IRC log for #bzflag on 20150410

02:21.26*** join/#bzflag timvisher (
03:10.44*** join/#bzflag nitroxis (
03:19.57*** join/#bzflag timvisher (
04:33.00*** join/#bzflag timvisher (
10:14.06*** join/#bzflag timvisher (
11:16.33*** join/#bzflag timvisher (
15:42.45*** join/#bzflag tw1sted (~tw1sted@
15:54.09*** join/#bzflag tw1sted (~tw1sted@
16:52.11*** join/#bzflag heartnet (
16:52.48*** part/#bzflag heartnet (
20:01.53*** join/#bzflag timvisher (
20:28.53*** join/#bzflag timvisher (
20:46.58mahem1It's impossible to set a rectangular world size, correct?
20:47.40*** join/#bzflag [Gort] (~gort@unaffiliated/gort/x-9231432)
20:49.34allejomahem1, yes. you'd have to make your own "world" if you want it to be rectangular
21:11.57blast007it is possible if the rectangle is the same size on all sides ;)
21:12.30mahem1Fair enough, I enjoyed building my walls towards the heavens anyways...
21:13.30mahem1*cough* in English we may just call that a square *cough*
21:13.44blast007a square is also a rectangle
21:14.10allejodamn it blast lol
21:14.54mahem1I know, was poking at either your helpfullness, witness, or grasp on the language. :P
21:16.17blast007there was at one time an attempt at supporting more sides to a world, but I don't think that ever worked, and a lot of code probably still assumes the shape is a square
21:17.17mahem1wonders what would happen if he poportionally scaled *everything* inside the world to a rectanglular shape...
21:17.48mahem1Boxes, pyras, tanks size, bullet size, speed, textures...
21:18.26allejorectangular bullets!
21:18.28the_mapyou might as well give everyone wide angle while you're at it
21:18.44the_mapand play with gravity
21:19.36the_mapalso, aren't the tanks already rectangular?
21:19.51mahem1Even mooooore rectagular!
21:20.18mahem1(So that actual rectangular looks square)
21:22.37the_mapwhen you're done with that, make a map that looks like a time/space warp
21:23.18the_mapand put optical illusions on the walls
21:27.21mahem1Or I could scale everything up a few billion times and make every a few billion times faster so that tank approach the speed of light.
21:28.17the_mapand stop time. thanks
21:28.31mahem1Bzflag will comply with the physics behind general relativity, right?
21:28.44blast007I stopped time once.  I pressed the start button on my NES controller.
21:28.47the_mapit must, like everything else
21:29.41the_mapso, what would happen if your tank was moving near the speed of light and you shoot a laser?
21:30.57blast007you'd drive through the outside walls and get kicked by the server ;)
21:32.21the_mapI did manage to go fast enough to go through the outside walls and get kicked
21:32.36the_maptanx was modifying speeds for various flags
21:40.26blast007hehe, yep, I speak from experience ;)
21:44.50mahem1And if you make the world a few light minutes big?
21:45.02mahem1Memory overflow?
22:00.03*** join/#bzflag timvisher (
22:36.53cataywhere is the code hosted these days ? Is the info on the wiki ( still up to date?
22:38.10infobotsomebody said bzgit was git clone --branch v2_4_x bzflag
22:38.52blast007(though that will be changing in the near future to a more permanent location)
23:08.17BulletCatchermahem1: You can have a battlefield with an arbitrary shape by putting up the walls you want inside the "real" square.
23:08.18BulletCatcherYou'll have to manage spawn areas and flag zones to keep players inside it at all times.
23:12.25*** join/#bzflag timvisher (
23:14.15BulletCatcherSee the Bloodbath map for a rectangular example.

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