IRC log for #bzflag on 20130818

00:00.00*** join/#bzflag mrapple (~mrapple@unaffiliated/mrapple)
00:19.23alpha1-2a tech question: when you go out by pressing F4 and come in again, your lag is huge usually. But really that means that you have that big lag in the next playing time? (When you re-join, it dessapears)
00:21.20alpha1-2It seems more like some big amount of data stacked waiting for going out
00:23.34alpha1-2or more exactly, it seems more a tail than an stack
00:23.48*** join/#bzflag Rob5a (
00:24.22alpha1-2or line*
00:27.59*** join/#bzflag I_Died_Once (~I_Died_On@unaffiliated/idiedonce/x-1828535)
00:41.41*** join/#bzflag Gnurdux (~gnurdux@CMU-869651.WV.CC.CMU.EDU)
01:00.37*** join/#bzflag alpha1-2 (
01:18.30*** join/#bzflag _lmnop (
01:25.17blast007weee, no more Google Analytics on ;)
01:38.19*** join/#bzflag JeffM (
01:38.19*** join/#bzflag JeffM (~JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm2501)
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02:02.19alpha1-2_awayis that good or bad? :P
02:05.00blast007alpha1-2: that's good.  now Google isn't tracking our users.  I'm using a self-hosted analytics platform, so the tracking data is stored by me instead.
02:06.34alpha1-2oh nice! but what do you mean exactly with "tracking" players?
02:13.06alpha1-2other question: how did you do for avoid that analysis?
02:16.50blast007alpha1-2: tracking visits to the website
02:17.11blast007and I don't understand your second question
02:17.48alpha1-2do you mean then storing the IP numebr of visitors?
02:18.14blast007IP and more, yes
02:18.28alpha1-2ok, then my second question
02:18.36blast007IP, browser, geolocation, time on site, etc
02:19.02alpha1-2interesting... how can you avoid that tracking from them?
02:19.53blast007who is "them"?
02:20.01alpha1-2Google ofc
02:20.25blast007you mean how did I remove Google Analytics from the BZFlag website?
02:20.35blast007I did it by removing the code from the webpage :P
02:20.52blast007I had tracking code on the site
02:21.01alpha1-2the header code right, I think I saw something of that somewhere
02:21.03blast007Google can't just magically track everything
02:22.37alpha1-2then does that mean that the next web page won't appear in Google search page?
02:22.51blast007no, that's not what that means
02:23.13blast007I stoped using their analytics platform.  I didn't tell google to remove us from their search engine...
02:23.32alpha1-2ah ok, then they are separated things
02:23.57blast007look at the $this->ga['enabled'] area
02:25.48alpha1-2that is the old page, right?
02:26.14alpha1-2with Google Analytics I mean
02:26.50blast007yes, that's why it has it in there yet ;)
02:27.54alpha1-2ok, thanks... I think I saw some header code, very simple, in somewhere that allows Google Analytics, just a line.
02:28.23*** join/#bzflag swigg_ (
02:30.18*** join/#bzflag JeffM (~JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm2501)
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02:32.25alpha1-2no, it's the same code (function() part) in other page I saw :P
02:33.26alpha1-2and finally, why was the purpose of Google to do it?
02:33.52blast007are you thinking that google put that code in our site?
02:33.54alpha1-2or of any web designer to put it
02:34.33JeffMgoogle has secret hooks into everything
02:34.51alpha1-2please, don't subestimate me too much ;)
02:35.39alpha1-2but why any web designer would include it, then? What advantage?
02:36.44blast007the advantage? analytics :P
02:37.08alpha1-2are those analysies public availabe maybe?
02:37.12JeffMhow many hits we get a month these days?
02:37.31JeffMthats double last month
02:37.57JeffMalpha1-2, the service software we use is open source, the service data is not
02:38.12blast007probably around 4000/month
02:38.48JeffMok so down by half from the last time I asked
02:39.38alpha1-2ok, then, still talking of Google Anlytics, not of BZ own ones, the only advantage of including that in my code will be for Google not fo me?
02:39.44blast007unless you're thinking of pageviews, JeffM
02:39.56JeffMalpha1-2, the site owner can see the data
02:40.01JeffMand they provide a number of reports
02:40.10JeffMblast007, I remember 8k as a number
02:40.16blast007in July, 4318 visits, 3741 unique visitors, 8235 page views
02:40.24alpha1-2ahh ok
02:40.59JeffMalpha1-2, analitics are huge. having google do them can also impact how you show up in google as they know more info about your site
02:41.12blast007june was similar (4480, 3749, 8413)
02:42.05blast007not having google analytics means one less privacy policy to point at
02:42.06alpha1-2and what do you think, JeffM, about not being more part of it? good or bad? :)
02:42.23blast007the only privacy policy I'll probably have to point to is for Project Wonderful ;)
02:42.23JeffMI trust that blast will do what is best for services
02:42.43JeffMooo adds
02:42.54blast007thinkin' about it
02:43.06JeffMPW is hw I'd start advertising bzflag if I had money
02:43.16JeffMit's a good system
02:43.29blast007yeah, I think they have a system that's fair on both sides
02:43.52JeffMit was made by a web comic artist so it's got real world input
02:43.52alpha1-2I think that doing own analytics are a better idea too
02:46.06blast007the platform I picked is quite similar to google's platform
02:46.30alpha1-2"it's got real world input" <-- meaning, please?
