IRC log for #bzflag on 20170201

00:04.43macsformetupone, yes, it makes perfect sense now, thanks
00:14.27macsforme"<JeffM> he didn't want to learn a new scripting langauge....." actually I didn't know Lua either, but Cmake has a proprietary syntax that is only good for Cmake, whereas getting familiar with Lua can help us with other things we've talked about doing... but that was only one consideration
00:17.07macsformeI've used Cmake before, and I read up on some of the tools out there... the impression I got was that premake is cleaner and more elegant on the whole, even though it's less mature
00:19.32macsformebrlcad, thanks... makes sense, especially when people still ran servers on non-mainstream OSes... it looks like you can just tell premake "make this a shared library" and it works (at least on the platforms I've tried so far)
00:29.40JeffMdoes cmake have features that premake does not?
00:30.10JeffMand vice versa?
00:35.42macsformeI'm not sure if I could answer that in a sentence, even if my knowledge was comprehensive enough :)
00:36.38macsformethe things premake doesn't seem to have currently that we care about are 1) better support for an "install" action, 2) system library detection, and 3) better stability/wider dissemination
00:36.58macsformecmake seems likely to have #3
00:38.56TD-Linuxno pkg-config support?
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00:42.29blast007TD-Linux: referring to what?
00:42.51TD-Linuxjumps into a build system bikeshed because that's where the fun is at
00:54.32macsformeafter a quick look, Cmake appears to be similar to premake as far as an "install" action, in that you use "make" to compile but the installation is a Cmake action, not a make action... so its saving grace is that it's more likely to be available on a linux packaging system
01:01.38macsformeCmake appears to have decent support for system library detection (there's a find_package() function), although less flexible than what autotools has... on the other hand, premake has some of that too (an os.findlib() function, and possibly more), and you can write some of your own (like trepan did IIRC in 2.99)
01:03.31macsformeperhaps the Cmake configuration is intended to always be run on the destination system, unlike premake
01:05.41macsformeas far as project filters in visual studio, I'm having a hard time seeing what I am supposed to try to emulate
01:07.24macsformemost of the projects have no filtering at all (just all the files together), while some have "Headers" and "Source", some have just "Headers", etc... there's no consistency at all
01:07.52macsformeoh, and one project has manual topical filtering of source files
01:09.36macsformeso what should the short-term goal be? automatic filtering into "Headers" and "Source?" what about projects that just have one or two files?
01:09.59blast007bzflag, bzfs, and common should have filtering in the actual repo.  your fork probably just has bzflag.
01:11.00blast007how does premake handle files we don't build on a certain platform?
01:11.52blast007sorry, I guess bzfs was the one that had filters originally.
01:12.09blast007and seems to be the most organized
01:13.38macsformepremake filters some source files based on the target platform
01:14.07macsformehere's a good example:
01:15.34blast007had not realized there were multiple lua files in there
01:19.47macsformeapparently there is also support for including a source file in the IDE but excluding it from being compiled, if we really need that
02:29.39*** join/#bzflag Zehra (~Zehra@unaffiliated/zehra)
03:08.07JeffMmacsforme:that has been done before, like to include files for another platform to make editing easier, but not to build them
03:08.17JeffMSo it may be viable
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16:21.40JeffMmacsforme: I agree the current projects are not consisenent in filters, we lost some of the filter data I added long ago. I'd like to make it be consistent.
16:21.56JeffMat the very least headers and sources filters would be good
16:22.31JeffMthen maybe some grouping by functionality for specific known files.
16:23.36JeffMand resources and stuf f in a res filter
16:25.20JeffMthis is how a default win32 app looks in VC2015
16:26.26JeffMit applies that formating to every proejct,  notice the lib I added got the same formatin,
16:26.40JeffMthat'd be an excellent starting point for premake to emulate.
16:27.20JeffMwell any build system really
16:27.33JeffMeven the current static proejcts
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19:44.25JeffMdunno why your builds took so long macsforme I get fullbuild in under a min : )
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19:47.26BZnotify[13bzflag] 15JeffM2501 opened pull request #68: Update VC14 projects with reasonable default filters (folders) (062.4...062.4_MSVC_Filters) 02
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19:48.19JeffMthat should make it much more common across all the projects.
19:56.38*** join/#bzflag nadir (uid134094@gateway/web/
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