IRC log for #bzflag on 20130830

00:22.29*** join/#bzflag unclelightning (
01:21.11*** join/#bzflag Rob5a4 (
02:48.17alpha1-2why isn't it possible to configure the F11-12 quick keys?
02:49.31*** join/#bzflag JeffM (
02:49.31*** join/#bzflag JeffM (~JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm2501)
02:49.31*** mode/#bzflag [+v JeffM] by ChanServ
02:55.15*** join/#bzflag swigg__ (
03:23.09*** join/#bzflag apeman (
03:36.58*** join/#bzflag Pimpinella (
04:10.23*** join/#bzflag alpha1-2 (
04:27.56*** join/#bzflag littlelep (
04:41.00*** part/#bzflag littlelep (
05:18.49BulletCatcheralpha1-2: Chestal added the quick keys feature in 2004, with support for only the F1 through F10 buttons.
05:18.51BulletCatcherNo one has bothered to add F11 and F12 since then.
05:32.22alpha1-2ah ok
05:47.32apemanare local groups not able to register custom -groupdb permissions?
06:11.33BulletCatcherCan you give more detail?
06:18.24apemanin the groupdb file corresponding to bzfs -groupdb, i have it so that both a global group and a local group have the same permissions, including +TIMELIMIT
06:19.14apemanwhen i connect to server, TIMELIMIT doesn't show up in /showperms because its a custom permission anyway, but global groups get the TIMELIMIT permission whereas local groups (-userdb) do not
06:21.10apemanthats how it seems to be anyhow
06:21.18BulletCatcherIt sounds like you found a bug (incomplete feature).
06:21.19BulletCatcherSomeone would have to dig into the code to be sure.
08:53.35alezakosapeman: Custom permissions work fine for me both in global and local groups
08:55.38apemanalezakos: which custom permission did u try?
09:09.55*** join/#bzflag Chesta (
09:09.57*** mode/#bzflag [+o Chesta] by ChanServ
09:17.20alezakosapeman: I tried a custom test plugin (TEST permission)
09:49.43*** join/#bzflag apeman (
10:19.04*** join/#bzflag _lmnop (
10:33.01*** join/#bzflag apeman (
10:48.10*** join/#bzflag Pimpinella (
11:18.00*** part/#bzflag apeman (
12:11.29*** join/#bzflag brad (~brad@unaffiliated/brad)
13:06.03*** join/#bzflag unclelightning (
14:00.32*** join/#bzflag JeffM (~JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm2501)
14:00.32*** mode/#bzflag [+v JeffM] by ChanServ
14:51.12*** join/#bzflag Gnurdux (
15:14.32*** join/#bzflag dngor (abuse@p3m/dngor)
15:18.36*** join/#bzflag swigg_ (
15:28.00*** join/#bzflag JeffM (
15:28.00*** join/#bzflag JeffM (~JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm2501)
15:28.00*** mode/#bzflag [+v JeffM] by ChanServ
15:39.13*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (~TimRiker@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
15:39.13*** mode/#bzflag [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
16:22.22*** join/#bzflag swigg (~swigg@bzflag/player/Swigg)
16:51.04*** join/#bzflag Rob5a4 (
16:56.05*** join/#bzflag PrezKennedy (~DarkCalf@
19:13.57*** join/#bzflag alpha1-2 (
19:35.27*** join/#bzflag _lmnop (
19:44.14*** join/#bzflag blast007_ (~blast007@bzflag/developer/Blast)
19:44.14*** mode/#bzflag [+v blast007_] by ChanServ
20:49.04*** join/#bzflag alpha1-2 (
21:36.51*** join/#bzflag Delusional (~delusiona@unaffiliated/delusional)
23:14.25*** join/#bzflag dcat (

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