IRC log for #bzflag on 20140906

00:00.17JeffMair controll systems should not be on public networks and never download anything
00:00.36JeffMthis is my computer you are talking about, it's where I keep all my stuff, it should be important to me :)
00:01.13JeffMyou can't trust anything you get over a network connection, so why should you arbitrarialy execute it?
00:01.39alpha1-2then disconnect from the intenet and live alone also :P
00:01.58JeffMexecute is not the same as 'view' :)
00:02.19JeffMbut there are levels of risk
00:02.31JeffMI know javascript is very limiting, and it isn't compiled down to bytecode
00:02.40JeffMso I trust my browser to filter it out
00:02.45JeffMif it did anything bad
00:02.50JeffMit's easy to sandbox
00:02.55alpha1-2as far as I know, everytime and the few times, I saw an online java application, the browser always asked me to run it, never automatically
00:03.03JeffMjava and other bytecode languages I don't like
00:03.13JeffMthey install at the system level not the application level
00:03.33JeffMbut when you run it, it runs outside the browser
00:03.38JeffMit runs in the JRE
00:03.57JeffMI can check what my browser has access to, with the JRE I have to limit it too
00:04.00alpha1-2but the browser should ask you before running it
00:04.04JeffMno web page should need system level access
00:04.15JeffMthere are ways around it asking :)
00:04.28JeffMit's just a bad idea overall
00:04.51alpha1-2see, you are going to the extreme
00:04.56JeffMnot really
00:05.11JeffMdownloading and running code is kinda silly when all you need is a scripting system
00:05.20JeffMmost java pages can be impelemtned in javascript better
00:05.28JeffMthen no need for a third party runtime
00:05.56JeffMI can understand a user downloading a java app and running it as an app
00:05.58JeffMthat makes snes
00:06.07JeffMthat's the same as downloading a bin and has the same risks
00:06.16JeffMbut the browser it self should not need to do that
00:07.01alpha1-2it is the same idea of you wanting to download any new software from the internet. Remember? before Java appeared, you could find over the internet any soft you wanted, download it and install it. It is the same idea: if you don't trust on it, then don't download nor install it. (you only can install with the admin password, then system level)
00:07.38JeffMyeah but then I choose to install it at the system level, I do not download it every time
00:08.02JeffMwith a java page, I could trust the code today and accept the app, but tomorow someone could have changed the code on me
00:08.16JeffMwith a download I know I always run what I downloaded
00:09.05alpha1-2yes, okay, I like too to have all downloaded 1 time
00:09.43alpha1-2but really I rarely have seen whole (Java) applications online
00:10.03JeffMany webpage that uses java will download the code each time
00:10.11JeffMit may cache it for a bit
00:10.13alpha1-2to run directly from the browser
00:10.28JeffMthat's my issue, running it directly from the browser
00:10.40alpha1-2ys, I rarely have seen those cases
00:10.48alpha1-2then I don't bother much
00:10.56JeffMthen you don't need java installed :)
00:11.38alpha1-2you need to manage some tiny range of error, JeffM. You can't do your job perfectly.
00:11.50JeffMyes it's about acceptable risk
00:12.00JeffMand I'm not willing to accept the risk associated with Java
00:12.05JeffMI am with javascript
00:12.07JeffMthat is my line
00:12.14alpha1-2okay :)
00:12.26JeffMso not too extreeme ;)
00:12.36alpha1-2oh yes, in yourcase I und. it
00:12.54alpha1-2to me (my clients) it is not too bad
00:13.14JeffMcool, so we can probably hack your browser
00:13.42Snake12534what number does int go up to?
00:13.52JeffMwhat kind of int?
00:13.57Snake12534is there any other variable that can go even higher than int?
00:14.00Snake12534default int
00:14.02JeffMshort, long, long long, signed, unsigned?
00:14.02alpha1-2but thanks for the talk, it is always enriching
00:14.11JeffMdefault in what langauge?
00:14.19JeffMit's a string
00:14.25JeffMjavascript is not typed
00:14.46alpha1-2I will never accept a java app from the forum then ;)
00:14.50JeffMthats one reason I trust it more, it's slow but everything just goes out to strings and has less change of overflowing
00:15.28JeffMa 32 bit unsigned int has a max value of over 4 billion
00:15.38JeffM0xFFFFFFFF to be exact
00:16.49Snake12534a double seems to work more effectively in javascript
00:17.02JeffMa double is 64 bits
00:17.17JeffMit's floating point
00:17.27JeffMso it can't eactly hold the same values as an int
00:18.20JeffMsometimes you can't use floating point
00:19.34Snake12534in my problem, i think i should use a floating point over a whole number
00:19.39Snake12534thanks for the help
00:19.53JeffMdepends what the number represents
00:51.05*** join/#bzflag alpha1-2 (
01:02.54alpha1-2Ducati match/es waiting since now, for those who wish to participate. Tomorow, last day, at 21 UTC.
