IRC log for #bzflag on 20150820

00:14.06*** join/#bzflag rob1n (Nomsayinth@unaffiliated/rob1n)
02:34.04ConstitutionI think we can move ahead with the RCs as is... it would be nice to have more NaN protection, but there hasn't been much work on that lately
03:48.24allejoout of sheer curiosity, does anyone use an IDE on linux to work on bz?
03:48.48allejoemacs != ide
04:12.14the_mapallejo: I don't think you fully understand emacs :)
04:12.48the_mapI also don't think anyone fully understands emacs
04:13.14allejoi'm looking for an ide, now a full blown OS ;)
04:17.31the_mapI haven't used it in a while, but I think komodo edit is good
04:17.52the_mapor gedit and a terminal
04:18.32the_mapor a magnet and the hard drive
04:18.58the_mapor a butterfly:
04:25.04the_mapactually, the comic is wrong: it's M-x butterfly
05:11.11*** join/#bzflag noyb (
05:15.14*** join/#bzflag joevano (~joevano@bzflag/developer/JoeVano)
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08:25.54*** join/#bzflag infobot (
08:25.54*** topic/#bzflag is || || || Channel Logs: || 2.4.2 Current version
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11:19.15*** join/#bzflag zuii (~akos@
11:33.10*** join/#bzflag ukiki (
13:48.10*** join/#bzflag ploosma (
14:07.14*** join/#bzflag Chestal_ (~thilo@
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14:12.08*** join/#bzflag Chestal (
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14:24.37*** join/#bzflag tw1sted (~quassel@unaffiliated/tw1sted)
15:33.52the_mapallejo: when I was testing the butterfly powers of emacs, I accidentally got emacs to open the xkcd web page, displaying pictures and everything
15:34.01the_mapmaybe emacs is an OS
15:34.32the_mapit has a text editor, can display images, function as IRC, browse the web, be a terminal, ...
15:34.49the_mapoh, it has games too
18:44.39*** join/#bzflag ukiki (
19:40.27*** join/#bzflag bzbugsy (bzbugsy@2600:3c02::f03c:91ff:fe6e:ddc7)
19:40.28*** join/#bzflag bzbugsy (bzbugsy@unaffiliated/bzbugsy)
19:46.57*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (timr@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
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20:07.23*** join/#bzflag zuii (
23:20.50allejolol the_map
23:21.58allejoI'll see if netbeans or eclipse would work. I just don't wanna go through the effort of setting it up lol
23:22.47allejoHmm. I one thing I want to get in before 2.4.4 is an update to the BZDB event to allow or disallow changes
23:23.24allejoUsage: a plugin can validate values before they're set
23:23.51allejoAside from a allow/disallow anything else that can go in there?
23:26.30allejoI'll get to it tonight
23:47.07Constitutionan IDE in linux would be nice if it could be generated from the autotools files, or the other way around
23:47.33Constitutionif the project files could be generated, that is
23:47.58Constitutionotherwise, I don't see adding support for yet another IDE as being sustainable
23:54.12allejoYea, that's why I was wondering if anyone had done it
23:54.20allejoVS and Xcode suffice
23:57.15allejo gonna give this a try

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