IRC log for #bzflag on 20160521

00:54.05*** join/#bzflag Void7 (~Void7@
02:03.27*** join/#bzflag [Gort] (
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02:07.45*** join/#bzflag Void7 (~Void7@
03:37.22*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (
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03:37.22*** mode/#bzflag [+v DTRemenak] by ChanServ
03:49.30allejowhat would be a possible cause for a player having a wonky wifi connection on only certain ports on my server. it seems they're the only ones affected to my knowledge so it's something on their end
03:50.00allejono firewalls setup
03:50.06RoscoePColtrainno excuse
03:50.28RoscoePColtrainis the wifi on your server or at their place?
03:50.35allejotheir place
03:50.49RoscoePColtrainthey may have some port filtering enabled
03:50.55RoscoePColtrainbut not the average user
03:51.06RoscoePColtrainor could be a crappy router
03:51.35allejocrappy router as in it doesn't like certain ports only? and elaborate on port filtering
03:51.51RoscoePColtraina port is nothing more than a network endpoint
03:52.19RoscoePColtrainbut some routers filter certain ports (because of the activity on those ports)
03:52.43RoscoePColtrainI know I had one that allowed me to only allow certain hosts to connect on certain ports
03:52.50RoscoePColtrainbut that would be an all or nothing thing
03:53.20RoscoePColtrainwhat port range are they having problems in?
03:53.36RoscoePColtrainand what does "wonky" mean?
03:54.42allejolag spikes
03:54.58allejo5196-5199 for sure
03:57.14RoscoePColtrainIANA only lists a couple of esoteric ports in that range
03:57.40RoscoePColtrainbut since it's IP/port that defines the endpoint ... it still makes no sense
03:58.23RoscoePColtrainsome WiFi routers try to allocate more bandwidth to streaming video or gaming. If he has one of those
03:58.34RoscoePColtrainand could define your ports as game ports
03:58.39RoscoePColtrainit might help
03:58.49RoscoePColtrainbut too many variables to really know
03:59.57RoscoePColtrainat work I have a closed network with inexplicable laggy network performance
04:00.03RoscoePColtrainit's a black art, I tell you
04:00.22allejogoing between port 5180 and 5190 results in about ~100ms difference lol
04:00.41RoscoePColtrainsame map?
04:01.32allejodifferent maps
04:03.25allejonow same maps and still same effects
04:04.07RoscoePColtrainwell, since 5190 is AOL's port, it's not impossible that the router allocates less bandwidth to it
04:04.31RoscoePColtrainI know newer routers try to manage so high demand gets what it needs
04:04.36RoscoePColtrain(video, gaming)
04:05.08allejothat would make sense
04:11.38*** join/#bzflag zuii (
04:12.30RoscoePColtrainhonestly, I was surprised to see IANA had ports that high
04:13.59RoscoePColtraintruly ephemeral ports start at 50000 ... but in practice lots of people claim ports for their own use :)
04:14.38allejoif only 666 weren't in the reserved range...
04:19.26RoscoePColtrainbelow 1024 are privileged ... need to be root to use them
04:19.28RoscoePColtrainbut sure
04:20.25RoscoePColtrainbut how cool is it that 666 belongs to Doom :)
05:09.33the_mapif bzflag starts accepting arbitrary UTF-8 characters, would that mean a player could insert a color code and mess with all the text colors?
05:09.42the_mapsorry if that's a silly question
05:10.56the_mapit's a pain when you accidentally mess up a terminal though :P
05:11.36RoscoePColtrainutf-8 describes the character set, not it's color
05:11.47RoscoePColtrainbut it's not inconcievable
05:14.36RoscoePColtrainmore to the point, bzflag doesn't write to the console :)
05:14.42the_mapanother issue might be (idk) if a player uses a RTL character set, such as hebrew
05:14.50the_mapRoscoePColtrain: bzflag -e
05:15.07the_mapor, for colorized output, bzflag -ea
05:15.44the_mapI use it for keeping logs
05:16.41RoscoePColtrainwow ... never knew
05:16.48RoscoePColtrainbut I just click on the icon
05:16.54RoscoePColtrainus Mac users are cripled
05:16.58the_mapI hit a hotkey
05:17.42the_mapsorry, missed your message
05:17.44RoscoePColtrainwe don't type commands in consoles :)
05:17.59the_mapcommand+space "terminal" enter
05:18.36the_mapnot that I'm a mac user
05:18.57the_mapterminals just happen to be really important to me :P
05:19.25RoscoePColtrainoh, I have a terminal open all the time
05:20.07RoscoePColtrainwhat is command-space supposed to do?
