IRC log for #bzflag on 20170204

00:09.22*** join/#bzflag Shuist (
00:20.36Notify03BZFlag:Zehra * 9374 /Help:Interwiki_linking: improved content
00:23.28Notify03BZFlag:Zehra * 9375 /Help:Links: improved content
00:29.24macsformeoh, I guess you were being sarcastic
00:32.51blast007who was?
00:47.03BulletCatcherRegarding our relationship with Debian, I think we should ask ourselves who is going to volunteer to ensure that BZFlag works with Debian (and any other distro/platform, for that matter).
00:47.08BulletCatcherI think that as long as someone is willing and able to support a particular configuration, the rest of us should cooperate as much as possible and interfere as little as possible.
00:48.34BulletCatcherAs a co-maintainer of the BZFlag package in Fedora, I am committed to keeping it available there.
00:49.02BulletCatcherSimilarly, I still run bzfs on Solaris 10 so I am committed to support for that.
01:07.05BulletCatcherThe Fedora RPM spec files are fancy shell scripts, so in theory we could have them do almost anything to build BZFlag.
01:07.10BulletCatcherIn practice, downloading software such as Premake 5 as part of that (instead of using autotools or the Premake 4 that is already part of Fedora) would create a maintenance burden that I am reluctant to impose upon the other co-maintainers without a reason that *they* would find compelling.
01:07.14BulletCatcherI am sure Fedora will be happy to upgrade to Premake 5 when it achieves release status, but until then my preference is for BZFlag to continue to support autotools, and I am willing and able to help do that.
01:08.20BulletCatcherDoes supporting Premake 5 for for unix systems in BZFlag necessarily mean that we have to remove autotools support?
01:09.52*** join/#bzflag the_map (~the_map@unaffiliated/the-map/x-1795707)
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01:34.27macsformenot necessarily, we would just lose the benefit of automation, and the autotools system is probably the worst offender for having unused legacy functionality
01:37.41blast007what legacy functionality specifically?
01:37.55BulletCatcherIRIX, BeOS, etc. :-)
01:39.36blast007so we spend 10 minutes removing that instead of replacing the entire build system
01:40.49BulletCatcherIf the automation macsforme refers to is in dealing with things like renamed files, then we don't have that automation now so there is nothing to lose.
01:40.52BulletCatcherAnd I'll help keep the autotools up to date, sparing others that burden.
01:41.43BulletCatcherAs long as I am willing to do that, I don't see why anyone else would object to keeping them.
01:41.58blast007I am find updating the Windows and autotools builds
01:42.20blast007but what macsforme had said was that it required source changes to support premake
01:42.29Notify03BZFlag:Zehra * 9376 /BZFlag: update
01:42.33blast007so it was going to be shoveled onto us all
01:43.17BulletCatcherI have no objection as long as those changes are compatible with the existing build systems.
01:45.15Notify03BZFlag:Zehra * 9377 /GU_League: redirected page
01:48.52Notify03BZFlag:Zehra * 9378 /Hix: /* Leagues */ update
02:05.00macsformenot required, per se... as part of the premake implementation I automated detection of the platform and IDE/compiler version for the clientquery string, and made it consistent across platforms... detecting the git revision would be another simple step from there, when we decide to do that
02:06.01macsformeand the bz version is defined in one place and propagates from there
02:06.10macsformebut we could hard-code those things back in, I guess...
04:11.23macsformeI don't really agree that there is "nothing to lose"... while our current build system doesn't have that, we would be losing out on future efficiency
04:25.24BulletCatcherThat "efficiency" would shift some the costs of building BZFlag from us developers to everyone else who builds it.
04:25.25BulletCatcherIt isn't at all clear to me that there would be a net reduction in time and effort for the community as a whole.
04:27.11BulletCatcherThat may change in the future when Premake 5 is released.
08:02.52*** join/#bzflag Shuist (
13:05.19blast007also, I mistyped when talking about our dependencies.  I meant to say that some of them already support CMake, not premake.
13:07.34blast007and it looks like the best way to support libpng is by using CMake as that's the only way to point where the zlib .lib and headers are at (without making modifications to a file or two belonging to libpng).  the other way would be copying the built .lib and the necessary headers into the location that the default libpng build expects.
13:55.56*** join/#bzflag cods (~fred@rsbac/developer/cods)
14:47.28*** join/#bzflag BZnotify (~BZnotify@
14:47.28BZnotify[13bzflag] 15blast007 pushed 1 new commit to 062.4: 02
14:47.28BZnotify13bzflag/062.4 14d7f71f6 15Scott Wichser: Update README.Windows and NSIS script for Visual Studio 2015.  Remove XP from the list of supported operating systems.
14:47.28*** part/#bzflag BZnotify (~BZnotify@
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18:59.37*** join/#bzflag Zehra (~Zehra@unaffiliated/zehra)
21:36.50*** join/#bzflag rob1n (~rob1n@unaffiliated/rob1n)
22:19.14macsformeblast007: are you going to take care of JeffM's pull request?
23:28.43*** join/#bzflag Void7 (uid197664@gateway/web/
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