IRC log for #bzflag on 20160214

00:01.21blast007should I keep the link to 2.4.0 for OS X 10.4 PPC/Intel once we release 2.4.4?
00:03.36BulletCatcherThat'll be better than no client at all.
00:07.22BulletCatcherI'm good with "Be my valentank" if we release tomorrow.
00:09.04BulletCatcherIn ChangeLog we should collapse all of the RC sections into one.
00:12.15BulletCatcherRecall that 3e501f4 has a title.png that just says 2.4.4, without RC.
00:27.09*** join/#bzflag ukiki (
01:05.44the_mapwhere'd Shattie go?
01:05.56the_mapthe night and rain pictures look really cool
01:06.19the_mapbut the day picture looks like there's some wet paint
01:06.22the_mapimho :)
02:24.31*** join/#bzflag quantumdot (~quantum@unaffiliated/quantumdot)
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15:56.00*** topic/#bzflag is || || || Channel Logs: || 2.4.4-RC3
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17:56.08BZnotify[13bzflag] 15blast007 pushed 1 new commit to 062.4: 02
17:56.08BZnotify13bzflag/062.4 1473975fc 15Scott Wichser: Update Windows documentation files.
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17:58.31blast007gonna see if I can add a 'Known Issues' page to the Windows installer so I can mention the AMD+Win10 issue
18:28.06BulletCatcherKnown Issue: You are running Windows. Fix by upgrading to Linux.
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18:39.43BZnotify[13bzflag] 15JMakey pushed 1 new commit to 062.4: 02
18:39.43BZnotify13bzflag/062.4 14ed24602 15Jeff Makey: Fix spelling and grammar in ChangeLog....
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19:18.44blast007a custom page is more complicated than I was thinking it would be
19:19.18blast007so two other options: make a combined 'known issues and license' page, or just put a 'known issues' section on the download page - thoughts?
19:21.36blast007suppose I could do both
19:21.52BulletCatcherDo you think anyone will actually read the license page?
19:22.17blast007probably not ;)
19:23.01BulletCatcherSo the download page is probably worthwhile, but if its easy then do the license page too.
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19:33.16BZnotify[13bzflag] 15blast007 pushed 1 new commit to 062.4: 02
19:33.16BZnotify13bzflag/062.4 14dd3c1b4 15Scott Wichser: Include a note about the Windows 10 AMD graphics issue.
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19:33.22blast007anything else we need to tweak before I change the version numbers?
19:46.02BulletCatcherNot that I can think of.
19:46.34blast007and should we be using "STABLE" or "MAINT" for BZ_BUILD_TYPE?  DEVINFO says that final release versions should be "STABLE" or "MAINT", though the making a release section says to use "MAINT"
19:48.56BulletCatcherI think JeffM would say that M.N.0 should be STABLE, and then M.N.x (where x > 0) should be MAINT.
19:49.15BulletCatcherSo: MAINT.
19:50.36BulletCatcherIt's not an important distinction to me, and I'd be happy to remove it entirely.
19:50.51blast007yep, we'll look at it again for 2.6
19:59.08macsformeyeah MAINT for now, for consistency
20:01.17blast007is there anything in Xcode that needs to be touched for the version number?
20:01.40blast007Xcode/config.h (as mentioned in src/date/buildDate.cxx) doesn't seem to have anything
20:02.13macsformeI believe it's all dynamic
20:03.16BulletCatcher"git grep -F 2.4 -- Xcode" finds nothing, so the version number does not seem to be there at all.  Yay.
20:08.49macsformeI thought you had me change something for the first RC build, though... I guess in a3e7e502 I removed all version-related stuff from Xcode/config.h
20:08.56macsformeso we should be good
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20:10.03BZnotify[13bzflag] 15blast007 pushed 1 new commit to 062.4: 02
20:10.03BZnotify13bzflag/062.4 1448260e0 15Scott Wichser: Push the final version number for 2.4.4.
20:10.03*** part/#bzflag BZnotify (~BZnotify@
20:10.22blast007if that looks good and builds, we're ready to tag 2.4.4
20:10.51blast007gonna make sure I have the latest dependencies here and build everything clean to make sure
20:15.31BulletCatcherI'll push a cosmetic change to ChangeLog in a couple of minutes.
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20:18.31macsformeI did a make distcheck yesterday and there weren't any issues
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20:23.33Shattiethe hype is building up *-*
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20:25.03BZnotify[13bzflag] 15JMakey pushed 1 new commit to 062.4: 02
20:25.03BZnotify13bzflag/062.4 14474d527 15Jeff Makey: Use consistent formatting in ChangeLog.
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20:26.41alezakosfyi, bz needs a couple of changes to build in VC 2015
20:27.07BulletCatcherIt isn't too late.
20:29.55blast007alezakos: I noted that it will probably not with in more recent versions and included a download link for 2010 express
20:30.04blast007not build in*
20:32.41alezakosIIRC only some #include <algorithm> lines were needed, plus a fix for the isNan function which is defined both in C++'s standard library and a win32 platform filr
20:33.13blast007the dependencies are a bigger issue, though it might be possible to use pre-built ones without issue
20:33.34blast007let's hold off for 2.4.6 on that
20:34.03macsformeis it our goal that nothing in ChangeLog should exceed the 80 column?
