IRC log for #bzflag on 20151126

00:44.07the_mapit takes my laptop ~1/2 an hour to compile bzflag after pulling updates from github
00:57.03*** join/#bzflag rob1n (~rob1n@unaffiliated/rob1n)
01:16.08alpha1-2not bad neither, the_map
01:26.55alpha1-2alezakos: a simple doubt, why not using just 256 xterm colors, instead of 16.7 million ones?
01:28.26alpha1-2it is not only for 5 colors teams with few brightness modifications?
02:45.40alpha1-2well, first impression is that I had little jumps in sound and video, like with 2.4.2. I will try later again, to be sure it is not my connection (I played a second FM with 2.4.0 just after it and it was normal, but someone else was using a little the network before.)
02:46.00alpha1-2gn now
03:01.27*** join/#bzflag alpha1-2 (~alpha1@
03:03.25alpha1-2I wonder if I just had updated libcurl it would not have worked in 2.4.0. It is dynamically linked right?
03:05.33blast007it is
03:06.03alpha1-2hmm and now why does it work if I didn't updated?
03:06.23blast007what didn't work before?
03:06.44alpha1-2IPV6 site cache file, remember?
03:07.12alpha1-2then it must be statically linked
03:07.29alpha1-2"File transfer terminated with error from libcurl 7 : Failed to connect to 2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fe67:c7ab: Network is unreachable"
03:07.31blast007also, the reason we didn't do 256-color xterm was because we support arbitrary colors for the radar and tank, not a 256 color palette
03:07.52blast007right, but what was that for?
03:08.11blast007cache file to what server?
03:08.48alpha1-22.4.0 not loading cache map from ahs3's server (using IPV6 I suppose, 'cause it is a new server)
03:08.57alpha1-2cached map*
03:08.58blast007because it was probably because you have IPv6 enabled on your computer but local link only, no IPv6 access to the Internet, and the hostname that was used for the cache file probably has an IPv6 record on it
03:09.53blast007it's not an issue with BZFlag
03:10.00alpha1-2but 2.4.4RC2 loaded it quickly
03:10.36*** join/#bzflag OnlineCop (
03:10.39alpha1-2when 2.4.0 wasn't able to use cach method, it turned to slow one
03:10.54blast007we store the world cache in your home directory, so if you had already joined successfully once it had the world already
03:11.12alpha1-2I renamed the cache directory
03:11.33alpha1-2hmm it is a mistery still :P
03:11.44alpha1-2I will continue later, but thanks :)
03:11.49alpha1-2it's late
03:14.14OnlineCopI haven't played bzflag since upgrading OS X to the latest, and have been having a hard time finding "if bzflag crashes, try these steps" documents for troubleshooting. Is there a link someone could point me to?
03:16.43the_mapgoogle :)
03:17.06blast007there's nothing there for crashes
03:17.19OnlineCopWell, there is: remove the configuration file.
03:17.26blast007not for this crash, anyway
03:17.29blast007ignore that
03:17.44blast007OnlineCop: which version of the game are you running?  I'd recommend trying our 2.4.4RC2 if you're not already.
03:17.51OnlineCopBut the RC2 seems to let me at least open a window (couldn't even get it to open full screen on 2.4.2), so I'll play with that. :D
03:18.10OnlineCopYeah; the RC2 appears to open fine. I'll just keep that. :D
03:18.33blast007Great.  :)   Let us know if you find any issues with it.
03:18.50OnlineCopDo you have a changelog, so I know what I should keep my eyes out for?
03:19.02OnlineCopI don't see much under
03:19.33blast007that's wiki changes, not changes to the code
03:20.00blast007the ChangeLog link above shows the major things we changed in RC1 and RC2 when compare to 2.4.2
03:58.56*** part/#bzflag OnlineCop (
04:16.47the_mapI'm trying to update the ReverseGeno plugin, but I can't get bzfs to use it
04:16.58the_mapRG compiles, no problem
04:17.21the_mapI get the following error:
04:18.40the_mapI've done make clean, ./, ./configure --enable-custom-plugins=ReverseGeno, make, and make install sequentially, and can't get it to work
04:19.04the_mapfrom the top bzflag folder
04:19.37the_mapany advice?
04:20.17blast007why are you calling a system-installed bzfs and pointing to a local plugin .so file?