02:47.08JeffMit was designed with the ad placer and the ad hosters in mind since it was made by someone who both hosts ads and places ads
02:47.42JeffMthe hoster gets to approve or deny ads, and the placers only pay for what the site is worth, since it's a bidding system
02:47.46blast007and one of the few non-evil internet advertisement platforms
02:48.07JeffMit was made because all the other platforms at the time sucked
02:50.45blast007neat.  seems like plugging my HP Touchpad into my Ouya made my Touchpad all unhappy and it deleted most of the data off it :P
02:51.03blast007mobile devices... FIGHT!
02:51.09alpha1-2see how the total number in that page moves dynamically
02:52.29alpha1-2what software are you using for analytics then blast007?
02:52.48blast007but you could have checked that yourself by viewing the page source code ;)
02:53.14alpha1-2he he
02:53.30alpha1-2I am not *still* as fast as you ;)
02:53.49alpha1-2give me 10 years and you will see
02:53.53blast007dunno what that has to do with anything
02:53.53alpha1-2he he
02:54.49alpha1-2wait, then the actual page is already in the new system?
02:54.55blast007go to, right click, view source, look through the very minimal code.. see reference to Piwik along with references to 'tracking'..
02:55.21alpha1-2I know...
02:55.22blast007yeah, it has been for a couple weeks
02:55.27alpha1-2ah ok
02:55.39blast007been running both platforms to see how they compared
02:55.46alpha1-2you don't have humour sense eh! :)
02:55.54blast007oh, I do, if it was funny
02:56.00alpha1-2he he
02:57.55alpha1-2yeah "piwik.php" !!
02:59.20alpha1-2I gotcha!... will I be rich now? :P
03:02.49JeffMtime to add barel elevation
03:03.18alpha1-2wow "SuperTanx - An implementation of a BZFlag style game in Torque3d by the current developers of BZFlag", wih Torque3D!
03:05.01blast007that never really started
03:05.39alpha1-2oh... I put that "notice" last days here... but you already known it! :P
03:05.40blast007 <-- look at all that code!
03:05.42JeffMI've got the tank driving around and jumping unity :)
03:06.22blast007unless there's a different supertanx repo that does have something ;)
03:06.30blast007JeffM: neat
03:06.50JeffMblast007, and it's using physics and dosn't fall over ;)
03:07.02alpha1-2yes, I didn't see the code, just surprised about that engine... what do you both think about it?
03:07.19JeffMit has potential
03:07.19blast007I think it needs work
03:07.31blast007I'd probably rather use something like Ogre
03:07.33JeffMyeah it's not quite where it needs to be but it could be
03:08.18alpha1-2I saw Ogre too, it is 3d engine, not game engine right?
03:08.31JeffMit was good that we looked at torque, but it probalby needs another year to get platform support
03:08.42JeffMogre is used for many games
03:08.50blast007and probably another 3 years to polish up the other issues ;)
03:08.50JeffMit does a lot of stuff
03:09.09JeffMdepends on how much they work on it
03:10.22alpha1-2yes, they recently "free"ed the code in the last part of the last year... maybe they need more time to make it mature
03:10.34blast007that's why we looked at it
03:11.50alpha1-2in other hand, BZ is *already* a mature game, it has a mature state, robust playable state I think
03:12.26blast007mature is one way to put it
03:12.39blast007elderly is another
03:14.08JeffMMature implies that it's stable and kept up to date
03:14.12JeffMit is not ether of those things
03:14.28alpha1-2well, IMO it is good. Can it be improved? maybe. In which things? appearance? maybe, but it isn't ugly, neither, It is "old style" appearance.
03:14.41blast007can it be improved? very yes
03:15.01JeffMall aspects of the game need to to be changed
03:15.38blast007yeah.  we need to add somewhere to mount the hats.
03:16.25JeffMadds a HatNode
03:16.40alpha1-2well, that is a point that I don't agree much. It has a good state already for me. But, looking to the future, maybe you are right.
03:16.54JeffMthe networking is horrible
03:17.03blast007overall, the *gameplay* is the main thing that works well
03:17.09blast007everything else, not so much
03:17.27JeffMit was not built for the modern environment
03:17.49blast007the UI is confusing, the network is suboptimal, the graphics are dated, the sound is meh, input needs work, etc
03:18.38alpha1-2I have still to see the Development Plans in detail for I can understand well all those wished improvements, though.
03:26.36JeffMws is forward/backwards
03:26.44JeffMmouse is left right and up down
03:27.35alpha1-2Talking with another developer, I said him that maybe, as the game is playable and has some mature state already, the developer team can take some time for make the big changes, if they are necessary, finally. I mean, the game isn't in a tight spot nowadays for anything, then you can take some time, some schedule, maybe medium term (5 years), for make them.
