IRC log for #bzflag on 20140905

00:10.06*** join/#bzflag Leppp (~Leppp@
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00:44.32*** join/#bzflag alpha1-2 (
01:00.50blast007alpha1-2: can't respond there as only ducati members can talk
01:02.04alpha1-2yes, that was the idea from the start... let me see...
01:06.38alpha1-2okay, now in the Public one, I think no problem
01:08.14alpha1-2Ducati match: waiting since now, all invited! (now Public server, not registration needed)
01:23.49alpha1-2in 5 min we start, there is place still! :)
01:32.54alpha1-2allejo we don't have timelimit nor countdown in your public server :P
01:33.25alpha1-2oh then we can use just a chronometer (1 guy is hurry)
01:51.47allejoalpha1-2, I think the public server was requested that way
01:52.19alpha1-2oh okay, we used a stop watch, NP :)
01:52.53allejoapplauds for the improv
02:00.17*** join/#bzflag JeffM (~JeffM@2605:e000:7d02:c700:10bf:ff4f:c5b5:9ce3)
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02:50.20alpha1-2yes, improvisation hehe, always manual ways work!
02:51.58alpha1-2thanks for all who attended, it was fun!
02:53.55alpha1-2and for the others, don't discourage, the week still didn't end! :)
03:40.18*** join/#bzflag Snake12534 (329c524c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
03:47.27Foo_man_chooWhoever devtank is they are either that good or.. yeah.... damn. 8~)
03:47.49Foo_man_chooShucks... I meant 'darn'
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06:51.24Notify03BZFlag:Allejo * 8828 /Bz_ePlayerUpdateEven: Corrected data
07:38.35FusionDudedevtank is pretty good
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15:42.27*** join/#bzflag alpha1-2 (
15:46.14alpha1-2Hi, Ducati *free-time* match/es - for the development spirit: today is Friday, which time would you prefer for today, and who would be interested? Let's vote! (I was thinking a good minimal period would be 1 hour - public server - no registration needed)
15:48.47alpha1-2(also observers welcome)
15:53.37alpha1-2and by "time" I mean "(at) what time?"
15:54.22alpha1-2(not the period of time)
15:55.47alpha1-2and we have still tomorow to play, then, don't worry if you can today
15:58.30*** join/#bzflag JeffM (
16:22.10alpha1-2and, please, don't worry if you are not from USA, today the time with more votes wins
16:25.27alpha1-2I have double vote OFC ;)
16:31.45JeffMallejo, eww the GPL, so viral
16:34.50alpha1-2what is being viral?
16:35.08JeffMhis plugin
16:35.12JeffMGPL vs LGPL
16:35.57JeffMGPL forced everyone to use a compatable license in all code, LGPL allows dynamic linking to non-compatable code
16:36.08JeffMthat is why bzflag is LGPL not GPL
16:36.17alpha1-2the LeagueOverseer one?
16:36.30JeffMno useless mine
16:37.27alpha1-2yes, I have the idea of the diff. between both
16:37.56alpha1-2and FSF don't recommend to use LGPL mostly
16:38.17JeffMyeah they want to push an agenda
16:38.22JeffMbut we are LGPL for a reason
16:38.31JeffMto allow closed source plug-ins
16:38.45alpha1-2"no useless mine"? what do you mean?
16:39.07JeffMhe can license his plug-in however he wants (assuming it's not derived), I was just expressing my opionion on GPL vs LGPL
16:39.19JeffMthe plugin is called "useless mine"
16:39.28JeffMit turns the useless flag into a mine
16:40.28alpha1-2oh yes, I just saw it again last night in-game
16:40.36JeffMthere are many versions of it
16:41.56JeffMTimRiker, are you ok with changing the license on the template plug-in to BSD or public domain so that people can use it as a start and not be forced into LGPL? Some people want to MIT or BSD plugins but since they started from our LGPL code they have to be LGPL.