04:20.43the_mapI don't know; it's how I did it before
04:20.47the_mapwhen it was working
04:21.14blast007if you're doing 'make install', just do -loadplugin ReverseGeno
04:21.30the_mapon the bzfs command?
04:21.59the_mapit seems to have worked...
04:23.08blast007when you install it, we know where to look, so a path (and extension) are in necessary
05:31.01*** join/#bzflag rob1n (~rob1n@unaffiliated/rob1n)
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08:27.00*** topic/#bzflag is || || || Channel Logs: || 2.4.4-RC2
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14:24.15alpha1-2I suppose that 2.4.0 was using static link to libcurl using the inside folder (now deleted), which version was 7.20.1. And the RC2 version used a development version (static link too), which is 7.21.2-45.1 (I already had it updated for some time now). Then, apparently, all was a libcurl issue not being able to handle the new IPV6 addresses, it seems (because it loaded well the Animal Lover's cached file, hosted apparently in a IPV4 server).
14:26.10alpha1-2development version --> development package*
14:31.26alpha1-2blast007_: what do you mean by "arbitrary colors for the radar and tank"? (or alezakos) Do players can use any kind of color, apart of 5 main ones? For example, I can set blue tanks (and shots?) in radar and console (and GUI/out of windows too?) to be orange?
14:34.51blast007alpha1-2: yes, they can set the specific RGB colors to use
14:39.24alpha1-2It's weird (tho I don't know very much about IPV6), pings to both servers return me IPv4 addresses
14:40.01alpha1-2maybe ping can't handle IPv6?
14:43.22alpha1-2about colors, I just wonder/worry if that was not a too long step in updating. I remember other case, those students sending console output to a leds screen; maybe they could have problems also. In the other hand, I see shell console is compatible with the new colors, tho.
14:46.51alpha1-2hmm, I do ping6, instead and it says also "Network is unreachable"...
15:00.53blast007alpha1-2: you probably do not have working IPv6
15:08.04alpha1-2hmm, but maybe it's just out of dated iputils (ping, ping6). Mine is from 2011; libcurl 7.20.1 is from 2010; and mine latest libcurl is form 2014 (which worked apparently). I saw that I have loopback available in IPv6 for some time now (it was automatically set it seems; I don't remember it; maybe I did it unintentionally); I don't know what more should I do, tho.
15:09.40alpha1-2(and I can't update iputils anymore, because not available in repository; maybe it is not necessary still tho (to update the whole OS), maybe just configuration issues).
15:10.37*** join/#bzflag BulletCatcher (~bc@bzflag/developer/BulletCatcher)
15:14.09alpha1-2they both gave the same message ("Network unavailable") and they are from the same stage approx. (2010/11)
15:18.42alpha1-2researching more about IPv6
15:22.08alpha1-2"Network is unreachable"*
15:41.33blast007alpha1-2: does your ISP provide you with IPv6?
15:42.00blast007and does all of your equipment support it?  your modem and router would need to support it as well.
15:42.50alpha1-2well, IPv6 is too complex for me now, but my final impression is that RC2, having a newer version of libcurl, was able to handle IPv7 address, apparently. Can anyone (who has IPv6 working) do ping6 to and tell if it is a IPv6 server?
15:44.31alpha1-2to be honest, I don't know about those, blast007. This is my first, apparently, IPv6 issue ever :P
15:45.11braddo "host" or "dig aaaa"
15:45.16alpha1-2I was seeing just before that Argentina is implementing IPv6 for some time now, but I don't have all the info now
15:45.43alpha1-2I will need some time to know all in respect, I think
15:45.46alpha1-2(complex) has address has IPv6 address 2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fe67:c7ab mail is handled by 10
15:47.33alpha1-2then he uses both kinds?
15:48.55alpha1-2(I did some readings time ago about IPv6 tho, not just before :P)
15:49.09alpha1-2this is my first issue tho
15:50.29alpha1-2how can I know quickly if my machine is ready for IPv6?
15:51.58alpha1-2maybe I have half of the packages out of dated
15:52.19alpha1-2if "ping6" doesn't work and "host" does...
15:54.24alpha1-2bind-utils (host) is from 2011 too
16:00.12bradifconfig should show if you have an ipv6 address...just ignore the 'local' ones
16:04.02alpha1-2well, thanks for all, I have to go out some now, in this site I have not pass test, in ifconfig I have a IPv6 address, but I suppose it is internal only, because the site says my ISP has not IPv6 implemented (or I have not bought that service?)