03:28.24blast007if it takes us 5 year for another major release, the game will be dead by then
03:28.56JeffMyeah that attiude would have been fine 5 years ago
03:29.17alpha1-2I am talking of big changes, like the network one, if the network one is necessary finally
03:30.11alpha1-2or mayb a big "face" change (graphics) as other example, if it is really necessary again
03:31.03JeffMwho was the other developer?
03:31.16alpha1-2just my ideas, my "feeling" about the actual state :)
03:31.50alpha1-2and I am a active player BTW :)
03:32.44JeffMone of the few, the proud, the actual players
03:32.53alpha1-2no matter, any other can be :)... how much developer are active?
03:33.03blast007define 'active'
03:33.04JeffMI'm just curious
03:33.50blast007but really, go look at ohloh stats
03:34.05JeffMooo it was tim wasn't it?
03:34.13alpha1-2he he, no :)
03:35.03alpha1-2I would have respect to talk to him previously, I don't know him much :)
03:36.08alpha1-2"Active", let's say, contributing to the main branch, in the last time. Define you "time", IDK well about times.
03:36.19blast007the lats 15 years? ;)
03:36.38alpha1-2I like your spirit, blast ;'(
03:36.42blast007but again, ohloh
03:36.45blast007go there
03:36.47blast007read the stats
03:36.49JeffMcan someone try one of those packages?
03:36.51alpha1-2blast President! :D
03:36.55JeffMjust curious if they load
03:37.22*** join/#bzflag swigg__ (
03:37.41blast007does it require fancy graphcs?
03:37.56alpha1-2"With blast you will go ahead!" - a good phrase for yor campaing ;)
03:38.06blast007as in.. will it run on an intel graphics from 2006?  ;)
03:38.08JeffMyou can set the quality
03:38.12JeffMfind out :)
03:38.17JeffMit's super simple
03:38.22JeffMplane, skybox, tank, box
03:38.47blast007alpha1-2: my campaign motto would just be "meh"
03:38.58JeffMgood thing bzflag isn't a democracy
03:39.47alpha1-2good thing that it isn't a "normal" dictatorship neither ;)
03:39.55JeffMno it is
03:40.02JeffMthe dictator is just nice
03:40.16JeffMand you have several of them
03:40.28alpha1-2it is a *benevolent* dictatorship, not a normal, usual one
03:40.50*** join/#bzflag Gnurdux (
03:41.04JeffMI'd call it an apathetic dictatorship
03:41.35alpha1-2which one, the usual cases or BZ?
03:41.47alpha1-2nah :P
03:41.58blast007and yeah, it worked
03:41.59alpha1-2are you apathetic fo example? :)
03:42.17JeffMI am not the dictator, I am not the owner of bzflag or the services :)
03:42.32JeffMI'm the advisor that's weezled his way into court
03:42.56JeffMand the fact that I was working on bzflag before Tim
03:43.11JeffMwonders if amazon will sell him explosives
03:43.55alpha1-2well, I mean, I don't know any Free Soft admin guy that is apathetic, or abusive, etc. But you can have you own opinion, too.
03:44.16blast007you must not know many free software people
03:44.23JeffMreally? you've never read comments by linus?
03:44.28JeffMhe's super abusive
03:44.33JeffMhe'll be the death of linux
03:44.35blast007hehe, was just typing linus ;D
03:45.41alpha1-2I follow Free Software projects mostly, than Open Source ones (Linus). But I don't have any bad experience with OS soft neither. I think all FLOSS projects are awesome :).
03:45.56JeffMnot all are
03:46.42blast007how do you differentiate between "free software" and "open source"?
03:46.49JeffMbahh, amazon won't ... :(
03:46.58alpha1-2tell me some bad projects, bad admins, Jeffm
03:48.38JeffMthere was the FPS where the owner sold it :)
03:49.45JeffMyeah it started with an N
03:49.56JeffMthe community didn't understand that the owner can TOTALY do that :)
03:50.11JeffMthe owner was a jerk, but still it didn't go well on each side
03:50.12blast007it was a remake with the same name that was created and sold
03:50.22blast007and replaced the site with the commercial one
03:50.37blast007wasn't even the same game engine
03:50.59JeffMthe open source code went on as another proejct
03:51.06JeffMbut there was lots of confusion
03:51.13JeffMand one dude made some money :)
03:51.31alpha1-2blast007: Free Software is based in GPL like licenses ( / Open Source software ( started after 10 years more or less from the first (FS), they are a separation of them and they have some "philosophical" (or work way) differences (not too many important for me) for their licenses/approvals.
03:51.45blast007it was forked to Xonotic
03:52.32JeffMthe guys in the irrlicht engine were kinda jerky too
03:55.00*** join/#bzflag spldart (
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03:56.15alpha1-2Note: Free Software is around 25 years old, like Microsoft ;)
03:56.32alpha1-2but very different ways
03:57.28alpha1-2and I clarify, I am not entirely against propietary soft, just in case...
