IRC log for #bzflag on 20140524

00:47.00*** join/#bzflag meeba (
00:59.41*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (~DTRemenak@about/essy/CrazyCoder/DTRemenak)
00:59.41*** mode/#bzflag [+v DTRemenak] by ChanServ
03:46.45*** join/#bzflag delusional (
04:04.42*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (~TimRiker@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
04:04.42*** mode/#bzflag [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
04:23.20*** join/#bzflag JeffM (
06:45.55*** join/#bzflag JeffM (
08:37.47*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (~DTRemenak@about/essy/CrazyCoder/DTRemenak)
08:37.47*** mode/#bzflag [+v DTRemenak] by ChanServ
08:38.58*** join/#bzflag john3213 (
08:44.00*** part/#bzflag john3213 (
10:14.40codsHi. How could I setup my server such that it is always day light for any player? (sort of sticking to noon on all clients).
10:49.02*** join/#bzflag _lmnop119 (
10:59.08alezakoscods: IIRC, other than the typical /set _syncTime 1 and /set _syncLocation 1 you need to play with /set _latitude
10:59.31alezakosSetting it to -90 works for this time of the year
10:59.40alezakosBut you have to change it every 6 months
11:04.36*** join/#bzflag Pimpinella (
11:36.24codsalezakos: ok, thanks
12:33.43*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (~DTRemenak@about/essy/CrazyCoder/DTRemenak)
12:33.43*** mode/#bzflag [+v DTRemenak] by ChanServ
12:43.30*** join/#bzflag Pimpinella (
14:19.28*** join/#bzflag brlcad (
14:20.11*** join/#bzflag Notify (
16:11.39*** join/#bzflag I_Died_Once (~I_Died_On@unaffiliated/idiedonce/x-1828535)
16:30.29*** join/#bzflag Constitution (~josh@bzflag/developer/Constitution)
16:41.02*** join/#bzflag I_Died_Once (~I_Died_On@unaffiliated/idiedonce/x-1828535)
17:10.46*** join/#bzflag _lmnop119 (
17:22.28*** join/#bzflag meeba (
17:36.04*** join/#bzflag meeba (
17:42.53*** join/#bzflag JeffM (
17:44.47*** join/#bzflag meeba (
17:59.21*** join/#bzflag meeba_ (
18:44.54*** join/#bzflag meeba (
21:35.08*** join/#bzflag meeba (
21:37.17*** join/#bzflag meeba (
23:38.18delusionalhypothetica; question about how the collision manager works... say I have a box 1 unit thick but 100 units tall and wide....  now i have another set of boxes that look identical in total, but are split up into 100 little boxes (10 by 10)
23:38.30delusionalnow I'm flying around with wings.
23:40.26delusionalAs I go up and down shooting at the walls, the collision manger queries(?)   the big box every single shot......  but only a few of the smaller boxes.
23:44.38delusionalI mean, does the collision manager have a way of not considering boxes that are far away in z. or x-y ?
23:47.16delusionalwill the many small boxes be processed faster than the one big one.
23:55.45trepannot likely
23:57.11trepanand yes, the "far away" mechanism is likely still using an octree
23:57.38trepan(which you can tweak using some bzdb params, and view with a special mode)

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