IRC log for #bzflag on 20121220

00:24.49*** join/#bzflag ahs3- (
00:39.29JeffMbut kierra he wants to play SO VERY BADLY!!!!!!!
00:58.00*** join/#bzflag ahs3- (
01:08.28*** join/#bzflag allejo (~allejo@unaffiliated/allejo)
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01:59.32*** join/#bzflag ahs3- (
02:14.27*** join/#bzflag ahs3- (
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02:38.04*** join/#bzflag SpazzyMcGee_ (
03:10.53*** join/#bzflag jeffm (
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06:00.32*** join/#bzflag jeffm (~jeffm@unaffiliated/jeffm2501)
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07:13.01*** join/#bzflag Marzipan (
08:08.36*** join/#bzflag dngor (abuse@p3m/dngor)
09:50.59*** join/#bzflag Deadalot (
09:54.48*** join/#bzflag allejo_ (
10:03.01*** join/#bzflag allejo (~allejo@unaffiliated/allejo)
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10:28.30*** join/#bzflag brad` (
10:30.44*** join/#bzflag Pimpinella (
10:39.40*** join/#bzflag EvilJStoker (jstoker@unaffiliated/jstoker)
12:20.25*** join/#bzflag Gabe_G23 (uid557@bzflag/player/GabrielG)
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13:41.21*** join/#bzflag kierra (quassel@2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fe93:2c7d)
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13:41.22*** join/#bzflag kierra (quassel@unaffiliated/kierra)
13:54.21*** join/#bzflag Chestal (~thilo@
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14:06.35*** join/#bzflag Chestal (~thilo@
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14:19.02*** join/#bzflag swigg__ (
14:27.21*** join/#bzflag SpazzyMcGee (
14:32.56*** join/#bzflag swigg_ (
15:25.53*** join/#bzflag swigg (~swigg@bzflag/player/Swigg)
16:13.09*** join/#bzflag brlcad (~sean@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
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16:26.17kierrawhoa, +karma from blast007.....means alot!!!!
16:43.17*** join/#bzflag NTH (
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18:26.34*** join/#bzflag swigg_ (
18:30.17*** join/#bzflag ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
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19:32.32*** join/#bzflag SpazzyMcGee_ (
20:38.22*** join/#bzflag TD-Linux (~thomas@about/essy/indecisive/TD-Linux)
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21:04.59*** join/#bzflag Delusional (
21:05.00*** join/#bzflag Delusional (~delusiona@unaffiliated/delusional)
21:06.43*** join/#bzflag JeffM (
21:06.43*** join/#bzflag JeffM (~JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm2501)
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21:06.54JeffMI_Died_Once, speed
21:07.18I_Died_Once...not my drug of choice
21:07.37blast007I_Died_Once: down is negative
21:08.13JeffMbecause Z is up :)
21:08.24JeffMyeah what is your speed?
21:08.29*** join/#bzflag SpazzyMcGee (
21:08.56I_Died_Oncewhich speed?
21:09.03I_Died_Onceis missing something
21:09.03JeffMthe rain speed
21:09.09JeffMis it postive or negative?
21:09.41JeffMare you using a preset rain mode?
21:09.43Delusionalthat's default
21:09.53JeffMyeah bububles hardcodes up
21:09.59JeffMuse show
21:10.09JeffMIIRC there is a snow preset
21:10.16JeffMor mod the image for frogs
21:10.25blast007/set _rainType snow
21:10.33JeffMthat sounds right
21:10.33I_Died_Oncejust changed it to snow
21:10.46JeffMdoes snow do puddles?
21:10.46I_Died_Oncewhats going on here?
21:10.58Delusionalno puddles with snow
21:11.04JeffMI could not remember
21:11.29JeffMthe presets just change various options, but some overide the other variables like bubbles
21:11.42JeffMand bubbles always go up
21:11.53Delusionaland as i recall... bubbles doesn't change rainSpeed, it changes _rainStartZ and _rainEndZ
21:11.57JeffMIIRC frogs is snow with puddles
21:12.08JeffMit does more then that, but that's part of it
21:12.14blast007frogs have red puddles ;)
21:12.21JeffMis a sick bastard
21:12.52DelusionalI like to use _rainTexture puddle  with _rainType snow....  looks like little atoms falling.