01:04.26Snake12534alpha1-2: are you hosting an event?
01:05.33alpha1-2come and see :) . It is specially to invite developers to share some matches together.
01:05.54Snake12534right now on bzflag?
01:06.01Snake12534and define 'developer' :P
01:06.40alpha1-2ducati, rigt now and tomorow, last 2 days (we were playing almost all the week)
01:06.55alpha1-2developer, who codes for BZ
01:07.09alpha1-2or related soft.
01:15.27allejohehe jeff
01:51.07*** join/#bzflag JeffM (~JeffM@2605:e000:7d02:c700:8179:d004:b0ef:d3dd)
02:22.57allejolol JeffM, for libraries I can see GPL being a pain but for a plug-in (which most likely won't be forked into a closed source project)? :p
02:24.20JeffMallejo, as a plug-in, it IS a library :)
02:24.56allejohmm never actually thought of it that way
02:25.05JeffMit is a dynamicly loaded library
02:25.16JeffMtechincaly bzflag can't load it, since bzflag isn't GPL ;)
02:26.01allejowell that's an inconvenience
02:26.16JeffMyeah I doubt you'd sue bzflag for loading it ;)
02:26.50allejonah i like you guys :p
02:41.15JeffMJust use the Ms-PL :)
02:44.12alpha1-2"<JeffM> techincaly bzflag can't load it, since bzflag isn't GPL ;)" what do you mean, JeffM?
02:44.39alpha1-2sometimes you make me dizzy :))
02:44.40JeffMa GPL lib dosn't have an exception for dynamic linking, anything that uses the code must also be GPL :)
02:44.50JeffMbzflag is not GPL
02:44.54JeffMand it loads the library
02:45.47alpha1-2but allejo's library/plugin is GPL
02:45.54JeffMbzflag is not
02:45.58JeffMbzflag does the loading
02:46.02JeffMnot his plugin
02:46.40alpha1-2oh, I see, all GPL software must be related only to GPL software, you mean?
02:46.57JeffMall things that use GPL software must also be GPL
02:47.36JeffMnot that anyone would have an issue with it
02:47.40alpha1-2then a LGPL software like BZ can't supposedly use a GPL library/plugin?
02:48.13JeffMactualy it may be ok, the LGPL is GPL compatable
02:48.22JeffMso I think I'm wrong
02:48.41alpha1-2yes, I never worried about it, they must be compatible
02:48.42JeffMthe GPL requires that code that uses it be GPL compatable, not specificly GPL
02:49.13alpha1-2ah okay, that's it
02:50.59alpha1-2then only strong restriction I remember well is that if you develop and you use GPL software, then you have to continue into the same license (GPL). If you use for example LGPL, you can swicth to GPL, but then you must stay into it since then.
02:51.04alpha1-2the only*
02:51.59JeffMI dont't belive it is limited to "develop"
02:52.24BulletCatcherThe GPL permits the distribution (copying) of software provided that certain conditions are met.
02:52.25BulletCatcherI don't think it restricts the way a person may mix software components at runtime on their own computer.
02:52.33alpha1-2and OFC you can't switch to a propietary one
02:52.47JeffMBulletCatcher, true
02:55.25alpha1-2hi BC, do you see a plugin like a dynamic library also? are you talking of this?
02:56.01JeffMon windows it's a DLL, Dynamic Linked Library, what else can it be? :)
02:56.02alpha1-2(or dynamic link)
02:56.10JeffMon linux it's a .so
02:56.19JeffMthats dyanmicly linked
02:56.21allejoon OS X it's a .dylib
02:56.42JeffMthe entire system works because they are dynamic libs
02:56.46alpha1-2yes, but I never thought about a plugin like a dynamic library
02:56.54JeffMthats how plugins work
02:57.02JeffMif they wern't they'd be staticly linked at compile time
02:57.24alpha1-2not sure if BulletCatcher was refering to it, though, that is why I asked
02:58.02allejoit's not up to him how he sees the plugin, it's a dynamic library as jeff described
02:58.07alpha1-2yes, I know the difference
02:58.30alpha1-2"<BulletCatcher> I don't think it restricts the way a person may mix software components at runtime on their own computer."
