IRC log for #bzflag on 20160120

01:19.37allejoWould this ( be more appropriate in the Players forum?
01:25.04*** join/#bzflag brad (~brad@unaffiliated/brad)
02:30.58*** join/#bzflag Flak18 (~Flak18@2001:558:6030:27:cdbc:d363:dd9e:f5c3)
03:30.58macsformeare we ready for rc3 after fixing the gameover bug?
03:33.48the_mapI was born ready
04:09.42blast007macsforme: I want to try fixing #32 as well
04:10.08blast007though I might deem it too risky for a point release
04:11.28blast007the issue went away when I commented out line 75 to 88:
04:11.51blast007*supposedly* the frequency isn't supposed to change after system boot
04:12.17blast007I think that was put in to fix a jitter issue that SportChick was having back in the days of 2.0.2
04:57.57the_mapis it possible to have bzflag keep console logs?
04:58.23the_mapwithout doing some scripting with bzflag -e
05:03.03kaadmythe_map: -e saves console logs?
05:04.01kaadmyif you're on linux, you can `alias bzflagc ='bzflag -e'`
05:04.07the_map-e echos everything from the bzflag console to the terminal/command line that bzflag was launched from
05:04.32kaadmybzflag -e >log.txt
05:04.57kaadmyor bzflag -e >>append.txt
05:05.07the_map>> appends to the file?
05:05.15kaadmy>> is part of bash
05:05.32kaadmyand iirc it pipes console output and appends it to the file
05:05.45kaadmy> truncates then writes
05:07.07the_mapcool, thanks!
05:11.43the_mapany tips for how to get it to do that, but also launch in windowed mode?
05:12.20the_mapI can do, `bzflag -window 1920x1030` (no quotes), and with a -e on the end, but can't get it to also do logs
05:25.45the_mapnm, got it working
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15:59.50blast007basically, I'm going to try to duplicate the issue that SportChick was having back in the day (with a 2.0.0 or 2.0.2 client) and then see if I get the same thing with a 2.4 client with that recalibration code disabled
16:07.32the_mapwouldn't we want to avoid issues, not make them? ;)
16:10.13blast007the_map: right.. it't to see if that's still an issue
16:10.33blast007(or to see if we can fix the issue instead of using a cheap workaround)
16:10.54blast007I can't know if I fixed anything until I can reliably reproduce the issue with the code I'm working on
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16:21.45alpha1-2that's a good method to test things
16:21.56alpha1-2fixing and testing
16:26.32alpha1-2rephrased: it's the best method: fixing and testing soon (ether oneself or a tester), tieing up all the loose ends
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19:08.51alpha1-2haha first time I see a .ninja hostname. It seems specially designed for you, brad ;)
19:09.00alpha1-2oh not here
19:11.28alpha1-2seems a weird/funny generic top-level domain, tho; was introduced in 2013
19:23.00alpha1-2I have another: '.Princeton.EDU'; it seems they are using now case sensitive and uppercase domain names
19:24.05*** join/#bzflag valera_rozuvan (~Valera@
19:24.05alpha1-2or with a first uppercase letter
19:31.32allejodomains are case insensitive
19:33.16alpha1-2I saw it just like I typed it ('.Princeton.EDU'). it surprised me
19:45.27alpha1-2at the bottom, another interesting article:
19:46.12allejodoesn't see how this is related to bz
19:54.47kaadmyme too
19:55.36Flak18same here Really?
19:56.58*** join/#bzflag the_map_ (~the_map@unaffiliated/the-map/x-1795707)
19:58.20alpha1-2not, just a player with .ninja TLD, was surprising/weird/funnny
19:59.31alpha1-2and brad had a site with some useful BZ services called IIRC
19:59.59alpha1-2(including one for my logconverter script)
20:01.19alpha1-2(* it seems)
20:04.02the_map_right now, when I load the server list, it shows three servers that have 0/N players for all the categories, but claim to have 1 total players
20:04.28the_map_that makes more sense if you pretend it had grammar
20:06.21alpha1-2I see it just few sometimes, seem a rare bug, not very serious
20:07.07the_map_I see it off and on, and it isn't serious, but it's still there
20:09.19alpha1-2just few times*
20:18.03*** join/#bzflag brad (~brad@2001:41d0:a:14be::bad)
20:31.50blast007brad is going to be the next hokage!
20:32.40alpha1-2:D (yep, he is acting very weird lately...)
20:33.45blast007Netsplit jutsu!
20:34.00blast007Believe it!
20:35.22the_map_I have absolutely no clue what you all are talking about
20:36.02alpha1-2you need personal lessons wirh Master brad, the_map_...
20:36.44alpha1-2have you seen Karate Kid series? well, that
20:37.34blast007There are not enough demons in that
20:38.06the_map_I saw one of them, like years ago
20:42.52*** join/#bzflag brad (~brad@2001:41d0:a:14be::bad)
20:43.57the_map_brad: the end of your join message is bad
20:44.32alpha1-2it's a subliminal message...