20:34.41blast00780 characters excluding line endings, iirc
20:35.06macsformeit's messed up, then
20:36.38blast007I don't see any crossing the 80 character mark in my editor
20:36.48blast007some of them are exactly 80, though
20:37.00BulletCatcherOops.  I made 1 line too long.  I'll fix it unless you are already on it, macsforme.
20:37.09blast007oh, yeah, I didn't grab that last commit
20:38.21BulletCatchergrumbles at his Emacs window size
20:39.33alezakoswould it be better if all API changes were grouped together?
20:40.07blast007what kind of API changes?
20:40.44alezakosall the new functions and events in the bzfs plugin API
20:41.00blast007oh, in the ChangeLog you mean?
20:42.05blast007in my opinion, don't worry about it
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20:47.50BZnotify[13bzflag] 15JMakey pushed 1 new commit to 062.4: 02
20:47.50BZnotify13bzflag/062.4 149f36636 15Jeff Makey: Keep ChangeLog line lengths within 80 characters.
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20:49.40BulletCatcherOnly version 2.0.0 has more ChangeLog entries (129) than 2.4.4 (109).
20:50.38BulletCatcherWe have actually done quite a bit of work in the nearly 2.5 years since 2.4.2 was released.
20:54.25alezakossomething I don't like: the option "automatically pause the console" in the GUI menu is too long
20:55.18the_map"auto-pause console"?
20:57.13the_mapbtw, I think that the "Lithuanian" setting for "Locale" has issues, like not displaying the character it means to display
20:57.34the_mapsome of the settings say "0xC4AEjungti" has Klingon?
20:58.29the_mapand 1337
20:59.42the_mapand redneck
20:59.53the_mapthis is why bzion's not done!
21:01.09BulletCatcherWe wanted to include Ferengi, but no one would contribute it for free.
21:02.21the_mapgoogles ferengi
21:03.53BulletCatcherThe Ferengi are motiviated by profit, and little else.
21:05.16the_mapoh, just like Watto!
21:05.35blast007BulletCatcher: are they the ones that failed to monetize the light saber technology?
21:08.20BulletCatcherOne of many species, I'm sure.
21:25.45BulletCatcher2.4.4 builds cleanly for me on Fedora 23 and Red Hat EL 6.
21:25.46BulletCatcherPoor me will now test the client for awhile.
22:12.07blast007seems to be good on Windows
22:12.32BulletCatcherNo problems playing it on Linux.
22:12.38blast007the installer creates a shortcut for 800x600 windowed mode.  Should I include other sizes too?
22:12.55BulletCatcher(Except I get killed an awful lot, but that isn't a regression.)
22:13.55BulletCatcherCan you detect the current screen size and match that?
22:14.56blast007not with a shortcut
22:15.15blast007only reason I'm thinking about it is for the poor AMD users right now ;)
22:16.16blast007and a 1920x1080 windowed mode game doesn't fit on a 1920x1080 resolution desktop
22:17.31blast007(the size affects the *inside* of the window, so the border and title bar add to that
22:19.19alezakosshould I push the "Automatically pause the control panel:"->"Auto pause control panel:" change?
22:24.49blast007alezakos: what issue does it cause currently?
22:32.15BulletCatcherI think it just hurts his eyes. :-)
22:37.59blast007wondering if it's scaling the fonts down
22:38.20the_mapalezakos: "auto-pause ctrl panel"
22:39.23the_mapif someone's feeling ambitious, they could rewrite all of the options in a monospaced font and have all the options have the same number of characters, so that it forms a nice justified block
22:40.14alezakosblast007: it looks 90% awesome instead of 100% awesome
22:44.10the_mapwell, those settings explain the way you play ;P
22:44.55alezakoswhy? :P
22:45.07blast007I'll just make the other options longer too
22:46.10blast007leave it for 2.4.4, we can look into naming conventions later
22:46.26blast007I think I'm ready to just tag it
22:47.13alezakos"leave it" as in "do it later", right?
22:54.44BulletCatcherIt might be worth waiting for the Mac build before tagging it.
22:54.54BulletCatcherI'm not sure what macsforme's schedule is, though.
22:55.03macsformeworking on it
22:55.30BulletCatcherUnless someone is really itching to get started on 2.4.5 there is no hurry.
23:10.04macsformeyeah, seems to work
23:17.56blast007so we good to go?
23:18.47BulletCatcherI'll test the Mac version if I can download it.
23:19.26BulletCatcherI'm running Yosemite.
23:32.34BulletCatcherIt works fine for me.
23:32.44BulletCatcherI'm good for tagging 2.4.4.
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23:39.02BZnotify[13bzflag] 15blast007 tagged 06v2.4.4 at 144d651d3: 02
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23:39.42blast007I'll get the Windows installer and source tars made
23:39.57blast007is that mac build good to use as-is?
23:40.22macsformeI think so... no need to check out that tag and rebuild, since it's the same code, right?
23:40.37blast007yeah, same code
23:41.19blast007that might matter in the future if we start using the git hash in the version string
23:42.02blast007dunno if the hash changes when you tag something

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