IRC log for #bzflag on 20160417

01:13.33*** join/#bzflag [Gort] (~gort@unaffiliated/gort/x-9231432)
01:14.34[Gort]Hi. Is there a problem with global authentication? I can't seem to log into the game using my nick (user name: Gort)
01:17.03[Gort]Forget it, I'm in now. Temporary glitch, I suppose.
01:18.02blast007which server were you having issues with?
01:19.35[Gort]well, tried on Urban Jungle, then went to Fox Burrow, then Super Server, but all three wouldn't let me log in with my nick. I'm in now.
01:20.36[Gort]Now in Quick Shot. Fine.
01:20.56[Gort]So, temporary issue. If it happens again, I'll let you know.
01:33.44*** join/#bzflag the_map (~the_map@unaffiliated/the-map/x-1795707)
02:10.42Foo_man_chooJust did the first git pull in quite a long time but didn't get updates. Is the development dead or maybe it branched or what?
02:11.44the_mapdid you do `git pull origin 2.4`?
02:12.07the_mapthe current branch is 2.4
02:12.40Foo_man_chooI just went into my /home/me/bzflag/ where I have my source code. But it's been quite a while so things may have changed. Perhaps....
02:12.49the_maplast commit: 6 days ago
02:13.02Foo_man_chooOk.. I'm just antiquated then
02:13.12Foo_man_choowill start a fresh checkout.
02:13.34blast007Foo_man_choo: you probably had one of the old import tests
02:14.48Foo_man_choonp. fresh checkout here I come
02:14.54blast007current code will be showing as 2.4.6RC2
02:16.47Foo_man_choodownloading a zip from github right now. though.. it says 2.4
02:17.23blast007the branch is 2.4
02:18.11Foo_man_chook.... auto...conf....make here I come
02:19.31Foo_man_choobtw.... 4 tx2000 promise cards do not play nice together :(
02:19.43Foo_man_choospldart playing with antique hardware here.
02:28.41blast007why would you need more than 12 IDE hard drives in one computer?
02:30.57Foo_man_chooI had a poop ton of hardware fall in my lap. I want to build a massive backup file server. So I want to get 20 hdd's of the ide variety in one machine with 2 power supplies in tandem
02:31.18Foo_man_chooHey. It's free and it's something to do. ;)
02:31.50Foo_man_choothere seems to be a card bios limitation however. you can only use two cards at a time.
02:32.25Foo_man_chooLimiting me to ... 12 drives total :(
02:34.40Foo_man_chooguess I can ebay a couple tx4000's ;)
02:34.41blast007how much capacity are you targeting?
02:35.08Foo_man_choo6 terabyte of free hardware on a p4 2.4ghz machine to backup all my ish.
02:35.24Foo_man_chooif I reach 4.5 terabyte I'll be happy though.
02:38.01Foo_man_chooActually I received about 50 terabytes of ide hdd from what shall be an unamed banking institution but most of the hdd's tested bad or weak. I have 25 or so that passed all tests.
02:38.56blast007got about 13TB capacity on my NAS with 4 drives (two 6TB in RAID0, two 4TB as just independent disks), though definitely not free ;)
02:38.57Foo_man_choo25 out of 150 or so
02:39.33Foo_man_chooI know i know.... But it's free and it's something fun to try to make work. I needed a project.
02:40.19blast007I wouldn't trust what you have with anything important, even with RAID
02:40.40Foo_man_chooHeck. I only had 2 pcb's left with enough pci slots to even try it. One pentium and one amd.
02:40.58Foo_man_chooIt's just a secondary backup.
02:41.07Foo_man_chooNot trusting it with anything important.
02:41.32blast007that probably a better project for winter though with all the heat it's gonna generate :P
02:41.40Foo_man_chooJust gotta figure why I can use any two tx2000's but not 3 or 4
02:41.56Foo_man_chooright.... with tandem power supplies
02:42.05Foo_man_chooanywho.. it wont be running most of the time.
02:42.18Foo_man_choosecondary being the key word here.
02:42.44Foo_man_choobesides... it would be a beast if I could make it work. An 8 or 9 year old BEAST!
02:42.52blast007I remember running an old IBM server with quad PIII Xeons, upstairs, with only a window AC unit downstairs.... temp was like 95 in that room
02:43.42Foo_man_chooDon't get me started... I used to SETI an array of computers at the old house with a dedicated window unit even thought the house had a kick butt central air.
02:44.30Foo_man_chooStill have my water gear but it's sadly packed in storage :/
02:45.55blast007gonna be doing some water cooling on my upcoming build, though it's a closed system (as in, I'm not cutting/attaching my own tubing)
02:46.43blast007I'll ideally be able to get a hexcore to a stable 4GHz
02:46.47Foo_man_chooOmg! The memories are flooding in. Used to run a k7d master L with twin danger den heatsinks, resevoir and pump. Used an old Chevy truck heater core as the radiator
02:47.12Foo_man_chooOh snap! I'm jelly.
