IRC log for #bzflag on 20150707

14:50.18*** join/#bzflag infobot (
14:50.18*** topic/#bzflag is || || || Channel Logs: || 2.4.2 Current version
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17:25.47*** join/#bzflag Pimpi (
17:49.30*** join/#bzflag zuii (
18:35.44Constitutionmac uses the LLVM C++ standard library now, not the GNU one, so that part is different than it was back then
18:36.08Constitutionregardless, the badwords filter does work on mac with the current code
18:36.37Constitutionnot that anyone hosts bz servers on mac
19:42.42*** join/#bzflag zuii (
19:59.02brlcadregex wasn't in the C++ standard lib iirc
19:59.33brlcadcurious what would make the filter not work on mac ... it was quite portable when first written
21:37.53blast007brlcad: you mean before, or now?  cuz Constitution said it *does* work on mac with the current code
21:38.26brlcadah, read his response wrong -- thanks
21:38.46brlcadthen maybe good to go
21:39.15blast007and I believe he had removed the src/other/ deps from the Xcode project as well, so it was using system level stuff
21:39.38blast007we no longer use the autotools stuff to build on mac anyways as we have a proper Xcode project now
21:46.46*** join/#bzflag Constitution (~josh@bzflag/developer/Constitution)
21:57.12Constitutionblast007: to make sure I understood you correctly... eliminating src/other and using the system regex will break cross compiling?
22:00.30blast007Constitution: one of our tests may technically break cross compiling because it tries to run the test program - can't test run an ARM program on an Intel CPU, for instance, so that would fail.
22:01.21blast007It would trigger a third option for cross compiling, so we'd have to decide what to do for that.  Before we just made it always build our src/other/regex/ when either the program failed or when cross compiling.
22:02.06blast007ideally we would just make it try to compile that test program, not run it
22:02.29blast007(or, we make that third option throw a warning)
22:49.56*** join/#bzflag BulletCatcher (~bc@bzflag/developer/BulletCatcher)

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