02:58.41allejonever actually thought of a plugin of a dynamic library even though .dll and .dylib should have given it away...
02:59.14JeffMhe was refering to 2 things
02:59.23JeffM1) the GPL only deals with distrobution not use
02:59.35alpha1-2because if he was talking of plugins, then he is saying the opposite of you, JeffM :)
02:59.37JeffM2) the GPL just needs conditions to be meet not specificly licenses
02:59.45JeffMalpha1-2, no I agree with him now
03:00.02JeffMI said I was thinking I was wrong
03:00.26allejoi'm kinda happy you were wrong, jeff :p
03:00.45JeffMthe LGPL meets the conditions of the GPL :)
03:01.11JeffMallejo, I still say you should use Ms-PL :)
03:02.14JeffMit's OSI approved :)
03:03.33alpha1-2well, Jeffm, but remmber I was questioning you before him, giveme some credit also ;)
03:04.07alpha1-2\o/ thanks!
03:04.37JeffMin the open source philosophy, you do it for the love of doing it, not the credit :)
03:04.44allejowill read up on it
03:05.00JeffMallejo, it's just a microsoft license :)
03:05.15allejoI figured that's what the MS was for :p
03:06.03alpha1-2where did go all that about "we are a meritocracy"? (joke)
03:07.06alpha1-2well, I go out, rather tired, thanks for all :)
03:07.20Flashdoesn't do windows
03:07.25Flashdoesn't do Windows
03:07.27BulletCatcherMy understanding is that the LGPL allows distribution of the relevant "library" along with non-free software, without forcing GPL terms onto the non-free portion.
03:07.31BulletCatcherThus, BZFlag could be bundled with proprietary software and they could be distributed together with their incompatible licenses.
03:07.33BulletCatcherOn the other hand, allejo's GPL plugin can only be distributed along with other GPL-compatible software.
03:07.35JeffMthen you must lack vision Flash  :)
03:07.42Flashno, I have scruples
03:08.11JeffMFlash,  you know they worked on the linux kernel right?
03:08.31JeffMBulletCatcher, that makes sense
03:08.33Flashwhat they worked on and what they sell are two entirely different things
03:09.02JeffMFlash,  they were the top corporate contributor to the kernel in 2011
03:09.26Flashthat's nice. I still don't take Linux seriously. I'd much rather work on Solaris
03:09.45JeffMbut the MsPL is a variant of BSD, it's very permisve
03:09.52FlashLinux is an operating system for people who want to play with operating systems
03:10.25FlashThe only thing Microsoft that I like is my Microsoft mouse
03:10.40JeffMthe natural keyboard is pretty nice too
03:11.03alpha1-2ah BulletCatcher, that is why many (or all) linux distro only give access to non-free/libre soft through their repositories, right?
03:11.44JeffMalpha1-2, I don't think that's the main reason
03:11.56alpha1-2because they have a lot of GPL soft.
03:12.11JeffMthey also have a lot of BSD and MIT software
03:12.28JeffMLLVM is available in distros and it's not GPL
03:12.54alpha1-2"Microsoft mouse" hehe
03:13.05JeffMthey make good mice
03:13.20FlashI've had two (I wore the first one out)
03:13.32BulletCatcherThe mouse I am using right now is Microsoft branded.
03:14.07JeffMthey make some good cheap solid mice
03:14.21Flashbest mouse I've ever used
03:14.40Flashand that is the nicest thing you will EVER hear me say about Micro$oft
03:16.25BulletCatcheralpha1-2: The individual RPM or deb files in a distro are not considered bundled in a way that makes the GPL cross from one to the other.
03:17.00BulletCatcherI suspect that most distros choose not to distribute non-free software simply to avoid the effort of getting permission to do so.
03:18.06alpha1-2BRB sorry does get permission to distribute many non-free packages (such as proprietary video drivers) and they make it easy for people to install that proprietary software on their Fedora Linux systems.
03:26.12JeffMUbuntu does the same thing
03:32.02*** join/#bzflag Snake125341 (329c524c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
03:32.06Snake125341sorry khonkhortisan, i got disconnected
03:32.43Snake12534ping allejo
03:36.40alpha1-2before I forget, BulletCatcher, Flash, [DTRemenak], Constitution, alezakos, cods, and others that can be interested and maybe weren't here before, also those who supported along the week, try to attend tomorow to Ducati match at 21 UTC. We got a very nice match this evening, 8 vs 8, with several observers, we were on top of the server list. Also the Sunday there are 2 nice events at 19 and 19:40 UTC. Not saying more! :))
03:38.21alpha1-2well brad, Chestal, etc., there are a lot...