04:01.51alpha1-2well, JeffM, I talk in general, but as always, there some bad cases too
04:01.59alpha1-2there are*
04:04.02alpha1-2wow I found my first Youtube advertisement experience in my online dictionary page... it seems some comedy serie online...
04:05.14JeffMewww. sf just got a bit more evil. go to download filezill and get a "Sourceforge Secure installer" that shows me ads before instals
04:05.22alpha1-2what is that?
04:05.43JeffMa youtube video
04:06.05alpha1-2yes an advertisemented one
04:06.06JeffMthey are kinda popular on this thing we call the internet
04:06.24JeffMyoutube has to make money somehow
04:06.28alpha1-2first time for me :P
04:06.36JeffMthen you don't get out much
04:08.26alpha1-2bu I fond it in an dictionary page, not in a youttube intro page
04:08.40JeffMthey'll put an ad anywhere
04:09.04alpha1-2just a bit wondered
04:09.11JeffMwhat does it being a dictionary have to do with ANYTHING?
04:09.36alpha1-2I use for translating
04:09.51JeffMand that makes it immune to advertising?
04:10.15alpha1-2no, I see them all th time, but first tim a yoututbe (independent?) serie
04:10.31JeffMthere has to be a first time for everything
04:12.10JeffMaka "Dice said we had to make more money"
04:12.10alpha1-2tell me what do the video maker guys gain with it (serie)?
04:12.20JeffMadvertising money
04:12.27blast007I blocked and some other download site at work because of that exact thing
04:12.28JeffMit's all about money
04:12.50alpha1-2in their Youtube channel?
04:13.05JeffMif you allow ads in your video you get part of the money
04:13.29alpha1-2oh I saw something of that last time yes.... but very un-often for me
04:13.36JeffMblast007, yeah kinda want to find another tool now
04:15.45blast007JeffM: what do you use filezilla for?  just FTP?
04:16.11blast007on Windows?  I use WinSCP
04:16.26blast007(does SCP, SFTP, and FTP)
04:17.26alpha1-2and ssh/scp? doesn't Powershell have it?
04:17.42JeffMwhy would I want to type?
04:18.04blast007and no, powershell does not have SSH/SCP any more than the command prompt would
04:18.16alpha1-2it isn't *too* power then ;)
04:18.30blast007it's a shell, not an SSH client
04:18.32JeffMwhy do you keep trying to make windows into linux
04:18.46alpha1-2JeffM: in my "power" Linux I have all ssh comads ;)
04:18.53blast007does your bash do SSH?  no, your SSH application does
04:19.12JeffMalpha1-2, you have a graphical file transfer utility installed by default?
04:19.40JeffMyou use the terminal because you have to for some things, that's not how windows works
04:19.45alpha1-2install MinGW or CygWin JeffM ;)
04:19.55blast007alpha1-2: just shut up about that
04:19.58alpha1-2it's *free*!
04:20.00JeffMit's getting old
04:20.03JeffMvery very old
04:20.46JeffMwinSCP wanted to install chrome too, not great but slightly better then whoring to SF
04:20.53alpha1-2<JeffM> alpha1-2, you have a graphical file transfer utility installed by default? <-- yes ;)
04:21.06JeffMthen good for your OS
04:21.28JeffMmy copy of windows was free too.. AND  plays video games ;)
04:22.03alpha1-2he he
04:24.18alpha1-2I have a "Network Folder Wizard" that configures any SSH, FTP, webdav and MS Windows network drive. Then I can access through my file manager (Dolphin) to it. I tested/use the ssh (and FTP too maybe) options, though.
04:25.16alpha1-2I have some incompatibilities issues between 11.4 and 12.1 though. Then in one direction/way I use console.
04:26.13alpha1-2but it is easy: just copy all you want in a folder, type scp -r (recursive) other parms and all done
04:26.47blast007I just drag and drop
04:26.48JeffMso you have to waste disk space on a copy and then use a terminal?
04:27.21alpha1-2I use GUI most of th time (11.4 --> 12.1)
04:27.54alpha1-2and I after delete all copied files. he console is you frind too ;)
04:28.34JeffMwhat if you have to to transfer several gigs? you make a copy?
04:28.35alpha1-2in Linux what client do you use , blast007?
04:29.13JeffMWinSCP will work acceptably well
04:29.17alpha1-2did you kno that Linux doen't copy but link? :)
04:29.20blast007I don't run a GUI in Linux, generally
04:29.32blast007I just run WinSCP on Windows and connect to my linux servers :P
04:29.46JeffMbut.. the year of the linux destop!
04:29.52JeffMit's been that year for 5 years now
04:29.54blast007on Linux I mainly would just run the 'scp' command
04:30.23blast007yeah, but this year they got steam! THIS is the year of the linux desktop!
04:30.29blast007until next year
04:30.32alpha1-2he he
04:30.55JeffMwell ubuntu got steam
04:31.03JeffMI think debian is scare of it
04:31.05alpha1-2what is the problem with console, JeffM? it has a lot of useful things. Error mesages for example.