21:12.53JeffMif you want to tweak all the options then you may not want to use a preset mode
21:13.16blast007Delusional: and bubble does set the rain speed to a positive 20
21:14.08blast007or more specifically, the various presets have defaults defined, but will use the _rain* values instead if they are defined
21:14.16Delusionalthen why does _rainSpeed return none?
21:14.20blast007src/bzflag/WeatherRenderer.cxx has all the definitions
21:14.24JeffMit dosn't set the variable
21:14.34JeffMit uses a preset instead if the variable is unset
21:14.34blast007the defaults are client-side
21:14.50JeffMthe server dosn't know what a client will do wiht it
21:14.56JeffMrain is ENTIRELY client side
21:15.09JeffMthe mode sets the client to a specific set of values
21:15.18JeffMthen if the server sets new values it'll use them
21:15.25*** join/#bzflag capitaninsaneoh (
21:15.38capitaninsaneohcan anyone point me to an offical logo for the game?
21:15.40JeffMso yeah don't use bubbles, or set a speed
21:15.46JeffMcapitaninsaneoh, there isn't one
21:16.12JeffMour header and icon images are in /misc in the source tree
21:16.19Delusionalahh.. I think the rain and sky systems are wonderful. the only complaint I ever  had is /reset * misses some of the rain vars.
21:16.37JeffMDelusional, they are huge hacks, I'd redo them differently now
21:16.51JeffMwith script callbacks
21:17.43Delusionalyou can crash a server by messing with rain for a while, then using /reset *
21:17.46blast007JeffM: seems the "Mofo" on the forums is not related
21:18.26JeffMthe what where?
21:18.50JeffMDelusional, dosn't suprize me, you can crash the server lots of ways :)
21:18.51blast007the post on the forum about rain wasn't a member of PM, it seems
21:19.28blast007capitaninsaneoh: what are you needing a logo for?
21:19.35I_Died_Oncei told that fool not to use that name so people won't mistakenly draw up any connection between us and him
21:19.37capitaninsaneohFor an article
21:19.38I_Died_Oncebless his heart
21:19.59JeffMcapitaninsaneoh, probalby just use the icon image then, we use that a lot
21:20.02blast007capitaninsaneoh: well, there's the icon we have.
21:20.03I_Died_Onceits all good, gentlemen
21:20.15capitaninsaneoh is all I could find
21:20.18JeffMIIRC it's SVG in the source tree
21:20.20JeffMyeah that's it
21:20.33capitaninsaneohIs there one with the name in it?
21:20.43capitaninsaneohOk cool
21:20.51JeffMthe only other thing is the title image
21:21.00JeffMwe don't realy have a "logo" for the name
21:21.20JeffMjust picks whatever font looks kewl the day he makes an image
21:21.55JeffMheh, website dosn't even have the name outside of regular text
21:22.18JeffMComic Sans!
21:22.55JeffMI_Died_Once, then why did he say "we"
21:23.13capitaninsaneoh48x48 lol
21:23.21JeffMthats why we have the svg
21:23.37capitaninsaneohyes, i got it thanks!
21:23.47capitaninsaneohKeep up the great work guys!
21:23.51JeffMwhat work?
21:24.01JeffMis your article on how to not manage a project?
21:24.09blast007the work in minecraft
21:24.16blast007punches some sheep
21:24.29JeffMI'm not really joking, there is no ongoing work
21:25.18capitaninsaneohWell the game is still awesome
21:25.30JeffMglad you like it
21:27.12JeffMwhat is the article for?
21:27.46capitaninsaneohUbuntu user magazine
21:28.39capitaninsaneohYeah it should be good and it good way to get newish FOSS people introduced to excelent games
21:29.00JeffMif only bzflag was execlent :)
21:29.19JeffMit dosn't play well on the internet
21:29.22JeffMit's a fine lan game
21:30.56*** join/#bzflag ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
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21:32.51capitaninsaneohHave a good night g2g
22:00.49*** join/#bzflag SpazzyMcGee_ (
22:00.58*** join/#bzflag Scrumpy (
23:45.04*** join/#bzflag SpazzyMcGee (

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