IRC log for #bzflag on 20130705

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16:35.02BulletCatcherHow inconvenient will it be for the repo migration if I add more commits at SourceForge?
16:37.14JeffMwe are going to have to double stich things no mater what if we keep the git repo for the breaking release. I expect that small fixes will be still made in 2.4 maint
16:37.54JeffMthar ain't no code in the bzflag repo yet
16:38.40JeffMwhat would be handy would be to make a patch for the commit that we can apply to the new repo
16:39.23BulletCatcherThat's easy enough to do after the fact with "svn diff -r".
16:41.25BulletCatcherI don't have much pending at this point, but my next commit will fix a bug introduced in 2005.
16:41.46mebigfatguyprobably mine :)
16:41.58JeffMahh so something recent
16:42.04BulletCatcherNope. tupone's. :-)
16:47.10BulletCatcherApparently, the order in which function-local static variables and class objects are torn down at program exit time can vary by implementation.
16:47.12BulletCatcherbzfs assumes it works one way, but Solaris does it another resulting in a segfault at program exit.
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16:57.24*** join/#bzflag mebigfatguy (~dave@
17:03.42Notify03BZFlag:bullet_catcher * 22828 (trunk/bzflag/src/bzfs/ServerCommand.cxx trunk/bzflag/src/bzfs/ServerCommand.h trunk/bzflag/src/bzfs/commands.cxx): Undo r11261 to prevent a segfault at exit on Solaris, which apparently destroys class objects and function-local static variables in a different order at program exit than Linux.Add checks to prevent dereferencing null pointer.
17:05.13JeffMwhat parts of C++11 does solaris not support?
17:07.01BulletCatcherOracle's Studio compiler doesn't support it at all, but any given version of g++ works the same on Solaris as anywhere else.
17:07.24JeffMdamn so I can't add code that desuports solaris :)
17:07.45BulletCatcherNot that way. :-)
17:14.36BulletCatcherOne of my BZFlag pet peeves is that GAME OVER continues to flash for observers even after the next timed game has started, and I have a simple fix to not display GAME OVER at all for observers.
17:14.39BulletCatcherAnother suggestion is to show it for limited time for everyone, and then allow players to respawn without rejoining.  Thoughts about that?
17:16.19blast007what is the point of doing game over at all?
17:16.22JeffMdepends on what a "Game" is, is the time not in a timed game always NOT a game untill the next one, or do we say that we revert to free play when the time is up
17:16.30JeffMI think we revert
17:16.46JeffMso that would make the over event just be a notification for everyone that can go away
17:16.58blast007I think our code has come to the point that we can do everything that "gameover" does without actually sending that message type to the clients
17:17.01JeffMit's not like other FPSs that will swap maps
17:17.16JeffMit's just a notifiaction that a timer has expired
17:17.24JeffMand that some rules may be run
17:17.30JeffMdo we reset scores?
17:17.33JeffMor respawn anything?
17:17.46blast007I think we might force a rejoin
17:18.07blast007but I don't use that feature, and I don't play in leagues, so I'm not sure ;)
17:18.17JeffMcus that'd be SUPER lame
17:18.19BulletCatcherCurrently, players must rejoin at the end of a timed game.
17:18.30JeffMyeah that needs to change
17:18.37BulletCatcherIt is consistent with the arcade model.
17:18.53JeffMwe don't take coins
17:18.56blast007I say just stop sending MsgGameOver and emulate the behavior with our other messages
17:19.11JeffMsend a notification
17:19.39JeffMhave a countdown start and kill everyone after like 30 seconds, clear scores, and let them respawn
17:19.42blast007kill everyone, prevent them from spawning for X seconds after a match, reset scores upon reaching that cooldown counter
17:19.48BulletCatcherWe only send MsgGameOver when someone does a /gameover command.
17:20.00JeffMwhat happens when a timed match ends?
17:20.06blast007not when a timer runs out?  not when the maximum team/player score is reached?
17:20.25BulletCatcherWhen the game timer expires, current clients go into GAME OVER mode from which the only escape is to rejoin.
17:20.35JeffMok we need to fix that
17:20.50blast007is that a client-side thing that looks at the timer itself?
17:21.05JeffMI don't mind letting them drive around for 20-30 seconds to see the scores before we reset them
17:21.14khonkhortisanthat's not what we want to hear, that the client watches the timer
17:21.19BulletCatcherSearch for "gameOver" in playing.cxx to see how it works.
17:21.37JeffMthen we'll have to fix that in the breaking one
17:22.20JeffMfor leagues we can save the last scoreboard and make a command to show it after the reset
17:22.30JeffMin case they don't have an auto reporter
17:22.50JeffMbut forcing someone to rejoin is a punishment not a reward
17:23.03blast007or just don't send a MsgTimeUpdate with a timeLeft of 0 ;)
17:23.08BulletCatcherIt really isn't necessary to reset scores at the end of a timed game, only at the beginning (which we already do).
17:23.21JeffMnessisary no, but logical YES
17:23.38JeffMthe timed match is over, the server has reverted to free play, so start everyone over
17:23.45blast007MsgScoreOver also triggers the gameOver state in the client
17:24.06JeffMnew players may join when it's over so it should be fair to them and not give the people that played the match a score advantage
17:24.20BulletCatcherThere is no need to reset scores for free play.
