IRC log for #bzflag on 20130115

00:11.16*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (~TimRiker@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
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00:24.53*** join/#bzflag Detrimental (
00:46.02blast007TimRiker: have you seen my email about the bad DNS server on the BZFlag domains?
00:46.37TimRikerblast007, yes. a couple of them. pondering
00:50.34TimRikerthere still is an active user community, but not much happening on the development front. there are, as always, a ton of things that could be done that would help the community. I don't see my time suddenly becoming more available. Not sure where I'd like things to go. There have been other spin offs and rebuilds that have been tried. We did the whole UI redesign that didn't hit production. I still don't think there's a debian version that
00:51.49blast007there's a debian packages of 2.4.2 in experimental right now
00:52.10blast007will likely get put in wheezy-backports once wheezy is released
00:52.31TimRikercool. who built it? I've not even looked.
00:52.45blast007debian games team
00:53.48JeffMwe have been taking care of it
00:54.08JeffMa compatable version is in shipping ubuntu even
00:55.06JeffMwe have created roadmaps for where to go, none of them are anything far outside what you and I have spoken of in the past
00:55.21JeffMit's just going to take a different development style to get there
00:55.38TimRikeryou mean like being nice to each other?
00:55.48JeffMrespectful even ;)
00:56.18JeffM2.4.0 showed how productive guided managment can be
00:56.25JeffMand 2.4.2 showed that not much happens with out it
00:56.52JeffMthat's what I wanted to see, both sides active and passive and active showed to be much more positive with out making anyone mad.
00:58.23TimRikersome of the changes that we'd like to make now need testing on each of the main systems. need a windows, mac, and *nix dev environments.
00:58.44TimRikeras the system grows to be more complex, the rate of change slows.
00:59.17TimRikerone approach is to recode in something portable, but that's a ton of work.
01:00.34TimRikerthe state we've been in for years with more active servers than players is tough for a new person to feel comfortable with I think. but it does allow participation. I'm pleased to see the leagues keep things interesting.
01:01.02TimRikermultiple person access to dns and easier central account admin would help.
01:01.36TimRikeryou know my thoughts as to a karma system, that have never been implemented.
01:02.40TimRikerthere's a ton to consider. I am thinking about it now, looking for feedback. Have there been forum conversations or particular days I should look for in the logs here?
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01:03.14TimRikerThanks for your thoughts on the issues!
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01:05.33DetrimentalBz could use a global ranking system. with every server on the official dns participating.
01:06.14TimRikerDetrimental, yes. some incentive for all that game time. :)
01:06.16JeffMI'm sorry TimRiker but what are you talking about with regards to "some of the changes we'd like to make" ?
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01:06.45TimRikerJeffM, pick one. we've talked about many changes.
01:07.17JeffMyes and for all the thigns we here develop, we test on the 3 major OSs.
01:07.22JeffMit's a big thing for us.
01:07.32*** part/#bzflag Detrimental (
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01:07.53blast007TimRiker: what kind of conversations are you looking for?
01:07.58JeffMperhaps you should read the roadmap we have been working from,
01:08.47JeffMhonestly karma is a minor concern compared to getting an authorative server
01:09.28blast007as for the various environments, I think it's fairly easy to test across them right now.  We have two or three developers with Macs currently.  As for OS X, we also dropped support for anything less than 10.6, and the plan was to upgrade the OS X platform code to the newer APIs.
01:09.48JeffMwe even have a native OSX build now
01:10.02blast007two or three active developers, that is
01:10.18JeffMheck I even have a mac now :)
01:11.18blast007And by something more portable, I assuming you mean something like SDL.  One problem with that is that you might miss out on special features for a certain operating system.  One area in the past was force feedback support.
01:11.38blast007I think the development version of SDL has better support for force feedback.
01:11.41blast007and wow, lag
01:11.53JeffMin fact I'd love to use more platform code on the client and server, we are missing out of a bunch of OS services for web access on windows
01:13.23JeffMit just needs to be wraped cleanly and made modular
01:13.51TimRikerwhat were the fastmap changes? I didn't follow that
01:14.10JeffMfastmap is a plugin that sends the map over HTTP insted of over the in game protocoll
01:14.16JeffMover the same port
01:14.32JeffMit's much faster since it's streamed insted of sending 1000 bytes every lag cycle
01:15.10TimRikerah. I do recall that now.