05:20.10RoscoePColtrainI get nothing
05:21.06the_mapit's supposed to put you in some sort of application finder (I don't know the actual name of the function)
05:21.34the_mapspotlight search
05:22.44RoscoePColtrainit appears I have that shortcut turned off
05:23.56the_mapthat would make it harder to trigger :P
06:35.44*** join/#bzflag ruskie (ruskie@sourcemage/mage/ruskie)
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15:17.57*** join/#bzflag Void7 (~Void7@
15:24.00*** join/#bzflag KaadmY (uid135503@gateway/web/
15:54.31*** join/#bzflag _jungh4ns (
17:07.01*** join/#bzflag Void7 (~Void7@
18:29.01macsformeascii color codes are stripped from messages, I believe
19:34.59*** join/#bzflag Void7 (~Void7@
21:25.11*** join/#bzflag KaadmY (uid135503@gateway/web/
21:44.15*** join/#bzflag [Gort] (
21:44.15*** join/#bzflag [Gort] (~gort@unaffiliated/gort/x-9231432)
21:45.17allejoblast007, wiki is 503'ing me
21:48.19*** join/#bzflag fobdafiretruck (~fobbafire@
21:56.41blast007yeah, got it shut down until I update it
22:02.01allejoso is there a reason why bz_getNumFlags() is returning 0 in the ::Init() of a plugin but it returns the correct amount in ::Event()
22:11.31allejoit's not even set in the bz_eWorldFinalized event
22:11.42blast007my guess would be that plugins are loaded before the flags
22:12.05allejohmm plugins can modify the world before it's generated can't they
22:12.17KaadmYyep allejo :)
22:12.22KaadmYwas thinking of using it for armory
22:16.15allejowhat a drag
22:23.22*** join/#bzflag Void7 (~Void7@
22:35.32allejoand why is rotation 0 in spawning east and not north?
22:36.17allejoi.e. I set my spawn rotation to 0 and I spawn facing east
22:36.19allejonot north
22:37.48blast007is that the positive X axis?
22:38.12allejoyea east is positive X
22:39.47allejoand 90 degrees is north north west
22:40.20allejothere was a wiki page somewhere explaining the coordinates can't remember what it was called though
22:42.04allejodon't know if that's it though
22:45.33blast007  "The right-hand side of the x-axis is designated as the 0˚ mark."
22:47.10blast007I had forgotten trig by the time I was making BattleZune, and initially had my code treating Y+ as 0 and going clockwise, and wondering why the trig functions were given odd results ;)
23:16.07allejook. so even with this north is 90 degrees. but bzfs doesn't treat it as such :|
23:19.25blast007what is using radians?
23:20.37allejobz_GetPlayerSpawnPosEventData_V1's pos value
23:20.43allejoit's radians. not degrees
23:21.01blast007well that's stupid
23:21.23allejoYOU'RE TELLING ME
23:21.35KaadmYWOW CAPS
23:21.45blast007VERY CAPS MUCH WOW
23:25.56BulletCatcherYou will fit in beautifully on the Internet.
23:29.40the_mapMANY INTERNETS!!1!
23:30.12the_mapwe need to stop
23:30.20the_mapwe're lowering BC's IQ when we talk
23:30.27the_mapsorry BulletCatcher
23:31.05the_mapallejo: what's wrong with radians? you don't like factors of pi? :P
23:31.19the_mapoops, we scared Gort off
23:32.22allejono, I'm fine with radians
23:32.39allejowhat's wrong with them in this case is that maps use degrees for rotation so I thought plug-ins would do the same
23:33.08allejoand the wiki's documentation doesn't specify that it's radians instead of degrees

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