IRC log for #bzflag on 20170427

00:19.15*** join/#bzflag infobot (
00:19.15*** topic/#bzflag is || || || Channel Logs: || 2.4.10 released!
00:19.15*** mode/#bzflag [+v infobot] by ChanServ
01:09.13*** join/#bzflag BZnotify (~BZnotify@
01:09.13BZnotify[] 15allejo created 06feature/api-events (+2 new commits): 02 14ec64f8e 15allejo: Add plug-in API documentation as a collection 141073546 15allejo: Add a dynamic PageView to show the API events+docs
01:09.13*** part/#bzflag BZnotify (~BZnotify@
01:10.30allejoblast, now sure how you intended on organizing/designing that part of the site
01:11.38spldartgonna have to bring some real old hdd's online to find this old map :(
01:15.39blast007my thought was something like documentation/* would be player documentation, and then we have subfolders for developer (people wanting to code for the game or write plugins), one for map makers (that covers the map format and related bits), and one for server hosting
01:16.40blast007so bzfs API docs could end up in /documentation/developer/bzfs_api/<apithing>.html or similar
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02:44.27allejothat sounds fine to me. Just wanted to get a wip template out there for it
03:42.30*** join/#bzflag echelon (~echelon@bzflag/player/echelon)
03:42.44echelonis there a planet-mofo channel?
03:43.23echelonsomeone on apocalypse with a 1-shot SW out ran me when i was many paces ahead of them on the radar
03:43.36echelonnot outrun, but caught up to me
03:44.19echelonit was subtle, but that shouldn't be possible
03:44.32echelonif we're going at the same speed right?
03:44.59echelonuser was "Death Tank"
04:05.22*** join/#bzflag guest3758 (bee1195f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:45.28*** join/#bzflag echelon (~echelon@bzflag/player/echelon)
05:21.13allejoechelon, ##planetmofo
05:35.59allejoblast, after thinking a bit more. how would you differentiate between api events and api functions in the URLs? or would it remain the same?
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09:59.17*** join/#bzflag echelon (~echelon@bzflag/player/echelon)
10:10.22blast007events start with an e, no?
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14:28.34allejoyea they do
14:28.46allejowas just wondering if there'd be a difference
15:40.11*** join/#bzflag BZnotify (~BZnotify@
15:40.11BZnotify[] 15allejo 04force-pushed 06feature/api-events from 141073546 to 14201f2d8: 02 14201f2d8 15allejo: Add a dynamic PageView to show the API events+docs
15:40.11*** part/#bzflag BZnotify (~BZnotify@
16:07.29blast007I'd say no difference for the URLs, but we'd have them show in in the index list separately
16:20.42*** join/#bzflag BZnotify (~BZnotify@
16:20.42BZnotify[] 15allejo pushed 1 new commit to 06master: 02 145c88276 15allejo: Standardize margin/padding spacing + merge all CSS
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16:24.01*** join/#bzflag BZnotify (~BZnotify@
16:24.01BZnotify[] 15allejo 04force-pushed 06feature/api-events from 14201f2d8 to 146fa1e37: 02 148a52299 15allejo: Add plug-in API documentation as a collection 146fa1e37 15allejo: Add a dynamic PageView to show the API events+docs
16:24.01*** part/#bzflag BZnotify (~BZnotify@
16:24.08allejothat sounds fair
16:27.09JeffMis the documentation manual?
16:29.04allejoright now, yah
16:30.23JeffMis the data part of the site repo or in a seperate database?
16:30.42allejosite repo
16:31.06allejohaven't merged into master yet
16:31.33JeffMso if I submit a pull request with a new API function, I could also do one with new docs?
