IRC log for #bzflag on 20140812

00:25.28*** join/#bzflag Pimpinella (
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03:25.04*** join/#bzflag ruskie (ruskie@sourcemage/mage/ruskie)
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07:25.39*** join/#bzflag mats3 (32317d0a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:11.41*** join/#bzflag Pimpinella (
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16:22.26*** join/#bzflag JeffM (~JeffM@
16:56.27*** join/#bzflag MentalHacker (uid39563@gateway/web/
16:58.14*** part/#bzflag MentalHacker (uid39563@gateway/web/
16:58.18*** join/#bzflag MentalHacker (uid39563@gateway/web/
17:29.50*** join/#bzflag trepan (
17:35.49*** join/#bzflag Admirarch (
17:46.26*** join/#bzflag JeffM (
17:57.19*** join/#bzflag Admirarch (
18:12.16WarPigDR hacker claims if you type '/password' (no argument) after someone uses /password with the correct pass, you will gain admin privs.  He demonstrated it to be true.  There's another (big) one for your buglist.
18:20.47*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (~TimRiker@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
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18:23.05*** join/#bzflag khonkhortisan (
19:58.32blast007WarPig: already known and was mentioned to all server owners or week or so ago.. if they've failed to take action, well....
19:58.50blast007owners a week*
19:59.53JeffMshort passwords for the loss
20:00.18blast007yeah, the issue on Linux only affects passwords less than 6 characters in length
20:00.36blast007or I should say, in the Linux situations we tested
20:00.52JeffMwhat about all those windows server
20:00.55JeffMoh wait..
20:01.53blast007I couldn't duplicate it on Windows, at least when attached to a debugger - but that may mask the issue as it's a bug where we're reading a char* starting past the null
20:02.51JeffMit's not a big deal
20:02.55JeffMwindows is not a good server OS
20:03.15blast007the guy is now threatening to attack individual players based on the IP data he scraped from the password exploit
20:03.41JeffMbecause this is war right?
20:03.46blast007I guess
20:03.52JeffMhe totaly wants to shut down a game with 20 players....
20:04.05JeffMthen that girl will finaly notice him
20:04.12JeffMor boy, who am I to judge
20:05.55JeffMmust mean he's out of bugs to help us find
20:06.07JeffMso he has to move to silly threats
20:06.17blast007he's always been about the threats
20:06.37blast007made threats of DDoS attacks on quite some time ago
20:06.48JeffMany followup on them?
20:06.59blast007I think I saw a packet or two
20:07.13blast007but no, probably not
20:07.16blast007hard to say really though
20:07.22JeffM"That's not a knife.. this is a knife"
20:08.01blast007we may have been on a VPS or the old server at that time, so an attack could have been easily confused with "normal operation"
20:08.32blast007it's be a bit more obvious now if we're under a real attack ;)
20:09.31blast007heck, before this server, we had to stagger the joins for the riker cup, otherwise auth would fail
20:10.23blast007funny how much better a system works when you're not a gig into your swap file
20:10.24JeffMwell at least he helped find some bugs
20:10.39JeffMwonder if that machine is still running
20:10.43WarPigSilver lining ftw. :D
20:11.13JeffMit's not really a silver lining, the game is so low trafic that a single person can't put that much of a dent in it
20:11.18blast007WarPig: or gold plated turd ;)
20:11.28JeffMand since he was so vocal it just meant that people would look into the issues
20:11.38JeffMit's the only logical outcome of his actions
20:11.54WarPigwhatta maroon
20:11.55blast007that, and he keeps telling us how he does them
20:12.13JeffMmaybe he wants to see the game fixed and this is the only way he can get it
20:12.20JeffMhe's the batman of bzflag
20:12.47WarPigThere is an admin message when someone gains elevated privs by way of /password, isn'
20:12.51WarPigt there?
20:13.20blast007the workaround is literally to just remove the password from the config for now...
20:13.42WarPigI presume once they have the privs, they become unbannable by other admins?
20:14.12blast007maybe?  I can't remember if that was a thing, or if it's still a thing
20:14.51blast007at one point at least it had some special meaning, but I was thinking we removed that at one point.. could have been in the 2.1/2.99.x codebase though
20:29.21JeffMwith auth I can't really see the need for /password
20:29.31JeffMhave a plugin that does it for the people with local servers
20:30.04JeffMthen that plugin has to be enabled and can be configured to do IP range checks too
20:46.29blast007one of the owners said "Unfortunately local authentication has been dropped from bzfs long ago and global authentication cannot handle multiple logins well, so you don't have much choice. I'll see what I can do."
20:46.54blast007didn't understand what they meant by the global auth part so I had asked for clarification
20:47.41JeffMlike you want to join your game twice using the same credentials?
20:47.47blast007no idea...
20:47.55JeffMyeah that sounds odd
20:48.03JeffMlocal auth can be implemented in a plug-in
20:48.11JeffMthats WHY we removed it
20:48.17JeffMthat and it's lame
20:48.34blast007the only thing I could think was joining multiple bzadmin clients at once across multiple servers and having the token get overwritten.. but that's easy to work around if that's the issue
20:49.41JeffMahh yeah not joining and authing in order
20:49.45blast007I think the only issue we've had with auth since it moved to this server was when namecheap's DNS provider got DDoSed
20:50.00JeffMauthenticating a bzadmin client is exactly what a plugin should do
20:50.20blast007bzadmin shouldn't even exist anymore ;)
20:50.32blast007kill it for 2.6 and finish a web plugin
20:50.33JeffMbut if it does, make it auth over a plugin
20:50.37JeffMand IP range lock it
20:50.52JeffMkill it for 2.4 and finish the web plugin
20:50.58JeffMit is not tied to proto
20:51.02blast007but then people won't upgrade ;)
20:51.12blast007do it at a point when they have to
20:51.17JeffMmake the 2.4 server auto upgrade
20:51.32blast007then they won't upgrade to the auto-updating bzfs
20:51.37JeffMwell if you pull bzadmin for 2.6 they won't upgrade for that reason
20:51.50JeffMstealth it in
20:52.04blast007there's no incentive to upgrade to a new major release than a minor one
20:52.38blast007er, sorry, there's MORE inceitive
20:52.50JeffMjust say that it has iOS admin support :)
20:54.09blast007the only reason for -passwd these days is in case of the rare event that auth goes down or for a local test server
20:54.37blast007and if auth is down and some troublemaker is on.. just shut down the server.. it's a game, it's not running grandma's life support machine..
20:55.36JeffMthe 5 people will understand
21:11.00*** join/#bzflag thrakattak (cz3141@gateway/shell/
21:12.10*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (~TimRiker@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
21:12.10*** mode/#bzflag [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
22:56.06*** join/#bzflag circa7 (

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