16:42.35alpha1-2yes, I have read that the only reason FSF recommends LGPL is for those projects that are some original, then they can attract more people to use it since they can link it or use non-free soft. in some relation with it
16:43.06JeffMwe do it to allow bzflag to use closed source components if it needs them
16:43.20JeffMLGPL is way more useful
16:43.40JeffMI won't touch a GPL project with a 10 foot pole at work, but LGPL sure
16:43.59TimRikerplugins should be allowed no matter the license. If we want to make that more explicit by changing the license on the template that would make sense to me.
16:44.14JeffMTimRiker, ok thanks
16:44.19JeffMit'd just be 2 files
16:44.41JeffMI figured that was your opinion too :)
16:44.56JeffMit felt kinda bad telling people they could not use a more premisive license
16:45.48JeffMnow I just need to stop being dizzy so I can make the change
16:46.25JeffMI had surgery last week, had to take a painpill last night and today is not awesome
16:46.56JeffMprobably shouldn't have skipped breakfast
16:47.07TimRikeroh. sorry to hear it. hope you recover soon
16:47.28JeffMthanks, it's very small surgery, just a hernia.
16:47.34JeffMjust some days suck
16:47.49JeffMbut at least all my guts are inside now :)
16:56.11alpha1-2oh, my thought was wrong: if you have 10 office suites, then use LGPL in the free one (it is more attractive); but, instead, if you have few products of a kind of soft (then it is some original), then use GPL, to encourage the use of it
16:57.27JeffMalpha1-2, I can't use GPL code at work for anything. The license says if I use it, I have to make my code GPL, and that can't happen
16:57.33alpha1-2I just said the opposite before
16:57.53JeffMbut I can use LGPL code since all I have to do is keep the code in the library LGPL
16:58.14JeffMso in this case, I will use and contribute back to a LGPL lib and will not do anything with a GPL lib
16:58.46JeffMso in my case the LGPL lib gets more code
17:00.35alpha1-2oh you are coding libraries... it was called at the start *Library* GNU Public License, precisely to encourage the use of it in non-free software yes
17:03.05JeffMeverything is broken into libraries :)
17:03.13alpha1-2you are coding libraries, use LGPL libraries or both?
17:03.35JeffMI am making products, the products use code, some of that code is in libraries
17:04.53alpha1-2you just contradicted yourself :) : "everything is broken into libraries" vs "some of that code is in libraries"
17:05.54alpha1-2or maybe you were talking in general
17:06.18alpha1-2not big "main"s then? :)
17:06.27JeffMthe main is a module
17:06.36JeffMbut no, we generaly don't do big "mains"
17:06.53JeffMI am prevented from directly including GPL or LGPL in our modules
17:06.56alpha1-2yes, true
17:07.05JeffMbut with LGPL I can at least put that code in it's own module and use it
17:07.10JeffMwith GPL I can not do anythign with it
17:07.20JeffMmost of what we use us BSD
17:08.14alpha1-2yes, GPL forces that all the related soft must be GPL also
17:08.45JeffMyeah and that prevents people from using it
17:10.35alpha1-2well, the idea is that people who develop into GPL, make more GPL software. It is the main license from FSF. It is the heart of the idea/movement. It is free soft vs propietary soft.
17:11.26alpha1-2though, as I said in previous times, I am not totally against propietary soft.
17:11.38JeffMyeah it's a flawed idea
17:11.51JeffMnot everyone can make GPL software
17:11.57JeffMso it limits the pool of possible developers
17:12.12alpha1-2I don't like posible too strong/dangerous extremes
17:12.23*** join/#bzflag Not-f47f (~notifico@
17:12.23Not-f47f[02bzflag-import-3] 07JeffM2501 pushed 031 commit to 03v2_4_x [+0/-0/±2] 13
17:12.24Not-f47f[02bzflag-import-3] 07JeffM2501 039e97afa - Per Tim Riker's agreement, make the sample plug-in be BSD licensed so that plug-ins can use any license they want if they use the template and not be forced into LGPL.
