IRC log for #bzflag on 20140821

02:29.46khonkhortisan"My, how full-width your numerals are!" "All the better to break things with!"
03:10.03*** join/#bzflag JeffM (~JeffM@2605:e000:7d02:c700:b59a:75b4:8530:bb4b)
03:52.06*** join/#bzflag I_Died_Once (~I_Died_On@unaffiliated/idiedonce/x-1828535)
03:56.03*** join/#bzflag JeffM (~JeffM@2605:e000:7d02:c700:8982:8aba:612c:6365)
04:32.17*** join/#bzflag Snake12534 (635cd32e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:32.40*** join/#bzflag Lep (46b583ce@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:34.52Snake12534hi Lep
05:02.04TD-Linuxis there anything in bzfs that scales with map complexity?
05:02.22TD-Linuxother than initial RAM usage
05:10.28allejoI'd assume the amount of vertices and possibly calculating ricos off of all the faces in complex meshes?
05:18.27JeffMthe spawn code
05:18.34JeffMthe server dosn't do any collisions
05:18.41JeffMso it doesn't do ricos
05:18.42*** part/#bzflag Snake12534 (635cd32e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
05:19.09JeffMthe spawn code has to use the octree to compute a valid spawn location
05:19.16JeffMthe more complex that tree, the longer it takes
05:19.18Flashwhy would the spawn code scale with map complexity?
05:19.26FlashI type too slowly
05:19.30JeffMmore objects to put a tank between :)
05:19.53JeffMfinding a gap between 3 objects is faster then beween 3000
05:21.08JeffMthe octree helps it scale well for most maps
05:21.15JeffMit spreads the load out logically
05:21.25JeffMbut it still takes time with more objects
05:24.51JeffMTHere is actualy a timer on the spawn code, if it takes too long we just pick a random place
05:25.11JeffMthats why some maps that are covered or have very little open area sometimes have spawn bugs
05:25.24JeffMit took too long to figure out a good location
05:33.50Flashwould it be worthwhile to cache spawn locations and pick a valid one if we can't compute one fast enough?
05:35.43JeffMthe system uses the locaton of other tanks
05:35.48JeffMthey change over time :)
05:36.40JeffMyou'd have to cache off a large number of them, then test them to see if they were near players
05:36.48JeffMbetter would be to spawn a spawn thread
05:36.59JeffMand let it compute them as long as it takes
05:38.22Flashright, but if you run out of time trying to compute a "random" spawn location, then trying a finite list of known ones to see if they are near other tanks would seem to be a reasonable fallback
05:38.40FlashIt should only be an issue for a very dense map with few spawn locations, right?
05:38.50JeffMwe only "run out of time" now because it's done in the main thread
05:38.58JeffMeveyrone goes NR if it takes too long
05:39.07JeffMso let it run longer, the player waiting is not playing anyway
05:39.25Flashok. You are right then, spawning a thread (or better, a thread pool) would be the way to go
05:39.47JeffMwe have this timeout problem for a lot of things
05:39.52JeffMbad plugins can add lag
05:39.59JeffMsince it all runs in the same thread
05:40.15JeffMnetworking should be in a thread, sim in a thread, and then gamelogic in a thread
05:40.25Flashthe question just came up in mofo about where scaling would work better threaded
05:40.53JeffMyeah tht's how you scale well, do more stuff at a time
05:46.09*** join/#bzflag mdskpr (
05:49.21JeffMthe gameplay itself won't scale much more
05:49.44JeffMbut we could make a single "server" that can host a large nubmer of games
05:57.48khonkhortisanor previously-separate maps in the same supermap with people spawning on their own side of the fence
06:04.49*** join/#bzflag JeffM (~JeffM@2605:e000:7d02:c700:8148:b41c:c166:6b00)
06:24.06Not-9d73[02bzflag-import-3] 07jwmelto pushed 031 commit to 03v2_4_x [+0/-0/±1] 13
06:24.07Not-9d73[02bzflag-import-3] 07Jim Melton 03df6db83 - Remove superfluous memory allocation. Valgrind complains (not sure why)
06:33.22TD-Linuxalso wow running a bzflag server is kind of annoying
06:34.50TD-Linuxthe problem I was seeing is at loads above about 10 tanks, tanks going NR occasionally (well the actual server owner is, I'm running the vm that it's on)
06:35.10TD-Linuxnow someone is DoSing the bzfs server
07:09.11allejothanks flash for that commit
07:09.29allejoTD-Linux, DoSing as in multiple players from a single IP?