03:39.03alpha1-2also JeffM, have a look, mate :)
03:39.10Flashdon't make me do math....
03:39.44FlashCO is UTC -6 .... so 1500L ? I don't know if I can make it but I'll try.
03:40.12alpha1-2blast007, OFC, etc. (he attended!)
03:40.32alpha1-2TimRiker, don't forget us! :)
03:40.44JeffMhe's not here
03:40.51alpha1-2I know :)
03:41.31alpha1-2[TimRiker]* (absent)
03:47.51alpha1-2Flash: thanks!, and, yes, I considered all the USA timezones: it will be from 6 p.m. (east coast, not New York) to 2 p. m. (Los Angeles) (not including Alaska)
03:48.20JeffMnew york is on on the east cost :)
03:48.31alpha1-2yes, but it is UTC-4
03:49.05alpha1-2I have UTC -3, the same as the last east USA UTC
03:49.36alpha1-2don't remember the cities over there
03:49.54JeffMnew york is the eastern time zone, it's not special from what's around it
03:49.56alpha1-2wen you say East Cast time, do you mean NY or those other cities?
03:50.55JeffMNew york is in that big green part :)
03:51.20alpha1-2oh that is Canada!
03:51.44alpha1-2okay, then from 5 p. m. to 2 p. m.
03:52.51JeffM5PM EST / 2PM PST
03:53.10alpha1-2ahh okay, yes, that's it
04:00.12alpha1-2BulletCatcher: yes, I can install in openSUSE non-free packages from the non-OSS soft repository also... let me see... for example: flash-player, unrar, acroread, java-1_6_0-sun, etc. but, yes, they avoid to do it in the CD/DVD versions IIRC
04:03.30Snake12534what does it mean to Use the DATABASE.sql file to create the necessary database structure
04:04.02JeffMexactly what it says
04:04.16JeffMuse that file to create a database
04:04.47JeffMhat DBMS are you using?
04:06.37JeffMwhat DBMS are you using?
04:07.00JeffMDatabase Management System
04:07.06alpha1-2I remember in 2005, it was in SuSE Linux at that time, IIRC, and I could install the Nvidia driver package from the repository, and then, after restart the computer (or just before), it connected directly to the Nvidia site to check/download something more and configure all. It was kind of strange, but it worked very well. I think it just asked for restarting to change the video configuration, though; it is very rare to have restart
04:07.08alpha1-2in linux.
04:07.26JeffMalpha1-2, thy don't do that anymore
04:07.42JeffMmany distros offer non free repos and tools to get drivers going
04:08.07JeffMSnake12534, do you know what a DBMS is?
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04:11.18alpha1-2to do what anymore?
04:11.26JeffMconnect to nvidia
04:12.01Snake12534JeffM: no
04:12.16alpha1-2you know that I try to avoid propietary software or do you have any other doubt? :)
04:12.59JeffMSnake12534, it's like MySQL, MSSQl, etc..
04:13.04JeffMwhat are you trying to do?
04:13.25JeffMalpha1-2, I'm betting you haven't installed nvidia drivers in a while :)
04:13.47alpha1-2true, why?
04:14.04JeffMjust based on your comments
04:14.27JeffMSnake12534, do you have web server?
04:14.45JeffMthen you can't use that project
04:14.49JeffMit's a website
04:15.04alpha1-2but do you have any doubt about me trying to avoid prop. software?
04:15.20JeffMalpha1-2, no, why?
04:15.50alpha1-2no, just cause you said "try don't do that anymore"
04:16.01JeffMoh, I meant to say "they"
04:16.15alpha1-2ahh okay
04:19.08alpha1-2yes, that 3D card was burnt, I never bothered to get another one/fix it and those other what I got (generic onboard ones) I just wanted the free drivers, but never worked, until with this new computer and new system I finally could get it work just some time ago
04:20.17alpha1-2I tried Intel ones also, but never worked until last ones
04:20.46alpha1-2it was a loong way, but I am happy now
04:48.40*** join/#bzflag Snake12534 (329c524c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
04:51.31allejoJeffM, in the bz_ePlayerUpdateEvent, what's the different between state and lastState? by the looks of it it's the change in states to show that there was an update, am I right or entirely wrong?
