IRC log for #bzflag on 20160515

01:20.00BulletCatcherYes, but I want it to be 0.2.
01:29.10blast007so that part is a non-issue then.  You don't actually have a 'radar short' defined.
01:42.06*** join/#bzflag ukiki (
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01:44.34*** mode/#bzflag [+v spldart] by ChanServ
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01:50.24BulletCatcherFair enough.
01:52.12BulletCatcherBut the fact remains that my "1" key on the keypad, as I have it set up, works cleanly with SDL 1 but not SDL 2.
01:55.46BulletCatcherUsing the default of 0.25 doesn't make SDL 2 work any better.
02:07.43blast007does look like there is a separate keycode for the numberpad numbers
02:11.04blast007and we have separate handling of numberpad (keypad) numbers
02:11.39blast007the SDL2 platform code looks to be the only one that references Kp0, though, for instance
02:12.55blast007there is code in SDL2Display that is supposed to make it treat them as actual numbers, though
02:13.13blast007starting from like 268 there
02:15.58blast007the numberpad numbers don't work initially, but if I hit 1, 2, or 3 at the top of the keyboard (and have number lock on), then 1, 2, and 3 on the keypad work
02:19.59blast007I'll look into it further in the morning
02:21.58the_mapit's morning in greece
04:41.16*** part/#bzflag heartnet (
06:10.51*** part/#bzflag BulletCatcher (~bc@bzflag/developer/BulletCatcher)
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06:29.24*** join/#bzflag BulletCatcher (~bc@bzflag/developer/BulletCatcher)
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14:32.33blast007whoops, starting from line, not like
14:49.17blast007Is there a debugger GUI on Linux that doesn't suck?  Using Nemiver right now, but that's pretty horrid.  Can't add/remove breakpoints while the program is running.
14:51.38zuiiyou may laugh but qtcreator debugging?
14:54.13zuiiit uses a lot mem but it works
14:54.54blast007I'll give it a shot
14:55.39blast007"a lot" meaning how much?  should I have more than 2GB RAM in this VM?
14:57.34zuiidunno how much
15:03.13zuiiDebug->start debugging -> attach to process
16:37.47blast007zuii: thanks, that's such a better experience
17:07.02BulletCatcherUp through v2.4.4, man pages contained "the date configure was run" and the game version string contained "the date buildDate.cxx was compiled."
17:07.10BulletCatcherCommit bf8e847 (HEAD, at the moment) changes both to be either "the date configure was run" or the date specified by SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH for autotools-based builds.
17:07.15BulletCatcherI will refactor that commit so it does not assume /bin/sh is bash, and that the "date" command is the GNU implementation.
17:07.21BulletCatcherI am still interested in getting some kind of identifier from Git into the game version string, but we don't need to hold up 2.4.6 for that.
17:07.26BulletCatcherDo we want to make any other effort to make builds reproducible before we release 2.4.6?
17:39.39blast007BulletCatcher: I don't know what else we'd need to do
17:40.08blast007testing such a thing locally sounds rather complicated/infeasible
17:41.44BulletCatcherWhich thing?
17:41.55blast007testing for reproducible builds
17:42.17blast007Debian has a rather complicated system for that, and requires lots of different hardware types
17:43.05blast007as for the BUILD_DATE generation, I used the one from here:
17:43.30blast007says for GNU systems, so what part of it isn't for GNU date?
17:43.59BulletCatcherYour commit is fine for GNU systems, but Solaris isn't GNU. :-p
17:44.18blast007oh, nvm, I read your message wrong :)
17:44.36blast007thought you said you were refactoring it so that the 'date' command is the GNU implementation
17:45.46blast007  <-- this is what Debian is doing to test
17:47.07BulletCatcherChanging $() to `` is easy enough so it works with a real Bourne shell, but Solaris does not seem to provide a lightweight method for a shell to convert 1463054400 to a formatted date string.
17:48.23BulletCatcherI don't really care about reproducibility on Solaris, so I'll probably just punt when "date -d" isn't supported.
17:48.30blast007would that only prevent Solaris from using SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH?  or would that prevent it from generating the date completely?
17:49.05BulletCatcher"date -u +%Y-%m-%d" works fine on Solaris.
17:49.30BulletCatcherBut not "date -d @1463054400".
17:53.06blast007does this work?  echo "1463054400" | awk '{print strftime("%Y-%m-%d",$1)}'
17:55.07BulletCatcherNope.  awk and nawk are too old on Solaris.
17:55.39BulletCatcherI may fall back to perl if date fails.
17:58.46BulletCatcherThis works: perl -wle 'use POSIX; print strftime "%Y-%m-%d", gmtime $ENV{SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH}'
17:59.42BulletCatcherIt makes configure depend upon perl, but perl *is* available on Solaris and it is no worse than depending on the GNU version of date.
