IRC log for #bzflag on 20130902

00:49.21blast007alpha1-2: what do you mean "players" at the "site"?
00:50.20alpha1-2the users that login at the site ( per month
00:50.41JeffMthe website has no login, and you can't assume all visitors are players
00:51.25blast007I can actually assume that lots of them aren't players ;)
00:51.37blast007otherwise we'd have a lot more people in-game than we do
00:52.14JeffMhow are the OS stats?
00:53.02blast007three new build strings
00:53.22alpha1-2ok, the Forum site ( and I could easily assume that all users are players because this is a game forum
00:53.45blast007alpha1-2: I don't have stats on the forum, and if I did, it still wouldn't track if you're logged in or not
00:53.46JeffMinteresting, someone still working on native bzadmin for the droid
00:54.16blast007still only two freeBSD users
00:54.40JeffMso lonely
00:55.54blast007By IP: Windows 2965, OSX 1110, Linux 1445, FreeBSD 2
00:55.54blast007By BZID: Windows 483, OSX 221, Linux 197, FreeBSD 2
00:56.00alpha1-2blast007: but then what was that ~4000 number you gave not many time ago?
00:56.19blast007alpha1-2: probably the number of "unique visits" per month, or pageviews per month
00:56.30blast007not coorelated to "players" or "registered users" at all
00:57.34alpha1-2ahh, IPs then, ~4000 IPs and ~8000 pages IIRC, that was why I wanted to ask again
00:58.19blast007you know what really needs to be truely professional?
00:58.21blast007a hit counter!
00:58.55JeffMhow about a webring?
00:59.05JeffMthose just show how classy you are
00:59.31blast007and maybe we could add ourselves to some topsites
01:01.23alpha1-2blast007: excuse me, those numbers are, then, related to Apoc and your (BZExcess) servers, right? How many servers do you have running now?
01:02.36JeffMthat's his and mofo
01:02.45JeffMso a large portion of the general community
01:03.08alpha1-2not only apoc but the other servers too?
01:03.22JeffMit's not all servers
01:03.27JeffMbut his and mofo
01:03.44blast007alpha1-2: curl -s | grep 'bzexcess\.com' | wc -l
01:03.54alpha1-2yes, I mean, the other I_Died's servers
01:04.42alpha1-2thanks blast, I glad of get new useful commands
01:04.43blast007JeffM: mofo is a large portion of the community - my servers, not so much anymore
01:05.27alpha1-2blast007: I asked for only Apoc or the other I_Died's servers too?
01:05.45blast007alpha1-2: go ask them.  I don't control their server.
01:06.21alpha1-2but you don't know which server is using your plug-in?
01:06.28blast007no, I don't
01:06.41JeffMit shoudl be passion of the free for all
01:06.53blast007it could be any or all of mofo's servers
01:07.02blast007I only track the API key
01:07.24alpha1-2API key?
01:07.53alpha1-2sorry, what does it mean in this case?
01:08.04blast007try google
01:08.13blast007it's a fairly common thing
01:09.09alpha1-2ok, I will, but, then you don't receive the server name?
01:09.25JeffMjust the owner
01:09.52alpha1-2the IP?
01:10.46alpha1-2you receive then "I_Died"?
01:10.54JeffMwhy do you care so much?
01:12.09alpha1-2well, it is just some weird, if you receive a lot of info from a server and you don't have many important data of it, for example, at least the server IP
01:12.28JeffMwe don't care about tracking that data on a per server level
01:12.37JeffMI just watned to know the percentage of OSs
01:13.56alpha1-2at least you have the server owner's name
01:17.48blast007alpha1-2: no, I receive the API key
01:18.34alpha1-2ok, I am searching for info about it...
01:27.18blast007alpha1-2: found info yet?
01:28.07alpha1-2it is interesting... is it related more to network services maybe?
01:28.32alpha1-2authentication ,etc?
01:28.37blast007nope, it's used for postal mail
01:29.46blast007sarcasm... of course it is related to "network services"
01:30.07blast007pretty broad term there
01:30.39blast007and now, let's end the conversation about this
01:30.53alpha1-2yes I am reading that and their related links...
01:40.14alpha1-2blast007: ok, if you can answer me, I have enough info now, then how much info do you receive INSIDE your API key?
01:40.25JeffMit's just a number
01:42.22alpha1-2but you said me before that he received the server owner's name, then you mean the user ID of blast's plug-in?
01:43.36JeffMno we have it in a table
01:44.37alpha1-2that number represent the user ID?