04:54.02JeffMallejo, yeah
04:54.10JeffM"where we thought they were before this one
04:55.19allejoSnake12534, what jeff said. look up XAMPP and how to configure it so you can have apache and mysql running on your computer. and I mean "look up" (i.e. research). don't just download it and ask "what next?" :p
04:55.49allejothanks jeff, was just making sure
04:57.42Notify03BZFlag:Allejo * 8829 /Bz_ePlayerUpdateEven: Clarified documentation on the two state variables
04:58.50JeffMallejo, at one time it was where we interpolated the player postion to be
04:58.54JeffMbut it was not very accurate
04:59.59allejoin the 2.0.x api? the wiki documentation for this event was completely wrong lol
05:00.25JeffMno, in the 2.99 one IIRC
05:00.36JeffMtha was the version that did interpolation
05:00.47JeffMbut really it should be a history list of postions
05:00.50JeffMwith times
05:01.13allejothat list would get really long, no?
05:01.40JeffMyou'd go back only a few seconds
05:01.47JeffMLinked Lists FTW :)
05:02.56allejowould make more sense that way lol
05:03.37JeffMlinked list of shared pointers :)
05:06.15allejothat'd be effecient
05:26.41*** part/#bzflag Snake12534 (329c524c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
05:50.10Flasheven more efficient than a list would be a polynomial equation (or the coefficients of the same)
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18:27.20Not-f47f[02bzflag-import-3] 07kongr45gpen pushed 031 commit to 03v2_4_x [+0/-0/±2] 13
18:27.21Not-f47f[02bzflag-import-3] 07kongr45gpen 03ff9936e - Add [Reverse Score] scoreboard sort option
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19:36.36alpha1-2I had some connection issues just before, can anyone confirm the 2 messages were sent, please?
19:39.16blast007I saw one message.   "5 p. m. East Coast Time, 2 p. m. Pacific Coast Time -"
19:40.18alpha1-2and the "Ducati *last-day* match/es" one a little before?
19:41.25alpha1-2okay, thanks blast007, I will repeat them, then:
19:42.00alpha1-2is there any problem if I use "***" at the start and at the final of the message?
19:42.38blast007I don't see why you'd need to use that...
19:42.52alpha1-2okay, maybe it was a IRC issue
19:44.13alpha1-2Ducati *last-day* match/es - for the development spirit: we start in 1 hour 45 min. aprox. (21 UTC), all invited! At first, in a public server, not registration needed; later, new public/official servers can be used too if too many people or if wish; observers welcome, also.
19:44.15alpha1-25 p. m. East Coast Time, 2 p. m. Pacific Coast Time -
19:46.55alpha1-2(always Ducati style servers please)
19:54.57alpha1-2uh, sorry, *"we start in 1 hour 15 min. aprox"*, now, in 1 hour aprox.
20:42.58*** join/#bzflag alpha1-2 (
21:05.25alpha1-2Last Ducati match/es: waiting since now - all invited!
21:24.44*** join/#bzflag JeffM (~JeffM@2605:e000:7d02:c700:1950:ac5e:f5ef:d84c)
21:30.18alpha1-24 vs 4 already guys, last day!
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21:38.07kierraI'm waiting to shoot blast007's tank
21:38.52kierraBeen years since I shot my learner man's tank.....brlcad
21:41.25spldartoh my. To much excitement for me
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21:57.24blast007kierra: I was playing Ducati on Thursday :P
21:57.49kierrai missed it?
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21:58.03kierraplay tomorrow, 19 UTC :)
21:58.11kierraplease :)
22:01.05blast007note that I don't do matches.. not really my thing.
22:32.13kierrablast, just for fun.....nothing official :)
22:33.15kierrasome of my fondest memories is playing with quol and learner :).....teaching those guys a thing or three
22:33.34kierrafondest memories on bz....that is
22:41.32alpha1-2Quol* (riiing!) :)
22:49.16alpha1-2yes, tomorow there are 2 nice events to assist: 19 and 19:40 UTC ( Thanks very much for all who attended along this week. It was fun and nice to see several of you doing it (maybe some hidden ones also? :) , and well, keep trying please, BZ is a good and fun game to share time and to meet people. Also feel free to repeat this week event experience, don't depend of me/kierra/others
22:49.17alpha1-2necessarily. Greetings! :))
22:52.12*** join/#bzflag dcat (
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23:23.16alpha1-2assist --> attend*
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