04:31.16blast007debian kinda has it sortaish
04:31.30blast007it was in the NEW queue for a bit, at least
04:31.34JeffMalpha1-2, because I'd have to remember all the command line options
04:31.47alpha1-2<alpha1-2> did you know that Linux doen't copy but links the files? :)
04:32.02JeffMcool so they'll have an old incompatable version of steam for people to use in a couple years
04:32.04blast007alpha1-2: when you 'cp' a file in linux, it copies... it doesn't link
04:32.12blast007if you 'ln -s', then it links :P
04:32.26alpha1-2I win
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04:32.36blast007o rly?
04:32.40alpha1-2he he
04:33.27alpha1-2ut 2 sysems besied each other, Windows ad Linux, and do copy in both. After that , tell me :)
04:33.35alpha1-2sorry typos
04:33.59JeffMI don't have to make a copy when I drag a file into a tool
04:34.04alpha1-2that is one of the big differences between both systems
04:34.08JeffMintegrated shell and all ;)
04:35.43alpha1-2ok, JeffM, I would use the bst app in each case, as you. I prefer handle GUI if I can do it (with Dlphin for example), but on ohter cases it is necessary or better the consle way.
04:36.16JeffMis the command line the best tool? or just the only one left?
04:37.05alpha1-2for example if you want to do a "grep" command, the console is the bst way
04:37.17blast007not necessarily
04:37.56alpha1-2Linux use *a lot* files for all, then handle files is the best way. For example using vi editor, making shell scripts, etc.
04:38.17JeffMsure, thats why you have to use the terminal
04:38.49alpha1-2cat, >, etc... in the last case the perl language is very useful for male  lot of file handling
04:39.41alpha1-2but I use a lot of window environment too, both are important
04:40.02alpha1-2is similar to the old MSDOS shell
04:40.19JeffMI have used the linux console ;)
04:40.29JeffMdon't missubunderestimate me
04:40.46alpha1-2in that stage Windwos user had to use console, in MSDOS stage always
04:41.15alpha1-2I don't JeffM :)
04:41.58alpha1-2and nowadays you have the virtual consle (cmd.exe) that is useful too
04:42.09blast007"nowadays" ?
04:42.20blast007do you not know the history of microsoft operating systems?
04:42.26alpha1-2well, *from some time to nowadays*
04:43.07JeffMcmd.exe has existed in all the 32 bit OSs
04:43.07blast007my 5MHz 8086 runs MS-DOS.
04:43.26alpha1-2iirc the Windows 2000 (NT kind or similar) and after (XP, etc) has it
04:43.32JeffMNT had it
04:43.44JeffM2000 is NT
04:43.54JeffMthe others had it but it wasn't virtualized
04:44.00JeffMsince they were hybrid kernels
04:45.05alpha1-2the cmd.exe application is a thing. The virtual console is other.
04:46.10blast007alpha1-2: this discussion is now beyond pointless
04:46.19alpha1-2and as I know, 2000 isn't exactly NT, but I don't know/remember all details
04:46.33JeffMTIme to see if I can convert bzflag maps into real meshes
04:47.11alpha1-2ok ok , that was "knowledge competition"! :)
04:47.47blast007additionally, I have proved your "linux doesn't copy files, it links them!" theory
04:47.54blast007wrong, I mean
04:48.37blast007copied a 1GB file and now I have 1GB less space, and the operation took over 30 seconds
04:48.50alpha1-2I have studied both systems in Uni , blast, I am not a neophyte :)
04:49.31alpha1-2only in Lnux or in windows too?
04:49.33blast007dd if=/dev/zero of=bigfile bs=64M count=16 ; df -h ; time cp bigfile bigfile2 ; df -h
04:49.38blast007that was linux
04:49.44blast007windows would be the same
04:49.49blast007a copy operation is a COPY
04:50.01blast007not a hard link or a symbolic link
04:50.05alpha1-2no, man study the internal process in both systems!
04:50.14blast007what do you mean?
04:50.40JeffMhe's a student, he knows EVERYTHING
04:50.40alpha1-2and I know what both a symbolic and a hard links mean
04:51.24alpha1-2any other opinion here please?
04:51.36alpha1-2because they both seem to not believe me
04:51.36JeffMit's pointless
04:51.37blast007there is no "opinion" on this matter
04:51.45blast007I provided a test case
04:52.02alpha1-2no, you did only 1 tst case, not the both
04:52.22blast007if I make a 1GB file in Windows and copy it, I'll have 2GB of data..
04:52.24alpha1-2[01:33] <alpha1-2> ut 2 sysems besied each other, Windows ad Linux, and do copy in both. After that , tell me :)
04:52.25blast007same as linux
04:52.25alpha1-2[01:33] <alpha1-2> put*
04:52.27alpha1-2[01:33] <alpha1-2> sorry typos
04:52.46alpha1-2ho many sysems do you count?
04:53.50alpha1-2I don't talk of disk capacity
04:54.00alpha1-2I talk of internal copy process
04:54.10alpha1-2one system makes a link
04:54.20alpha1-2other system make a physycal copy
04:54.30blast007[citation needed]
04:54.45alpha1-2ok, give me tim and I wil find my Uni books
04:55.26alpha1-2but read Tannenbaun
04:57.22alpha1-2<JeffM> he's a student, he knows EVERYTHING <-- what is th problem? you are *too* an student. And I don't know EVERYTHING. But I have some knowledge an I can discuss about it, like anybody.