17:12.49JeffMalpha1-2, BSD is a more premisive license
17:12.59JeffMGPL removes one of my freedoms :)
17:13.35JeffMit removes my freedom to choose a derived license as a trade off for forcing me to share.
17:14.05alpha1-2but LGPL is a good *meddium term*, for some cases, though
17:14.22JeffMyes, LGPL is a practical implemention of the idea of GPL
17:14.30JeffMit's good enough
17:14.49JeffMat work it lets us use, and contribute back, to open source projects
17:15.23JeffMso those open source projects end up getting some of my companies work they would be spending on closed source development, and that helps out everyone
17:16.04alpha1-2nice :)
17:22.14alpha1-2I think that a minimal confidence in propietary soft. we should have. The problem is that there are a lot of monopolies and manipulations of the information out there (specially the big/multinational enterprises), then many people don't trust much on them. Here is where GPL software helps. It is a complex topic, though.
17:23.09JeffMI think that people actualy trust software they pay for more then free stuff
17:23.24JeffMthen they know they get support
17:23.41JeffMyour statement is probalby more correct for the subset of people who are in IT or system admin
17:25.25alpha1-2and you refer to wich kind of clients/people?
17:25.33JeffMpeople that use computers
17:25.47JeffMpeople that just want to get work done
17:26.22JeffMunless you have very techincal staff, the total cost of running open source software can be more then propritary
17:26.29JeffMdepends on our staff
17:27.04JeffMnow do I have to make that same change to 2.6.x branch or is there a way to just promote it in Git?
17:27.50JeffMsorry your staff not our staff :)
17:30.22alpha1-2yes, I think that all depends on the security and the level of importance of your information, then you will worry more or less. For example, the governments; there are governments that are very careful in the management of their info, and then, they use GPL soft.
17:30.51JeffMgoverments would have the money to have highly techincal staff and pick the best software for the job
17:31.22JeffM"most" people have little jobs, like an accountant, they are probalby just going to buy accounting software
17:37.59alpha1-2it can be used in both big or tiny contexts (or meddium). I am a tiny worker and I use GPL software. I know of tiny cooperatives that use it also. I think there is target market for both kinds of development ways. But, well, as I said, it is a complex topic and don't want to do it more extense :) . It was interesting, though . When we share/discuss, we learn more.
17:39.22JeffMsure, just some people need to be paid, and not everyone can run buisness based on servicing free software :)
17:41.22alpha1-2oh, remeber that free/libre software is not equal to free of charge services/products.  I get paid, all get paid, just it is a *different way* to do the job
17:41.42JeffMI know there are ways to get paid for making free software
17:41.53JeffMyou just have to be able to sell something surrounding it
17:42.00JeffMand that can work
17:42.05JeffMbut it does not always work
17:42.36alpha1-2yes, it is another *paradigm*, let's say
17:43.18JeffMno only that, it requires your software to be someting that has a sellable support feature
17:43.35JeffMand the price of that sellable support must be high enough to cover costs
17:43.54JeffMthose things don't always match up in all softwares
17:44.22JeffMit depends on the nature of the industry the software is supporting.
17:47.21alpha1-2Well, I have to do things, also; I will stop this talk now, but interesting, thanks. Regarding to the Ducati match/es, still opened to votation, I will keep connected. Be back later.
17:51.35JeffMhave fun
18:54.25blast007JeffM: we'll get that license change the next time we merge up
18:55.56blast007alpha1-2: my job would be much harder if I was limited to just open-source software
19:03.15*** join/#bzflag Andrea2_ (4a749ad3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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19:29.17JeffMblast007, ok thanks
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20:23.48alpha1-2at what time would you like to play today? maybe at 1 UTC like yesterday?
20:24.54alpha1-2remember, no need to be registered at Ducati, we use the public server
20:27.41alpha1-2(at least today; for tomorow we can divide in 2 groups if necessary)
20:32.28alpha1-2come one, guys, let's revive the BZ spirit, and the *player* spirit also! :)
20:33.29alpha1-2come on*
20:34.47WarPigWelcome back my friends, to the show that never ends...