16:04.53alpha1-2I use a modem/router brad, maybe 'cause of this I only have internal addresses with ifconfig right?
16:04.58bradis it something like fe80** ?
16:05.41alpha1-2I can see my internal IPv4 one ( for example
16:05.43bradyou can actually get an external address with ipv6 :-) one of the many benefits with there being so many available
16:06.50alpha1-2but my ISP should sell it me before right?
16:07.14alpha1-2yes fe80::...
16:07.24alpha1-2does this mean local?
16:07.29bradi've never heard of being charged for ipv6
16:07.32bradya, that's local
16:08.24alpha1-2well, that site says my ISP has not IPv6 available still, then one of two: either it has not implemented it still or I have not bought it still :)
16:08.49bradyou'll need to ask your ISP that
16:09.15alpha1-2but why did libcurl work then? it must have used IPv4 at the end
16:09.58alpha1-2and the first version tried to used IPv7 unsuccesfully it seems
16:10.14alpha1-2sry typos I'm in a hurry
16:10.15bradI believe it tries v6 first then falls back to v4 (based on precedence in /etc/gai.conf)
16:10.46bradassuming v6 address is returned in dns lookup
16:12.16alpha1-2this was the error with libcurl 7.20.1 from 2010 and BZ 2.4.0 (if I go it all right): "File transfer terminated with error from libcurl 7 : Failed to connect to 2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fe67:c7ab: Network is unreachable". And with 7.21.2-45.1 and BZ RC2 it worked.
16:12.43alpha1-2if I do ping6 I get also "Network is unreachable"
16:12.57bradtry adding "precedence ::ffff:0:0/96  100" (without quotes) to /etc/gai.conf
16:13.06bradthat (should) make it default to v4
16:14.52alpha1-2Okay I will see later, but why did the newer libcurl + BZ work apparently without any chage to my gai.conf file?
16:15.27alpha1-2it must be a bug in the prev. libcurl?
16:15.51alpha1-2I wil keep connected, thanks
16:44.59*** join/#bzflag ruskie (ruskie@sourcemage/mage/ruskie)
16:48.01alpha1-2I suppose more that it was a BZ bug than a libcurl one
16:56.43alpha1-2and yes, Animal Lover's site is IPv4 only, according to "host"
17:27.03blast007what was the issue at Animal Lover's server?
17:27.55alpha1-2oh man, I said it several times. It is related to the same "-cache" issue. :)
17:28.10alpha1-2it is solved with the last RC2 version tho
17:29.00alpha1-22.4.0 worked with AL's cached file but not with ahs3's one
17:34.33alpha1-2(out of topic - general info: wow is scary and impressive at once; didn't know it.)
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20:10.59alpha1-2how many debug levels are in bzflag (-debug or -d)?
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20:18.56alpha1-2apparently until 1215752192 (into BZ console, by using "/debug <big number>")
20:20.41alpha1-2I am listening some sound clips (little noises) with RC2 (I will check 2.4.2, maybe they were there already IIRC)
20:33.46alpha1-2well, I hear* them in 2.4.0 even. blast007: how can I know servers versions like you did yesterday? I want a 2.4.0 server to test if it is not problem from server
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21:02.52alpha1-3I will log out, maybe it's the chat system
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21:20.03alpha1-2well, RC2 works okay for me then, sorry for the confusion. No video nor audio problems, except some little clips which are present in 2.4.0 also (never noticed them so much). alezakos or blast007: I can't see any RGB menu option, they are not implemented still right?
21:52.43*** join/#bzflag meeba (
22:00.43alezakosalpha1-2: correct, menu options for colors are not implemented, but you can do /localset redcolor or /localset redradar (replace red with any team name or rogue/rabbit/hunter/observer)
22:02.31alezakosas for your other question, there is no reason to hardcode a 256-bit colour palette when we can use 24 bit colours and the user specifies them in RGB
22:03.38alpha1-2yes, I am understanding the RGB pro now
22:05.00alpha1-2(going to play a FM now it seems)
22:05.45alpha1-2ah let me see that command
22:18.15blast007alpha1-2: dunno if server versions can be queried by players without joining each.  I was looking directly at the database, since I run the list.
22:22.20*** join/#bzflag BulletCatcher (~bc@bzflag/developer/BulletCatcher)
22:42.56alpha1-2ah okay, can you give me two 2.4.0 servers please to test sound? (I go AFK now)
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