01:44.49JeffMno it's an entry in the table
01:45.11alpha1-2the ID represents something
01:45.22JeffMyes, the entry in the keys table
01:45.44JeffMwhere we store the info about the key, and part of that is the owner's bzID
01:45.48JeffMbut that's about it
01:47.36alpha1-2ok, I understand, then you receive who is using your plug-in
01:47.47*** join/#bzflag unclelightning (~chatzilla@
01:48.05JeffMhe gets the API key, he can use the table to find out the owner
01:48.46alpha1-2yes, but in that table do you have the plug-in name or ID too or just the users?
01:48.58JeffMno it has nothing to do with the plugin
01:49.45JeffMhe dosn't need the plugin name, he only has one plugin
01:50.04alpha1-2for example, if blast would have many plug-ins running, how could he identify which plug-in is using each user (API key/BZID)?
01:50.11JeffMit makes it so that only authorized people can submit data to his system
01:50.29JeffMit's so that mofo can run the plugin and you can't
01:50.38JeffMso you can't submit bad data to him
01:52.03alpha1-2ok, then, if he makes other plug-in, he should include the plug-in name in the transaction, right?
01:52.15JeffMonly if it uses the same database
01:52.23JeffMbut that would be stupid
01:52.31JeffMthe key is not for the plugin, it's for his DATABASE
01:52.39JeffMit's to controll who can add data
01:52.58alpha1-2ah ok, 2 tables or DBs, yes
01:52.58JeffMit's for PEOPLE not PLUGINS
01:53.51JeffMonce he gives out an API key to someone they can run it on as many servers as they want
01:53.56JeffMbecause he trusts them
01:54.54alpha1-2you say: " it's for PEOPLE not PLUGINS" but you would have 2 DBs related to 2 plug-ins
01:55.21JeffMeach with it's own API key
01:55.26JeffMsince they would be seperate systems
01:55.34JeffMyou may trust a person with one system but not another
01:56.15alpha1-2I see, then it is for trusted system persons, not for identify BZ users (BZID)
01:56.47JeffMit's a concept that exists outside of bzflag, that's why you were able to read about it on wikipedia
01:58.01alpha1-2for example, if you would have 5 persons to whom you trust your system, would you have 5 API keys?
01:59.32alpha1-2but all related to the same (one) system (plug-in in this case), right?
02:01.05alpha1-2excuse me the repetition, but I want to be sure
02:01.53alpha1-25 keys, 5 persons, 1 plug-in
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02:21.28JeffMthe number of plugins doesn't matter, it's the number of databases
02:21.38JeffMyou could have multiple different plugins servicing the same database
02:21.53JeffMsay if the system was made for multiple games
02:27.52JeffMwe use a similar system for hosting public servers, every owner has to get a server key
02:28.05JeffMthey can use it on as many servers as they want
02:28.16JeffMbut its' one key per hostname
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02:45.08alpha1-2ahh, thanks, much more clear now. And in the case of blast's plug-in, it is 1 DB for storing keys related to hostnames right? for example, and you could have many servers running in the same host with the same key?
02:49.21JeffMI don't know what he stores, I doubt it's hostnames
02:49.39JeffMit's probably just valid keys and a note for who owns em
02:50.03JeffMthe host thing is what the bzflag project does, not what the plugin does
02:51.23alpha1-2ah, ok. And if I_Died has many servers (or even hosts) he only would have 1 key, right? (excuse me :P)
02:59.19alpha1-2ok, thank you very much
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04:08.46blast007alpha1-2_away: the code for my plugin and the related site are open-source, so you could look at what it does
04:17.52alpha1-2_awaynice, blast... I see that you have a "watcher" too (stacyw80) :)
04:18.42blast007watcher on what?
04:18.49alpha1-2_awayI put the links if anyone more is interested
04:19.14blast007they're not
04:19.35alpha1-2_awaysee Recent activity in the plug in page
04:20.09blast007I don't think that account exists anymore
04:20.32alpha1-2_awayblast007 pushed 1 commit to blast007/bz_playerdb_plugin
04:21.41alpha1-2_awayok, it seems that I am always wrong?
04:23.01alpha1-2_awayok, what are the real links then?
04:24.10blast007I mean, they're not interested :P
04:25.07alpha1-2_awayuh, Us people is complicated eh :P
04:26.26alpha1-2_awaybut then it is the last update account/service/web/link/etc? :)
04:29.43blast007actually I probably have uncommited code for the site
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04:30.52alpha1-2_away"uncommited code"...
