IRC log for #bzflag on 20140123

01:35.46*** join/#bzflag mebigfatguy (~dave@
02:28.04*** join/#bzflag JeffM (~JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm2501)
02:28.04*** mode/#bzflag [+v JeffM] by ChanServ
02:33.57thrakattakreading vintage ('06) forum posting about server side bots... did that move forward at all?
02:41.22thrakattakmore specifically forward into the 2.4.x code base...
02:41.24JeffMparts of it
02:41.35JeffMthey can spawn and chat
02:41.38JeffMbut not shot or die
02:42.01thrakattaki am looking at the BZRobots wiki page too, very cool
02:42.22thrakattakhm. is there an option to spawn, shoot, die and respawn?
02:42.31*** join/#bzflag rob1n (~rob1n@unaffiliated/rob1n)
02:42.55thrakattakwe are playing with idea of a honeypot-map for problematic players...
02:43.06JeffMthey arn't a server option
02:43.11JeffMit's an api plugins can call
02:43.43JeffMwe need to make the server know where shots are before they can shot and die
02:44.01thrakattakah. and that is done on client atm?
02:44.03JeffMthey are mostly used for observer chat style plugins now
02:44.38JeffMthere are 2 kinds of client bots, then bzrobots, then the server API
02:45.46thrakattakis it possible to give client bots different names than user they were spawned by?
02:46.01blast007sure, by modifying the client
02:46.02JeffMnot really
02:46.13JeffMyeah not by default, but you can change the code
02:47.09thrakattakhm, ok.
02:48.20blast007not sure what you mean by "honeypot-map" either
02:49.05thrakattakinstead of banning players, forward known problematic IP to this server on different port
02:49.15thrakattakit will be populated by bots
02:49.16JeffMhow do you forward them?
02:49.25blast007iptables, probably
02:49.44thrakattakgoal: bore them
02:49.47JeffMso  the origonal server becomes a proxy?
02:49.48blast007seems pointless though.. no less work than just banning them
02:49.59JeffMit's more work
02:50.00blast007no, the original server still runs like normal
02:50.00thrakattakyeah but we can learn a little on the way...
02:50.08JeffMand wastes your resources, twice
02:50.14JeffMwhat can you learn?
02:50.23blast007the firewall just has specific rules for the IPs of the "banned" players and forwards them to a different local service
02:50.56thrakattakso instead of no access, they get blue pill
02:51.10blast007so again, no less work than just banning them.. still need to maintain their IP, and now you have to manually pull it and add it to a firewall rule...
02:51.32blast007just ban them and get on with your life ;)
02:51.35JeffMand then when they figure it out in 5 min, it's useless
02:52.02blast007yeah, the bots are pretty obvious...
02:52.08JeffMbut really we don't have a bot system that can really emulate a person
02:52.13thrakattakyeah depends on the envt provided...
02:52.23thrakattakwhich is why i ask about the bots
02:53.12blast007solo bots never jump and can't grab flags, autopilot drinks too much caffeine
02:53.30JeffMit's also one autopilot per cliet
02:53.34thrakattakyeah Roger nearly induces seizures just watching
02:54.12khonkhortisanBy not grabbing flags, solo bots don't follow the normal game rules a real player does.
02:54.32thrakattakthus less convincing, true
02:54.40khonkhortisanYou could fill the whole map with bad flags and give bots an advantage
02:54.45*** join/#bzflag etig__ (~mohamed@
02:54.47JeffMthe fact that nobody will chat back will do it
02:54.56blast007I had solo bots that talked :P
02:55.02blast007and flew ....
02:55.20blast007they'd just insult you when they shot you
02:55.46thrakattaklol... that would suit our needs... along with all bad flags or none at all...
02:57.07thrakattakjust stewing some ideas to keep it entertaining. yes admin overhead same, but may offer entertainment value to us in meantime
02:57.31blast007no, more overhead with your method
02:57.44blast007normal method.  /ban Player 30d Cya!
02:57.44JeffMso you are going to what sit and observe waiting for someone to get banned
02:58.24blast007your method.  write down IP address, change to terminal, run command to add IP to rules, and manually remove at a later date
02:58.26thrakattaknot at all, just reroute problem player to this server once identified
02:58.52JeffMblast007, don't forget "join as observer for cyberstalking"
02:58.54blast007(plus the extra server, and keeping one or more clients running to have the bots, plus the global auth issue)
02:58.59thrakattaknot really looking for efficiency/optimization at this point
02:59.26thrakattakjsut exploring alt means of handling problematic player
02:59.42JeffMhow many players do you expect to get?
02:59.46blast007sounds like you just need more admins..
03:00.30blast007I ran a popular server for a long while.. never needed a fake server
03:00.39thrakattakdunno... playing with idea atm. we've had a few.
03:01.18blast007(and by popular I mean it was #1 on the list a lot of the time, back when there were more players.. 15vs15 was common)
03:02.00JeffMheh 15 vs 15 is all the players right now
03:02.13thrakattakpretty much
03:03.33thrakattakthanks for the feedback, helpful as always
03:44.40*** join/#bzflag Pimpinella (
04:39.37*** join/#bzflag I_Died_Once (~I_Died_On@unaffiliated/idiedonce/x-1828535)
04:43.10*** join/#bzflag contempt (contempt@unaffiliated/contempt)
04:45.26*** join/#bzflag mebigfatguy (~dave@
05:41.21*** join/#bzflag death__ (~I_Died_On@
09:25.54*** join/#bzflag anderson (
10:13.13*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (~DTRemenak@about/essy/CrazyCoder/DTRemenak)
10:13.13*** mode/#bzflag [+v DTRemenak] by ChanServ
12:18.46*** join/#bzflag jomojo (~jaredneal@
14:16.30*** join/#bzflag I_Died_Once (~I_Died_On@unaffiliated/idiedonce/x-1828535)
15:22.02*** join/#bzflag ruskie (ruskie@sourcemage/mage/ruskie)
16:52.42*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (~TimRiker@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
16:52.42*** mode/#bzflag [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
17:02.43*** join/#bzflag Delusional (~delusiona@unaffiliated/delusional)
17:25.19*** join/#bzflag JeffM (
20:06.22*** join/#bzflag thrakattak (cz3141@gateway/shell/
20:26.33*** join/#bzflag khonkhortisan (
20:47.37JeffMman I hate it when games use old programing languages that don't work with stupid new OS features that nobody asked for
21:04.30*** join/#bzflag khonkhortisan (
22:04.21*** join/#bzflag khonkhortisan (
22:40.48*** join/#bzflag Delusional (
22:40.48*** join/#bzflag Delusional (~delusiona@unaffiliated/delusional)
22:49.47*** join/#bzflag Nitroxis (
22:52.02*** join/#bzflag Thot (

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