07:10.23allejo"iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 5150:5160 -m connlimit --connlimit-above 5 -j REJECT" should suffice to prevent that from happening
07:10.24TD-Linuxallejo, yes as far as I can tell it's one player with many connections who keeps on changing IP. I can sorta fix it with a firewall rule
07:11.14allejoyea, the firewall rule is the only way atm unless you have a better idea
07:17.19Not-9d73[02bzflag-import-3] 07allejo pushed 032 commits to 03v2_4_x [+0/-0/±3] 13
07:17.21Not-9d73[02bzflag-import-3] 07allejo 03c6ee832 - kick the player when they try grabbing a distant flag instead of just logging
07:17.22Not-9d73[02bzflag-import-3] 07allejo 0390aed65 - Merge branch 'v2_4_x' of into v2_4_x
07:27.36Not-9d73[02bzflag-import-3] 07allejo pushed 031 commit to 03v2_4_x [+0/-0/±1] 13
07:27.37Not-9d73[02bzflag-import-3] 07allejo 03bb6d4a5 - Automatically remove trailing slash when using autocomplete for directory names
08:04.30*** join/#bzflag thrakattak (cz3141@gateway/shell/
10:25.05blast007allejo: what is that "merge 2_4_x with 2_4_x" for?  Are you not rebasing when pulling new upstream changes?
11:11.50blast007or is that not what rebasing would fix?  don't think I've ever commit/pushed something before having pull in new changes
11:18.50blast007(specifically talking about 'git pull --rebase' not 'git rebase' in this instance.. thinking that 'git pull --rebase' would pull in upstream changes, and alter your local commits to be based on the latest upstream)
11:43.57quentinpbzflag-import-3 is not a great name by the way, I now understand that it's the third import of the SVN repository, but I initially thought it was importing something, maybe from bzflag 3
11:44.07quentinpit would also be nice to change the default branch on github
11:50.36Not-9d73[02bzflag-import-3] 07kongr45gpen pushed 031 commit to 03v2_4_x [+0/-0/±1] 13
11:50.38Not-9d73[02bzflag-import-3] 07kongr45gpen 03958ba12 - Don't allow muted players with ADMINMESSAGESEND to send PMs to hidden admins This prevents players who can't talk from trying to /msg everyone to identify hidden admins
11:53.02quentinpalso, the wiki doesn't mention github, only svn
12:32.18*** join/#bzflag kongr45gpen (~kongr45gp@unaffiliated/alezakos)
12:38.30*** join/#bzflag I_Died_Once (~I_Died_On@unaffiliated/idiedonce/x-1828535)
12:56.54blast007quentinp: we're going to redo it at some point so that the svn-to-git script isn't in the repo at all, and then the v2_6_x would just be master
14:27.55*** join/#bzflag Lep_ (
14:29.22*** join/#bzflag Lep_ (46b583ce@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:27.47allejoblast007, I had accidentally done a commit before I had done a git pull, that's why that commit occurred :x
15:28.46allejo.isOperator() is for players with an @?
15:30.48*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (~TimRiker@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
15:30.49*** mode/#bzflag [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
15:31.20allejokongr45gpen, isOperator() only returns true when someone has authenticated with /password
15:33.21Not-9d73[02bzflag-import-3] 07allejo pushed 031 commit to 03v2_4_x [+0/-0/±1] 13
15:33.22Not-9d73[02bzflag-import-3] 07allejo 039cfdfb5 - Allow players to send pms to admins that aren't hidden
15:45.31kongr45gpenallejo, really?
