IRC log for #bzflag on 20150812

00:04.00*** join/#bzflag JBdiGriz (
00:36.38*** join/#bzflag Shuist (
00:42.49the_mapwould it be possible for it to only consider the caps in the last hour/day/however long?
02:46.43allejoif it's 1006, anything is possible
02:47.15blast007wait, I had the team scoreboard upside down
02:51.41*** join/#bzflag bzbugsy (bzbugsy@2600:3c02::f03c:91ff:fe6e:ddc7)
02:51.41*** join/#bzflag bzbugsy (bzbugsy@unaffiliated/bzbugsy)
03:00.43the_map...what is 1006?
03:01.19blast007a number
03:01.38the_mapthank you blast, I would have never figured that out :)
03:01.46the_mapnow, what does the number represent?
03:01.54the_mapthe final length of allejo's paper?
03:02.26blast007it's slightly over 9000 if you flip the scouter over
03:03.37the_mapit's 1337 in base 9...
03:26.13*** join/#bzflag JBdiGriz (
03:53.19*** join/#bzflag BZnotify (~BZnotify@
03:53.19BZnotify[13bzflag] 15JMakey pushed 1 new commit to 062.4: 02
03:53.19BZnotify13bzflag/062.4 14f094267 15Jeff Makey: Delete from the repo, too.
03:53.19*** part/#bzflag BZnotify (~BZnotify@
03:57.05*** join/#bzflag BZnotify (~BZnotify@
03:57.05BZnotify[13bzflag] 15JMakey pushed 1 new commit to 062.4: 02
03:57.05BZnotify13bzflag/062.4 14ade2807 15Jeff Makey: Remove the long broken and no longer useful touchversion script.
03:57.05*** part/#bzflag BZnotify (~BZnotify@
04:12.03BulletCatcherYou provide what looks like a sound justification for removing team score from consideration in auto team assignment, Constitution.
04:14.15allejowrites a plugin to assign players to a team based on solar flares
04:17.40the_mapa team based on solar flares?
04:17.48the_mapthat would be an epic team
04:18.08the_maptake forever to get from there back the virtual bzflag world on earth though
04:23.11the_mapof course, it would take no less than 8 minutes to find out about the latest solar flares, and players might not want to wait that long
07:01.33*** join/#bzflag infobot (
07:01.33*** topic/#bzflag is || || || Channel Logs: || 2.4.2 Current version
07:01.33*** mode/#bzflag [+v infobot] by ChanServ
11:43.19*** join/#bzflag joevano (~joevano@bzflag/developer/JoeVano)
11:43.20*** mode/#bzflag [+v joevano] by ChanServ
16:17.26*** join/#bzflag ukiki (
17:28.03*** join/#bzflag reber (
17:28.05reberhi all
17:28.15reberwhat is the best bzflag editor plz ?
17:28.27reberto create maps
17:28.30blast007depends what kind of map you want to make
17:28.39reberthe most recent options
17:28.43blast007the map format itself is just plain text, so some peole write them by hand
17:29.01reberi want i point and click does it exists ?
17:29.15blast007none that support all the features of our map format
17:29.30reberok, wich one supports the most options
17:30.00blast007bzeditw32 is a really old one that supports the map format from 2001, BZWorkBench was an attempt to replace that with one that supported more features (but wasn't finished/released)
17:30.22blast007what operating system are you using?
17:30.48blast007in any case, you will need to do some amount of hand editing
17:31.13blast007Wings3D can export to a BZW in mesh format
17:31.40rebermmm 3 tools, wich one would you recommend ?
17:31.48blast007Blender (and similar tools) can export to OBJ file, which can then be converted to BZW (BZW being "BZFlag World") with our modeltool program
17:32.33blast007you could try compiling BZWorkBench, but it might expect older versions of libraries at this point as it's been several years since it was touched
17:33.09reberok i will thanks :)
17:33.45blast007if you have BZFlag installed, you can run 'man bzw' to see the manual for the map format
17:34.15reberok perfect. I will.
17:37.36blast007hmm, yeah, seems the last two releases of Debian (Jessie and Wheezy) have too new of an OpenSceneGraph for BZWorkBench
17:56.04*** join/#bzflag reber (
18:10.17*** join/#bzflag Shuist (
18:53.18*** join/#bzflag zuii (
18:58.30reberblast007, how to unpack bwc files plz ?
19:39.33reberhow to unpack bwc files plz ?
20:05.02blast007you don't
20:05.18blast007those are just the binary representation of a map file that bzfs sends to the clients
20:13.11*** join/#bzflag zuii (
20:24.24reberblast007, no way to get the sources then ?
21:24.49*** join/#bzflag joevano (~joevano@bzflag/developer/JoeVano)
21:24.49*** mode/#bzflag [+v joevano] by ChanServ
22:05.24the_maphow hard would it be to get spellcheck on bzflag?
22:06.49blast007why would you want that?
22:07.48blast007so every time you want to send a message it pops up a dialog to correct words?
22:08.07the_mapno, it would just underline misspelled words
22:08.28blast007that's a rather silly feature for a game
23:22.22blast007I'm going to be doing some maintenance on the web services, so I might break some stuff for a bit :P

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