IRC log for #bzflag on 20130211

00:48.39*** join/#bzflag Detrimental (
01:27.17blast007jeffm: I'm getting another VM prepped to experiment with
02:07.07blast007jeffm: and this might be worth us checking out instead of my mvcish:
02:07.40blast007though their docs are a bit.. lacking.  Some of their documentation is just a page of links to other sites that don't work...
02:07.45jeffmwhat does the "H" stand for?
02:09.14blast007ah, hmm.. dunno
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16:27.06blast007jeffm: would it make sense to have all the front-end parts of the group manager and player registration/management as part of the main BZFlag site?
16:27.27blast007as in,, not
16:27.43jeffmthat could be possible
16:28.16jeffmthere is no reason to not do it like that if there are no technical problems with it
16:28.40blast007yeah, shouldn't be any issues doing it that way
16:30.19blast007I should keep in mind what could need SSL though.
16:30.58blast007anywhere we log in, which currently would be the player manager/registration (and weblogin), and the list
16:31.13blast007s/currently //
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16:36.32jeffmyep, that may be the only reason to put it on it's own but I don't know much about how certs are given out these days
16:37.50blast007low end certs are pretty cheap.. like $10/year
16:38.14blast007but still, if we can do it with one instead of two...  :)
16:40.05blast007one way to solve that would be to have the client hit for the list, and have a read-only copy of the servers table on that VM
16:40.57blast007and then the token table (part of the user table or otherwise) would be writable on that VM, but a read-only copy on the VM that handles the servers - but there'd need to be some way to invalidate the token after it's used.. hmm
16:43.08jeffma brb, gotta drive to work but have questions
16:51.53*** join/#bzflag JeffM (~JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm2501)
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16:52.35JeffMhokay, so by "read only vm" do you mean the entire VM or that the vm has a read only synced copy of the database?
16:52.50blast007a MySQL slave
16:52.57JeffMthat makes more sense
16:53.16JeffMI was thinking "how do you make an entire VM read only"
16:53.21blast007very carefully
16:53.35JeffMthat'd be cool, because we could actualy have multiple slaves and have multiple end user endpoints
16:53.51JeffMhave the main be www but put a couple others on client side failover
16:54.05JeffMthen if things went down people could still list and still get tokens
16:54.33blast007yeah.  I'll need to sit down and think about what could (if the need arise) logically make sense to split out or load balance in the future
16:54.48blast007and then plan for that kind of a split, but also design it to work in a single self-contained VM
16:57.11JeffMwell we have an odd situation, normaly you'd think that the one servicing clients would get hit more often then the one servicing servers
16:57.19JeffMbut we have more servers then players
16:57.44JeffMbut still most of the servers only heartbeat
16:58.02blast007even still, the server's query is more complicated than the client's
16:58.31blast007well, I guess there is a group check when the client asks for the list
16:58.36JeffMit's probalby not a bad place to split them
16:58.43JeffMyeah but no key check
16:58.53JeffMand no data stored
16:59.00blast007token is stored
16:59.00JeffMwell no that's wrong, the token
16:59.07JeffMyeah they may be very similar :)
16:59.43blast007I'm sure that having us not have to swap between two databases several times per script execution would help as well..
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17:45.58JeffMblast007, I'm not sure your plan would work, the token has to get from the server the client hits to the server bzfs checks, or did I misunderstand it?
17:46.32JeffMthe only things that could be read only would be the server list table and the user tables
17:46.39JeffMthe token table would need to be a normal cluster
17:46.50blast007yeah, I mentioned that at the end
17:47.19JeffMcan you do different read/write syncs on a per table basis? or just per database?