20:45.01alpha1-2beware, Master Ninja is here!
20:51.15alpha1-2allejo: may I put my last Ninja/Karate funny comment?
20:51.42the_map_those are the path to the dark side
20:51.46alpha1-2it is so funny
20:52.22the_map_...have you seen Star Wars?
20:52.28alpha1-2Master blast007?
20:52.49alpha1-2so not a fan
20:52.57kierraomg.....not a fan
20:53.13kierracrosses alpha1-2 off the cool list
20:53.17alpha1-2here there are not many fans. USA must be the #1
20:53.30the_map_look what you did!
20:53.34the_map_you made brad quit!
20:53.40alpha1-2(brad continues acting weirdly...)
20:55.00alpha1-2well, I hope it is not too much from me (it's very funny; my last comment):
20:57.02alpha1-2I think I like the serie, kierra, just here not really as many fans as there
20:57.34alpha1-2here in general people are fan of soccer
21:03.31the_map_that's not a movie
21:04.12alpha1-2true :)
21:17.58kaadmyif i put "-mp 0,12,12,0,0" into the armory.conf file, then run "./src/bzfs/bzfs -conf armory.conf", it says this: improper player count list
21:19.18kaadmythe observer count is needed too
21:24.29kaadmyi realized that
21:24.50kaadmythe man page for bzfs says all the counts are optional, but doesn't mention you still need the commas
21:27.27kierraic, alezakos
21:27.33kierraopps darn tab
21:27.58alezakosintegrated circuits?
21:30.00the_map_"I see"
21:31.24kaadmywhich files are needed with the plugin to compile it?
21:31.44alpha1-2memory-helper: first: rogue, last: observer, as non-colored ones; then, between colored ones: purple last, 'cause nobody likes it; then, traffic lights: red, green (no yellow); and, finally, blue, which left.
21:32.18kaadmyR,R,G,B,P,O ;)
21:32.19alpha1-2(I made it once)
21:32.30alpha1-2that's confusing!
21:32.49kaadmyi just remember rogue,RGB,purple,obs
21:32.59kaadmyRGB is a standard color format ;)
21:33.18alpha1-2ah RGB..., yes, maybe that was what I did too, didn't remeber well :)
21:37.19alezakoskaadmy: you need at least and plugin.cpp to compile the plugin on linux (of course you can just ship the .cpp file and rely on the user creating the other files)
21:38.36alezakosbut it's not a bad idea to keep the .def, .sln and .vcxproj files as well
21:38.55alezakosHere's an example of a published plugin:
21:39.16kaadmyok, thanks
21:39.27alezakosIf you're using git, here's a .gitignore file that will get rid of all the trash:
21:39.30kaadmyi have 2 custom textures too
21:40.03kaadmyi'm waiting admin approval on -___-
21:46.49kaadmyok, it's on github
21:47.02kaadmybut there's still bugs, don't put up a server yet.
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22:13.35blast007kaadmy: the one image you had uploaded is approved
22:49.47kaadmyi have another to upload, but i can use a builtin image anyway
22:58.45allejoblast007, any update with #33?
22:59.56blast007allejo: I think I'll just tweak my method slightly by putting that stuff into a function and calling that function at those three places
23:00.12blast007otherwise I'm having to create a class and make sure to unregister the event later
23:00.47kaadmywhat's the image url?
23:00.56blast007kaadmy: does it email you?
23:01.08kaadmyah, didnt check email
23:02.20kaadmythanks, works
23:03.05*** join/#bzflag MissAmericanPi (4408ab6f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:03.48allejowhat's the purpose of the other 2 places other than the gameover event section
23:04.07MissAmericanPihey allejo
23:04.11blast007allejo: what?
23:04.19allejohey MissAmericanPi
23:04.35MissAmericanPiare you in charge of urban now?
23:04.39allejoblast007, in your patch why is called three times?
23:04.40blast007all of them have the issue where the server thinks the players are still alive after the client's locally handle their death
23:04.43allejoMissAmericanPi, yes
23:04.51blast007it's three different parts of the code
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23:05.07blast007one is for a team score limit, one is for a player score limit, and one is for the time limit
23:05.09MissAmericanPimy admin perms were removed sometime recently... any reason why?
23:05.31blast007MissAmericanPi: probably a change of admin groups
23:05.53MissAmericanPiis it possible that another admin that is seemingly upset at me did it?
23:06.19allejono, it's what blast said. since i'm running it, i'm using my own admin group
23:06.44MissAmericanPialright. just checking.
23:07.02MissAmericanPithat's cool :3
23:07.05allejoblast007, ohhh ok I forgot those game modes existed
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23:43.51*** join/#bzflag Flak18 (~Flak18@2001:558:6030:27:cdbc:d363:dd9e:f5c3)

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