IRC log for #bzflag on 20140531

00:30.59banana_i guess easy tank disabled the lag or jitter limit this clown is back again with 1200ms lag and 200 jitter
01:08.08JeffMyou can play on another server, there are a TON of them
01:14.59banana_not with this map :)
01:15.20JeffMthen send the owner a message to properly admin the map
01:15.33JeffMpollbans are not an effective solution :)
01:16.04banana_yeah apparently he's gone missing
01:16.16banana_the mysterious "Easy Tank"
01:17.10blast007forum says "Last visited: Sat May 24, 2014 1:52 pm"
01:17.23blast007(which I think also gets updated from global auth)
01:17.24banana_ive spoken to several @ who say they can't get a hold of him
01:17.31JeffMsend him a PM it'll notifiy him vial email
01:17.57JeffMthen the server is not a good server
01:18.07JeffMas a better server owner to host an instance of the map
01:18.27banana_yeah he's not a good server owner - lots of the @ can't even do most things needed
01:18.38banana_is there any company that will host bzflag servers?
01:18.47blast007it's just a random map?
01:18.52banana_its one he made
01:18.56banana_but its fun
01:19.01JeffMis it published anywhere?
01:19.16JeffMand yes many ISPs will rent you a dedicated server or VPS to host maps
01:19.19blast007Easy Tank's super server?
01:19.24*** join/#bzflag mkzelda (~mkzelda@unaffiliated/mkzelda)
01:19.46JeffMwhen you get a dedicated server or VPS you can do whatever you want on it
01:19.51blast007cuz that's totally just a random map that bzfs generates
01:20.05banana_everyone says he made it
01:20.17JeffMmany servers run random maps
01:20.27JeffMmaybe he saved the random map
01:20.40JeffMdoes it ever change after a restart?
01:20.42blast007it's just randomly placed boxes and teleporters
01:20.47banana_never changes
01:20.55JeffMthen it's probably just a saved random map
01:21.10JeffMbut yeah the game can generate maps like that
01:21.10banana_i wish a US company hosted bzflag server
01:21.20banana_most people who play regularly are in US but server is in croatia
01:21.30JeffMdude there are tons of US servers
01:21.36JeffMand it's super easy to rent one here
01:21.42banana_not with this map :P
01:21.55JeffMit's a RANDOM map, many servers run random maps
01:21.57blast007banana_: there aren't any companies that host bzflag servers in the sense you're probably talking about, but you can run bzfs on pretty much any linux server
01:22.00allejoit's a randomly generated map lol
01:22.19JeffMyeah you can't have someone set up a bzflag specific service for you
01:22.20banana_id run it on my mac but .... comcast...
01:22.23allejoif you must, /saveworld and host it yourself
01:22.33JeffMrent a midrange VPS
01:22.43JeffMand get someone to help you host it
01:22.47blast007banana_: a $5/month VPS could probably host a decent instance
01:22.48JeffMor ask another server to host it
01:22.55JeffMit's not hard
01:23.01JeffMthat map is not special
01:23.30banana_might have to look into that
01:23.40JeffMor look at the server list for other random maps
01:23.42blast007and the map does change
01:23.52JeffMnone of them will say "easy tank's map"
01:23.53blast007just joined, and the cache file starts with a 't' meaning temporary
01:24.17blast007so it's literally just a randomly generated map
01:24.18banana_no idea - its always been this map when i join
01:24.30JeffMhe probalby hasn't restarted in a while
01:24.31blast007the server just hasn't restarted in 34 days
01:25.02JeffMso yeah there are other servers with that style of map, again it's the default for bzfs
01:25.21JeffMjust running bzfs itself makes a map like that
01:26.15banana_i wish i knew the map i use to play a couple years ago - it was similar but had bridges between a lot of the bldgs
01:28.30banana_thats what its called?
01:29.35allejojust search "gu league" and join one those servers. they all use the same map and have kinda claimed it their own
01:30.16JeffMit comes with the game and yeah it's used a lot
01:30.31blast007or search for 'hix' ;)
01:30.50blast007the gu league servers are generally gonna be for league play only
01:31.16banana_hrm i just tried to join one and it said I have to login with my registered call sign and kicked me...but I was
01:31.25blast007(yeah, looks like the public servers don't have the 'gu league' label)
01:31.48JeffMducati style servers run random maps too IIRC
01:31.54blast007banana_: again, the GU League servers are for GU league members
01:32.19blast007yup, ducati is random 2 shot no jumping, iirc
01:32.22JeffMbunch of servers are running hix
01:34.33banana_Is Slyther in here?
01:34.49JeffMyou have the same list of users we do
01:35.06banana_I'm using a stupid java client and don't see a userlist
01:35.26JeffMit has a list on one side IIRC
01:35.28banana_i need to find a good IRC client for mac
01:35.34JeffMthere are many
01:35.37banana_yeah i thought so too but it didn't load
01:35.58banana_back in the day on windows mIRC was where it was at :P
01:35.59blast007ah, so not java
01:36.12JeffMmIRC was never the best :)
01:36.23banana_i liked it :P
01:36.25blast007java != javascript
01:36.26JeffMhe's using the web one with javascript
01:36.29JeffMyeah that's not java
01:36.43banana_yeah webchat.freenode
01:37.03JeffMjavascript is not related to java in any way
01:37.30banana_the guy in this server admits to using colored flags and permanent wings but the @ apparently isn't paying attention as he's just playing :P
01:37.52blast007that doesn't even work that well anymore..
01:38.03JeffMthen you should go elsewhere
01:38.12JeffMthere are many servers that work like you want
01:40.17banana_what's his deal geezus
01:40.35banana_kept telling me to go find a diff server
01:40.41blast007well you should
01:40.45blast007that's the solution
01:40.46banana_nah i like this one
01:40.59banana_only active one I've seen with this map
01:40.59blast007then stop complaining to us about it
01:41.35banana_not complaining - this is where the @'s tell you to come report to if no ones on
01:42.22blast007this is the development and support channel for the BZFlag project.  The project does not run or manage the game servers.  Some people that are admins on server may hang out here, of course.
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18:47.37blast007JeffM: I renamed bzflag.exe to bzflag.mp3 so I can run it on my iPod!
18:48.06JeffMI commonly port bzflag to linux by just removing the extension
19:03.00JeffMmy guess is he tried to upload a flash file
19:18.54Pimpinellaproblem at mofo, fr got sealed somehow
19:19.21Pimpinellacould need somebody to reset it
19:19.55JeffMthey have there own channel
19:20.00JeffMmay be better to ask there
19:22.12blast007Pimpinella: ##PlanetMofo
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