17:47.39blast007I saw mention of multiple-master replication as well, but I'm not sure if that got added
17:48.19JeffMI really like the concept of splitting it up, if we got more players then servers again it would make a lot of sense
17:48.26JeffMexcept that pesky token thingy :)
17:48.52JeffMyou could have the client say "i got my token from this server"
17:49.02JeffMand have the game server verify it from that endpoint
17:49.21blast007yeah, I thought about that as well
17:49.30blast007both ends would still need write access
17:49.38JeffMyeah but to different parts
17:49.48blast007well, both to the token part
17:49.50JeffMthe token stuff could be made external form the synced stuff
17:50.00JeffMbut then at least we'd have multiples
17:50.17JeffMand if bzfs can't get there, it tells the client to reauth with another endpoint
17:50.28JeffMbit more complex
17:50.39blast007also, we currently don't utilize the checktoken/gettoken methods on the list
17:50.41JeffMbut aything else would rely on crypto
17:51.02blast007the client just calls a full 'list' operation when it needs a token, regardless of if it needs to show the server list
17:51.12blast007and the server always just called the 'add' operation again
17:52.05JeffMwell the server always needs to add when it checks a player right now
17:52.14JeffMbut yes if it was split we could just do the auth stuff
17:52.32JeffMwebservers that use weblogin use checktoken
17:52.43JeffMand weblogin uses gettoken IIRC
17:52.58blast007yeah, but that's a tiny percentage of hits
17:55.12blast007heck, if we split auth from the forums, we're not even necessarily restricted to MySQL anymore.  Postgresql has some interesting features.  (Such as a column type for storing IP addresses, both v4 and v6)
17:56.06blast007I should check if my host offers IPv6 support yet.
17:56.42JeffMwhat would have to happen for bzfs to support IPV6?
17:57.54blast007no idea
17:58.12JeffMwell besides "use a lib that supports it"
17:58.26JeffMthat's probalby the best reason to move to something like enet
17:58.28blast007ban commands, ban matching
17:58.45blast007the ipinfo packet
17:58.53JeffMlist server also checks IPs IIRC
17:59.08blast007we store them as strings currently, I think
17:59.13JeffMok good
17:59.37blast007however, there's some complication
18:00.00blast007if they connect to a game server that only has IPv4, that server will only know their IPv4 address
18:00.14JeffMso the list would have to store both
18:00.22blast007but the list would not know both
18:00.41blast007it would only know the one they hit it with, which would be IPv6 if they've got that working
18:00.59JeffMmaybe have them make a second auth hit on an ipV6 list server with the token they got form the v4 and we store the v6 IP
18:01.22blast007yeah, we'll need some magic glue somewhere
18:01.43JeffMor stop verifiying IPs
18:03.11blast007"Purchase your RSA SecurID here!"
18:05.59blast007we could limit the token to the server they are joining to, and reduce the token lifetime to, say, 30 or 60 seconds - and then have the client request the token only when they hit 'connect' in the client
18:06.37blast007if it takes longer than 30 to 60 seconds to get the token, connect to the server and send the token.. well.. auth failure, try again ;)
18:06.58blast007I wonder how other systems handle this..
18:07.47blast007if the project ran all the servers, it wouldn't be an issue :)
18:08.53JeffMyeah that'd be better IMHO, keeping the token during the browse period seemed odd to me
18:09.06JeffMwe already have to reget the token if it's old from the list
18:09.53blast007hmm.. maybe there could be some handshake done by the list server itself
18:10.41blast007have the list talk to the server you'll be connecting to and mediate the connection..
18:11.41blast007but I think I'm overcomplicating things
18:14.06BulletCatcherFor the most part, you are reinventing Kerberos.
18:14.07BulletCatcherIt would be easier to just use the real thing.
18:25.40blast007BulletCatcher: with Kerberos, is there anything preventing a rogue server from taking your TGT and authenticating as you elsewhere?
18:27.38JeffMthe token system is fine, we just need to tweak how it works
18:28.19JeffMif the token channel is SSLed and done during connect then we can lower the token timeout
18:28.46BulletCatcherWith Kerberos you don't send your TGT to the server.
18:29.11BulletCatcherWhat you do send is a separate ticket that only that server can use.
18:30.59JeffMif it's SSLed I'm not sure we need to compare the IP
18:31.26JeffMand I can see cases whit proxies where the list hit is on a different IP then the game hit
18:31.29BulletCatcherMore precisely, you get a server-specific ticket that only the correct server can correctly validate.