04:58.38alpha1-2blast007: this isn't the exactly book I have but it can be similar / modern
05:01.02*** mode/#bzflag [-o blast007] by blast007
05:28.40alpha1-2blast007: Well, I was finding in the book, and I don't have still the exact reference but if you want to advance, (it is 2:30 AM here) search for i-nodes in Unix. IIRC it is the right way to get it. I will continue after. I found this aroximation in th cp info file ("info coreutils 'cp invocation'" command):
05:28.50alpha1-2"    A "hard link" is another name for an existing file; the link and the
05:28.52alpha1-2original are indistinguishable.  Technically speaking, they share the
05:28.53alpha1-2same inode, and the inode contains all the information about a
05:28.55alpha1-2file--indeed, it is not incorrect to say that the inode _is_ the file.
05:28.56alpha1-2Most systems prohibit making a hard link to a directory; on those where
05:28.58alpha1-2it is allowed, only the super-user can do so (and with caution, since
05:28.59alpha1-2creating a cycle will cause problems to many other utilities).  Hard
05:29.01alpha1-2links cannot cross file system boundaries.  (These restrictions are not
05:29.02alpha1-2mandated by POSIX, however.)"
05:29.28blast007so you proved yourself wrong?
05:30.09alpha1-2you didn't read all
05:30.10blast007a hard link is created by linking, not by copying
05:30.34blast007so unless you run 'cp' with the -l option, it's going to copy the data
05:30.56alpha1-2search for this word in th previos text --> *I-NODES*
05:31.07blast007what about it?
05:31.22alpha1-2the i-nodes, do you know it?
05:31.33blast007do *you*?
05:31.42alpha1-2I asked first
05:32.58alpha1-2well, no responses then... let's continue in other moment, it's late here :)
05:34.39blast007nah, let's not continue
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10:30.09alpha1-2blast007: when you are taking the breakfast red this: I was researching and I realize that I was confused with the hard link situation (also related to the i-node feature). Windows doesn't have hard links, then this is one of the big differences between both systems (i-node related). Finally, if you do a "cp -l" (or "ln"), as you said, you will have duplication of information but only one physical file (so, the free disk space is not
10:30.11alpha1-2increased, practically), and that was what I was trying to say, and confused. You win this time, then we are 2-1, I am still winning! ;)
10:30.25alpha1-2(Though, making memories... IIRC it was my professor that said me that erroneus information maybe (or I understood wrong)... so maybe I am innocent!!)
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12:51.55blast007alpha1-2: and you're wrong again.  Windows does have hard links, and on Vista and up it also has symbolic links. ;)
12:53.06alpha1-2rly? :P what would be an example of hard links? what command?
12:53.25alpha1-2no shortcuts right?
12:56.45blast007and you can also bind a parition to an empty folder on another drive
12:58.10alpha1-2the last case would be hard or sym link?
12:58.53alpha1-2I am reading
13:00.05alpha1-2do you mean like mounting?
13:01.46blast007oh, for that
13:01.54blast007and no, junction point
13:04.02alpha1-2ah ok... yes, since Windows 2000 I recognize that I have to update my knowledge base :) like all we have to do it each some time, though I lost from long time ago some (or many) interest in Microsoft software
13:06.17alpha1-2I have read that hard links and folders have some problems and restrictions (I talk in Linux), so it is necessary to take special care when you use them
13:07.04blast007or maybe it's not junction points.. this:
13:07.14alpha1-2it seems that the most easy/quick way is to use sym links
13:09.33alpha1-2ah ok , like mounting then... I have heared that Win XP used mounting but never checked it
13:10.04alpha1-2well, you can see, they are copying Unix/Linux ideas ;)
13:16.13blast007or just expending on previous stuff
13:24.22alpha1-2I think that the last things aren't the same as mounting
13:26.30blast007related stuff though
13:27.15alpha1-2ah ok
13:28.15blast007seems you could also redirect the MS-DOS prompt to a serial port ;)
13:29.19alpha1-2let's say an old "USB" style port :)?
13:30.13blast007no, serial port
13:30.21alpha1-2an RS232 pendrive? :)
13:31.05alpha1-2well USB mean Universal SERIAL bus
13:31.08blast007uh.. no.. I mean, input/output being directed to a serial port, as in, you'd use a terminal emulator
13:33.49blast007  MS-DOS 6 had the ability to mount a drive to a subdirectory on another drive :)
13:34.02alpha1-2I am joking but then you mean conrtolling the prompt by another PC through serial port?
13:34.20alpha1-2ahhh :P
13:34.50alpha1-2I thought something like a serial storage drive like USB sticks but through serial port
13:37.44alpha1-2ah it is similar yes, the idea
13:38.21blast007there was also something to share files (and maybe some devices like printers) over a serial or parallel connection between two computers ;)
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13:42.00alpha1-2if I recall well my brother/father commented anytime something like that long time ago, connecting PCs through LPT ports
13:43.05blast007I never did myself, but I had some games that supported multiplayer over a null-modem link (serial ports linked between computers)
13:43.34alpha1-2sing serial like old modems way?