01:15.45JeffMone of my goals is to shift administration from in protocoll to HTTP so it's accesable in more places
01:15.50JeffMlike mobile devices
01:16.19TimRikeryeah, a general http admin front end would be a Good Thing.
01:16.48JeffMthe inteface is complete the webadmin plugin just needs to be ported to the new system
01:17.04JeffMthe net interface will need to be threaded on the server soon as well
01:17.10JeffMbut that probalby won't be so bad
01:17.18JeffMit'll be similar to the buffering work done in 2.99
01:17.39JeffMwe have solutions for most of the desired changes
01:17.58JeffMa fair amount of disussion and design work does go on here
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01:18.23JeffMthat's the direction I want to take it all, more active discussion, more formal plan documents so that people can know where we are and where they can help
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01:18.28JeffMinstead of just waiting for patches
01:21.57TimRikerI'll some more reading and get back to everyone. gotta run.
01:23.00JeffMI was waiting for him to mention shortening laser for big worlds
01:23.08JeffMthat and karma are the only things he sugests
01:23.53Detrimentali dont think the primary concern should be karma
01:24.03JeffMand that IE dosn't support javascript
01:24.08JeffMno it should not be
01:24.27Detrimentali think first, working on a central admisinstration system
01:24.36JeffMit's an understandable concern in the current gameplay system, but we should change the gameplay system to be more robust first THEN do a karma/ranking system
01:24.46JeffMI don't know what he means by that
01:24.58JeffMI would not want the project to admin other servers
01:25.18JeffMI'd work on makign the gamestate and network play more robust in order to combat the main cheats now
01:25.27JeffMand make them impossible or dificult to do
01:25.49JeffMget the networking system up on par with halflife and other more modern games
01:25.56Detrimentaldid you go to school for networking?
01:26.04JeffMI go to school for many things :)
01:26.22JeffMbut the concept is well documented and has been for over a decade
01:26.24Detrimentalim starting school for computer science tech,
01:26.38Detrimentalnetworking then probibly cs
01:27.04JeffMa more authorative server would limit most cheats to the ream of aim/dodge bots instead of what we have now
01:27.27JeffMat that point then we'd be able to look at play quality and see what needs to be done
01:29.19JeffMthe 2.4.0 release showed what we could really do, and I was impressed
01:29.35JeffMI think with more active management we could have that all the time
01:29.59blast007as for a somewhat global administration team, there was something like that years back
01:30.16JeffMyeah, sever have been proposed, I proposed one of them
01:30.21Detrimentali think i remember that. we had it impliminted on viper.pimpi
01:30.42JeffMI don't mind providing more services for server owners, I would not make it required
01:30.55JeffMbut it should be manned by people NOT in the project
01:31.01blast007it's hard to do right since rules fluctuate so much between servers
01:31.18blast007and I think what we have right now handles it well enough
01:31.29blast007perhaps just a better group management system
01:31.48blast007and the HTTP management tools
01:32.03JeffMif we had more centraized services for people I'd desegnate somoene to be the server community manager who would work with the owners and admins to ensure that we were providing good and fair services
01:32.25JeffMyeah group managment needs to be cleaned up, but that dosn't imply an specific ruleset to the users of the groups
01:32.34JeffMthat's what I'd be leery of getting into
01:32.50JeffMbecause if we are going to tell the servers what to do, we should just run them 100%
01:33.13Detrimentala more centralized admin sys would simplify admining servers.
01:33.30JeffMwell the question is why do you run more then one server?
01:33.34JeffMto host multiple maps?
01:33.58Detrimentalyes, but what about a set of basic rules that all servers have to comply with
01:34.24JeffMI'd not go there, because I don't think we have the right to tell someone else how they have to use the software we provide
01:35.03JeffMI don't mind providing an optional framework that  a server owner can opt INTO, but I would not define specific rules for software use
01:35.17blast007we do have some *basic* rules about the use of our public services, but they don't go so far as controlling how you admin your servers
01:35.30JeffMmostly we controll how you use our services
01:35.42JeffMit's a slipery slope telling people what they can and can't do
01:35.43Detrimentalmaybe like a 'official' server list with them rules applied and a seprate server list for others
01:35.57Detrimentali understand that
01:35.58JeffMif we did that, then I'd have the project run the official ones 100%
01:36.07JeffMnot have third parties provide them
01:36.14blast007then have "official" and "community" servers
01:36.24JeffMthat is a vaild way to go that I think would work but you have to go all the way, no middle ground
01:36.46JeffMit's easy to make people mad in that middle ground, specialy when different parties have different expectations
01:37.17Detrimentalthats opensource for ya
01:37.18JeffMI have writen proposal for both types of systems in the past and examined them at lenght
01:37.38JeffMyou don't want to set yoruself up to turn into a group argument :)
01:37.55Detrimentalbut still need to progress.
