IRC log for #bzflag on 20150528

18:52.19*** join/#bzflag infobot (
18:52.19*** topic/#bzflag is || || || Channel Logs: || 2.4.2 Current version
18:52.22*** mode/#bzflag [+v infobot] by ChanServ
19:10.56*** join/#bzflag tofu_ (
19:44.57Constitutionblast007: right now the OS X SDK already has all of those (well, ncurses instead of PDCurses) except GLEW and c-ares, which are the two currently built by the Xcode project
19:48.26Constitutiontwo more dependencies to install doesn't sound like a serious complication, but I automating the process might be a little tricky... I will have to ponder it a bit
19:49.18Constitutionmore details about how you are planning to do it on Windows might be helpful
19:50.35*** join/#bzflag khonkhortisan (uid64793@gateway/web/
19:55.07ConstitutionBulletCatcher/allejo: previously, the last step in the team selection process (which is hit when players are evenly distributed) is to randomly select between the remaining options... my commit adds one more step prior to that, to add players to the lower-scoring team first
19:56.22ConstitutionI want to add one more step to compare combined player scores if team scores are equal in a CTF game
19:58.17ConstitutionI always thought it was weird when two people are playing, and one clearly is stronger, and the next person to join is added to the strong team
20:03.16*** part/#bzflag tofu_ (
20:03.22*** join/#bzflag brlcad (
20:12.44ConstitutionI'll bbl... no internet except my cell phone for a few days
20:20.59*** mode/#bzflag [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
20:32.05brlcadanyone opposed to my clearing out some of the bans?
20:32.43brlcadsome are truly ancient/unwarranted
20:42.56*** join/#bzflag Macskeeball (
21:40.01blast007brlcad: IRC bans? go for it
21:40.26allejothat's what I thought constitution's commit was for. if that's the case then yea i'd say it'd be a nice addition
21:42.37allejoblast007: I was thinking something like this for our release:
21:42.52allejoand those links would be to the self-hosted binaries if you want
21:43.10allejoalthough, a different title would nice. the redundancy seems kinda off
21:43.22brlcadblast007: yeah, irc bans (ironically, I'm currently banned and I don't see how/why/where)
21:43.51allejooooo you're in trouble brlcad!
21:43.58brlcadI usually am
21:44.54*** mode/#bzflag [-q *!*@*gateway/web/freenode/*] by brlcad
21:45.20*** mode/#bzflag [-q *!*@**] by brlcad
21:45.34*** mode/#bzflag [-q *!4cfe272f@*] by brlcad
21:46.06*** mode/#bzflag [-q *!*478828ad*@*] by brlcad
21:46.16*** mode/#bzflag [-q $~a] by brlcad
21:46.24*** mode/#bzflag [-q *!*@190.194.207.*] by brlcad
21:46.34*** mode/#bzflag [-q *!*chatzilla@*] by brlcad
21:46.35allejoa lot of those were probably for snake and/or the script kiddie
21:47.00brlcadleaves the username specific ones
21:47.23brlcadthat's just the quiets... lot more bans
21:47.57brlcad~1535397 / 60 / 60 / 24
21:48.16brlcad~10690312 / 60 / 60 / 24
21:48.47brlcadso most bans seem to follow server uptime about 4 months old, just one from a couple weeks ago
21:50.02allejowas +q $~a put in place for a particular reason?
21:54.40blast007yes, because of spam
22:00.28allejoshould it be put back?
22:02.26*** mode/#bzflag [+o blast007] by ChanServ
22:02.35*** mode/#bzflag [+q $~a] by blast007
22:04.41allejoi'll take that as a no...
22:05.09blast007a no?  you mean a yes?
22:05.32*** mode/#bzflag [-o blast007] by blast007
22:07.26brlcadbasically blocking all unverified users starting with the letter a ?
22:07.40allejounregistered people can't talk
22:07.57*** topic/#bzflag by ChanServ -> || || || Channel Logs: || 2.4.2 Current version
22:09.13allejoold link led to import-3, as an fyi
22:12.07brlcadah, so that's the problem I'm seeing then
22:12.47allejocan you not talk or not join? +q is for silencing people
22:12.57brlcadit captures more than unregistered, it captures unidentified
22:13.34brlcadi'm registered for exmaple, but don't identify because of a half dozen channels I'm in auto-op
22:14.48brlcadcould turn off auto-op in some (but not all) and manually deoping after every identify would suck
22:16.11brlcadthe bigger issue is one of usability .. freenode doesn't actually say what the problem is or what to do about it
22:16.23brlcadjust literally something along the lines of "you can't talk"
22:16.45*** mode/#bzflag [-o brlcad] by brlcad
22:19.16allejocould add the note as a welcome message or in the topic
22:22.25blast007that, or an IRC bot that has some automated kick/ban/mute
22:22.39*** mode/#bzflag [+o blast007] by ChanServ
22:22.49*** mode/#bzflag [-q $~a] by blast007
22:22.58*** mode/#bzflag [-o blast007] by blast007
22:38.05blast007that's nice.. Slashdot is blocking the Ars article about Sourceforge hijacking the GIMP project (both Slashdot and Sourceforge are owned by DHI)
22:38.21*** join/#bzflag spldart (~spldart@bzflag/contributor/spldart)
22:38.22*** mode/#bzflag [+v spldart] by ChanServ
23:12.51*** join/#bzflag zuii (
23:26.01*** join/#bzflag Macskeeball (
23:43.18*** join/#bzflag Macskeeball (

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.