04:35.14alpha1-2_awaysometimes I don't know if laughting or crying :)
04:37.52blast007read up on version control terminology
04:40.15alpha1-2_awayand this mean "I don't think that account exists anymore"?
04:41.10alpha1-2_awaysorry, and "I don't think that account exists anymore" means?
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14:31.18blast007alpha1-2: by "I don't think that account exists anymore" I meant that the one who was "following" me does not exist anymore.  noticable because their account name doesn't link to anything anymore, and they're not in the list of followers.
14:32.13alpha1-2ah ok :)
14:35.05alpha1-2then, "watcher" means the same as "follower", or did mean?
14:35.36blast007whatever it's called
14:36.31alpha1-2well, it sounded a little weird for me, the way it was posted
14:38.04alpha1-2then it should mean something a bit different, I think a "follower" only of that project (bz_playerdb_plugin)
14:40.40alpha1-2or maybe each individual project follower is added automatically to your all user page followers
14:45.14alpha1-2yes, I checked it. I don't know if all page user follower is allowed BTW.
14:47.17alpha1-2"Polar Bears with Chainsaws" :)
14:47.42alpha1-2is this your kind side maybe? :D
14:49.10alpha1-2hi alez
14:51.51alpha1-2oh game-services is the new login system
14:53.44alpha1-2lol, I can't avoid post this one
14:56.56alpha1-2hi alezakos
15:00.18alpha1-2what is the basic difference between bitbucket and the others?
15:00.49alpha1-2is it by price?
15:05.42alpha1-2blast to alpha: Hey, don't be nab and chek your self! Read all this comparative table, study it and in 7 days make your own conclusion, NAB!
15:24.10blast007no, game-services is the new set of web services.. the login system is just the first part I've written
15:25.19blast007and bitbucket isn't a VCS
15:25.29blast007it's a VCS repository hosting provider
15:26.14alpha1-2but comparating it with GitHub and SF?
15:27.18alpha1-2ah, you separated the web page/forum and the web services
15:27.38blast007yes, because they are also VCS repository hosting providers
15:27.58blast007GitHub is not a VCS... Git is a VCS
15:28.07alpha1-2yes SF too
15:28.30alpha1-2but why did you choose BB for example?
15:28.40blast007because I prefer Mercurial
15:29.00alpha1-2ok, thanks
15:30.07blast007"you separated the web page/forum and the web services"  nope
15:30.24blast007game-services will be the main website and the forum as well
15:31.14alpha1-2then you are re-writing game services?
15:31.42blast007rewriting all of the web code, yes
15:32.04alpha1-2oh! you want to use more php maybe?
15:32.43blast007list server, authentication, group management, organization management, news, MOTD, banning system, screenshots, download, forum, etc
15:32.49blast007more PHP?
15:32.54alpha1-2or what is the main reason, improvement?
15:32.59blast007we already use PHP for all the things
15:33.09blast007better design
15:33.18blast007less hacked together
15:33.33alpha1-2ah ok... from scratch?
15:33.40blast007pretty much
15:33.45alpha1-2oh nice!
15:34.01alpha1-2how long is the actual design?
15:34.16alpha1-2when did you/other start it?
15:34.25JeffMdo you have any plans for leauge integration?
15:34.46blast007JeffM: no plans, no, but that'd be for a later phase regardless
15:35.11blast007I'd have to figure out what a league actually needs
15:35.12JeffMI still like the idea of a standard league implementation
15:35.46blast007I had started writing a league website years ago, but never actually got to the actual "league" parts ;)
15:35.53blast007but I had a basic forum!
15:36.30blast007I'd probably have a match reporting API so that people could easily write plugins
15:37.00JeffMyeah, it just seems that with all you are making now it should not be too hard to extend it for leauge support
15:37.53alpha1-2ehmm, an intervention, and why don't you re-use other codes (leagues sites, match reporting systems, etc.)?
15:38.13JeffMthey kinda suck
15:38.32blast007s/kinda/very much so/  ;)
15:38.44JeffMwas being kind
15:39.00blast007I do miss the fun I could have with the old web-league code...
