejomacsforme would be the guy to wait around for if you'd like, if not, posting on the forums and/or github would work too
07:51.06afreshmelonIt didn't seem that way. But actually 2.4.10 didn't have them just now either.
07:51.21afreshmelonMaybe the mouse trapping was some other issue or a quirk of first time launching.
07:52.19afreshmelonIt was an issue where I'd minimize the windowed game, or iconize as it's called in settings (FN+F4). My mouse was still trapped in the BZFlag box even though the game was minimized
07:52.30afreshmelonBut it seems to have resolved itself, for now anyways.
07:56.24*** join/#bzflag BZnotify (~BZnotify@
07:56.25BZnotify[] 15allejo pushed 1 new commit to 06master: 02 14c198d81 15allejo: Add link to downloads for previous releases
07:56.25*** part/#bzflag BZnotify (~BZnotify@
08:02.01afreshmelonallejo: I've managed to fix it myself. Due to the way Retina MacBooks scale resolution, the game auto-detected a false resolution for the display.
08:02.08afreshmelonCausing it to short circuit on fullscreen.
08:02.29afreshmelonSetting the native display resolution manually after getting into windowed mode appears to have fixed any issues.
08:04.22allejowhat was the resolution being set to?
08:10.50afreshmelonThe resolution was set to 1680x1050, which is the resolution of the desktop viewport I have. For some reason Mac's don't actually set resolutions the same way Windows PC's do, at least it would appear that way.
08:11.09afreshmelonThe control panel also says, when changing display resolution "Looks like 1680x1050"
08:14.30afreshmelonThe resolutions are only scaled versions that are used to size icons correctly
08:14.41afreshmelonSo the system is basically pretending and fooled BZFlag
08:15.48allejoso 1680x1050 is the resolution of your desktop and bzflag was trying to use that as well? what did you change bzflag's resolution too? (i.e. manually)
08:17.32afreshmelonFrom my system "About my Mac" I found that the native resolution of the display is 2560 x 1600, I changed it to that and now everything works fine
08:20.20allejoohh good to know
08:21.04afreshmelonThe game offered that resolution by the way, as the first option too.
08:21.16afreshmelonSo it knew that resolution was a thing, just not that it should use it.
08:24.39allejoi wonder if that's something we can fix. i'll leave it for someone who knows that part of the code :D
08:43.43*** join/#bzflag I_Died_Once (~I_Died_On@unaffiliated/idiedonce/x-1828535)
10:45.05*** join/#bzflag bertman (~bert@unaffiliated/bertman)
11:18.21blast007wonder if that's similar to the HiDPI stuff I had to deal with on Windows
13:47.42macsformeafreshmelon: I've heard other reports of issues like that ( unfortunately, as you experienced, the issue seems to fix itself somehow so it's hard to come up with a fix
13:48.57macsformeit seems to be tied to using a scaled resolution, but people have told me if they switch to the native resolution and then back to scaled, the game starts working
13:50.07macsformedoes removing the "set resolution" line from your config make the issue occur again? I don't have a retina mac to test with
13:54.27blast007is it only with actual retina macs or do they all do the scaling thing?
14:00.00blast007like, could I hook up a 2560x1440 screen to a mac mini and get it to behave the same?
14:06.51afreshmelonmacsforme: Well it doesn't really resolve itself, but it does appear to be influenced by scaling. The fix just seems to be getting into windowed mode and manually setting the native screen resolution.
14:08.13macsformeif you take out the "set resolution" line from your config does the problem come back?
16:39.31*** join/#bzflag Zehra (~Zehra@unaffiliated/zehra)
16:48.10Zehrais there a way to search by domain in search filters?
16:49.14Zehrasince with terms... it seems to find unrelated results... and by server type... it's only finding game mode and types...
16:50.41blast007tried just typing the domain into the box without any fancy filtering options?
16:51.30Zehrabut it's not ideal typing it always
16:51.46blast007so it DOES work?
16:52.10Zehrayes, but could be improved
16:52.20blast007make your own presets
16:52.44Zehrai tried by domain and it doesn't work
16:52.58blast007I'm so confused
16:52.58Zehra(with quick filters)
16:53.13blast007but you said it worked with a filter
16:53.38Zehrathe search filter works, but quick filter doesn't work... with a domain
16:53.48blast007it's the same thing
16:53.59blast007all quick filter does it save preset filters
16:56.04blast007it's speed dial, but for filters
17:01.14Zehrai think i now figured what i'm doing wrong with filters
17:01.37the_mapdo they need to be cleaned?
17:02.01Zehrathe_map: rofl
17:02.38Zehrai've been trying to use special filters for domains in quick filter
17:03.16blast007and I'm not sure if you can mix the normal search filter with the special filtering
17:41.12*** join/#bzflag nadir (uid134094@gateway/web/
19:53.51*** join/#bzflag Leppp (
20:11.44*** join/#bzflag bertman (~bert@unaffiliated/bertman)
20:18.45*** join/#bzflag zuii (
20:51.36*** join/#bzflag nitroxis (
21:00.17*** join/#bzflag jnoob22 (~jaynewb@unaffiliated/jnoob22)
21:10.35*** join/#bzflag bertman (~bert@unaffiliated/bertman)
21:12.08*** join/#bzflag nitroxis (
22:00.46*** join/#bzflag [Gort] (~gort@unaffiliated/gort/x-9231432)
23:10.42*** join/#bzflag bertman (~bert@unaffiliated/bertman)

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.