IRC log for #bzflag on 20150125

02:06.54*** join/#bzflag WhoopeeCat (~WarPig@bzflag/player/WarPig)
02:09.38*** join/#bzflag contempt (contempt@unaffiliated/contempt)
02:10.08*** join/#bzflag trepan (
02:10.12*** join/#bzflag McYukon (~McYukon@
02:28.31*** join/#bzflag macsforme (~josh@bzflag/developer/Constitution)
02:32.26*** join/#bzflag ruskie (ruskie@sourcemage/mage/ruskie)
02:38.59*** join/#bzflag ukiki (
02:44.04*** join/#bzflag tw1sted_ (~tw1sted@
02:45.07*** join/#bzflag joevano (~joevano@bzflag/developer/JoeVano)
02:45.07*** mode/#bzflag [+v joevano] by ChanServ
02:46.27*** join/#bzflag kongr45gpen (~kongr45gp@unaffiliated/alezakos)
02:48.47*** join/#bzflag TD--Linux (
02:49.54*** join/#bzflag TD-Linux (~Thomas@about/essy/indecisive/TD-Linux)
02:49.54*** join/#bzflag ukiki (
09:56.32*** join/#bzflag infobot (
09:56.32*** topic/#bzflag is || || || Channel Logs: || 2.4.2 Current version
09:56.32*** mode/#bzflag [+v infobot] by ChanServ
11:15.22*** join/#bzflag zuii (
11:19.59*** join/#bzflag Notify (
11:36.51*** join/#bzflag catay (
12:17.36*** join/#bzflag I_Died_Once (~I_Died_On@unaffiliated/idiedonce/x-1828535)
12:20.16*** join/#bzflag zuii (
12:30.15*** join/#bzflag I_Died_Once (~I_Died_On@unaffiliated/idiedonce/x-1828535)
15:03.12*** join/#bzflag dreamon (~dreamon@unaffiliated/dreamon)
15:06.30dreamonhello. my boy wants to play bzflag on a lokal server at home. he wants to use flags on a easy world with jumps. so I downloaded a few worlds. but what parameters do I have to use?
15:11.19blast007are you running bzfs from the command line?
15:11.45blast007the -world paramater lets you pass in the path to a world file.  For example:
15:12.09blast007bzfs -world /home/user/World.bzw
15:12.40dreamonblast007, is it possible to start server from gui? (command line is no problem (using linux))
15:13.04dreamonwhat parameters do I have to use for flags and jumps?
15:13.31blast007ther in-game 'start server' menu is pretty basic and doesn't give any error messages when something fails
15:13.50blast007-j for jumping, and +f can add types of flags
15:14.19blast007or you can use +s -s and -f to randomly generate flags (with -f disallowing random spawning of a certain type)
15:14.29blast007'man bzfs' would show you all the options
15:14.43blast007and there is also 'bzfs -help'
15:15.04dreamonblast007, Thanks.. !!
16:09.38*** join/#bzflag spldart (~spldart@bzflag/contributor/spldart)
16:09.38*** mode/#bzflag [+v spldart] by ChanServ
16:33.31Not-bb98[02bzflag-import-3] 07blast007 pushed 031 commit to 03v2_6_x [+0/-0/±2] 13
16:33.33Not-bb98[02bzflag-import-3] 07blast007 032183fb2 - Copy how the normal menus set the OpenGL state so that client dialogs render without having to bring the menu up. Still renders client dialogs over the actual menus when they are opened, but it's a step in the right direction.
16:42.01*** join/#bzflag macsforme (~josh@bzflag/developer/Constitution)
17:13.06*** join/#bzflag Constitution (~josh@bzflag/developer/Constitution)
18:28.34*** join/#bzflag Constitution (
18:28.52*** join/#bzflag Constitution (~josh@bzflag/developer/Constitution)
19:02.05*** join/#bzflag spldart (~spldart@
19:02.05*** join/#bzflag spldart (~spldart@bzflag/contributor/spldart)
19:02.05*** mode/#bzflag [+v spldart] by ChanServ
20:41.02*** join/#bzflag I_Died_Once (~I_Died_On@unaffiliated/idiedonce/x-1828535)
20:51.33*** join/#bzflag rob1n__ (~rob1n@unaffiliated/rob1n)
21:29.22*** join/#bzflag I_Died_Once (~I_Died_On@unaffiliated/idiedonce/x-1828535)
21:41.44*** mode/#bzflag [-v Foo_man_choo] by ChanServ
22:12.27*** join/#bzflag dreamon (~dreamon@unaffiliated/dreamon)
23:43.51*** join/#bzflag tw1sted (~tw1sted@unaffiliated/tw1sted)

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.