IRC log for #bzflag on 20150917

00:00.37blast007iirc, the mouse wheel only triggers a 'key down' event, but never a 'key up' event, which is why it makes MG keep going
00:01.09blast007BulletCatcher: and your case could be a missed key up event
00:03.20blast007I imagine there's various cases where certain events could be lost
00:15.36alpha1-2other cause can be lag issues. When I had high lags, sometimes I got killed by my own GMs for example, IIRC
00:16.15alpha1-2if I was walking ahead when I shot
00:18.22alpha1-2it is like when you walk ahead on a [highway rail] and you shoot (like those on Urban Jungle)
00:23.05blast007that's not lag, that's low framerate
00:23.17blast007or moving very fast and getting in front of your own shot
00:34.03the_mapat apoc if I shoot through the teleporters while exiting I usually catch my own (normal) bullet
00:34.56blast007that's because it creates a new shot segment, and only the first shot segment can't kill you
00:35.47the_mapI'm talking about normal bullets, while not holding any flags
00:36.03blast007right, that's what I'm talking about
00:36.45blast007normal shots are calculated into segment.  If they rico or go through a teleporter, that creates a new segment.
00:37.08blast007you're only immune to dying to the first segment of your own shots
00:38.56blast007hmm, or maybe that only applies to laser
00:39.46blast007so you can still get shot by the first segment of non-laser segmented shots if you run into them
00:40.20blast007and teleporting probably does some wonky things with positioning
00:40.30the_mapno kidding :)
00:40.47the_mapthat's sorta the idea
01:08.35*** join/#bzflag I_Died_Once (~I_Died_On@unaffiliated/idiedonce/x-1828535)
01:09.13*** join/#bzflag Shuist (
01:45.51blast007Working on renaming plugins/*/README.txt to plugins/*/<plugin name>.txt to make it easy to include the plugin readmes along with binaries, and renaming the help pages included with some plugins (such as keepaway) to have a .help.txt ending.  Any objections/suggestions?
01:56.44the_mapif you're on linux (maybe mac), a for loop and use of the `rename` function?
01:57.30the_mapif you can figure out the rename function; it's never worked well for me
01:58.07blast007I don't mean suggestions about how to rename them :P
01:58.46blast007I mean suggestions regarding naming scheme
01:59.19the_mapso, suggestions on how they should be named, not how to name them? :)
01:59.38the_map--> how to name them, not how to name them
02:01.02the_mapins't English great?
02:01.21the_mapit's the opposite of logic
02:01.35the_mapa ≠ a sometimes
02:02.12BulletCatcherREADME.<plugin name>.txt would work.
02:23.30blast007BulletCatcher: what about help files?  (ones used with -helpmsg)
02:23.49blast007and should plugin changelogs just be part of the readme files?
02:37.10BulletCatcherI don't see any value in maintaining separate version numbers for the bundled plugins.
02:37.35BulletCatcherI think we can just delete the CHANGELOG.txt files and remove version numbers from the corresponding README.txt files.
02:49.16*** join/#bzflag Indy_ (4a4d2546@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:49.24Indy_hello chat
02:53.33BulletCatcherMost of the plugins/*/[a-z]*.txt files exceed the 10-line limit for -helpmsg.
02:53.38BulletCatcherIf that is their intended use then they need editing, and renaming them to help_<plugin name>_<mumble>.txt would help convey that intent.
02:53.40BulletCatcherOtherwise, it would be better to move the helpful info from those files into the corresponding README.txt files.
07:56.24*** part/#bzflag bizarrefish (
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10:27.27blast007"Siri, destroy my enemies"
10:34.41Constitutionit doesn't respond at all, much less support mobile-specific features like that, but it does load :)
10:35.14ConstitutionI'm thinking SDL 2 on iOS might not support physical keyboards :(
10:35.29Constitutionwas hoping for a new benchmark
10:38.52blast007"now I get *double* digit FPS!"
10:53.35*** join/#bzflag I_Died_Once (~I_Died_On@unaffiliated/idiedonce/x-1828535)
11:10.45blast007Constitution: for a test, you could just modify it to join a specific server in observer automatically
14:33.50Constitutionfor some reason I had a lot of trouble getting that to work
14:35.54Constitutiontried modifying argv, and got stuck with a bunch of unused variable warnings which became errors, and the command line arguments parser seems very finicky
14:37.20ConstitutionI wonder if Xcode could specify runtime arguments though... hmmm
14:40.21blast007should just have to initialize three startupInfo variables somewhere:
17:56.51*** join/#bzflag dngor (~abuse@p3m/dngor)
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23:14.33Delusionalmy 2cents - server and port are also in config.cfg, possible conflict?
23:37.04blast007Delusional: conflict with what?  setting the startupInfo variables?
23:42.22Constitutionit looks like Xcode lets you specify command-line arguments... at least in the simulator... have to see it lets you do it when testing on a real device

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