13:44.39alpha1-2yeah RS232!
13:45.54alpha1-2yes, I remember somethig too
13:50.37*** join/#bzflag Pimpinella (
13:50.43alpha1-2do you remember BBS (console) times?
13:51.00blast007never used them, but yes
13:51.13alpha1-2it was the previous stage to Intenet
13:51.40alpha1-2then you entered to a server with all text menues
13:51.59alpha1-2and you have games, forums like, chat :)
13:52.18alpha1-2all by telephone
13:52.29blast007yup, I know what they are ;)
13:52.34blast007I just never used them
13:53.21alpha1-2and you could chat with th SYSop if you had any doubt or curiosity
13:53.56alpha1-2if he was there, sometimes he wasn't but you had the server for use anyways
13:55.29alpha1-2oh, and only yuo could chat with someone if there was multiple lines available (like University) but mostly times there was just only 1 and you could chat only with the SysOp :)
13:56.55alpha1-2it was a interesting/nice experience (the new *chat* for that stage)
13:57.27alpha1-2it was faster if you call him and talk directly!
13:57.33alpha1-2he he
14:00.18alpha1-2in th first time at Uni, it was availabe too (BBS through telephone line), but after some time it was erroneously deleted and you have instead a Web interface that emulates it
14:01.41alpha1-2I remember using my first mail trough BBS interface at Uni or at home :)
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17:43.56Not-002[02bzflag] 07JMakey pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±3] 13
17:43.57Not-002[02bzflag] 07JMakey 030ef32b9 - Distribute newly added Windows files.
17:46.06JeffMcrap, I commitd that?
17:46.13JeffMso much for branches working
17:46.45BulletCatcherIf you push the branch, out it goes.
17:47.05JeffMhow do I undo it?
17:47.36JeffMwhen did I commit it?
17:47.59JeffMahh with the ignore
17:48.20JeffMwell I guess then I don't understand the concept of "checkout"
17:48.39JeffMyeah you don't want any of that ;)
17:49.15BulletCatcherAt this point, all you can do is another commit to remove what you don't want to be public.
17:49.47BulletCatcherAlthough in your own repo you can "git cherry-pick" what you do want to keep onto a private branch.
17:51.11JeffMnaw, I think I want to start in a different place first
17:51.49BulletCatcherdifferent place == using a different commit as the starting point?
17:52.12JeffMno, starting by breaking up platform and doing the upgrade to SDL2
17:56.02JeffMwow you added them to the windows GCC build.. yeah that would have NEVER worked :)
17:56.32BulletCatcherMy last commit doesn't build with them, just includes the files in tarballs.
17:57.11JeffMso the WIN32 part in there isn't for build, in addition to the extradist?
17:57.18JeffMin the src/platform/makefile
17:57.29BulletCatcherYou're probably right about that.
17:57.54JeffMGCC build on windows should use the SDL and linux style platforms
17:58.15BulletCatcherDoes anyone actually do a GCC build on Windows?
17:58.19JeffMI was experimenting with making a mixed mode module to handle the native windos platform stuff
17:58.32JeffMI don't think anyone actualy does, but we don't activly try to break it
17:59.12BulletCatcherGotta actually try it to be sure it works. :-)
17:59.36JeffMbut it should be set to use SDL and all the src/other libs
17:59.39JeffMnot directX
18:00.29BulletCatcherIt sounds like I simply shouldn't have added the two files to libPlatform_la_SOURCES.
18:00.51JeffMI'll be commiting fixes shortly
18:01.03JeffMjust testing to make sure I got the sln file good
18:01.22BulletCatcherI'll stay out of your way.
18:01.38JeffMit's syncing now
18:01.42Not-002[02bzflag] 07JeffM2501 pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-5/±4] 13
18:01.43Not-002[02bzflag] 07JeffM2501 03fe34967 - remove files that were not ready for commit
18:05.47Not-002[02bzflag] 07kongr45gpen pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13
18:05.48Not-002[02bzflag] 07JMakey 03a23a236 - Bring the list of changes in 2.4.3 up to date.
18:07.03BulletCatcheralezakos, did you cherry-pick that?
18:07.57BulletCatcherI was planning to simply merge the v2_4_3 branch into master at some point.
18:08.01BulletCatcherMaybe this is the time.
18:08.15BulletCatcherWe can do it as often as we want.
18:08.36BulletCatcherAt least until they diverge.
18:09.04alezakosYeah, we can always merge branches
18:09.25BulletCatcherWe don't always want to. :-)
18:09.54BulletCatcherBut, so far, all of my commits to the v2_4_x branch have been suitable for master.
18:11.19alezakosI'd say you should go ahead and merge, as long as JeffM doesn't have any issue with his commits
18:11.33JeffMhuh what?
18:13.59JeffMI need to do what now?