17:24.35JeffMwhy not? because score dosn't matter?
17:24.49JeffMand the score gets reset on rejoin so that makes it work like it used to ;)
17:24.49khonkhortisanRejoining already resets score
17:25.01JeffMyeah so that's the xpected social behavor, everyone gets reset
17:25.29JeffMI know people don't care about score but that dosn't mean we should not try to keep them evened out on actions like this
17:25.46BulletCatcherIt's free play.  Don't try to control it, JeffM. :-)
17:26.08JeffMI see it as a mode change on the server, as if it was restarted
17:26.30JeffMif a server wanted to keep score they could transfer it with a plugin
17:26.44BulletCatcherOr they could just let it be.
17:26.44JeffMresetting removes the need to rejoin but keeps the current social behavor
17:27.10blast007why would you want to keep the score after a 'game over'?
17:27.19JeffMI could be convinced to make the score reset an option (defaulted to reset)
17:27.33JeffMyeah I can't see any reason to keep that number other then to record it
17:27.48JeffMand for that we should save the sate at the end so ti can be recoreded even if people leave
17:28.27BulletCatcherThere needs to be some way to see the final score for some period of time.
17:28.41JeffMyeah we shoudl save it, and add a command to show it to anyone who asks
17:28.46khonkhortisanSERVER-> Score is 6-5 red
17:28.46BulletCatcherMaybe we should display the final score (non-flashing) along with the GAME OVER message.
17:28.54blast007BulletCatcher: popup dialog
17:28.54JeffMor save it and show it in a new GUI item untill the next game
17:29.00JeffMyeah we'll have new GUI items
17:29.17JeffMthe current score is not the match score
17:29.39JeffMif you keep the score and someone gets a point, you can't record the scoare at the end of the match
17:30.23JeffMthe server can keep the entire scoreboard for the last game end
17:30.52BulletCatcherThe GU league autoreport plugin, which is in beta testing, records the score at the moment the game ends.
17:30.59BulletCatcherAs it should.
17:31.09JeffMsure, I am saying we save it in case they don't have a system like that
17:31.31JeffMbut still a player or observer may want to review it later in game, this would let them do it
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17:32.40JeffMheck we may not even need a new GUI item, just have the client be able to tab between the current scoreboard and the last saved one
17:32.49JeffMand the server just packs it up and sends it out
17:33.02JeffMhaving the ability to show an arbitrary scoreboard on the client isn't a bad idea
17:33.11JeffMthen mofo could use it for all time leaderboards
17:34.26BulletCatcherThat would be useful, and something to add in a breaking release.
17:34.42JeffMyeah I don't think we can fix this 'right' till breaking
17:35.11BulletCatcherIn the meantime, simply not doing GAME OVER for observers is an easy fix for the most annoying part of it.
17:35.14JeffMreseting the score with out saving it now could be probematic for people that don' thave a record plugin
17:35.46JeffMI'd be fine with that, just send them a server text message so they know it's over
17:35.56JeffMmaybe with the final team scores too
17:36.33BulletCatcherEveryone already gets a "Timer Expired" message in the chat window.
17:36.50JeffMdoes it say "game over" ?
17:36.55JeffMor just "timer expired"?
17:36.58BulletCatcherthe latter
17:37.11JeffMsend the text message with the words "Game over"
17:37.21JeffMI worry about non english speakers who know to look for that term
17:37.57JeffMright now they get both messages, this keeps it as similar to the old way as possible
17:38.30BulletCatcher"Time Expired" is a client side message, so it is easy to change it too.
17:38.57JeffMyou mean hard to change in the existing version ;)
17:40.01BulletCatcherStopping the flashing GAME OVER for observers is just a client change, and I can also modify the client to add "GAME OVER" to the chat window.
17:40.48JeffMwhy not have the server send it, it's an extra message for non changed clients, throw the final score in and we'll call it an enhcnacement :)
17:41.36JeffMno, I'm wrong you have to do it on the client
17:41.43JeffMas a new client may be used with old server
17:41.56JeffMok, yeah just have the client add game over too
17:42.24JeffMI was just thinking it may be nice to have the final score in the chat log somewhere
17:42.33JeffMsince it's reviewable
17:42.47BulletCatcherThat would be an independent bzfs change.
17:43.02JeffMjust thinking about all the aspects of it
17:43.07BulletCatcherIt should be doable without breaking protocol.
17:44.12BulletCatcherDo you want "Time Expired" and "GAME OVER" on one line in the chat window or two?
17:44.50BulletCatcherDone.  Just gotta test it to be sure.
17:44.50JeffMeventualy I could see timers and games to be seperated, not all games end with time, some end with score
17:45.12JeffMand there could be other reasons for timers, races, etc..
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19:25.01Guest305jeft can you look for snake and tell him to go on irc
19:25.17Guest305i am his brother
19:25.29JeffMhe is no longer allowed in this channel
19:25.44JeffMmany reasons
19:25.56JeffMhe is not mature enough to hold a conversation here
19:26.49Guest305then can you tell snake to go on guleague irc
19:27.01JeffMI am not your personal messging service
19:27.09JeffMnor would I know where to find ihim
19:28.19Guest305i cant go on i am talking to you with my phone
19:29.05Guest305nvm i just tell khok
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