16:32.29allejohaven't ported function docs yet, but yea. same practice, just add a new file in there with the appropriate data
16:32.39JeffMI mean in principle :)
16:32.48allejoyup :D
16:44.09*** join/#bzflag BZnotify (~BZnotify@
16:44.09BZnotify[] 15allejo 04force-pushed 06feature/api-events from 146fa1e37 to 14421f244: 02 1464052b5 15allejo: Add plug-in API documentation as a collection 14421f244 15allejo: Add a dynamic PageView to show the API events+docs
16:44.09*** part/#bzflag BZnotify (~BZnotify@
16:55.50*** join/#bzflag BZnotify (~BZnotify@
16:55.50BZnotify[] 15allejo pushed 1 new commit to 06master: 02 14debf67d 15allejo: Add a bottom border to some page headings
16:55.50*** part/#bzflag BZnotify (~BZnotify@
18:02.25*** join/#bzflag BZnotify (~BZnotify@
18:02.25BZnotify[] 15allejo 04force-pushed 06feature/api-events from 14421f244 to 1412e5c51: 02 149af3b74 15allejo: Add plug-in API documentation as a collection 1412e5c51 15allejo: Add a dynamic PageView to show the API events+docs
18:02.25*** part/#bzflag BZnotify (~BZnotify@
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18:07.30BZnotify[] 15allejo pushed 1 new commit to 06feature/api-events: 02 14ff36eeb 15allejo: Add syntax highlighting stylesheet
18:07.30*** part/#bzflag BZnotify (~BZnotify@
18:10.49*** join/#bzflag nadir (uid134094@gateway/web/
18:36.28*** join/#bzflag blast007 (~blast007@bzflag/developer/Blast)
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19:05.38*** join/#bzflag Zehra (~Zehra@unaffiliated/zehra)
19:11.51*** join/#bzflag BZnotify (~BZnotify@
19:11.51BZnotify[] 15allejo pushed 2 new commits to 06feature/api-events: 02 142b323ff 15allejo: Add some borders to tables 14fba4742 15allejo: Add start of developer page in docs
19:11.51*** part/#bzflag BZnotify (~BZnotify@
19:12.35Zehrai seem to have trouble compiling a plug-in
19:12.59Zehrahere's error
19:13.10Zehra"2>LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'bzfs.lib'"
19:13.35Zehrasomehow i don't seem able to compile this either
19:14.07blast007are you building from the latest source?  or trying to build against the version of BZFlag you have installed?
19:14.38Zehrai'm building from 2.4.2
19:14.48blast007that's ancient
19:15.29Zehrait seems i can't figure out how to compile later versions without issues
19:15.47Zehrai think i might have gotten 2.4.4 to compile
19:15.47blast007well you can't seem to compile this version without issues, so that's a moot point, no?
19:15.59blast007what are you using to compile?
19:16.16Zehramicrosoft visual studio
19:16.28blast007well, yeah, but which version?
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19:16.49BZnotify[] 15allejo pushed 1 new commit to 06master: 02 146ff90e4 15allejo: Fix spacing on remaining pages after CSS updates
19:16.49*** part/#bzflag BZnotify (~BZnotify@
19:17.27Zehravisual C++ 2015
19:18.47Zehrai had visual C++ 2010 on my other computer before it died
19:19.21Zehrathings seemed to compile alright on 2010
19:19.39blast007and what version of visual C++ does 2.4.2 support?
19:20.23Zehrait says 2010 from what i read
19:20.30blast007very good
19:20.38blast0072.4.10 supports 2015
19:20.54blast007so use that
19:49.41JeffMor put the .lib from the binary package in your pluign dir
19:49.53JeffMyou don't actualy NEED source to build just a plugin on windows
19:49.57JeffMjust the headers and libs
19:50.27Zehraoh ok
19:50.40JeffMbut if you do use source, always use the latest
19:51.04JeffMthe code had to change to be able to work in 2015, old stuff won't go
19:53.08blast007I should tag the dependencies for 2.4.10 and post binaries
19:53.29JeffMit'd be helpufl
19:53.58Zehrai tried compiling the dependencies
19:54.13blast007the latest master?
19:54.41blast007should work fine with 2015, then
19:54.45blast007just a double click away
19:54.55JeffMI always just used the bins you made
19:55.04Zehraeverything compiled nicely minus SDL2
19:56.01Zehrai ran the bat file according to the readme
20:02.42JeffMwhat does your plugi do?