15:45.47kongr45gpenI just took it from the code that was there some time ago
15:49.29allejoI guess before you could only PM people who had used /password?
15:52.51kongr45gpenYeah, seems like that
15:52.54kongr45gpenThanks for noticing!
16:34.02*** join/#bzflag khonkhortisan (~Khonkhort@2601:8:8600:97f:4a5b:39ff:fe94:be23)
16:41.33*** join/#bzflag Leppp (46b583ce@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:53.14*** join/#bzflag JeffM (
17:45.31blast007allejo: right, but my understanding is that if you do 'git pull --rebase' then the upstream commits get put in before your local commits and your local commits get altered to be based on the newest upstream codebase
17:55.32*** join/#bzflag sirquine (
18:16.21*** join/#bzflag khonkhortisan (~Khonkhort@2601:8:8600:97f:4a5b:39ff:fe94:be23)
18:32.10*** join/#bzflag alpha1-2 (
18:35.30alpha1-2blast007: it seems the hacker is doing his things again on your server (Missile War 2.3). His name is/was "flagresetmachine". He is constantly reseting the flags and gets/drops the team flags. According to a player on there.
18:44.54alpha1-2oh I checked, his name was "Flag Reset Machine" (
19:08.30*** join/#bzflag sirquine (
19:29.28JeffMdoes he know all he's doing is helping get bugs fixed?
19:35.26khonkhortisana good spy stays under the radar
21:05.16*** join/#bzflag cods (
21:19.35BulletCatcherallejo, if you rebase your own commit(s) before pushing to GitHub then a merge isn't necessary.
22:14.55*** join/#bzflag Snake12534 (635cd32e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:42.51allejoAhhhh I didn't know that. Thanks BulletCatcher and blast007
23:02.46allejoSo I'm under the impression that fastmap is unstable though I think Flash may have fixed the memory leak that caused bzfs to hang
23:04.42JeffMhaven't heard of any complaints about it
23:10.10allejoUntil now :p
23:11.16allejoI loaded fastmap on apocalypse and bzfs kept hanging. Animal lover ran it also and her server started hanging or crashing as well. I've unloaded fastmap on apocalypse and it hasn't hung this far
23:11.37allejoSo I'm just basing this on an assumption though it could just a coincidence
23:21.34JeffMsoooo you had an issue on the server that runs a bunch of plugins that exploit bugs as features and it had a problem?
23:21.54JeffMI know it's been used before
23:21.59JeffMby a number of servers
23:22.22JeffMmaybe it has an odd iterraction with other plugins, but I don't know if I'd call it unstable
23:22.28JeffMit's not like it's untested
23:22.42JeffMit's been in use for several years now
23:23.28blast007I've used it on all my servers for quite some time
23:24.52JeffMthe HTTPS system is pretty solid, worst thing it does is drop HTTP connections when it gets confused
23:24.58JeffMHTTPD sorry
23:25.02JeffMit dosn't support SSL
23:26.10JeffMif it fails to complete a fastmap connection the client just asks for the map old school
23:29.29blast007mofo could definitely make use of *some* sort of HTTP map cache file delivery.. the compressed map there is a bit over 700KB..
23:30.14JeffMthrow it on a webhost
23:30.18JeffMthat's better then fastmap
23:30.35JeffMfastmap is just easy, and works for people who don't have access to a web server
23:30.48JeffMif you have a webserver then just hosting the cache file is best
23:31.02JeffMthen it doesn't use any BZFS cycles or connections
23:31.04blast007I use it even though I have a web server.. don't have to worry about updating the file
23:31.14JeffMyeah there is bookkeeping
23:31.47blast007granted, I could just update my start script to do that automatically..
23:32.04JeffMbut that's work :)
23:32.16JeffMyou are constantly regression testing fastmap :)

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