IRC log for #bzflag on 20160711

00:34.17*** join/#bzflag Void7 (~Void7@
01:31.21*** join/#bzflag Shuist (
05:56.49*** join/#bzflag allejo (~allejo@bzflag/developer/allejo)
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11:36.20*** join/#bzflag BulletCatcher (~bc@bzflag/developer/BulletCatcher)
13:29.01blast007  page 9 and 10 start describing a lag compensation method that seems worth looking into further
13:30.29blast007basically, the client simulation runs a bit more than the round trip lag time ahead of the server via client-side prediction, and gets state snapshots from the server at regular intervals, and re-runs the simulation from that snapshot time up back up to the local client time
15:05.57*** join/#bzflag Void7 (~Void7@
15:31.58*** join/#bzflag Flak18 (~Flak@2601:58b:c400:4681:65e8:dd06:351e:7cfe)
15:45.24*** join/#bzflag Void7 (~Void7@
16:19.03*** join/#bzflag blast007 (~blast007@bzflag/developer/Blast)
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16:37.00*** join/#bzflag Kaelten (Kaelten@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/WoWIFA/CurseStaff/kaelten)
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18:31.47macsformesounds like a similar concept to what we were trying to do with 3.0, re-predicting enemy tank positions with every update based on the latest data
18:32.56blast007except I think the client time was behind the server time
18:33.15macsformenot that it's a bad concept, but it seems to me like it would still result in the perception of extremely laggy tanks jumping around and/or shells appearing far in front of where they were fired
18:34.37blast007I'd have to map out a timeline to see how that would work
18:35.32blast007I think the doom III model favors lower lag, but it's a bit hard to wrap my head around just reading text :)
18:37.07macsformeI think we would want to generally favor players with low lag, but also avoid making players with high lag perform a "lag dodge" to avoid being hit
18:38.27blast007it sounded like the doom III model that players would see other players on their screen in the same location that the server thinks they are at
18:39.42blast007"Unlike Quake III Arena there is no time difference between what the player sees on screen and the player movement through the environment. Therefore the player does not need to lead targets because the system does the prediction for the player. "
18:43.24*** join/#bzflag [Gort] (~gort@unaffiliated/gort/x-9231432)
18:43.46macsformeyes, where the server thinks they will be, but still based on outdated data... that's the big stumbling block we can't get past
18:44.31blast007yes, I'm not sure how input sent from the client is handled in Doom III
18:47.00blast007not sure if it's rolled back to the point where the input would have happened, or if it's just treated like the player has not sent that input until "time from client to server latency" later
18:48.22blast007the former might not be easily feasible without storing old state on the server and doing a lot of recalculations, so it might be the former, which would certainly make players with high lag have more issue playing
18:48.30blast007might be the latter*
18:50.42macsformeI assume the latter, because the client providing the input is running ahead of the server time
18:55.51blast007time travel is hard
18:58.50macsformewe might be able to find the "sweet spot" with some combination of position prediction, a slight delay in shots being fired on the shooter's side (based on shooter's lag), and a slight advance of shots being fired on the target's side (based on target's lag) if we play around with it a little bit
19:00.49macsformeand this is yet another problem with the BZDB, where people started making tanks faster (and now everyone is used to that), which exacerbates the lag problem
19:02.38blast007I'm not worrying about fixing the current codebase
19:02.56blast007I'm thinking about the possible rewrite
19:03.33blast007been working on collecting information and drafting up a rough design plan
19:04.21blast007what's the best way to do collaborative work on such a thing?  I've been putting it in Google Docs, but that seems "evil" for an open-source project. ;)
19:08.12macsformewhere's alpha1-2 when you need him? :)
19:08.47blast007Etherpad might be an option
19:10.04zuiigenmymodel, plantuml?
19:16.40*** join/#bzflag KaadmY (uid135503@gateway/web/
19:23.19blast007mines mostly been an information dump so far:
19:23.47blast007was starting to work out how services would work but haven't added anything there yet
19:24.33KaadmYblast007: what's that?
19:24.41KaadmYthat meaning NewGameNG
19:24.48blast007start of a rough play for a rewrite
19:25.26KaadmYwhat, 4th rewrite in progress?
19:25.49blast007it's not a rewrite in progress
19:26.02blast007it's a plan for a rewrite
19:26.17*** join/#bzflag Void7 (~Void7@
19:26.17KaadmYabout the 5th plan, too :)
19:26.25KaadmY5th=my plan which failed
19:26.32blast007oh there's always lots of ideas ;)
19:26.35zuiiquite properly put together
19:27.45zuiisry google translate...
21:56.55*** join/#bzflag Shuist (
23:28.13*** join/#bzflag Void7 (~Void7@

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