01:38.20JeffMthats why I'd start with finding out what services our current server owners are looking for
01:38.25JeffMand building from there
01:38.34JeffMtakes longer but ends up being better
01:38.45JeffMa better group system would be a good start
01:38.55JeffMthen we'd see how well people do at self managment
01:39.04JeffMafter that we see how many servers are well managed
01:39.31JeffMif it's a wide array of poorly managed servers we create a facility for an opt in central management system
01:39.36JeffMif that works, great done
01:39.57JeffMif that dosn't work then we have the option fo turning that opt in system into the set of "official servers"
01:40.07JeffMand push the rest to a different list
01:40.17Detrimentalit is a hard thing to do, there needs to be a centralized admin sys, but each server has their own set of admins
01:40.29JeffMand come up with clear rules about how a community member can donate service machiens to the official pool
01:40.41JeffMthat's why you start with opt in
01:40.51JeffMyou let server owners choose to use the central admins
01:41.04JeffMand you set the central system up to vet admins for inclusion
01:41.19Detrimentaland most would, i think.
01:41.31JeffMthat slow process is what changes the community from it's current set of anything goes admins to providing a "mainline" that you can compare servers with
01:41.34JeffMsome would
01:41.44JeffMyou have to do it slow
01:41.56JeffMif you try to push it on people it won't work
01:42.19JeffMso that would be how I'd do it in stages so we could see what aspects worked
01:42.39JeffMand make it a more organic change for the community then someone saying "play this way!"
01:43.18JeffMbut again, it has to go with core software changes to make the game more suited to internet play
01:43.21Detrimentali understand that, things been one way for so long.
01:43.31blast007I don't see a *need* for a centralized admin system.  Centralized management of things that servers use, sure.  But not the administration itself.
01:43.47JeffMyeah I am not sure it would be needed as a core thing if the game was fixed up
01:44.13blast007maybe some centralized banlists that people could opt in to and/or contribute to.
01:44.15JeffMan option to make it easy for people to provide a server to the player with out the need to manage an admin team.. sure
01:45.04JeffMI think also if we work on making the server able to host more games in the same instance that will cut down on hosting problems
01:45.20JeffMmake each server host N games in rooms like IRC
01:45.32JeffMso you can have multiple maps runing at a time on the same port
01:45.44JeffMyou just have to pick what one to play in when you join
01:45.47blast007and support live map changes
01:45.53Detrimentalon the same port?
01:46.03JeffMjust add a gameID to the join mechanism
01:46.09JeffMand thread the server
01:46.26blast007don't forget hats
01:46.34JeffMafter we have the paypal set up
01:47.19Detrimentalwhat is the min hardware and bandwitch i would need to host a map?
01:47.30JeffMright now depends on how many players
01:47.39blast007end goal for the services is to have the core code/data not dependent on forum software
01:47.43Detrimentaljust say around 20
01:47.55JeffMI don't know the specific but it's not much
01:48.05blast00720 you might need a T1 or equivilent
01:48.14JeffMyeah at least a meg up would be good
01:48.24JeffMthat's probalby too many for most DSL upstreams
01:48.43JeffMbut it should be doable in a decent VPS
01:48.46Detrimentalim getiting like 20 down 1.2 up
01:49.04blast007a $15/month VPS would do it better
01:49.06JeffMit's the upstream that matters
01:49.18JeffMyou are the host so what is important is you sending out messages
01:49.19Detrimentalok i was just curious.
01:49.58Detrimentalyea. i know that i just didnt know how fast would give 20 players good gamplay
01:50.06JeffMit depends
01:50.29JeffMmany things affect the packet count, your acceleration settings, top speeds, player count, shot count
01:50.30blast007clients -> server is only N updates, but server -> clients is N * (N-1) updates
01:50.33Detrimentalim out in the country so im lucky i got the internet speeds i have
01:51.04Detrimentali will do some reading into it.