15:39.08alpha1-2that is not collaborative/re use phylosophy ;)
15:39.20JeffMalpha1-2, not all code is worth reusing
15:39.23blast007don't think I taco'ed the league
15:39.34JeffMyou have to do what is best for your project
15:39.48JeffMsome code exists to show why NOT do do things some way
15:40.02blast007it was upside down text, animated GIFs, and sending the site owner BZMail messages when someone visited my player page :P
15:40.13blast007oh, and someone injected a youtube video into their team name
15:40.16JeffMblast007 is very familar with the other codebases and would have used them if it was apropriate
15:40.34alpha1-2he he, well, I am not the best for talking of other code BTW, and in other hand, yes, it is true that sometimes you have to re-write it
15:40.57blast007that, and I had an SQL injection attack against web-league that would create an admin account for myself :P
15:41.07JeffMalpha1-2, we also want an integrated system, patching together mulltiple systems isn't alwayws best
15:42.28alpha1-2ah ok
15:43.14alpha1-2ehmm, my previous question... talking of the entire web site, when did you/other start it?
15:43.29alpha1-2ha ha
15:43.46alpha1-2that was your grandfather!
15:43.48blast007do you mean when I first commit some code?
15:43.54blast007cuz you could check that yourself
15:44.17alpha1-2no, no, in general
15:44.36alpha1-2I want to understand why do you re-write most of the code
15:44.58alpha1-2but maybe it is answered already
15:45.00blast007I guess I don't know what you're wanting to know
15:45.25blast007when I started this new game-services thing?  when I started contributing to the web services of BZFlag?
15:45.44alpha1-2because if you have an old code, it is more indicated to do a whole rewiriting
15:46.13blast007the problem is that we've never sat down and "designed" our system as a whole
15:46.27blast007it's just had more stuff thrown at it over the last 10+ years
15:46.49JeffMthe use of phpbb was a bad choice
15:46.52blast0071.7 (and maybe 1.10) didn't have global authentication at all.. it was just a list of servers
15:47.38blast007then we hacked on authentication using phpBB (though I think there is/was some horrid built-in registration in the list server code)
15:48.19blast007so, some of the things I'd like to do is build the more complicated things (like a forum) *around* our core design
15:48.38blast007currently we're built around phpBB, with all the limitations that forces upon us
15:49.27alpha1-2do you mean to make a whole forum code by yourself (or this team)? not using third parties one though they are FS?
15:49.51blast007I'd probably use some open-source libraries, such as for HTML filtering or BBCode
15:49.54alpha1-2JeffM: bad choice?
15:49.59JeffMbig time
15:50.24blast007not a bad choice for a forum, but a bad choice to use as our authentication and group management system ;)
15:51.41blast007every time we hit the list, we load like 3MB of PHP files just so we can manipulate the usernames in phpBB3's database :P
15:51.43alpha1-2but entering to other kind of system (like a forum one) is something *apart*. You shouldn't do it, use the FS you have available!
15:52.23blast007alpha1-2: maybe, maybe not
15:52.33blast007I'd like the forum to be more integrated with our system
15:52.41alpha1-2or I understood bad? you will continue using it for the forum propose?
15:52.56blast007for instance, in this new system you would have an account username, and within that you could create multiple callsigns
15:53.17blast007you would pick a callsign to use as your forum name, and you could change this later
15:55.00alpha1-2ok, I need to understand the new idea, don't worry. But, talking of the actual one, in sumarized way, what is that old using forum for authentication?
15:55.13alpha1-2*that bad*
15:55.40blast007because we're relying on a third party system to behave the same way from update to update
15:55.54blast007and the group system doesn't let us do some of the things we want
15:56.18blast007(like, allowing users to register their own organizations and groups)
15:56.55JeffMthe group system was not designed for games
15:57.22JeffMyou can read the requirements on the group manager wiki page
15:57.22alpha1-2ahh, I saw the "permissions" thread, yes
15:57.38blast007you mean the "group request" thread
15:57.49JeffMyeah that's the most horrible part of it
15:57.52alpha1-2yes, you are talking of that?
15:58.02JeffMthat's what we have to do because the system sucks
15:58.46blast007and most people don't expect that registering on a forum would make an account for in-game use
15:58.46alpha1-2please, don't use that word
15:58.57blast007what word?
15:59.35alpha1-2to JeffM, s**k
16:00.02JeffMit is the suckyest suck that ever did suck
16:00.07alpha1-2it isn't very nice or nice
16:00.37alpha1-2what do you think of "stink", instead?
16:00.49JeffMthat it's a word used by a 3 year old
16:01.23alpha1-2I don't think that
16:01.36JeffMthen good for you
16:02.02alpha1-2I can see some words that are not very appropiatted, though
16:02.09JeffMsure, that is not one of them
16:03.02alpha1-2well, we have different opinions, then I ask you to not use them, please
16:03.52alpha1-2why not?
16:04.06blast007because 'merica!
16:04.13JeffMbecause I choose not to?
