IRC log for #bzflag on 20160102

00:03.45*** join/#bzflag meeba (~lamer@
00:05.03*** join/#bzflag zuii (
01:19.22alpha1-3blast007: how was the AMD testing, if I may ask? (going to do other thing maybe)
01:31.50blast007just trying out the VGA screen right now
01:33.20blast007odd, it works on there
01:34.33blast007(though there's some weird flashing red and green slightly diagonal line on the screen at all times when in windows).  Might be this cheap VGA adapter though
01:37.00alpha1-3oh weird, it worked. I was thinking that if you use a HDMI-->VGA adapter, it would be the same as using HDMI (for your machine), then surely, the same result. Did you use different resolutions maybe, and this was what made it work?
01:37.59alpha1-3(well, if you are reducing the screen size, then surely diff. ones)
01:38.00blast007it is a different screen with different resolutions (it's a 1600x1200 max CRT, recommended 1280x1024)
01:40.03blast007so, it *could* be another DPI scaling issue
01:40.54alpha1-3yep, I agree
06:23.31*** join/#bzflag alpha1-2 (
07:36.19*** join/#bzflag zuii (
08:10.40*** join/#bzflag Shuist (
09:35.06*** join/#bzflag frans (
13:35.55*** join/#bzflag op90 (
13:37.57op90Greetings, I would like the ability to edit the wiki. Does anyone here have the magic power to do that?
14:10.45blast007op90: I think you just need to register an account on the wiki
14:11.03blast007oh right, registration disabled
14:12.58op90Yup. it directs here.
14:13.41op90(Which is a sensible idea given the amount of spam bots on the net)
14:16.12blast007see the new tab/window with my private message
16:47.14*** join/#bzflag alpha1-2 (
17:03.15Constitutionnot all IPs have a reverse DNS entry
17:05.45alpha1-2ah okay
17:14.35*** join/#bzflag zuii (
17:30.45*** join/#bzflag RickDanger (~Rick@2605:e000:7d02:c700:c51d:3a25:bdac:b065)
20:33.39*** join/#bzflag alpha1-2 (
20:54.43*** join/#bzflag valera_rozuvan (~valera_ro@
23:17.53*** part/#bzflag op90 (
23:37.45*** join/#bzflag alpha1-2 (

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