20:35.55alpha1-2all we have a little player inside, don't try to hide it! ;)
20:37.01alpha1-2(your bosses will not be seeing)
20:37.51*** join/#bzflag JeffM (
20:37.56alpha1-2hi WarPig, what do you think of my proposal? I am giving UTC now
20:56.02alpha1-2who has attended already, no need to repeat if don't want/can, but the idea is that all can do it at least once
20:57.15alpha1-2apart it is a good oportunity to share time with those "only"-players
20:58.23alpha1-2TimRiker: please, join us today or tomorow, it would be very nice to count with your presence (and with your skills also?) :)
21:00.54alpha1-2we can sell tickets and all :))
21:08.39alpha1-2and yes, WarPig, the idea was 1 week, 1 hour per day that I am contributing, not just 1 day...
21:10.34alpha1-2but I am not forcing anybody, it is voluntary, OFC...
21:13.57khonkhortisanwe're last tank matching
21:23.30alpha1-2but it would be good a tiny bit of effort from each one...
21:26.27alpha1-2yes, khonkhortisan, that is a good coincidence. I think this week can *prepare* the ambience for those who don't play often/too often for they can participate of those 2 matches on Sunday also (as I mentioned in the last days). But thanks for saying something, it makes me feel better at least :)
21:41.57alpha1-2(oh you meant right now :P)
22:33.00*** join/#bzflag Snake12534 (329c524c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
23:27.49alpha1-2blast007: yes, I agree. I was not too clear, though. I use mostly GPL (and surely some LGPL), but also other kinds of similar licenses like MIT, MPL, BSD, etc. (that come with the operating system/packages). I have 1 prop. software (Adobe Flash) and 1 free-of-charge one (ZaraRadio). Until for browsing I prefer to use OpenJDK instead of Sun Java JRE.
23:29.27JeffMewww java
23:31.00alpha1-2yes, but just to browsing :)
23:31.12JeffMwhy would you need java for browsing?
23:31.32JeffMjava is not javascript
23:31.36JeffMthey are not related at all
23:31.43JeffMjavascript does not use the JRE
23:31.52JeffMit is implemented in the browser
23:32.24JeffMfrom Wikipedia, Java (programming language) "Not to be confused with JavaScript."
23:33.07alpha1-2okay, yes, I think I und. the difference, but there are sites that want to run java soft also
23:33.19JeffMthose sites are evil and will hack your machine :)
23:34.31alpha1-2then I prefer a free version of it. And I have to think in all the posibilities. If the client (person) wants to browse freely, I have to install all he needs.
23:34.44JeffMit's not a free version of the java language
23:34.53JeffMit's a free version of the toolkit
23:35.12JeffMjava is still owned by sun and techicnaly not open source
23:35.27JeffMin order to be certfied as real "java" you have to use sun's closed source testing system
23:35.58alpha1-2java-1_6_0-openjdk - Java runtime environment based on OpenJDK 6 and IcedTea 6
23:35.59JeffMjava is the second worst langauage I've ever used
23:35.59alpha1-2java-1_6_0-openjdk - Java runtime environment based on OpenJDK 6 and IcedTea 6
23:36.01alpha1-2GPLv2 ; - with the OpenJDK Assembly Exception and the GNU Classpath Exception
23:36.16JeffMyeah the JDK is open, it's just a javaish compatable implemetnation :)
23:36.26JeffMbut java itself is not based off any open standard
23:36.45JeffMsun testified in court that the java language itself was not open
23:37.30alpha1-2I don't understand what you mean
23:37.35JeffMthink of it like this, Wine is Open Source
23:37.43JeffMbut that doesn't make windows open source
23:38.09alpha1-2I didn't say that Sun Java JRE was free
23:38.18JeffMjava is more then the JRE
23:38.26JeffMthe JRE is just runtime software
23:38.36alpha1-2I know, I learnt it!