02:47.28Foo_man_chooStill running an antique phenom quad 2.7 black
02:47.57blast007got an Oculus Rift coming, so that'll be the system for that
02:48.43Foo_man_chooo_O just google the rift
02:48.56blast007wonder how many thousand FPS I'll get in BZFlag :P
02:49.23Foo_man_chooanything past 100 is a waste ;)
02:50.28blast007my spare, spare, spare computer can get 100 in BZFlag
02:51.29Foo_man_chooWelll.... my brand new 8 hour old 25 dollar fry's gaming mouse lights up in 6 different colors all flashy like
02:53.30Foo_man_chooSry... I was laughing when I said that. Then I looked at my new flashing mouse and went kinda :( LawLz
02:55.07Foo_man_choogit zip was 2.4.5
02:55.46Foo_man_chooI'll need a refresher to get latest code git.... God I was so used to subversion :/
02:56.32blast007are you basing that on just the logo?
02:56.58Foo_man_chooI haven't used it yet.
02:57.01blast007exactly :P
02:57.32blast0072.4.6 isn't officially out yet, but we had a release candidate 2 out for it
02:58.53Foo_man_choook... 2.4.6 2016 3/27 rc2
02:59.23Foo_man_choozip checkout /version reports that in client :)
02:59.58Foo_man_chooto bad I can't git pull in the unzipped directory.
03:00.18blast007hmm, I was gonna say that my mouse is one of the few things that won't have lights in my build, but looks like the one I have picked out currently does have RGB LEDs :)
03:00.52Foo_man_chooI need to upload something to show and tell... brb.
03:02.54Foo_man_choonever mind. my internet just crashed
03:03.39blast007keyboard will have an RGB LED under each key, video card will have RGB LEDs in the fans and on the edge logo
03:04.38Foo_man_chooI wonder if flickr does videos
03:13.48Foo_man_chooI like my flashy lights
03:14.10Foo_man_chooIt's based on all those old movies and tv shows where the computer thinks and the lights flash.
03:52.47Foo_man_choowell ok. I can run 8 drives on two tx2000 cards or I can run 8 drives on all 4 cards. But for some reason I cannot load 4 cards with 4 drives
03:53.03Foo_man_chooOnly up to /dev/sdi1
04:05.23blast007LED all the things
04:15.37Foo_man_chooIts what an invader would do.
04:15.45Foo_man_choopasses out
07:54.49*** join/#bzflag tw1sted_ (~tw1sted@
08:01.02*** join/#bzflag zuii (
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15:45.02*** topic/#bzflag is || || || Channel Logs: || 2.4.4 released!
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17:15.34reberblast007, is your editor a little bit somewhat "useable" ?
17:17.49reberlink ?
17:19.58blast007you'll have to build from source, and you'll probably need to grab the changes from the pull request there:  (there's command line instructions for grabbing the PR changes, following only step 1)
17:20.21blast007you'll want to do a git checkout as well, not just downloading the source zip
17:59.50*** join/#bzflag AAA_awright (~aaa@2607:5300:60:7d4::1)
18:27.56*** join/#bzflag zuii (
18:30.48*** join/#bzflag kaadmy (uid135503@gateway/web/
19:29.16*** join/#bzflag the_map (~the_map@unaffiliated/the-map/x-1795707)
19:52.45reberthanks blast007
20:33.07spldartHow do I git the latest checkout. I dont forgot how to use freaking git and infobot is being a smartarse
20:34.42blast007spldart: are you trying to get the initial repository clone?
20:34.48blast007if so...
20:34.50infobotgit clone --branch 2.4
20:35.16spldartI'm trying for whatever is what any dev work is going into and possibly last stable
20:35.51blast007have you done the initial 'git clone'?
20:35.52spldartlooks like i was close to remembering... just not quite there.
20:36.11spldartno. I grabbed a zip yesterday
20:36.25spldartrc2 iirc
20:37.20spldartok... I'mma cloning
20:37.43spldartAnd 'git pull' grabs any latest commits correct?
20:38.16spldartGod it's been forever.
20:38.28spldartAnd I'm only getting older.
20:39.42spldartsuccess. tinkering now
20:40.07bradpoints spldart to
20:40.20the_mapI usually do `git pull origin 2.4` fwiw
20:40.48spldartGit for dummies. Thanks brad
20:41.04spldartIt's starting to come back to me now.
20:41.40spldartbzflag was the only thing I ever used git for. Everything else was svn back when I was into this stuff
20:42.30spldartI need a salad
20:46.12blast007'git pull --rebase', generally
20:49.39spldartWoah... gotta get used to new mouse and all it's settings
20:50.02spldartStupid overpriced fry's gaming pos mouse.
20:54.03zuiii have just built it and my mouse act wierd: i cant control i always turn left
20:55.11spldartThe checkout listed 20 lines up?
20:55.21spldartMine plays fine. Just needed to change dpi
21:01.58zuiiokay, i have another built with sdl2 now fixed
21:04.29*** mode/#bzflag [-v short_circuit] by ChanServ
21:06.21*** join/#bzflag zuii (
21:09.22*** join/#bzflag zuii (
21:09.46blast007zuii: what was the build environment that caused it to always turn left?
23:16.36*** join/#bzflag infobot (
23:16.36*** topic/#bzflag is || || || Channel Logs: || 2.4.4 released!
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