01:54.53JeffMusualy you just have to try
01:59.51Detrimentalmy kernels done compiling
02:18.31khonkhortisanso total is N + N * (N - 1)
02:21.13khonkhortisanI should be able to wear a ring on a non-ring finger, having no effect from the ring, but affecting how much weight I can carry.
02:29.17khonkhortisanhuh. walked all around the stairs before I found it.
02:29.50khonkhortisanwow 7 doors opening in 3 turns in minetown
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02:34.20jcp<TimRiker> yeah, a general http admin front end would be a Good Thing. <- I did write an entire web interface three years ago...
02:35.02jeffmhow did it get the current players and chat to them?
02:36.14jeffmor do you mean starting and stoping servers kind of admin?
02:38.33I_Died_Oncetell him to get his self back in here and lets gang up on him
02:39.00jeffmbeing mean to him will not be productive
02:39.39jeffmif you want to, sending him an email about how you feel the project is working and your opinion on all this may help him understand
02:44.27jcpjeffm: what?
02:44.35jcpit did nearly everything
02:45.06jeffmdid it use a plugin to connect to the servers or connect over TCP?
02:45.12jcpYou could monitor logs, start/stop servers, create new servers and upload maps, send messages to users
02:45.59jcp(I did write a separate system at one point that used TCP, but it was an unrelated project)
02:46.09jeffmyeah a plugin would be better
02:46.55jeffmIm not sure starting/stoping what what he had in mind, but it's hard to say with him
02:47.03blast007how does a server plugin start a server?
02:47.21jeffmbut I assume that was handled by his web service that he interfaced with
02:47.33jcpblast007: It wasn't /only/ a plugin
02:47.37jeffmaka the taco machine!
02:47.54blast007taco machine would be awesome
02:48.59jeffmwebadmin just needs to have it's template code finished off then it should be ready
02:49.54jcpIs there a working prototype?
02:50.11blast007it's past prototype
02:50.28jeffmit was part of 2.99
02:50.31jeffmand worked fine
02:50.41jeffmthe HTTP stuff changed in 2.4 and I started the back port work
02:50.48jeffmit just needs to be finished
02:51.15jeffmit uses the internal HTTP system, so it is ONLY a plugin no extra apps or ports
02:51.36jcpYeah, I recall hearing about it
02:52.18jeffmthe current stuff is all checked in
02:54.33jeffmthe templates are probably crap but you get what you pay for
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11:53.09alezakosAnother wiki page that needs deletion / account that needs banning:
13:44.23blast007alezakos: I had a flag picker widget from an old attempt at a hosting system interface.  Think that would work for this, or should I do something different?
13:58.39alezakosThis or something similar would work
13:59.06alezakosEven though custom flags are not supported at that specific implementation, and you can't forbid specific flags
13:59.55alezakosThere is also a js plugin that makes fancy lists (
14:00.19alezakosEven though there's no official support for mootools, there's a fork
14:09.33blast007that seems like it would be more cumbersome to use
15:09.05Constitution~lart tupone
15:09.05ibotchops tupone in half with a free AOL CD
15:11.52ibotcuts off alezakos's head with a halberd that could have been a little bit sharper, courtesy of alezakos
15:20.04Constitutionactually, I recant that
15:20.08Constitution~lart JeffM
15:20.08ibotpulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps JeffM
15:35.00Notify03BZFlag:macsforme * 22599 (trunk/bzflag/include/bzfsAPI.h trunk/bzflag/plugins/plugin_utils/plugin_utils.cpp and 2 others): Finish what was started in revision 15923 by adding PLUGINS permission in other places besides just where we check if a player has the permission. Gives plugins access to it and includes it in +ALL in the groupdb.
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16:44.30*** join/#bzflag ashvala (~ashvala@unaffiliated/ashvala)
16:55.53*** join/#bzflag JeffM (~JeffM@
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17:07.38Constitutionso does the bz_eGetPlayerMotto not have a way of identifying the player joining?
17:14.54Constitutionseems there's no way to set the motto on a per-player basis if that is the case
17:16.27JeffMit dosnt' have the playerID?
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17:17.34JeffMyou would have been so proud of me yesterday Constitution I was positive as hell!
17:18.18JeffMand yeah that message is jacked up, it should have a player record on it
17:18.24JeffMthink anyone has used it yet?