20:03.06Zehrait will be mostly a shortcut for a few commands
20:03.25Zehrai'm trying to start with something basic that should work
20:03.58Zehraand work on more advanced concepts from there
20:04.26Zehraas i'm still trying to learn C++ and write one at the same time
21:39.37*** join/#bzflag sk8 (49363b89@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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22:16.53*** join/#bzflag Kaelten (Kaelten@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/WoWIFA/CurseStaff/kaelten)
22:47.00Zehrai might have a plug-in released in a few days =)
22:47.56JeffMwil it build on linux?
22:49.41Zehrai think so
22:50.25Zehrai'll have to make some tests and see if it works well
22:56.44JeffMso you go it building on linux?
22:56.48JeffMsorry windows
22:57.48Zehrai think it's simple enough to cross compile on both platforms
22:58.25JeffMit isn't setup to build a linux version on windows
22:58.29JeffMnor vice versa
22:59.01Zehrait doesn't seem to require any windows dependencies
22:59.19JeffMlinux uses .so file not a dll
22:59.23JeffMthey are different binary formats
22:59.58JeffMthe windows ness is buried in some macro code, exports and imports
22:59.58Zehrai could post the completed .cpp file once finished
23:00.11Zehraand let linux users compile it to a .so file
23:00.17JeffMthere is no such thing as a compiled cpp file
23:00.24JeffMoh completed
23:00.30JeffMyou'd need the mike files and stuff too
23:00.40JeffMthere are linker issues
23:00.48JeffMit's more than just a single cxx file
23:00.55allejogit add Mikefile
23:01.21JeffMthe sample plugin script makes all that on linux
23:01.35JeffMhow did you build your inital proejct?
23:01.50Zehrai used the sample_plugin file to start it
23:01.59JeffMbut how did you rename it?
23:02.40Zehrai opened it in notepad++ and edited all the "sample_plugin" names to the current plug-in name
23:02.48JeffMin all the files?
23:02.55Zehraevery single file :)
23:02.57JeffMincluind the make files?
23:03.00JeffMthen you are good
23:03.06JeffMjust publish the entire folder
23:03.20JeffMassuming you have selected a compatible licnese
23:03.35Zehrai'm thinking of public domain
23:03.46JeffMjust leave it BSD then
23:03.54allejofor *nix envs, there's this: (doesn't do the silly vs files though)
23:03.57JeffMleave the default copyright that's in the sample there
23:04.17JeffMallejo: why not they are just XML
23:04.29allejobecause laziness
23:04.35JeffMdon't fear the reaper
23:04.48allejoneeds more cowbell
23:04.57JeffMI have a fever
23:06.01allejohands jeffm a cowbell
23:06.06JeffMyou may be able to build a linux version on windows in the  WSL
23:08.24Zehrai'll have to move to linux soon =)
23:08.41Zehramy other computer died so if it's the hard drive which died
23:08.43allejojust distributing the .cpp is enough, really. linux hosts will compile it themselves anyways
23:08.53JeffMyeah they can make do
23:08.56allejoto make life super easy for hosts, distribute the Makefiles too
23:09.07JeffMbut youc an also give out th efolder
23:09.12JeffMthe folder has it all
23:09.44Zehrai'll share the folder and files once everything is made perfectly
23:09.56Zehrawants to make their first plug-in perfect
23:09.56allejoyou don't distribute Makefile though and (iirc), only the other makefiles are generated
23:12.59allejojeffm, with regards to the VS project files for plugins. wasn't there a complaint that the UIDs in those files wouldn't be unique from the new plugin script?
23:13.11JeffMthey'll be fine
23:13.27JeffMif they ever get included in fullbuild, it'll auto fix em
23:22.11sk8BZ Staff making any efforts for a comeback?
23:22.33sk8the BZ Staff
23:22.41JeffMthere is no "staff"
23:23.02allejosure there is,
23:23.16JeffMoh the cheater beater stick?
23:23.32JeffMit's been upgraded to a banhammer
23:23.39JeffMrocket powered too

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.