IRC log for #bzflag on 20160728

01:59.19*** join/#bzflag Void7 (~Void7@
03:01.07*** join/#bzflag Void7 (~Void7@
03:06.33*** join/#bzflag Guest836 (ad399bb1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:01.58macsformelol @ the sock
04:03.39JeffMwhen your chair arms are shaped like upside down feet,  it makes sense
04:04.14macsformeI just bought dual 1080p 23" panels... 27" panels at the same resolution didn't seem worth the extra cost and space
04:04.35macsformeat least until my eyes start degenerating in a few years
04:04.54JeffMyeah, gettin old sucks
04:05.34BulletCatcherIt's better than the alternative.
04:05.42JeffMthis is true
04:05.58BulletCatcherKaadmY: I don't think you can nest "define" blocks, but you can build up complicated structures by including "group" blocks inside of them.
04:06.51macsformeI would have gone for a 27" 1440p panel, but I think a dual 1080p setup is superior in general to a single 1440p... and I couldn't justify dual 1440p
04:07.19macsformethat, and my mac mini would have a conniption trying to run dual 1440p
04:08.09JeffMI don't like dual screens where you set them up centered. Then directly ahead is the split between displays, so you end up turning to  one side
04:08.42macsformeI have one centered and the other offset
04:09.03JeffMthat's the better way to go IMHO
04:09.13JeffMand then you have room for a third on the other side :)
04:09.28JeffMwell except on the mac mini
04:11.14JeffMthe thunderbolt video tends to be slow, at least it was on my macbook pro
04:16.23JeffMit'd be really nice if they offered a mini with a discrete video chipset, even an older or mobile one
04:17.00JeffMsince your only other choice if you don't want a built in display is a proprietary trashcan/turbine
05:04.19*** join/#bzflag RoscoePColtrane (
06:39.35*** join/#bzflag iloveprettygirls (33ff20cf@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
06:40.27iloveprettygirlsxD i downed with my TCP SYN Flood script (i wrote it in C)
06:43.36*** mode/#bzflag [+o allejo] by ChanServ
06:43.59*** mode/#bzflag [+b *!*@gateway/web/freenode/ip.51.255.*.*] by allejo
06:44.08*** kick/#bzflag [iloveprettygirls!~allejo@bzflag/developer/allejo] by allejo (#bzflag)
06:49.18*** mode/#bzflag [-o allejo] by ChanServ
09:52.46*** join/#bzflag I_Died_Once (~I_Died_On@unaffiliated/idiedonce/x-1828535)
14:10.39*** join/#bzflag apple_penguin777 (~Apple@
14:10.47apple_penguin777you don't want me to be your enemy mwahaha so stop banning me and lets make a deal and i stop forever mwahaha. Dominican Horny Boy
14:12.18apple_penguin777and i crashed mofo i think, so check it
14:12.33apple_penguin777the forum is down i think, check it
14:12.47apple_penguin777or enemies?
14:14.09apple_penguin777this is the deal, i lick crazystringgirl's or kierra's vagina and tits and i stop forever
14:14.27apple_penguin777idk other bzflag girls
14:15.36*** join/#bzflag Void7 (~Void7@
14:15.57apple_penguin777hi void
14:16.05apple_penguin777i am the dominican horny boy
14:16.30apple_penguin777i want to lick the vagina and tits of a bzflag girl
14:16.36apple_penguin777and i stop forever
14:24.44*** part/#bzflag Void7 (~Void7@
14:25.03*** join/#bzflag Void7 (~Void7@
14:27.50*** part/#bzflag Void7 (~Void7@
14:38.17*** mode/#bzflag [+o blast007] by ChanServ
14:41.11*** mode/#bzflag [+q $~a] by blast007
14:41.48*** mode/#bzflag [+z] by blast007
14:44.25*** join/#bzflag apple_penguin777 (~Apple@
14:44.54*** kick/#bzflag [apple_penguin777!~blast007@bzflag/developer/Blast] by blast007 (apple_penguin777)
14:44.55*** mode/#bzflag [+b *!*Apple@74.120.223.*] by blast007
14:57.23*** join/#bzflag Void7 (~Void7@
15:24.37*** join/#bzflag brlcad (~sean@
15:24.46*** join/#bzflag Notify (~notify@
15:34.35*** join/#bzflag Flak18 (~Flak@2601:58b:c400:4681:65e8:dd06:351e:7cfe)
15:41.28*** join/#bzflag Void7 (~Void7@
15:53.41*** join/#bzflag KaadmY (uid135503@gateway/web/
16:04.02KaadmYanybody available to get rid of a guy on the rabbit hunt server?
16:04.18KaadmYhe keeps making the server lag and everybody goes nr
16:05.27JeffMall that work for 16 total players in the entire game?