16:04.20JeffMhow is that not good enough?
16:04.22alpha1-2I am american too!
16:06.24JeffMbut on the subject of what system we use, there isn't realy one that does what we need, we have special needs, so we are making our own. Just because an open source solution for something exists dosn't mean that you have to or should use it
16:06.33JeffMit may not be the best fit
16:06.50JeffMif you try too hard to reuse code, you end up with a mess of a system, like most linux distrobutions
16:06.55alpha1-2for example, if I would make too much jokes for your opinion, and it would bother you, you would ask me to reduce it (as when I was talking a lot about my script, remember?), then, though maybe not the best for me, I would access to it
16:06.59JeffMI mean seriously PICK AN AUDIO BACKEND!
16:07.31JeffMyes you went on for DAYS and that was just being anoying, not anything specificly about the language you use
16:07.39JeffMyou are starting to get anoying again on this subject
16:07.41blast007JeffM:  ;)
16:08.47alpha1-2and you JeffM use other words, not only this one, and I said it before here
16:08.58JeffMyes.. I use words
16:09.05alpha1-2not just today I mean,  all the time
16:09.19alpha1-2I have had patience too
16:09.20JeffMthey are all within the social rules of this channel
16:09.22blast007we should start using hashes instead of words
16:09.43JeffMgood one!
16:09.59JeffMbut the modern remake by JJ Abrams was better
16:11.01JeffMalpha1-2, I would think you should make an effort to understand what the normal language level is in a place before you start to complain that it dosn't fit your personal preferences
16:11.21JeffMI don't belive I have said anything that is out of normal for this channel
16:11.44alpha1-2it is saying the main channel "be kind and civil"
16:12.08alpha1-2*this is what says in the main channel*
16:12.20JeffMand those words are civil
16:12.25JeffMthey are not harsh or mean
16:12.29blast007where does it say that?
16:12.43JeffMplease report me to the freenode staff if you feel you must
16:12.55blast007how is that the "main channel"??
16:12.59JeffMthat is NOT the main channel
16:13.06JeffMthat is the chat channel that I don't go to :)
16:13.10JeffMeven tho I made it
16:13.18blast007that's a channel that was set aside for non-support/dev talk about bzflag
16:13.26JeffMthis is the main channel
16:13.32JeffMthis is the project channel
16:13.39JeffManything with a - is a sub channel
16:13.58alpha1-2well, it is the same, it is supposed to be that in all channels in general it shoulb be a good ambience
16:14.14JeffMthat is your opinion
16:14.18blast007alpha1-2: you must be new to IRC...
16:14.21JeffMgo to the mofo channel
16:14.34JeffMor hang out there if you want warm fuzzies
16:14.42JeffMno skin off my nose
16:15.26alpha1-2there are channels too for talking of non-all audientes too, I know
16:15.46alpha1-2*non-all audientes topics*
16:16.28JeffMthis channel is not intended for very young children as they tend not to discuss development, they can go talk in the chat channel
16:16.30blast007a lot of channels for open-source projects have more more lenient language policies than we do
16:16.37blast007much more*
16:16.43JeffMthis channel assumes a moderate level of language and social interaction
16:17.13JeffMwe will often sugest that vey young people not talk here because they may not be mature enough to hold a discussion
16:17.21alpha1-2many online games use bad language or very one, too. BZ is not one of them.
16:17.27JeffMok good for them
16:17.34blast007alpha1-2: you must be new to BZFlag...
16:17.35JeffMthis channel is not the game
16:17.42JeffMthis is the development channel
16:17.50JeffMand yes we are going to say that some code sucks
16:18.02JeffMthat's my opinon
16:18.16JeffMthere are some very very very bad ways I could say that, but I choose not to
16:18.29alpha1-2yes, I know that some persons here are some bad educated, though they are adult too
16:19.05blast007alpha1-2: what does education have to do with anything?
16:19.14alpha1-2education and respect
16:19.27blast007oh please, get your own channel and run it how you wish
16:19.29JeffMso my education sucks?
16:19.42JeffMbut yeah, I don't think you quite undersatnd what this channel is for
16:19.58alpha1-2would you want to me to continue advertise my nice script, JeffM?