18:01.44BulletCatcherI suppose it is worth noting that I am on Solaris 10.  Solaris 11 may have GNU date.
18:35.21*** join/#bzflag nitroxis (
19:34.58*** join/#bzflag BZnotify (~BZnotify@
19:34.58BZnotify[13bzflag] 15JMakey pushed 2 new commits to 062.4: 02
19:34.58BZnotify13bzflag/062.4 1412e07cf 15Jeff Makey: Use Bourne shell compatible syntax when processing SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH....
19:34.58BZnotify13bzflag/062.4 1432fcd8d 15Jeff Makey: Ignore include/, which results from running again.
19:34.58*** part/#bzflag BZnotify (~BZnotify@
19:39.32BulletCatcherThat ought to do it for autotools builds.
19:39.37BulletCatcherXcode can probably set BUILD_DATE in the PBXShellScriptBuildPhase section if desired.
19:47.36blast007thanks BulletCatcher
19:48.24blast007the SDL2 number pad thing has a number of problems in the code
19:48.45blast007the first is that the order of keys doesn't go from 0 to 9, it goes 1 through 9 and then 0
19:49.28blast007so the 'else if ((sym >= SDLK_KP_0) && (sym <= SDLK_KP_9))' would never apply
19:50.29blast007and second, the values of 'sym' aren't near the normal ASCII ranges.  for instance, SDLK_KP_1 is 1073741913
19:51.03blast007so subtracting 208 from it and shoving it into a char probably isn't going to yield a meaningful result ;)
19:51.59BulletCatcherThat's all fixable.
19:53.32*** mode/#bzflag [-v short_circuit] by ChanServ
19:54.17blast007I don't know if the values are guaranteed to be the same every time or if we'll have to do a switch statement for each of the SDL_KP_* enums
19:54.58blast007I should compare with Windows, since it seemed to work fine there
19:57.14blast007I get the same value for sym on Windows for keypad 1
19:58.00BulletCatcherI' be in a fun match right now, but I can look at fixing it later unless you get to it first.
19:59.16blast007huh, actually it's doing the same thing on Windows now. (numpad only works after using the top row once)
19:59.40BulletCatcherYay for cross-platform consistency.
20:00.12the_mapBulletCatcher: you're in a fm?
20:00.32blast007yeah, that's actually good, because now I can use Visual Studio to debug ;D
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21:44.20debituxhi, got a little problem with BZFlag client if starting bzflag after connection to my openvpn routing vpn with default routing through it, i cannot start the server anymore. it says exit 2.
21:46.58blast007from the 'start server' menu in the game?
21:47.39blast007I'd recommend just running the server (bzfs) from the terminal
21:47.53debituxthanks, trying that
21:47.57blast007the start server menu won't show you any of the error output
21:48.16blast007'bzfs -help' and 'man bzfs' will show you documentation for running the server
21:49.06blast007for instance, 'bzfs -ms 5 +r +f good{2}' would run a server on the default 5154 port with 5 shots, ricochet, and 2 of each good flag
21:51.37debituxyeah, server is reacheable in the vpn \o/  thats the first step. thanks blast007, im going to read bzfs' man :)
21:56.57*** join/#bzflag echelon (~echelon@bzflag/player/echelon)
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22:54.43BulletCatcherA straightforward switch statement in SDL2Display.cxx for SDLK_KP_* solves the keypad trouble for me.
22:55.57BulletCatcherIt still won't go fullscreen.
23:05.09blast007when you try to start it fullscreen from the terminal, does it spit out errors?
23:07.12blast007also, I'm not exactly sure what the SDL_TEXTINPUT is supposed to be for.  It references a lastKeyDownEvent (which is an SDL_Event) that only gets sent from SDL_KEYDOWN when symNeedsConversion return true
23:09.24BulletCatcherStarting fullscreen prints nothing.
23:09.26BulletCatcherI get a black screen, but the desktop is exposed so I can use the window manager to open a new xterm and kill -9 the bzflag process.
23:09.38BulletCatcherWhen I do that the desktop is restored.
23:16.47blast007which nvidia card and is that the proprietary driver or the open one?
23:17.38BulletCatcherGeForce 7025 with proprietary driver.
23:39.03*** join/#bzflag BZnotify (~BZnotify@
23:39.03BZnotify[13bzflag] 15JMakey pushed 1 new commit to 062.4: 02
23:39.03BZnotify13bzflag/062.4 1400f647d 15Jeff Makey: Do not assume any numerical relationship among SDLK_KP_* values, nor that simple arithmetic will convert them to corresponding ASCII values.
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