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17:25.50ConstitutionJeffM: I noticed :)
17:26.11Constitutionhe seemed conventionally non-committal
17:26.35JeffMI'm not sure what he thinks is best for the project
17:27.01JeffMor maybe he just likes to have control but not use it
17:27.12JeffMit's very confusing to me
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17:27.59JeffMI have a fix for your motto problem, it'll be commited shortly
17:28.12JeffMit'll be a new V2 event
17:28.23TimRikerblast007, the cia plugin on the wiki needs to be disabled. not sure if cia will ever come back, but the emails are bouncing now.
17:28.29Constitutionthanks? is it possible to get the BZID?
17:28.42Constitutionat that point in the join process
17:28.53JeffMConstitution, it'll have a full player record, so evertthing we have
17:28.57JeffMand yes BZID is done by then
17:34.09JeffMwe don't call add player untill auth is complete
17:34.22JeffMadd player does all the banning so it has to be done by then
17:37.52JeffMTimRiker, I belive joevano can also take care of it, possibly also BulletCatcher
17:38.00JeffMthe 3 of them have been managing services
17:39.30Notify03BZFlag:JeffM2501 * 22600 (trunk/bzflag/include/bzfsAPI.h trunk/bzflag/src/bzfs/bzfs.cxx): add bz_GetPlayerMottoData_V2 that has a player record to go with what player is requesting the motto
17:39.54JeffMConstitution, there ya go, just cast your data pointer to a V2 object and you should be fine.
17:40.03Constitutionthanks much
17:40.04JeffMyou will need to ensure that you are running on a newer server
17:40.10JeffMor crashies will happen
17:40.13Constitutionthe only thing the other one seemed good for was to zero it out
17:40.17blast007I took care of the wiki notifier thing I think ;)
17:40.30JeffMthe idea was to be able to filter it arbitrarilay
17:40.33JeffMremove bad words, etc..
17:40.45JeffMfor that you didn't need to know who it was for
17:40.58JeffMbut I can see use in knowing who it is so you can force it to be something
17:42.24blast007JeffM: main issue is that you can't do a web request to set a motto as the user is joining
17:42.48JeffMyeah you can only block
17:42.52JeffMthat may be resolvable
17:42.59JeffMthere is a message that sets the motto I belive
17:43.06blast007there was in 2.99.x
17:43.11Constitutionthere are other uses for it
17:43.15blast0072.4.x has it as part of the MsgEnter
17:44.32JeffMwell we should make all the player data be resettable in messages
17:44.33blast007or maybe that's not the message.. let me dig some more
17:44.42JeffMI think you are right
17:48.26blast007yeah, motto is sent from the server as part of MsgAddPlayer
17:48.43JeffMyeah it's only packed there
17:48.43blast007(and sent *to* the server with MsgEnter from the client that wants to join)
17:48.53JeffMwell we'll have to change that at proto break then
17:48.54blast0072.99.x had a generic metadata system
17:49.02JeffMmisses that code
17:49.12blast007and it kinda worked
17:49.12JeffMbut it was more useful with scripts
17:49.56JeffMthose kinda changes and the message buffering stuff are what I think we should do first in a proto break
17:50.04JeffMthen we can thread the server
17:52.52blast007do you think it'd be worth looking at something like enet instead?
17:53.23blast007though I suppose that wouldn't work with out dual-purpose TCP port
17:57.58alezakosSomeone please add  #define bz_perm_clientQuery "clientQuery"       on include/bzfsAPI.h (line 305) - forgot to add it on my patch
18:03.16alezakos(I meant after line 303)
18:13.59JeffMblast007, I don't bleive they thread anything for you, so all it woudl do would UDP only us
18:14.19JeffMit may offer other advantages but I'd like to get our current networking isolated first
18:14.24JeffMthen it'd be easier to replace
18:16.01JeffMif we were UDP only then the TCP on the same port would be for HTTP only so it'd still work out
18:17.43blast007JeffM: yeah, but then we'd still have to have our own network code
18:17.51blast007so less of a real advantage
18:18.00JeffMit could be wraped up in a lib
18:18.07JeffMor we could use a third party HTTP Lib then
18:18.13JeffMsince it could manage it's own connections
18:18.25JeffMit would defenatly be something to evaluate at some point
18:19.13blast007moreso once people are done using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (that has an older incompatible version of libenet)
18:19.15JeffMalezakos, you fired! ;)
18:19.33Notify03BZFlag:JeffM2501 * 22601 trunk/bzflag/include/bzfsAPI.h: add clientQuery permission
18:19.35alezakosYou mean you're fired?