18:31.32JeffMspecialy if we go UDP only
18:41.12blast007BulletCatcher: ah, yeah, I was missing the service ticket part of the equation
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20:11.53Constitutionso? GSoC 2013 is on :)
20:12.46allejo^ :o
20:13.56JeffMConstitution, you going to enter?
20:17.59JeffMshould totaly enter as a student
20:24.39Constitutionlet's swap the mentors into students this year and totally get some work done
20:25.04JeffMdidn't I see that there were only like 11 orgs last year?
20:25.20JeffMand we can/should totaly get some work done without the students
20:25.26ConstitutionI'm thinking about it? can't' remember the last time I had so much fun making so much money
20:25.37JeffMyou need a better job
20:25.53JeffMstill got one open here if you are interested ;)
20:39.41allejomove to CA, const. you'll love the bipolar weather
20:39.58JeffMhe's been here
20:40.09JeffMdone had pizza several times with Constitution
20:41.15allejoif I code for bz, will you have pizza with me pizza? :P
20:41.32JeffMI'd have pizza with you even if you didn't
20:41.35JeffMcus dude pizza
20:41.44JeffMpizza also means beers
20:42.31allejo<- still a minor
20:42.32blast007I never have beer with my pizza.  Of course, the same is true if I remove the "with my pizza".  ;)
20:42.39allejowell not minor. just not drinking age :P
20:42.49allejoand besides, not a fan of drinking
20:43.01blast007high fives allejo
20:43.08Constitutionallejo: I think AZ has you beat as far as bipolar weather
20:43.08JeffMa valid choice
20:43.20JeffMI'd still buy you a pizza
20:43.38JeffMyeah AZ can be wacky
20:43.41allejohigh fives blast
20:43.58JeffMpheonix in the summer, no thank you
20:43.58Constitutionbut yes pizza with JeffM is awesome
20:44.11allejoConstitution, hehe i know the summers get really hot, are the winters really cold?
20:44.19JeffMblast007, how about a root beer?
20:44.26blast007JeffM: that works :)
20:44.30JeffMcus the place we had pizza makes there own and it's SUPER good
20:44.32allejoand awesome. i'm having pizza with jeff one day
20:45.19JeffMmy dad lives in a place in AZ that gets hotter then here in the summer, and snows in the winter
20:45.23Constitutionallejo: not usually (at least in my part of the state), but the weather is unpredictable and changes suddenly
20:45.29JeffMhere it just gets a little cold
20:45.33blast007closest I've been to California is when I was at Vegas
20:45.55JeffMI thought you went to the SOC mentor fest?
20:46.08ashvalaI heard Pizza
20:46.11JeffMyou should have, those are fun
20:46.16blast007ashvala: hehe
20:46.40JeffMBulletCatcher made tank cookies
20:46.50JeffMwell his wife did
20:46.56allejoMrs. Catcher :D
20:47.01JeffMhave to credit her because of the GPL
20:47.32allejoConstitution, hmm alright then, I'm staying away from AZ
20:48.21allejoand blast007, i think you mean the closest you got to LA was a hotel in vegas, I thought you didn't leave your hotel :P
20:48.32Constitutionthe GPL lol
20:48.52blast007I left it every day
20:49.03blast007when I had to ;)
20:49.13blast007I wasn't training the people from my hotel room
20:50.19JeffMvegas can be 'bleh' in the summer
21:09.42ConstitutionJeffM: looks like there were 180 organizations participating in GSoC 2012
21:09.51JeffMahh good
21:10.12JeffMI saw a link to "winners" and thought it mentioned 11 orgs
21:10.32JeffMwith 180 orgs I'm sure I can find one to try
21:11.22blast007I think the Google Code In had 11 or 12
21:11.32JeffMahh that must be what I had seen
21:12.19blast007I see 10 orgs there
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22:22.05JeffMso should change the screenshots I mocked up to be more like the mainsite blast007 ?
22:22.40blast007let me think a bit more about what depends on what
22:23.10JeffMit would be nice to have more consistent themes on all the sites
22:23.53JeffMand I do still wonder how hard it would be to get bzflag keychains made
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23:21.13JeffMConstitution, yeah on the wiki for the master-child account system

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