16:20.06JeffMnot in this channel
16:20.06*** mode/#bzflag [+o blast007] by ChanServ
16:20.14JeffMbut yeah it's time for you to go probably
16:20.18*** mode/#bzflag [+q alpha1-2*!*@*] by blast007
16:20.26JeffMhave a good day
16:20.31*** mode/#bzflag [-o blast007] by blast007
16:20.53blast007and now I can get some work done
16:21.51JeffMwe labor on labor day
16:22.06*** part/#bzflag alpha1-2 (
16:23.08JeffMawww yeah, new version of unity, time to see if they fixed my bug
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16:56.49JeffMawww yeah... free realtime shadows :)
17:20.29BulletCatcherSpeaking of prototypes and requirements, some of the quirks of the new Git repo are now bugging me enough that I want to fix them even though it would be disruptive.
17:20.35BulletCatcherThe biggest problems are that many of the old svn branches are not represented as proper Git branches, and some of the tags are incorrect.
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18:34.03blast007BulletCatcher: disrupt away.. I don't think there's probably been much of any serious work as of late
18:34.40blast007better to get it into working order now than later
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19:22.37BulletCatcherMost of the subprojects under svn trunk are not included in the BZFlag-Dev repos.
19:22.38BulletCatcherUnless joevano kept those when he did the repo conversion it will be necessary to re-import to get them into Git.
19:24.09blast007I don't think we converted those yet.. this was more of a test
19:29.58BulletCatcherIf we are sufficiently satisfied with the switch from Subversion to Git, then we should convert the entire SourceForge repo.
19:30.50BulletCatcherI know you prefer Mercurial, blast007, but I like the advantages of Git over Subversion.
19:31.25BulletCatcherI haven't used Hg enough to have a worthy opinion of it vs. Git.
19:31.26blast007what advantages does Git have over Mercurial for our use?
19:32.10BulletCatcher(question answered before it was asked. :-)
19:33.16BulletCatcherDoes Mercurial allow branches to be rebased like Git?
19:33.34blast007dunno, I've mostly been using Mercurial like a distributed SVN
19:36.37BulletCatcherMy understanding is that rebasing a branch in a public Git repo is disruptive (everyone who has pulled the repo must take explicit action to resynchronize), so we would want to avoid that, but it can be very useful in a private repo before pushing to public.
19:37.04blast007never done that sort of thing
19:37.14blast007I've only done solo projects in a DVCS
19:37.33blast007think I've branched *once* so far ;)
19:41.09BulletCatcherBeing able to create branches isn't so important for a focused solo developer, but it makes a lot of sense when different people are working on different things at the same time.
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19:44.41blast007  see the first answer there.. seems like there may be a better pattern to use, at least in mercurial
19:48.53BulletCatcherIt sounds like the Hg rebase extension is close enough.
19:49.38blast007what is rebasing for exactly?  is it just a merge?
19:50.41JeffM__it's when you merge changes from a parrent into a branch
19:51.03JeffM__so if you make a branch, then I make changes to mainline, you rebase your branch to pickup my changes
19:51.19BulletCatcherIn a simple Git rebase, the base of an entire branch moves somewhere else (typically to the head of whatever it was branched from).
19:52.04BulletCatcherIt is a way to keep the branch "up to date" with respect to the "trunk".
19:53.38blast007so why not just pull and merge as mentioned in that first answer?
19:54.22JeffM__that's how I've done it with forks I've made on github, works fine
19:54.33BulletCatcherI may not be ready to merge the branch with the trunk yet.
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19:54.55JeffM__it's a pull not a push
19:55.13JeffM__you pull into the branch from trunk
19:55.20JeffM__trunk is unchanged
19:55.23apemanwhere is that git repo? Is it completely migrated?
19:55.50blast007no, you pull the changes from the entire repo
19:56.04blast007a pull does not affect your working directory
19:56.16BulletCatcherMerging and rebasing are independent of pushing and pulling.
19:56.26blast007(unless you do hg pull -u which also updates your working directory)
19:56.51blast007just trying to determine what 'rebasing' does differently than just doing a merge
19:57.03Chestalas I understand it, rebase is mainly used to linearize history where you don't really care about your small branch
19:57.40ChestalI don't knwo if branch is even the right word, have to be careful with all those loaded terms :-)
19:57.42JeffM__yeah your branch is just for you to work on stuff, so you resync to trunk untill you are ready to merge back into trunk with your changes
19:57.51BulletCatcherRebasing does not necessarily close off a branch like merging does.
19:58.18JeffM__I belive in git terms they want you to make a fork, make changes there, pull from master into the fork to rebase, then merge the fork back into trunk with a pull request
19:58.30blast007so it's to collapse changesets into a single changeset?
19:58.47BulletCatcher"fork" isn't Git terminology.