18:19.46alezakosOr whom did I fire?
18:19.50alezakosdoesn't understand
18:20.01JeffMwhy has nobody seen A Bugs Life?
18:20.07JeffMis old
18:21.27blast007"Don't look at the light!"   "I can't help it.. it's so beautiful!"  *zaaap*    or am I thinking of the wrong movie? ;)
18:21.36JeffMyou sir are not
18:21.41JeffMthat makes you old too
18:22.52JeffMbut on the networking we'd have to see how popular web admin was, and how many are using it just because it dosn't need another port to be configured.
18:23.07JeffMthere are solutions ether way if we want to change to a UDP only solution
18:24.39blast007cool think about enet is that it builds reliability and in-order-delivery on top of UDP when you need it
18:25.11blast007but that's not really different from our current TCP/UDP combo except maybe a slight bit less overhead
18:25.28JeffMyeah I've used it before
18:25.35JeffMit's my personal choice for C++ net libs
18:25.55JeffMlidgrin is very similar in .net
18:26.18JeffMI like that enet has channels too
18:26.30JeffMso we could split the messages into lanes that would not block each other
18:26.40JeffMpostion updates on one, chat on another,
18:27.06blast007would channels also assist with hosting multiple worlds per server instance?
18:27.28JeffMthey are channels on the server to player link
18:27.39JeffMfor multiple worlds we'd have a link per player
18:28.20JeffMit's so that if you send say a big chat message and then a small player update, the update can go out before the chat message is sent
18:28.33JeffMeach channel has it's own ordering list
18:29.00JeffMso the chat channel can be sent reliable and ordered, the score channel can also be reliable and orderd, and the update channel unreliable and unordered
18:29.09JeffMand they will all process like they were seperate connections
18:29.29JeffMmulti world mostly just needs changes on the server
18:29.38JeffMand then a mechanism to pick the world on join
18:29.50JeffMafter that we just ahve to pick what we send to the cleints on each world instance
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21:03.15Constitutiontesting a plugin on if anyone's interested
21:11.03Detrimentalwhat you testing
21:12.51Constitutionstatistics/ranking plugin
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21:34.51JeffMblast007, one thing we could do for the motto web request thing is let the API delay the sending of AddPlayer
21:35.01JeffMit's allready delayed a bit
21:35.39JeffMI could make an event that notified when auth is complete and we would want to call add player, then the plugin could return a value to allow it or not
21:35.48JeffMand then a function that called it later from the API
21:35.53JeffMit'd get the effect you wanted
21:36.47JeffMit'd jsut be a new flag in the auth state for delay
21:54.18blast007JeffM: that's a posibility
21:54.49blast007for the next breaking release, I'd be interested in looking over the entire join handshake
21:54.51JeffMwe have already delayed for the web hit on auth
21:54.55JeffMohh yeah
21:55.01JeffMit really needs to be broken up
21:55.13blast007make it possible to give better feedback to the client during a join
21:55.14JeffMand the ability to send all the parts out multiple times to change data everywhere
21:55.39blast007"sending world" "checking authentication" "reticulating splines"
21:55.42JeffMright now there is a big pause while auth, host lookup, and ban lists are checked
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21:56.00JeffMafter add player, the rest is pretty broken up, world, vars, etc...
21:56.23JeffMI reviewed up to the addPlayer part a couple weeks ago
21:56.28blast007the hostban glitch needs to be looked into as well, and that could likely be fixed in just a point release
21:56.33JeffMmay have a C# implemntation that hosts that far
21:56.43blast007think I need a higher latency link to trigger it though
21:57.05blast007I always see that I'm rejected when I hostban myself
21:57.33JeffMthat's probably part of the disconnect method, I think it kicks before flushing
21:57.55JeffMbetter would be flag the net connect as flush the kill with a message buffer
21:57.55blast007just strange that it works *some* of the time
21:58.22JeffMI did it in a thread where the worker for the client was flagged and would send all messages left then disco
21:58.31JeffMregardless of what the main server was doing
21:58.51JeffMso the gameserver had already released the connection and it was up to the thread to dispose of it
21:58.56JeffMbut that may mean smart pointers
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