23:38.41JeffMthe language definiton itself is not tied to any JRE
23:38.53JeffMyou can not submit language chagnes to "java"
23:39.01JeffMjust code changes to openJDK
23:39.21JeffMand the JDK must do what Sun says Java is "suposed" to do
23:39.56JeffMbut yeah you are "effectily" open source
23:39.59alpha1-2yes, it is a free implemetation of Java, I know, the same as the GNU compiler
23:40.06JeffMbut it is implementeing a closed langauge
23:40.19JeffMwell C is not a closed language, it has an open standards commitie
23:40.28JeffMit is not owned by a single company
23:41.00alpha1-2from the package manager:
23:41.02alpha1-2It contains a Java virtual machine, runtime class libraries, and an Java application launcher that are necessary to run programs written in the Java progamming language. It is not a development environment and does not contain development tools such as compilers and debuggers. For development tools, see the java-1_6_0-openjdk-devel package.
23:41.20JeffMyeah it's just runtimes
23:41.41alpha1-2I just need the JRE to run applications, not to develop them, I und. that
23:41.43JeffMjust like Wine is runtimes for windows applications
23:43.09JeffMour IT removed the java browser plugin from all our machines for security reasons
23:43.20JeffMsadly we still have to have the runtimes for a few tools
23:43.59alpha1-2I just wanted to show that I chose it instead of "java-1_6_0-sun" that has "NON-OSI-COMPLIANT(royalties)" license/s
23:44.13JeffMboth are evil :)
23:44.18JeffMone is slightly less
23:44.48JeffMbut now we know we can hack your machine from the forum webpage
23:46.26alpha1-2I don't think so ;)
23:46.39JeffMif we tried hard enough
23:46.44JeffMthere are vulnerabilities
23:47.51alpha1-2I don't think that people that develop free software is evil. If they see any bad thing into a prop. soft. they want to "copy", I believe that they will be enough "good" to avoid or change it.
23:48.06JeffMthey should have backed an open standard ;)
23:48.39alpha1-2oh yes, always there are vulneravilities, in all softwares
23:48.48JeffMjava has many
23:48.56JeffMmany many
23:49.55alpha1-2but, again, you are talking of Sun Java and I of the free Java implementation, with the supposed differences I mentioned just before
23:50.16JeffMnope the java spec itself has issues
23:50.25JeffMhappens in all the JRE implemtations
23:50.31JeffMthey have to be compatable
23:50.53alpha1-2it can be, but have you checked that they remain the same in the free implem.?
23:51.21JeffMthe free one is faster to get them fixed
23:51.26JeffMbut yes some are deep down
23:51.35alpha1-2for example?
23:51.44JeffMI have none off the top of my head
23:51.53JeffMit was a while ago I researched it
23:52.44alpha1-2oh okay, nice
23:52.50JeffMthe assumption that open source software is vulerability free because people review it is flawed, that has been proven quite wrong recently
23:53.08JeffMheartbleed, recent libc issues, etc..
23:54.07alpha1-2no, vulnerability free is impossible, I know, just I like free soft. much more, as you said, "the free one is faster to get them fixed"
23:54.17JeffMwhen they are found
23:54.21JeffMthey are not found any faster
23:54.24JeffMsometimes slower
23:54.45alpha1-2okay, we live in a non-perfect world also :)
23:55.32alpha1-2but, OFC, all depends of the level of security you need, then you choose which soft. you will use
23:56.09JeffMwhen it's runtimes, runtimes that read code from the internet, you need total security
23:57.36alpha1-2you sound some extreme sometimes, excuse me :)
23:58.13JeffMwhen you are downloading and running unknown code, I think it's very important to know that the thing doing the work is solid
23:58.20JeffMsince you don't know what is in that code
23:58.44JeffMspecialy when a web page can put it in with no action or approval from you
23:58.54JeffMthis is why I think client side plug-ins in bzflag are a horrible idea
23:59.07JeffMyou want me to run code some server owner picked?
23:59.09JeffMno thanks
23:59.46alpha1-2yes, but all depends of your end client (user). It is not the same an average user (tiny enterprises/home) that the software that an air control for flights uses

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