18:14.20alezakosNothing, just continue testing
18:14.46JeffMtesting what? I checked in
18:14.51JeffMI'm done
18:15.08alezakosSo there's nothing you should do
18:15.21JeffMbut those changes should not go back to 2.4.x since 2.4.x never got the new files
18:16.12BulletCatcherI expect to merge from the v2_4_x onto master, but never the reverse.
18:16.54BulletCatcherMerging master onto v2_4_x would include unwanted things like the protocol change.
18:18.57JeffMhence my confusion
18:23.42BulletCatcherGit has a lot more complexity than Subversion, and we all have some learning to do.
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19:23.54alpha1-2Why the necessity of bad/strong language: JeffM - UTC 17:46 and 17:48?
19:28.49alpha1-2Tech question: I don't understand how many names can anyone have in git. "JMakey", "JeffM2501" and "kongr45gpen" maybe?
19:32.44DTRemenakthose are all different people.
19:33.45alpha1-2Jeff said "I commitd that?" after JMakey did it
19:34.16blast007you're just missing context
19:34.20DTRemenakBulletCatcher's commit was a fix to an earlier commit by JeffM
19:34.36DTRemenakJeffM realized that he should never have made the commit that needed fixing
19:35.06alpha1-2and kongr45gpen commited one just in the middle between JeffM2501 did it twice, maybe a coincidence though
19:36.00blast007alpha1-2: kongr45gpen merged a changeset into the master branch that BulletCatcher had commit to the 2.4.x branch
19:36.21DTRemenakthus the comment about cherry-picking
19:36.33DTRemenakyou're seeing collaboration at work ;)
19:37.03blast007good god, there is actually a 'git cherry-pick' command...
19:37.16DTRemenakthis is why we have commit announcements...because one commit will often trigger related activity from another contributor
19:37.24DTRemenakyeah, it's a thing
19:37.32alpha1-2well, ok, I just saw the today commits that is right :)
19:40.14alpha1-2ok, thanks, then it was just confused for me :P
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21:36.38Not-002[02bzflag] 07JMakey pushed 0322 commits to 03master [+1/-0/±35] 13
21:36.39Not-002[02bzflag] 07JMakey 033af158c - Remove the updateNumPlayers() subroutine, which does nothing useful.
21:36.40Not-002[02bzflag] 07JMakey 0382cb3e0 - Undo r11261 to prevent a segfault at exit on Solaris, which apparently destroys class objects and function-local static variables in a different order at program exit than Linux.
21:36.41Not-002[02bzflag] 07JMakey 031271a78 - Use only 1 level of square bracket quotes for autoconf 2.63 compatibility.
21:36.42Not-002[02bzflag] 07JMakey 034d58043 - Build only a dynamic library version of the bzfscron plugin.
21:36.43Not-002[02bzflag] 07JMakey 034717a78 - Add 2 more files to the list of those to be modified when the BZFlag version number changes.
21:36.44Not-002[02bzflag] 07JMakey 03c970ee6 - Use "git ls-files" to get the list of files managed by the repo.
21:36.45Not-002[02bzflag] 07JMakey 033df8908 - Remove "$Revision$" and "$Id$" keywords, which are not expanded by Git.
21:36.46Not-002[02bzflag] 07JMakey 0363c06cf - Limit the computed hits ratio display to 2 places after the decimal, and don't divide by zero.
21:36.47Not-002[02bzflag] 07JMakey 03805219a - Show the position of the target tank rather than that of the observer camera.
21:36.48Not-002[02bzflag] 07JMakey 0370418c7 - For observers, do not flash GAME OVER in the center of the screen.
21:36.49Not-002[02bzflag] 07kongr45gpen 03e0214a7 - Add a .gitignore file
21:36.50Not-002[02bzflag] 07JeffM2501 03b453685 - ignore windows temp and bin files
21:36.51Not-002[02bzflag] 07JeffM2501 03f059dfc - whitespace
21:36.52Not-002[02bzflag] 07kongr45gpen 03b6ac8a0 - Whitespace
21:36.53Not-002[02bzflag] 07JeffM2501 03d670e18 - ingnore more windows temp files
21:36.54Not-002[02bzflag] 07kongr45gpen 03772979e - Ignore some ares and curl files
21:36.55Not-002[02bzflag] 07JMakey 03e8f9853 - Ignore .html and .pdf files generated by ares and curl.
21:36.56Not-002[02bzflag] 07JMakey 0376263f1 - ignore IPCH dir
21:36.57allejoc-c-c-c-combo breaker!
21:36.57Not-002[02bzflag] 07JMakey 0329756e2 - Set with_SDL=yes only when building the client to keep "SDL" out of the version string on server-only builds.
21:36.58Not-002[02bzflag] 07JMakey 03def010d - Use const_cast<> to suppress a const qualifier warning.
21:36.59Not-002[02bzflag] 07JMakey 036afb5e0 - Bring the list of changes in 2.4.3 up to date.
21:37.00Not-002[02bzflag] 07JMakey 03389a993 - Merge branch v2_4_x.
21:37.27BulletCatcherWow.  All of that from a single merge of branch v2_4_x onto master.
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