19:58.54JeffM__sure but branch is
19:59.17JeffM__and it dosn't seem like you use branches for that type of work, you make a copy of the repo
19:59.18apemanwhy cant base map object have noradar parameter?
19:59.22JeffM__aka what we call a fork :)
19:59.32blast007apeman: because you haven't coded it yet
19:59.32JeffM__apeman, because
20:00.00JeffM__BulletCatcher, this is just from my experiene using github and what I've seen others do
20:00.02apemanhow can i code it if i dont know it will be accepted
20:00.07blast007also, does noradar work for the 'normal' or 'enchanced' radar modes?  at one time, I was thinking it only worked for 'fast' and 'fast sorted'.
20:00.19JeffM__apeman, how can you go outside if you don't know you won't be hit by a car :)
20:00.30apemani do know :P
20:00.32JeffM__we live in a world full of uncertanties
20:00.39BulletCatcher"fork" is the GitHub term for "copy the repo to another GitHub account".
20:01.03blast007apeman: it has a much better chance of being accepted if it's submitted :P
20:01.09JeffM__BulletCatcher, ok, is there a term for doing that without github? and with out making a branch?
20:01.20JeffM__it'd probaly be accepted for 2.6
20:01.26JeffM__I can't think of a reason why not
20:01.29JeffM__as long as it works
20:01.38apemanwhat difference does the "github language for repo" make? it says bzflag is C
20:01.53BulletCatcher"git clone" makes a local copy of a repo, JeffM__.
20:01.53JeffM__that's based on code analasis
20:02.04JeffM__BulletCatcher, ok, cool
20:02.12JeffM__apeman, we do a lot of things C style
20:02.49apemanso it has been decided no more minor release on 2.4?
20:03.05JeffM__that's the plan
20:03.13apemannot very agile :P
20:03.20blast007apeman: maybe, but where did you come up with that?
20:03.39BulletCatcherAs far as I am concerned we could release 2.4.4 any time, but there is no strong reason to do so.
20:03.40blast007because we won't add noradar to bases before 2.6?
20:03.43apemanblast007: "it'd probaly be accpeted for 2.6" its a small change and it doesnt break protocol.
20:03.50blast007actually it does
20:04.02blast007"protocol" isn't just network protocol, but how the game behaves
20:04.17BulletCatcherapeman: I think all of the code under src/other is what skews the analysis from C++ to C.
20:04.19apemanit would only take someone by surprise if they were already trying to do noradar on bases
20:04.28blast007apeman: so?
20:04.36JeffM__so we can break proto and put in all the fancy things like your no radar
20:04.37JeffM__don't get me started on agile :)
20:04.53blast007it would mean that older clients would behave differently than newer clients
20:04.58JeffM__apeman, how does it not break proto? I didn't think that was a global object attribute?
20:05.04JeffM__and yeah, that's the main reason
20:05.11JeffM__it should show for some users, and not for others
20:05.13JeffM__not very fun
20:05.18blast007would probably break older clients as they tried to read the world binary
20:05.30JeffM__specialy the compressed cache one
20:05.57JeffM__so even if we were doing 2.4 updates that would not be a low risk candidate
20:06.54blast007apeman: so yeah, seems minor to you, but it's not
20:07.28blast007the game clients does not parse BZW, the server does.  So the server can't just suddently decide to start sending a different format to clients.
20:07.36JeffM__but now is the perfect time for 2.6 stuff like that
20:07.51BulletCatchernods vigorously
20:10.38blast007apeman: and for 2.8, maybe we'll ditch the BZW format ;)
20:11.05JeffM__bsp trees in portal cells FTW!
20:11.10JeffM__or coldata, ether or
20:17.22blast007I was just gonna make everything ASCII art and make the game a 2D top-view
20:17.59BulletCatcherAwesome.  Then I could play it on my 6-year-old feature phone.
20:18.10JeffM__only if we wrote it in java
20:18.17JeffM__Brew phones make me yack
20:18.25JeffM__oh I'm sorry
20:18.26JeffM__they suck
20:19.13BulletCatcherFWIW, aversion to the word "suck" is a cultural thing.
20:19.20JeffM__I'm sure
20:19.30JeffM__and that sucks
20:23.14BulletCatcher suggests that the differences between Mercurial and Git are irrelevant to us.
20:25.31blast007yay! let's migrate to bitbucket and mercurial then.  :)
20:25.50BulletCatcherOkay, here is a noteworthy difference: the "git add" command allows fine-grained selection of working tree changes for a commit.  A Mercurial commit always includes all changes in the working tree.