16:05.54Flak18doesn't this guy have anything better to do
16:06.19Flak18to at least eat lunch or something
16:06.21KaadmYseems not
16:06.26KaadmYtried to poll kick
16:06.32JeffMno, attacking anything more substantial would be too hard for him, he has to go for the easy ones
16:06.34KaadmYbut everyone went NR and nobody could vote >:{
16:06.44Flak18let me try
16:06.47JeffMsure, he floods out the server.
16:06.49KaadmYban won't do anything
16:06.51JeffMnot hard to do
16:06.54KaadmYhe'll just go to a new ip
16:07.47Flak18we need to find his ip
16:07.57KaadmYtried to poll ban, everyone's NR again though
16:07.57JeffMyou can't, proxy servers
16:08.12Flak18we need his actual ip
16:08.18JeffMwon't matter
16:08.25JeffMall the game sees is the proxy server
16:08.57JeffMthats the entire point of a "proxy" server
16:08.58KaadmYmeanwhile off to the other rabbit server
16:10.06KaadmYeveryone on the other rabbit server is either afk or something
16:10.09moriahwho are cods' admins?
16:11.15KaadmYaaaaaaaaaand quickshot's down too
16:11.50JeffMthere are so few players they will move in bunches, he'll just follow you. This is why he targets bzflag, it's very easy, he doesnt' have to spread himself thin
16:12.16JeffMso don't post it here :)
16:12.52KaadmYFlak18: maybe
16:13.48KaadmYexpect him to ddos the auth server
16:14.20JeffMprobably only one D in that, not 2 :)
16:14.37JeffMit's not easy
16:14.46JeffMyou can write a plugin that does manual authentication on your own database
16:15.06KaadmYisn't the global auth tied to the forums?
16:15.07JeffMbut to run your own auth, you have to run your own list server, and to run your own list server you have to run your own phpbb
16:15.32JeffMit's techincaly possible, the client does accept a different list server URL
16:15.36JeffMbut it is not practical
16:15.51JeffMunsecured auth over a plugin would be simpler
16:16.22Flak18too bad i'm not able to write plugins :P
16:16.31JeffMit isn't that hard
16:16.53JeffMI mean if I can do it, anyone can :)
16:17.40*** join/#bzflag Void7 (~Void7@
16:18.55Flak18i'm not sure i'm able to do it
16:19.03Flak18maybe i'll give it a go
16:19.59JeffMif your script kiddie can master the mysteries of the dreaded WHILE loop, you can do anything ;)
16:24.35KaadmYhave 4 ips for  the same guy that's ddosing
16:24.57KaadmYpretty sure it's the same guy that's been ddosing bzflag servers the past couple years
16:29.59KaadmYwhich is quite unfortunately the entire playerbase...
16:30.43KaadmYall the ips he's used so far don't have any similarities
16:31.03KaadmYalthough he used "777" in two names
16:31.42KaadmYstill can't prove it's not him though
16:32.20KaadmYfyi Flak18 almost everything you're saying in chat has a leading space
16:32.29KaadmYallejo too :P
16:33.18KaadmYyou could just have a non-advertising server
16:33.23KaadmYnothing special
16:33.30KaadmYdon't need a list or anything
16:33.49KaadmYbzfs -q -advertise NONE
16:33.54KaadmYthat disables the list server
16:36.15KaadmYi can't host or donate to keep a private server running
16:42.11allejogets back to work
16:48.23JeffMFlak18: why have more people play a broken game?
16:48.31JeffMeveryone's working on the new one anyway
16:49.35Flak18guess i forgot about that :P
16:50.38JeffMthe game is proven to be flawed, adding people to it woudl only make them mad
16:50.55JeffMplayers these days have expectations, and bzflag does not meet them
16:51.00blast007it's spoofed TCP SYN floods
16:51.19JeffMahh easy, go UDP only then
16:51.39blast007that's worse
16:54.26JeffMcan the mouse click the menus yet?
16:56.58KaadmYyes JeffM
16:57.01KaadmYbut it doesn't do anything
16:57.16JeffMfix that first
17:59.17*** join/#bzflag OrangePeanut (
19:10.16*** join/#bzflag Void7 (~Void7@
19:25.26the_maplol KaadmY
19:39.03KaadmYthe_map: what
19:43.00the_mapnoting that you can in fact click on the menu options, but it doesn't do anything
19:46.08KaadmYyeah :P
19:55.32JeffMmaybe clicking on thigns is too much for a modern bzflag player
19:55.49KaadmYJeffM: exactly
19:55.51KaadmYso use arrow keys
19:56.15JeffMthat currsor above them is just for show right?
19:56.59JeffMand if they can't understand that they don't deserve to play bzflag
22:01.55*** join/#bzflag Shuist (
23:31.36KaadmYjust shot a st while i had st in midair
23:31.42KaadmYwhile jumping around a corner

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