20:26.08JeffM__ooooo denied
20:26.30blast007and by "always" you mean "by default"
20:27.01BulletCatcherI defer to your greater knowledge of Mercurial.
20:27.43blast007it works like subversion, except it looks at the entire working directory for the repo, not just where you currently are in the directory structure
20:28.14blast007with git, a 'commit' doesn't do anything unless you tell it to add some files (or tell it to commit *all* changes)
20:28.37blast007so, I see mercurial's method as being more sane
20:28.55BulletCatcherThat's merely a matter of expectations.
20:28.56blast007why would I 'add' a file that already in version control?
20:29.26BulletCatcherThink of "git add" as staging a change for a particular commit.
20:30.20blast007TortoiseHG lets you pick and choose what files to commit (and even lets you pick specific groups of changes within a file)
20:30.43blast007dunno if there's an equivilent for the CLI for the second part
20:30.56BulletCatcherThat sounds like the same thing as Git's "commit what has been added" approach.
20:32.44blast007hg commit == git commit -a
20:32.53BulletCatcherPretty close.
20:33.11blast007hg commit some/file.txt is like git add some/file.txt && git commit
20:33.31blast007(though I haven't tried git commit some/file.txt to see if that works as well)
20:33.33BulletCatcher"git commit -a" does not add new files to the repo.
20:33.43blast007nor does 'hg commit'
20:34.00blast007hg commit only commits changes to files that are already tracked
20:34.20blast007hg add will add a file to be tracked (and then hg commit would include that new file)
20:34.42BulletCatcherSame for Git. :-)
20:35.07BulletCatcherOverall, it seems like the differences are quite minor.
20:35.21blast007yeah, pretty minor.. git just sucks more than mercurial ;)
20:38.30BulletCatcherGit doesn't have the concept of a changeset.
20:39.28BulletCatcherIs that a real thing in Mercurial, or just the word used to describe some collection of commits?
20:41.03BulletCatcherYup.  Git doesn't have that at all.
20:41.33blast007does Git use butterflies?
20:42.26alezakosblast007: Git commit some/file works as expected
20:42.46BulletCatcherI don't know what a butterfly is in this context.
20:44.35BulletCatcherFine.  Don't forget that I use Emacs. :-)
20:44.50blast007that explains a lot ;)
20:45.06BulletCatcherMy IRC client is inside Emacs.
21:38.32BulletCatcherI think I prefer Mercurial's tags over Git's.
21:38.37BulletCatcherIn Mercurial the .hgtags file is managed like any other, but Git tags are independent entities without any history.
21:38.41BulletCatcherGit tags are, or are not </yoda>.
21:43.09blast007so would tags perhaps only show up if you're within a certain branch that contains that .hgtags file?
21:43.41BulletCatcherQuite possibly.
21:44.15blast007seems like that would make it difficult to enumerate all tags in a repo
21:45.01BulletCatcherYup.  That makes me less enthusiastic about the Mercurial tag model.
21:47.45BulletCatcherI have been thinking that I would like to see tags added with a logged commit, but hadn't considered the "on which branch" aspect.
21:49.43BulletCatcherWith that in mind, the Git approach makes more sense.
21:50.01blast007my head hurts from all this DVCS reading...
21:51.10BulletCatcherIt's as big a change from Subversion as functional programming is from procedural.
21:51.29blast007wasn't there some decentralized functionality on the subversion development plan at one point?
21:54.06blast007one of the long term goals listed some years back was "hybrid distributed/centralized VC model"
21:55.06blast007doesn't seem to be listed on the page though
21:56.38BulletCatcherIt seems to me that if Subversion were modified to do that, it would become just another variation of Git and Hg.
21:56.40blast007seems that was removed from the apache page sometime between April 9, 2010 and May 1 2010.
21:56.52blast007yeah, but with svn:props!
21:57.28BulletCatcherYou knooooow what I like!
22:01.15BulletCatcherMost of the concepts presented in the tutorial at are equally valid for Git.
22:01.58BulletCatcherThe repo tree on the last page is much more complicated than what we need for BZFlag, though.
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23:03.48BulletCatcherTo make it easier to repeatedly experiment with importing our svn repo into Git (or maybe even Mercurial) I want to acquire my own local copy.
23:03.49BulletCatcherIs svnsync as good a tool as any for that?
23:38.11blast007that was done using svnsync.  probably not 100% up to date, but you can sync the remaining revisions
23:39.06blast007you might see if joevano can give you the author mapping file he had generated for the Git conversion (and maybe any other tricks/configurations he used to do it)

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